TFS 2012 Restoration-based Move - Unexpected Outcome - sql-server

The goal: decom the old server where TFS/SQL was originally installed, and run TFS/SQL on new server. To add insult to injury, the old server I will reference here is SBS 2011 - if you know anything about that environment, you may understand why it is slated for decom.
I performed a restoration-based move last week. While it was successful with respect to functionality, I now have what I would describe as a dual data + application tier implementation. Today, I have TFS/SQL installed on two servers, both with TFS Version: 11.0.60610.1 (Tfs2012.Update3) and SQL Version: 2008R2. Both servers in the same domain.
My curiosity lies in the behavior of the Tfs_Configuration db. I restored both the Tfs_ db as well as the Tfs_Configuration db (via .BAK files) to the new SQL server, but I still see activity happening on the old server here "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 11.0\Application Tier\Web Services_tfs_data", but no updated/recent files in the same location on the new server, suggesting the Tfs_Configuration db really did not move/restore properly.
In the TFS console on the new server, I see the URLs in the “Application Tier Summary” section referring to the old server, but the Machine Name is the new server. I also see in the "Application Tiers" section, a reference to the old server Machine name. Yet, in verifying change logs, the Tfs_ db is now resident on the new server and accepting Visual Studio commits/check-ins. There is a Tfs_Configuration db on the new server, but it seems to be the default install copy and not my restored db.
In the various guides I have read, I do understand the web.config file holds the instructional set for the catalog, etc. here "appSettings … add key="applicationDatabase" value="Data Source=instance name;Initial Catalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True". I was expecting to change that entry once it migrated to the new server, but rather it is still parked on the old server.
I have turned off the TFS and SQL services on the old server as a trial to see if the new installation would pick up the load, but as you might expect, TFS then goes into an unavailable state to the users.
The primary questions are:
Why did the Tfs_Configuration db not restore to the new server in the same fashion as the Tfs_ db?
How can I move that Tfs_Configuration db and turn off that old SBS 2011 unit?
Any tips or tricks are welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you.

What you did is a non trivial operation (see Move Team Foundation Server from One Hardware Configuration to Another).
Typical missing steps:
Changing URLs
Cleaning caches
Changing server ID if you want to keep both instances live
Changing accounts in case you used local user accounts

I have completed this process successfully. It required a triangulation between the three servers. The essential aspects involved solid SQL backups, coupled with the settings.xml from healthy TFS Console backups.
It was certainly a process that took a lot of planning and anticipating snags.
All-in-all, it was a great exercise in watching the data flow and understanding the roles of the configuration and collection DBs. Thank you for responding to my inquiry.


Make SQL Server LocalDb portable

I'm setting up a new machine and to my surprise it is really difficult to get the localdb working on a new machine. Everything in my solution explorer populated, but nothing shows up in my (localdb) project after I fetch from source (using git).
What is the best way to get my localdb project from my old machine to this new one?
In an ideal world, what i'd like to do is have it set ups so then when some pulls the SSDT project down from our source they can hit deploy and completely populate the localdb project on their machine. Has anyone done this before, know how to do this?
I feel like when talking about localdb it's important make some clarifications, because it seems that when other people post questions like this they get a lot of responses that apply to SQL Server databases.
What a localdb project is:
A localdb SQL Server project is a special server instance that runs only
when its connected to and acts partly like a SQL Server and
contains special instances of databases that only run when a
connection is made to them. A localdb can be used for certain types
of production, but they are most often used as a means to test other
What a localdb project is not:
A localdb project is NOT a SQL Server database.
I'm well aware that I could back up every DB in my project and manually recover them on the new machine, but that is not what I'm looking to do.
You can achieve this by detaching and attaching process.
Step 1: Find the location of the localDB database.
Right click on the database name and select properties
From the Data File property, you can find the database current location.
Step 2: Detach the current database
EXEC sp_detach_db 'aspnet-IdentityApplication-E2BBF1E6-123-4567-8910-07BC0413419B', 'true';
Step 3: Copy and Paste the localDB to the different location (The location where you want to put the localDB database)
Step 4: Attach the database with the new location
CREATE DATABASE [aspnet-IdentityApplication-E2BBF1E6-123-4567-8910-07BC0413419B]
ON (FILENAME = 'D:\Test\aspnet-IdentityApplication-E2BBF1E6-123-4567-8910-07BC0413419B.mdf'),
(FILENAME = 'D:\Test\aspnet-IdentityApplication-E2BBF1E6-123-4567-8910-07BC0413419B_log.ldf')

TeamCity Database migration

We have a TeamCity installation as well as an external MSSQL database on a Microsoft SQL server. We've had to migrate the database to a new instance and now have to configure TeamCity to point to the new database.
I've looked through this guide ( among others but they all seem needlesly complicated and seem to imply a complete relocation of the entire teamcity installation whereas we simply want to point an existing teamcity installation to a new database.
A simply search reveals a config with a connectionstring hidden in teamcity/serverdata/config. It would seem like we could simply change the config file and be done with it. Are we missing something?
We're using TeamCity Professional 2017.1 (build 46533)
If you're only migrating to the new server, then changing configuration in <TeamCity Data Directory>\config\ file all you have to do.
I assume that you'll make a backup, migrate data to the new database, right? After that you can safely change value in the corresponding file and restart the Teamcity. Probably make sense to check connection to the database from Teamcity server first as well.

SQL Server Express, Windows 7, Visual Studio 2017

As a .NET Desktop developer, I have a lot of experience working with various databases that are already up and running; but I'm not a DBA. I'm currently working at a company where I am ther only software guy here to build them software from scratch -- their previous enterprise-level solution was an Access database with macros and a couple forms built it. So, I basically have no one else to go to.
With that preface, how the heck do I get a database -- ANY DATABASE!!! -- added to my VS solution? I've been beating my head against this for almost 6 hours and have made zero headway. At this point, I'm ready to say, "Screw MS databases!" and start looking at MySQL or PostgreSQL or something.
The desktop application I'm developing has to work whether there is an internet connection or not, so I need a local database that installs with ClickOnce. From what I've found so far:
SQL Server [Express] 2016+ requires Windows 8 or later (a non-starter since 95% our customers are still running Windows 7)
SQL Server Compact is being deprecated and won't work past VS2013
I think LocalDB is what replaces Compact in 2016+ (?)
Okay, so I started with this tutorial:https: // However, trying to add a "Service-based Database" just gives me this error once: "The 'DBProviderFactories' section can only appear once per config file." I try again and get this error repeatedly: "Unable to find DbProviderFactory for type System.Data.SqlClientConnection" I've Googled both errors and all the answers that I've been able to find pertain to VS2010 or earlier and their solutions are either not applicable or don't work.
Next, I tried this tutorial: I've tried adding new data connections through the "Server Explorer" panel. I don't see "[*] Compact" as an option. When I try "Microsoft SQL Server Database File", I just get the error: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed."
I've even tried adding data sources through the "Data Sources" panel; that doesn't work either.
I've installed the "Data storage and development" addon from the Visual Studio Installer, several versions of SQL Server 2014, SQL Server Compact 4.0, and maybe a few other executables from Microsoft's website.
Nothing works.
I think I just found it!
Evidently, there are "machine.config" files on your computer. Search for them all, and make sure that there is only a single tag for "DbProviderFactories". I can add a database object now. Hopefully, this puts me in business...
If what you are saying is that you are writing a browser based application - then one would migrate the tables to SQL Server (Express) or even MySQL - it really doesn't matter. Then write a new web app. The existing Access app would serve as a model for seeing features & screen layout but is otherwise not portable.
On the other hand, if you are re-writing a Windows application; then the decision is whether the payload requires a server solution or if one can stay at the PC level. If the payload is suitable for PC then a re-write using either Visual Studio or Access again.
Access is a front end db - the tables in the back end whether they be stored in SQL Server or an Access file are entirely passive. All the processing is done by the user's PC. If the payload allows that then this is the lowest cost re-write option.
If you've outgrown a PC level payload - then one must develop a back end database feature set with a more passive front end.

TFS Configuration

I am trying to restore data from a series of databases onto a new server. The steps I have taken so far are:
Copy backup files (and transaction logs) to new server
Restore each database using SQL Server 2012
Attempt to run the Application Tier Only configuration tool in TFS 2015 (same version as the "LIVE" server.
When the wizard runs I get through the initial checks and the when it attempts to start the configuration I get the below error.
Can anyone suggest what the problem may be (I have tried remapdb but keep getting the syntax wrong)?
Error Text:
TF255356: The following error occurred when configuring the Team Foundation databases: TF246083: The configuration of Team Foundation Server is not valid. You must remap the databases in order to fix the configuration. The following error was received from the server: TF400673: Unable to find any compatible SQL Analysis Services database within the specified instance.
'2' hosts have been given updated connection strings.
Seems you are trying to Clone a server. Please make sure you exactly following the instruction : Move or Clone Team Foundation Server from one hardware to another or Restore data to a different server than the current one for TFS
Anyway, you can refer below info to fix the issue quickly:
According to the error message, seems you have not restored the TFS_Analysis database.
(More information please see Chaminda's Blog - Prepare Restored Databases)
Restore the TFS_Analysis database first. (If that restored, just
try to remove it, then restore it again)
Then run the PrepareClone command to check if there are any errors. (You must run this command before
configuring AT of your cloned TFS)
TFSConfig PrepareClone /SQLInstance:ServerName /DatabaseName:TFSConfigurationDatabaseName /notificationURL:ApplicationTierURL
After prepare clone, execute the ChangeServerID command to change the
server GUIDs associated with the TFS databases.
TFSConfig ChangeServerID /SQLInstance:ServerName /DatabaseName:ConfigurationDatabaseName
After that, execute RemapDBs command to redirect TFS to its databases in new hardware.
TFSConfig RemapDBs /DatabaseName:ServerName;ConfigurationDatabaseName /SQLInstances:ServerName1,ServerName2 [/AnalysisInstance:ServerName] [/AnalysisDatabaseName:DatabaseName] [/preview] [/continue] [/usesqlalwayson]

Publishing a VB.NET Application with SQL Express DB (using LocalDB)

I have written a VB.Net application that uses an SQL Express DB file containing a single table and a handful of stored procedures.
I have successfully built and exported the application to my VPS.
The problem comes when knowing what to do concerning the database file, there is a wealth of stuff online but not specifically to suit my needs.
I plan to use LocalDB on the VPS but being commandline - it is hard to know if the scripts that I have run have been successful after creating an instance , starting it... etc,
I want to keep installation requirements to an absolute minimum on my VPS machine and (in time other end users machines)... hence using LocalDB and not SQL Express
So, what do I have to do on the VPS to enable my application to connect to the database.. ? This was simple when it was Access - (supply the MDB file and run the AccessDatabaseEngine(redistributable) - job done)
The connection on my devt. machine runs as expected.
The connection string in my code is:
Const strSQLConnection As String = "Data Source= (localdb)\v11.0;Database=SoccerTrader;Trusted_Connection=True"
Can anyone help please.. this is driving me around the bend.. surely it cant be that difficult..?
I have found the following in an MSDN blog which says:
Database as a File: LocalDB connection strings support AttachDbFileName property that allows attaching a database file during the connection process. This lets developers work directly with databases instead of the database server. Assuming a database file (*.MDF file with the corresponding *.LDF file) is stored at “C:\MyData\Database1.mdf” the developer can start working with it by simply using the following connection string: “Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=C:\MyData\Database1.mdf”.
================ ADDED 12th June =====================
OK, this is really bugging me now... I have read around this till it is coming out of my ears and nothing specifically seems to target what I am trying to do. All the blogs I read refer to installing / running SQL Server and changing permissions etc.
As I have mentioned I am using a VPS and propose to use LocalDB on the VPS to access a simple/small database file for a VB.Net application I am writing.
This is the story so far.
1) I have built a working prototype on my development PC and connected using SQL Express to a database file SoccerTrader.mdf - no problem.
In the Visual Studio Project properties I have added a requirement to the project that checks for SQL Server ..and if it is missing, installs it...
2) I install the project on the VPS and as expected SQL Server 2012 LocalDB is installed .... see here..
3) I have copied the SoccerTrader.MDF and SoccerTrader.LDF files into "C:\BESTBETSoftware\SoccerBot" on the VPS
4) for practical reasons given the problems I am having getting this to work, I have implemented an inputbox for me to specify the connection string when the application runs.... the connection strings I have used give the following...
I have not changed any file permissions on the development PC and the database state is NOT read only....
So, the question is where do I go from here...? What have I missed.. why is it not working..?
I have managed to sort the problem.
Seemingly, the connection string I was using was OK. It was my error handling that wasnt 'clean' enough. It transpired the connection was being made on my VPS but when the application attempted to update the table , the directory I had created and put the MDF file into, would not permit write access.
I moved the MDF into the C:\Users\Public\Documents folder and all works as it should.
You have to specify the full path of the Db file with folder name/ip-address
