Angularjs dropdown date filter - angularjs

i am not sure if anyone ask this question before. I want to create a date filter like the one google is currently using in their search tools. In this filter, the user can filter a list item by past month, past week, and pass year.
I have an object stored in localStorage
Does any one have any ideas how to do it?. A plunker example would be nice. Thanks
I have an example from codepen


Angular datepicker using Bootstrap

When we select a date from the angular Datepicker and my model is empty first time, then it selects one day back date.
If we assign current date first time in the model, then it works fine.
Check here
and here
It seems that in both, changing the date format seemed to fix the problem.
Also, welcome to Stack Overflow :)

displaying two months in angular datepicker

I want to have a date picker which displays 2 months calendar at a time in angular. want the one like in this. Please suggest how to implement that in angular
The angular-daterangepicker from fragaria seems to match the requirements here.
There is a live demo of the picker here, just click on the date-range in the upper right corner to see it in action.
Datetime Range Picker is a good option too. Additionally, it has the time component.
i need use this for angular 2+ (in angular-material).
possible ?

AngularJS - Is it possible to show data in a specific time range?

hope someone can help me with this question.
I have an entity which contains a start time (let's say 15 o'clock) and an end time (let's say 16
o'clock). It also contains the date (let's say today^^).
So my query returns all data of today, but I only want to show the data between 15 and 16 o'clock.
Do I need to set a $timeout for each object? Or is it possible to automatically call a method called shouldShowData which used in ng-show?
Basically I have a list of objects and want to show single object just on a specific time of the day.
Imagine that the screen is shown in a public place and displays different news at different time (morning news, evening news, ...) and should automatically update when the specific news should be displayed based on it's start and end time. It can't be updated manually with a refresh button for example.
Great to here from you :)
I have found similar problem and solution for it here
All you need is to wrap this into $filter and use on ng-repeat.

date range search atk4

i want to do a search of range date using quicksearch item, but until now i realize that in the class quicksearch is a line with this code :
the only thing i did is to change into this:
$this->search_field=$this->addField('DatePicker','a','Desde :')->setNoSave();
I just change "line" to "DatePicker", so simple i guess,now if i add a quick search to my manager page has 2 icons, one with the icon search and the other with icon calendar, so if i search a date, i just select the date and hit the icon search, and gets me the all the results with that date, tha´ts perfect, but what happen if I add 2 quicksearchs and try to do a range date search?? the only message i get is "No Records Found".
So the question is.. How do i do range date search? I realize that exists another line in the function postinit:
maybe it will work if i put another query?
$or->where($field>=$v) or something like that?? i have spend more than 3 days trying to do this range date search?
So if anyone has some corrections with this code i would be more than happy
Try this

Issues on a select with AngularJS and Google Spreadsheet

I want to create a small web app which would display a list of movies, with a Google spreadsheet set as a database. So far, I was able to connect my spreadsheet to my app and I also added some filters to it. (As a side note, this thread really helped me in the process.)
Here is a very simplified version of my app:
I still have 3 problems with my <select>, which I can't fix despite trying for hours:
I can't sort my <options> alphabetically. Trying with orderBy didn't return anything.
I can't figure out a way to split my categories when there are more than one for a movie.
If the "categorie" field in my spreadsheet is empty, it will return a blank <option> which I would like to remove or hide.
My guess is that I'll need to update my function one way or another, but I'm a bit lost at the moment.
Any help on this would be really appreciated!
