VS2013 Project MS access and SQL server synchronization - sql-server

I will try make this question clear as possible.
I have not found solid help on google really or anywhere else.
To make it short and simple.
I have a vb.net project in which i want two databases.
A local access database which must be created within the project at design, meaning at publishing and then installing this program to another user it must automatically create an acccess database on that user's computer,sync it with a SQL remote server and copy all records at first time run to the access database. The access database is used when my worker is on site and there is no connection to the remote SQL Server database.
Upon achieving connection to the remote SQL Server database at e.g. the office, the access db must update the SQL server database,compare the two databases and copy any new records in the local (Access Db) to the remote sql server and vice versa.
Hope this is clear enough?
Thanks for any help


Restore .bak on Azure SQL database through SSMS: Failed to connect to Server ***. Login Failed for user ***

I am trying to restored a .bak file on an Azure SQL server through SSMS.
The reason why I am doing this is that my company unfortunately blocked any action on the Azure portal itself and therefore I have to find another way around.
I am able to connect successfully to the DB on Azure with my admin account through SSMS.
I first successfully restored the .bak on my local database. And then I am trying:
Again, I am able to connect through the same SSMS to the SQL db.
Moreover, when starting this procedure I get asked to connect first to the DB, which works successfully! What I mean is:
It doesn't give me any error, which is weird because if I try to connect with a wrong password it tells me right away that is wrong. So it kind of accepts it. It's only after when I really start the deployment that it gives me the problem:
Just for now, Azure SQL database doesn't support restore from .bak file.
You work flow should be right, restore the .bak file(database) into a local SQL Server firstly, then deploy the restored database to Azure with "Deploy database to Microsoft Azure SQL database".
Make sure you are using the server admin account of the Azure SQL database. Per my experience, the error is usually caused by the permission limits.
If all of these(SSMS) don't work, please thy other ways. Please try Data Migration Assistant(DMA) migrate the database. If DMA still give the same error, we can ensure that it's not caused by the tools, you need another higher Azure SQL database account permission.
Working solution was to use the export data task:
For some reason this worked and the publish to ASQL task from SSMS didn't. I understand this is very based on the restrictions imposed by my company but at least this solution worked.
NOTE: as both Source and Destination use SQL Server Native Client .
Moreover when setting the Destination the refresh of the list of databases might not work (depending on your permissions on Server level) but if you type directly the name of the database it will work. Talking about this:

Access 2010 and ODBC connections

I have a server (2008R2) that has little Access (2010) databases relevant to departments and their needs. I have a new EHR server (2008R2) running SQL (2008R2) servers and am able to establish an ODBC connection between the two. I created the ODBC using the SA / SA password to the SQL Server.
As an administrator, I can log in to the Access database and run queries and reports based off of tables linked back to the SQL DB. No one else can. I did save the password when I created the External table link in Access. My Sys Admin - also Administrator, cannot run queries or reports logged into the Access database server for this DB.
On this particular SQL Server, I am not an admin under my login. I have to use the SA account to login to the backend or through the Management Console.
I need to have the EHR managers run their own reports. Does anyone have any experience with why the ODBC would not be allowing a connection for anyone but me when the connection is server based?
What Gord Thompson said is important. Access is not a database server and its engine runs on the client machine which will need copies of whatever DSNs are used.
But the problem of getting Access to 'remember' credentials is something I recall struggling with in Access 2000. My solution was to create a dummy pass-through query (anything that will run quickly) that stores the credentials. When a new client session starts, first call the dummy query and for the duration of their connection, they'll have access to the DSN in question.

Beginner in SQL Server 2014 Express, vb.net, cummon server ( Mass storage )

I developed an app with vb.net to update a SQL Server database.
The app is connected with SQL Server in my computer and seems working very well.
But my target is to put this database in the common mass storage to be updated with this app from 20 people (20 client PC).
My questions are:
how to do to install the database in the common mass storage?
should the SQL Server Express be installed in the 20 client computers?
how to connect the app to the database (located in the common server) using ADO.net?
Thanks in advance
It really depends. If everybody is suppose to use the same data I would look at putting up a sql server that everyone can access on the network. If the data needs to be used from computers outside of a local network I would look at getting a database from a web host. For these instances you would have to update the server to your connection string to the url of the new sql server. If everyone is using there own data it is ok to use there own sql express instance.

How do I publish SQL Server Database to Azure to update existing database

I publish my SQL Server database on my local machine to Azure via Management Studio.
Say I name the database on Azure "California". The first time I do it its ok.
Then I made changes on my database on local, adding columns, adding data, etc. Then I want to deploy this database to Azure again.
But now Management Studio won't let me do it. It says database "California" already exists on Azure.
I can get away with this problem by deleting existing "California" on Azure first, then deploy again. But this seems not correct...Every time I make database changes on local, I need to delete the one on Azure before I deploy?
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
The best way is to create a database project in Visual Studio to maintain your database schema and then you can do a database compare to create a script to update the database on Azure.
RedGate Schema Compare will also do a similar thing.
Update Jan 2020
(I'm assuming the question is to update the schema on Azure, not update data)
If you are using Code First for creating your database. Then it is really simple.
Assuming your connection string is pointing to a local database (the one you want to update to Azure)
Make the changes to your entities
Create a new migration for those changed (Add-Migration etc)
Update the migrations to your local database.
Now just change the connection string to point to your Azure database
Update the migrations again, which will now update to the Azure database
Voila! That simple
I know its been a while since the question was asked, however, there is no accepted answer. Thus to aid anyone coming here with a similar issue the following link describes a number of methods.
I prefer deploying a SqlDb from SQL Management Studio
How to: Deploy to SQL Database
In Management Studio, connect to an on-premises SQL Server instance that has a database you want to migrate.
1) Right-click the database --> Tasks and click Deploy Database to SQL Azure.
2) In Deployment Settings, enter a name for the database.
3) Click Connect.
4) In Server name, enter the 10-character server name, followed by .database.windows.net.
5) In Authentication, choose SQL Server Authentication.
6) Enter the administrator login name and password that you provisioned when creating the SQL Database logical server.
7) Click Options.
8) In Connection Properties, in Connect to database, type master.
9) Click Connect. This step concludes the connection specification and takes you back to the wizard.
10) Click Next and click Finish to run the wizard.
If you are using SQL 2012, you can export a data tier application (bacpac) file, then import that when you login to your SQL Azure instance.

do i need to install sqlserver in another computer to access the database

I created a database using microsoft sqlserver and an application that use the database. The application would be deployed on the client's computer as well as the database.
Do i need to install microsoft sqlserver on my client's computer in order to the database to work?
no, you have just to configure your database to accept connection from other computer, and set the connection string for your server and databse
more explanation :
If I understand your edit, you want to Know if you have to install SqlServer in the Client Machine to run your application;
if this is your real question then yes, the sql server is relational database management system (an engine to manupulate your data base)
and in this case you have to update your string connexion related to the new sqlserver engine name and the path to this engine
