Batch rename files to include part of the folder name - batch-file

I'm trying to write a batch file to rename multiple files inside multiple folders and can't quite figure it out.
The folder names all follow the same structure: "foo.bar_baz" and all the files inside the folder are 2 character codes (AA, AB, BC) and all share the same extension. foo and baz are constant throughout all the folders and bar changes every time. I want to rename all the files as bar_.
I don't have a lot of experience with batch files so I'm probably missing something obvious but I can"t figure it out.

#echo off
for /d /r "d:\some\dir\" %%d in (*) do (
for /f "delims=._ tokens=2" %%b in ("%%~nxd") do (
for %%f in ("%%~d\??.*") do ren "%%~f" "%%b_%%~nxf"


Copy list of files from directory+subfolders to another folder

First of all, I am a total beginner. I was trying an ultimate script bat file solution for a game. To not annoy you with details, let me tell you what I tried to do.
I have 17 files. 10 of them are .jpg and 7 of them are .obj files.
The images are in path \mods\images and the objects are in path \mods\models.
I want to list all 17 missing files in a list.txt
The bat file will read that list, search for the files and paste them into the TTSmissing folder
and here are my problems:
The bat script only looks exactly into the source path, but not into subfolders (that's why I wrote \mods\images\, to test if it works) so
what I basically want is: \Tabletop Simulator\Mods\ as source path and
the script shall look into all subfolders, too.
The list.txt only works, when the filenames also have their extensions. is it possible to change the script so i don't need the extension? so it will only look for names and copy the files? (example: the names in the list have to be like: hello123.jpg. It's not working when its only hello123.)
How do I need to change the bat script if i don't want a list.txt but just put the list of files right into the bat file?
#echo off
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TTSmissing
set src_folder=%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Mods\Images
set dst_folder=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TTSmissing
set file_list=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\list.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%file_list%) DO (
xcopy /S/E "%src_folder%\%%i" "%dst_folder%"
#echo off
set "src_folder=%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Mods"
set "dst_folder=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TTSmissing"
set "file_list=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\list.txt"
set "ext_list=.gif .jpeg .jpg .mp4 .obj .pdf .png .webm"
if not exist "%dst_folder%" md "%dst_folder%"
for /d /r "%src_folder%\" %%A in (*) do (
pushd "%%~A" && (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%B in ("%file_list%") do (
for %%C in (%ext_list%) do (
if exist "%%~B%%~C" (
echo copy /y "%%~B%%~C" "%dst_folder%\"
You just want to copy files so copy is easier to use than xcopy. The code will echo the copy command to test whether it is working how you want it. If satisfied, remove the echo in front of copy and run the code again to do the actual copy process.
A for /d /r loop will recursively iterate the subdirectories in %src_folder%. pushd will change the current directory to each subdirectory so as can work relative to the source files.
The for /f loop will iterate each line from %file_list%. The simple for loop will iterate each of %ext_list%. If current "name.extension" exists, it will be copied to %dst_folder%.
If you set variables names in a script, it is usually a good idea to use setlocal to keep the variables defined local to the script.
To view help for a command, use command /?. This will work for many of commands used in the code.
View command /? help for copy, for, if, setlocal ...

Recursively append folder name to the files in Windows batch file

I would like to append my folder name to all the available .txt files inside a subfolder. Below is the file/directory structure. I need to achieve this in Windows BATCH script.
C:\Source\Source1\1\a.txt C:\Source\Source1\1\b.txt
C:\Source\Source1\2\a.txt C:\Source\Source1\2\b.txt
C:\Source\Source2\3\a.txt C:\Source\Source2\3\b.txt
The above files should be renamed like below:
C:\Source\Source1\1\1_a.txt C:\Source\Source1\1\1_b.txt
C:\Source\Source1\2\2_a.txt C:\Source\Source1\2\2_b.txt
C:\Source\Source2\3\3_a.txt C:\Source\Source2\3\3_b.txt
Similary, I have Source1...Source30 and under each source directory, I will have multiple folders with different numbers. I need to rename all the files under these directories and append the number(directory name) to the file name.
So far below is what I wrote:
for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~nx*
echo %CurrDirName%
for /r %%x in (*.txt) do ren "%%x" "%CurrDirName%_%%x"
With this, I am able to achieve it in a single directory. I couldn't make it recursive. Could you guys please help me with this.
#echo OFF
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
for /F "delims=" %%G in ('dir /B /S "C:\Source\*.txt"') do (
for %%g in ("%%~dpG.") do ECHO rename "%%~fG" "%%~nxg_%%~nxG"
where the FOR loops are:
outer %%G loop creates a static list of .txt files (recursively), and
inner %%g loop gets the parent folder of every particular file.
The rename command is merely displayed using ECHO for debugging purposes. To make it operational, remove word ECHO (no sooner than debugged).
Moreover, I'd consider checking whether a particular file is already renamed…

Batch script to archive subfolder contents using 7zip with FOR /R

I have a folder structure like this:
Each folder has a bunch of tracelogXXXX's, and I've got the pseudocode for a script that loops through each folder, archives each log into its own .zip, and then delete the tracelog left outside the archive (because 7zip doesnt have move functionality).
But I have no batch experience really, and I can't even get the zipping to work properly.
I can't access the documentation for 7zip from where I am currently, so I've tried this:
CD C:\Logs
FOR /R %%i IN ("*.log") DO "C:\...\7za.exe" a -tzip ""
And also this:
CD C:\Logs
FOR /R %%i IN ("*.log") DO "C:\...\7za.exe" a -tzip "" "%%i\"
The first one goes and zips all of \Logs for each instance of a .log file, making many zips each bigger than the last. And the second makes zips for each instanceof a .log file, with nothing in them.
How do I just zip each log file, in its own zip, named after itself, while operating from the parent directory? Deleting the outer files afterwards doesn't seem hard to accomplish once I figure out whats wrong with this syntax, but this is the important part!
You can do this from the command line with no batch file needed:
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %A IN (`DIR "C:\Logs\*.log" /B /S`) DO "C:\Path\To\7za.exe" a "" "%~fA" & DEL "%~fA"
To use in a batch file, just replace each % with %%.

Batch file to rename folders with wildcard or create a new folder and move contents?

I'm trying to tidy up a data folder and have written a batch file to take care of a lot of preliminary work (delete empty folders, delete junk files, etc), but I'm falling over when trying to deal with files within duplicate folders.
This is an example of the current situation:
There should only be one Concat folder per YYYYMMDD folder, and should look like this:
There are hundreds of folders in w:\Data\Corporations to be processed, so I figure I need to first of all find any folder named Concat_*, make a folder named Concat within the same parent folder, and then move any zip from Concat_ to Concat.
I have tried various combinations of FOR /D in (Concat_*) with MD and MOVE commands, but with no luck so far. I've also tried calling a subroutine from the FOR statement that would jump back a level in the tree, create a folder named Concat, go back to Concat_* and move the .zip files, but again with no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
try this:
for /r "w:\Data\Corporations\555" %%a in (*.zip) do for %%b in ("%%~dpa.") do md "%%~dpbConcat" 2>nul & move /y "%%~fa" "%%~dpbConcat"
The following does what you asked. If you uncomment the last line, then empty config_* folders will be removed. Non-empty config_* folders will be preserved.
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /ad /s concat_*') do (
if not exist "%%~dpFconcat\" mkdir "%%~dpFconcat\"
if exist "%%F\*.zip" move /y "%%F\*.zip" "%%~dpFconcat\" >nul
REM uncomment line below if you want to remove empty concat_* folders
REM dir /b "%%F"|findstr "^" >nul || rd "%%F"

Copying all files from several folders to 1 folder with a batch

I'm trying to copy several files from several folders into 1 folder with this code:
for /R \\wiki\help\images %%f in (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif) do (
copy %%f "\\\wikitest\wiki\wikiimages"
However, it copies all the files as wikiimages, and I can't get around it. I just want to use the copy command, not an external program (so no xcopy or the like). How can I do this?
I'm pretty sure
for /R \wiki\help\images %%f in (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif) do copy %%f "\\wikitest\wiki\wikiimages\"
is the way to fix this, it usually need the \ to know its a folder and not a filename.
