How to create an array consisting of the tokens created using the strtok function? - c

I am new with .ini files and thus this qn(which might seem silly) .I have created a .ini file and access it via my C program. The ini file looks like this:
title = A,H,D
The C program accesses it using:
LPCSTR ini ="C:\\conf.ini;
char var[100];
GetPrivateProfileString("key", "title", 0, var, 100, ini);
printf("%s", var);
char* buffer = strtok(var, ", ");
printf("%s", buffer);
if (strcmp(buffer, "A")==0)
}while ((buffer=strtok(NULL, ", "))!= NULL);
output looks as :
A H D F G IAHello
Now what I need to do is use these individual tokens again to form an array with indices within my C program. For example:
char x[A, H, D, F, G]
so that when I refer to the index 2, x[2] should give me 'D'. Could somebody suggest a way to do this. I have never used strtok before and thus very confused. Thank you in advance.

This question is quite similar to others regarding getting external information and storing it in an array.
The problem here is the amount of elements in your array to store.
You could use Link-lists, but for this example, I would scan the file, getting the total amount of items needed for the array - and then parse the file data again - storing the items in the array.
The first loop, goes through and counts the items to be store, as per your example posted. I will do the second loop just as an example - please note in my example you would of created nTotalItems and have counted the amount of items, storing that in nTotalItems ... I am assuming you want to store a string, not just a char...
Also please note this a draft example, done at work - only to show a method of storing the tokens into an array, therefore there is no error checking ec
// nTotalItems has already been calculated via the first loop...
char** strArray = malloc( nTotalItems * sizeof( char* ));
int nIndex = 0;
// re-setup buffer
buffer = strtok(var, ", ");
do {
// allocate the buffer for string and copy...
strArray[ nIndex ] = malloc( strlen( buffer ) + 1 );
strcpy( strArray[ nIndex ], buffer );
printf( "Array %d = '%s'\n", nIndex, strArray[ nIndex ] );
} while ((buffer=strtok(NULL, ", "))!= NULL);

Just use an INI parser that supports arrays.
INI file:
title = A,H,D
C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <confini.h>
struct configuration {
char ** title;
size_t title_length;
static char ** make_strarray (size_t * arrlen, const char * src, const size_t buffsize, IniFormat ini_format) {
*arrlen = ini_array_get_length(src, MY_ARRAY_DELIMITER, ini_format);
char ** const dest = *arrlen ? (char **) malloc(*arrlen * sizeof(char *) + buffsize) : NULL;
if (!dest) { return NULL; }
memcpy(dest + *arrlen, src, buffsize);
char * iter = (char *) (dest + *arrlen);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < *arrlen; idx++) {
dest[idx] = ini_array_release(&iter, MY_ARRAY_DELIMITER, ini_format);
ini_string_parse(dest[idx], ini_format);
return dest;
static int ini_handler (IniDispatch * this, void * v_conf) {
struct configuration * conf = (struct configuration *) v_conf;
if (this->type == INI_KEY && ini_string_match_si("my_section", this->append_to, this->format)) {
if (ini_string_match_si("title", this->data, this->format)) {
/* Save memory (not strictly needed) */
this->v_len = ini_array_collapse(this->value, MY_ARRAY_DELIMITER, this->format);
/* Allocate a new array of strings */
if (conf->title) { free(conf->title); }
conf->title = make_strarray(&conf->title_length, this->value, this->v_len + 1, this->format);
if (!conf->title) { return 1; }
return 0;
static int conf_init (IniStatistics * statistics, void * v_conf) {
*((struct configuration *) v_conf) = (struct configuration) { NULL, 0 };
return 0;
int main () {
struct configuration my_conf;
/* Parse the INI file */
if (load_ini_path("C:\\conf.ini", INI_DEFAULT_FORMAT, conf_init, ini_handler, &my_conf)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, something went wrong :-(\n");
return 1;
/* Print the parsed data */
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < my_conf.title_length; idx++) {
printf("my_conf.title[%d] = %s\n", idx, my_conf.title[idx]);
/* Free the parsed data */
if (my_conf.title_length) {
return 0;
my_conf.title[0] = A
my_conf.title[1] = H
my_conf.title[2] = D


How to easily parse an array from an INI file to an array in C?

In my code I use the iniparser ( to parse double, int and strings. However, I'm interested into parsing arrays, delimited with comma such as
arr = val1, val2, ..., valn
Any easy and quick way, like the parser above?
The best way is to make your own structure.
You can find easily on the web structures that you can import for your code. Another solution, not so great is to put your values as void pointers. And when you want to take your values back you take the void pointer and cast it with which kind of value you want( int,double,char ect). But this may conflict the values so you must be careful. You must know what kind value is in which cell of the pointer. It is not the ideal way but its a cheat way to avoid making your own structure.
You can use libconfini, which has array support.
arr = val1, val2, ..., valn
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <confini.h>
struct my_conf_T {
size_t arrlen;
char ** arr;
static int my_listnr (IniDispatch * this, void * v_conf) {
#define conf ((struct my_conf_T *) v_conf)
if (ini_string_match_si("arr", this->data, this->format)) {
conf->arrlen = ini_array_get_length(this->value, INI_COMMA, this->format);
if (!conf->arrlen || !this->v_len) {
/* Array is empty */
return 0;
conf->arr = (char **) malloc(conf->arrlen * sizeof(char *) + this->v_len + 1);
if (!conf->arr) {
fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed\n");
char * remnant = (char *) ((char **) conf->arr + conf->arrlen);
memcpy(remnant, this->value, this->v_len + 1);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < conf->arrlen; idx++) {
conf->arr[idx] = ini_array_release(&remnant, INI_COMMA, this->format);
ini_string_parse(conf->arr[idx], this->format);
return 0;
#undef conf
int main () {
struct my_conf_T my_conf = (struct my_conf_T) { 0 };
if (load_ini_path("test.conf", INI_DEFAULT_FORMAT, NULL, my_listnr, &my_conf)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, something went wrong :-(\n");
return 1;
if (my_conf.arr) {
/* Do something with `my_conf.arr`... */
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < my_conf.arrlen; idx++) {
printf("arr[%zu] = %s\n", idx, my_conf.arr[idx]);
return 0;
arr[0] = val1
arr[1] = val2
arr[2] = ...
arr[3] = valn
P.S. I happen to be the author.

Counting strings in C, using fgets and strstr

This is part of an assignment, so the instructions are clear and I'm not allowed to use anything other than what is specified.
The idea is simple:
1) Create an array of structs which hold a string and a count
2) Count the occurrence of the string in each struct and store the count in that struct
3) Print the strings and their number of occurrences
I have been explicitly told to use the fgets and strstr functions
Here is what I've got so far,
#define MAX_STRINGS 50
#define LINE_MAX_CHARS 1000
int main(){
int n = argc - 1;
if (n > MAX_STRINGS) {
Entry entries[MAX_STRINGS];
char **strings = argv+1;
prepare_table(n, strings, entries);
count_occurrences(n, stdin, entries);
print_occurrences(n, entries);
void prepare_table (int n, char **strings, Entry *entries) {
// n = number of words to find
// entries = array of Entry structs
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
Entry newEntry;
newEntry.string = *(strings + 1);
newEntry.count = 0;
*(entries + i) = newEntry;
void print_occurrences (int n, Entry *entries) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
printf("%s: %d\n", (*(entries + i)).string, (*(entries + i)).count);
void count_occurrences (int n, FILE *file, Entry *entries) {
char *str;
while (fgets(str, LINE_MAX_CHARS, file) != NULL){
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ // for each word
char *found;
found = (strstr(str, (*(entries + i)).string)); // search line
if (found != NULL){ // if word found in line
str = found + 1; // move string pointer forward for next iteration
i--; // to look for same word in the rest of the line
(*(entries + i)).count = (*(entries + i)).count + 1; // increment occurrences of word
I know for a fact that my prepare_table and print_occurrences functions are working perfectly. However, the problem is with the count_occurrences function.
I've been given a test file to run which just tells me that I'm not producing the correct output. I can't actually see the output to figure out whats wrong
I'm new to pointers, so I'm expecting this to be a simple error on my part. Where is my program going wrong?
fgets(char * restrict str, int size, FILE * restrict stream) writes into the buffer at str... but you don't have a buffer at str. What is str? It's just a pointer. What's it pointing at? Garbage, because you haven't initialized it to something. So it might work or it might not (edit: by which I mean you should expect it not to work, and be surprised if it did, thank you commenters!).
You could fix that by allocating some memory first:
char *str = malloc(LINE_MAX_CHARS);
// do your stuff
str = NULL;
Or even statically allocating:
char str[LINE_MAX_CHARS];
That's one problem I can see anyway. You say you don't have output, but surely you can add some debug statements using fprintf(stderr, "") at the very least..?

How to word-wrap using specific delimiters, without dynamic allocation

I have a program that displays UTF-8 encoded strings with a size limitation (say MAX_LEN).
Whenever I get a string with a length > MAX_LEN, I want to find out where I could split it so it would be printed gracefully.
For example:
#define MAX_LEN 30U
const char big_str[] = "This string cannot be displayed on one single line: it must be splitted"
Without process, the output will looks like:
"This string cannot be displaye" // Truncated because of size limitation
"d on one single line: it must "
"be splitted"
The client would be able to chose eligible delimiters for the split but for now, I defined a list of delimiters by default:
#define DEFAULT_DELIMITERS " ;:,)]" // Delimiters to track in the string
So I am looking for an elegant and lightweight way of handling these issue without using malloc: my API should not return the sub-strings, I just want the positions of the sub-strings to display.
I already have some ideas that I will propose in answer: any feedback (e.g. pros and cons) would be appreciated, but most of all I am interested in alternatives solutions.
I just want the positions of the sub-strings to display.
So all you need is one function analysing your input returning the positions where a delimiter was found.
A possible appoach using strpbrk() assuming C99 at least:
#include <unistd.h> /* for ssize_t */
#include <string.h>
#define DELIMITERS (" ;.")
void find_delimiter_positions(
const char * input,
const char * delimiters,
ssize_t * delimiter_positions)
ssize_t dp_current = 0;
const char * p = input;
while (NULL != (p = strpbrk(p, delimiters)))
delimiter_positions[dp_current] = p - input;
int main(void)
char input[] = "some randrom data; more.";
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
ssize_t delimiter_positions[input_length];
for (size_t s = 0; s < input_length; ++s)
delimiter_positions[s] = -1;
find_delimiter_positions(input, DELIMITERS, delimiter_positions);
for (size_t s = 0; -1 != delimiter_positions[s]; ++s)
/* print out positions */
For why C99: C99 introduces V(ariable) L(ength) A(rray), which are necessary here to get around the limitation to not use dynamic memory allocation.
If VLAs also may not be used one needs to fall back a defining a maximum number of possible occurences of delimiters per string. The latter however might be feasable as the maximum length of the string to be parsed is given, which in turn would imply the maximum number of possible delimiters per string.
For the latter case those lines from the example above
char input[] = "some randrom data; more.";
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
ssize_t delimiter_positions[input_length];
could be replaced by
char input[MAX_INPUT_LEN] = "some randrom data; more.";
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
ssize_t delimiter_positions[MAX_INPUT_LEN];
An approach that doesn't require additional storage is to make the wrapping function call a callback function for each substring. In the example below, the string is just printed with plain old printf, but the callback could call any other API function.
Things to note:
There is a function next that should advance a pointer to the next UTF-8 character. The encoding width for an UTF-8 char can be seen from its first byte.
The space and punctuation delimiters are treated slightly differently: Spaces are neither appended to the end or beginning of a line. (If there aren't any consecutive spaces in the text, that is.) Punctuation is retained at the end of a line.
Here's an example implementation:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define DELIMITERS " ;:,)]"
* Advance to next character. This should advance the pointer to
* up to three chars, depending on the UTF-8 encoding. (But at the
* moment, it doesn't.)
static const char *next(const char *p)
return p + 1;
typedef struct {
const char *begin;
const char *end;
} substr_t;
* Wraps the text and stores the found substring' ranges into
* the lines struct. Return the number of word-wrapped lines.
int wrap(const char *text, int width, substr_t *lines, uint32_t max_num_lines)
const char *begin = text;
const char *split = NULL;
uint32_t num_lines = 1;
int l = 0;
while (*text) {
if (strchr(DELIMITERS, *text)) {
split = text;
if (*text != ' ') split++;
if (l++ == width) {
if (split == NULL) split = text;
lines[num_lines - 1].begin = begin;
lines[num_lines - 1].end = split;
//write(fileno(stdout), begin, split - begin);
text = begin = split;
while (*begin == ' ') begin++;
split = NULL;
l = 0;
if (num_lines > max_num_lines) {
return -1;
text = next(text);
lines[num_lines - 1].begin = begin;
lines[num_lines - 1].end = text;
//write(fileno(stdout), begin, split - begin);
return num_lines;
int main()
const char *text = "I have a program that displays UTF-8 encoded strings "
"with a size limitation (say MAX_LEN). Whenever I get a string with a "
"length > MAX_LEN, I want to find out where I could split it so it "
"would be printed gracefully.";
substr_t lines[100];
const uint32_t max_num_lines = sizeof(lines) / sizeof(lines[0]);
const int num_lines = wrap(text, 48, lines, max_num_lines);
if (num_lines < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: can't split into %d lines\n", max_num_lines);
//printf("num_lines = %d\n", num_lines);
for (int i=0; i < num_lines; i++) {
FILE *stream = stdout;
const ptrdiff_t line_length = lines[i].end - lines[i].begin;
write(fileno(stream), lines[i].begin, line_length);
fputc('\n', stream);
Addendum: Here's another approach that builds loosely on the strtok pattern, but without modifying the string. It requires a state and that state must be initialised with the string to print and the maximum line width:
struct wrap_t {
const char *src;
int width;
int length;
const char *line;
int wrap(struct wrap_t *line)
const char *begin = line->src;
const char *split = NULL;
int l = 0;
if (begin == NULL) return -1;
while (*begin == ' ') begin++;
if (*begin == '\0') return -1;
while (*line->src) {
if (strchr(DELIMITERS, *line->src)) {
split = line->src;
if (*line->src != ' ') split++;
if (l++ == line->width) {
if (split == NULL) split = line->src;
line->line = begin;
line->length = split - begin;
line->src = split;
return 0;
line->src = next(line->src);
line->line = begin;
line->length = line->src - begin;
return 0;
All definitions not shown (DELIMITERS, next) are as above and the basic algorithm hasn't changed. I think this method is easy to use for the client:
int main()
const char *text = "I have a program that displays UTF-8 encoded strings "
"with a size limitation (say MAX_LEN). Whenever I get a string with a "
"length > MAX_LEN, I want to find out where I could split it so it "
"would be printed gracefully.";
struct wrap_t line = {text, 60};
while (wrap(&line) == 0) {
printf("%.*s\n", line.length, line.line);
return 0;
A function that will be called successively until the whole string is processed: it would return the count of bytes to recopy to create the sub-strings:
The API:
* Return the length between the beginning of the string and the
* last delimiter (such that returned length <= max_length)
size_t get_next_substring_length(
const char * str, // The string to be splitted
const char * delim, // String of eligible delimiters for a split
size_t max_length); // The maximum length of resulting substring
On the client' side:
size_t shift = 0;
// Where do we start within big_str ?
const char * tmp = big_str + shift;
size_t count = get_next_substring_length(tmp, DEFAULT_DELIMITERS, MAX_LEN);
// Allocate a sub-string and recopy "count" bytes
// Display the sub-string
shift += count;
else // End Of String (or error)
// Handle potential error
// Exit the loop
Define a custom structure to store positions and lengths of sub-strings:
const char * str = "This is a long test string";
struct substrings
const char * str; // Beginning of the substring
size_t length; // Length of the substring
} sub[] = { {&str[0], 4},
{&str[5], 2},
{&str[8], 1},
{&str[10], 4},
{&str[15], 4},
{&str[20], 6},
{NULL, 0} };
The API:
size_t find_substrings(
struct substrings ** substr,
size_t max_length,
const char * delimiters,
const char * str);
On the client' side:
#define ARRAY_LENGTH 20U
struct substrings substr[ARRAY_LENGTH];
// Fill the structure
// Browse the structure
for (struct substrings * sub = &substr[0]; substr->str; sub++)
// Display sub->length bytes of sub->str
Some things are bothering me though:
in Solution1 I don't like the infinite loop, it is often bug prone
in Solution2 I fixed ARRAY_LENGTH arbitrarily but it should vary depending of input string length

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when using large array in C

this is another issue I'm stuck with. First of all I'm trying to read a level-4 matlab file which contains information exported from PicoScope 6, it reads four arrays from the file, A, Tstart, Tinterval and Length. Array number one is the largest by far, it contains 1000004 values, however the other three only contains one value each. When I exectue the code below it successfully reads the file, stores it into a multidimensional array but fails when I'm trying to use the array.
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <matio.h>
#include "ReadMatFile.h"
#define getLength(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
double *dataMatrix[4];
int innerSize[getLength(dataMatrix)];
jobjectArray convertToArray(JNIEnv *env, double **data, int length1D,
int *length2D);
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_ReadMatFile_readMatFile(JNIEnv *env,
jobject object, jstring str) {
const char *fileName = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, str, 0);
mat_t *matfp;
matvar_t *matvar;
matfp = Mat_Open(fileName, MAT_ACC_RDONLY | MAT_FT_MAT4);
if ( NULL == matfp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening MAT file %s\n", fileName);
return NULL;
int i = 0;
while ( NULL != (matvar = Mat_VarReadNext(matfp))) {
double *data = (double*) (matvar->data);
dataMatrix[i] = data;
innerSize[i] = (int) matvar->nbytes / matvar->data_size;
matvar = NULL;
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, str, fileName);
int s;
for(s = 0; s < innerSize[0]; s++)
printf("A[%d] = %e\n", s, dataMatrix[0][s]); /* Fails here */
return NULL;
//return convertToArray(env, dataMatrix, getLength(dataMatrix) ,innerSize);
jobjectArray convertToArray(JNIEnv *env, double **data, int length1D,
int *length2D) {
jsize outerSize = (jsize) length1D;
jclass class = (*env)->FindClass(env, "[D");
jobjectArray outer = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, outerSize, class, 0);
jsize i;
for (i = 0; i < outerSize; i++) {
jsize innerSize = (jsize) length2D[i];
jdoubleArray inner = (*env)->NewDoubleArray(env, innerSize);
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, inner, 0, innerSize, data[i]);
(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, outer, i, inner);
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, inner);
return outer;
What is the cause of this? It creates a minidump when I run this application. Is the array too large?
A fix for this and also a explanation of what is wrong would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance folks.
I suspect your problem is in the following code:
double *data = (double*) (matvar->data);
dataMatrix[i] = data;
innerSize[i] = (int) matvar->nbytes / matvar->data_size;
Mat_VarFree(matvar); // whoopsie
If Mat_VarFree does what I think it does, matvar->data is no longer a valid pointer, meaning dataMatrix[i] is no longer a valid pointer, hence the crash.
I think what you intend to do is something more along the lines of
innerSize[i] = matvar->nbytes / matvar->data_size;
dataMatrix[i] = malloc( sizeof *dataMatrix[i] * innerSize[i] );
if ( dataMatrix[i] )
memcpy( dataMatrix[i], matvar->data, matvar->nbytes );
Mat_VarFree( matvar );
that is, create a local copy of the data in matvar->data and save it to your dataMatrix. In your original code, all you copied was a pointer value; you never created a separate copy of your data.

sprintf and allocating memory

I have a structure where I stored some values as shown below:
struct cmd {
char *pname;
char *pdesc;
Following initialization I made as:
struct cmd[] = {{"show", "show items"},
{"exit", "exit the shell"},
{"setitem", "setting item"}
I'm using sprinf() to print by storing all the pname ans pdesc as below,
int length = 0;
char *resultcmd;
for (indx = 0; indx< cmdCount; indx++) {
length += sprintf(resultcmd+length, cmd[indx].pname, cmd[indx].pdesc);
Please help me how to allocate memory for resultcmd, It worked when i make resulecmd as array of some length, but if more pname and pdesc are added buffer overruns. Please help me.
If you want safely output data to buffer resultcmd you have to find out its length before and use it:
size_t length = 1; // 1 symbol needed to store \0',
// because strlen() returns length
// without NULL-termination symbol
// compute length:
for (intx = 0; indx < cmdCount; indx++) {
length += strlen(cmd[indx].pname) + strlen(cmd[indx].pdesc);
char *resultcmd = malloc(length);
int written = 0, ret = 0;
// print cmds to C string
for (indx = 0; indx < cmdCount; indx++) {
ret = snprintf (resultcmd + written, length - written,
"%s%s", cmd[indx].pname, cmd[indx].pdesc))
if (0 > ret) {
fprintf (stderr, "snprintf() error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
} else {
written += ret;
* some useful code here
You can use snprintf(char *dest, size_t maxlen, char *fmt, ...) to bound the size of your print. If the function fails, it returns the number of characters that would have been written, had there been enough space; so that +1 is what you need to realloc.
