How to do computations with addresses at compile/linking time? - c

I wrote some code for initializing the IDT, which stores 32-bit addresses in two non-adjacent 16-bit halves. The IDT can be stored anywhere, and you tell the CPU where by running the LIDT instruction.
This is the code for initializing the table:
void idt_init(void) {
/* Unfortunately, we can't write this as loops. The first option,
* initializing the IDT with the addresses, here looping over it, and
* reinitializing the descriptors didn't work because assigning a
* a uintptr_t (from (uintptr_t) handler_func) to a descr (a.k.a.
* uint64_t), according to the compiler, "isn't computable at load
* time."
* The second option, storing the addresses as a local array, simply is
* inefficient (took 0.020ms more when profiling with the "time" command
* line program!).
* The third option, storing the addresses as a static local array,
* consumes too much space (the array will probably never be used again
* during the whole kernel runtime).
* But IF my argument against the third option will be invalidated in
* the future, THEN it's the best option I think. */
/* Initialize descriptors of exception handlers. */
idt[EX_DE_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_de);
idt[EX_DB_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_db);
idt[EX_NMI_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_nmi);
idt[EX_BP_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_bp);
idt[EX_OF_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_of);
idt[EX_BR_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_br);
idt[EX_UD_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_ud);
idt[EX_NM_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_nm);
idt[EX_DF_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_df);
idt[9] = idt_trap(ex_res); /* unused Coprocessor Segment Overrun */
idt[EX_TS_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_ts);
idt[EX_NP_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_np);
idt[EX_SS_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_ss);
idt[EX_GP_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_gp);
idt[EX_PF_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_pf);
idt[15] = idt_trap(ex_res);
idt[EX_MF_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_mf);
idt[EX_AC_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_ac);
idt[EX_MC_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_mc);
idt[EX_XM_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_xm);
idt[EX_VE_VEC] = idt_trap(ex_ve);
/* Initialize descriptors of reserved exceptions.
* Thankfully we compile with -std=c11, so declarations within
* for-loops are possible! */
for (size_t i = 21; i < 32; ++i)
idt[i] = idt_trap(ex_res);
/* Initialize descriptors of hardware interrupt handlers (ISRs). */
idt[INT_8253_VEC] = idt_int(int_8253);
idt[INT_8042_VEC] = idt_int(int_8042);
idt[INT_CASC_VEC] = idt_int(int_casc);
idt[INT_SERIAL2_VEC] = idt_int(int_serial2);
idt[INT_SERIAL1_VEC] = idt_int(int_serial1);
idt[INT_PARALL2_VEC] = idt_int(int_parall2);
idt[INT_FLOPPY_VEC] = idt_int(int_floppy);
idt[INT_PARALL1_VEC] = idt_int(int_parall1);
idt[INT_RTC_VEC] = idt_int(int_rtc);
idt[INT_ACPI_VEC] = idt_int(int_acpi);
idt[INT_OPEN2_VEC] = idt_int(int_open2);
idt[INT_OPEN1_VEC] = idt_int(int_open1);
idt[INT_MOUSE_VEC] = idt_int(int_mouse);
idt[INT_FPU_VEC] = idt_int(int_fpu);
idt[INT_PRIM_ATA_VEC] = idt_int(int_prim_ata);
idt[INT_SEC_ATA_VEC] = idt_int(int_sec_ata);
for (size_t i = 0x30; i < IDT_SIZE; ++i)
idt[i] = idt_trap(ex_res);
The macros idt_trap and idt_int, and are defined as follows:
#define idt_entry(off, type, priv) \
((descr) (uintptr_t) (off) & 0xffff) | ((descr) (KERN_CODE & 0xff) << \
0x10) | ((descr) ((type) & 0x0f) << 0x28) | ((descr) ((priv) & \
0x03) << 0x2d) | (descr) 0x800000000000 | \
((descr) ((uintptr_t) (off) & 0xffff0000) << 0x30)
#define idt_int(off) idt_entry(off, 0x0e, 0x00)
#define idt_trap(off) idt_entry(off, 0x0f, 0x00)
idt is an array of uint64_t, so these macros are implicitly cast to that type. uintptr_t is the type guaranteed to be capable of holding pointer values as integers and on 32-bit systems usually 32 bits wide. (A 64-bit IDT has 16-byte entries; this code is for 32-bit).
I get the warning that the initializer element is not constant due to the address modification in play.
It is absolutely sure that the address is known at linking time.
Is there anything I can do to make this work? Making the idt array automatic would work but this would require the whole kernel to run in the context of one function and this would be some bad hassle, I think.
I could make this work by some additional work at runtime (as Linux 0.01 also does) but it just annoys me that something technically feasible at linking time is actually infeasible.

Related: Solution needed for building a static IDT and GDT at assemble/compile/link time - a linker script for ld can shift and mask to break up link-time-constant addresses. No earlier step has the final addresses, and relocation entries are limited in what they can represent in a .o.
The main problem is that function addresses are link-time constants, not strictly compile time constants. The compiler can't just get 32b binary integers and stick that into the data segment in two separate pieces. Instead, it has to use the object file format to indicate to the linker where it should fill in the final value (+ offset) of which symbol when linking is done. The common cases are as an immediate operand to an instruction, a displacement in an effective address, or a value in the data section. (But in all those cases it's still just filling in 32-bit absolute address so all 3 use the same ELF relocation type. There's a different relocation for relative displacements for jump / call offsets.)
It would have been possible for ELF to have been designed to store a symbol reference to be substituted at link time with a complex function of an address (or at least high / low halves like on MIPS for lui $t0, %hi(symbol) / ori $t0, $t0, %lo(symbol) to build address constants from two 16-bit immediates). But in fact the only function allowed is addition/subtraction, for use in things like mov eax, [ext_symbol + 16].
It is of course possible for your OS kernel binary to have a static IDT with fully resolved addresses at build time, so all you need to do at runtime is execute a single lidt instruction. However, the standard
build toolchain is an obstacle. You probably can't achieve this without post-processing your executable.
e.g. you could write it this way, to produce a table with the full padding in the final binary, so the data can be shuffled in-place:
#include <stdint.h>
#define PACKED __attribute__((packed))
// Note, this is the 32-bit format. 64-bit is larger
typedef union idt_entry {
// we will postprocess the linker output to have this format
// (or convert at runtime)
struct PACKED runtime { // from OSdev wiki
uint16_t offset_1; // offset bits 0..15
uint16_t selector; // a code segment selector in GDT or LDT
uint8_t zero; // unused, set to 0
uint8_t type_attr; // type and attributes, see below
uint16_t offset_2; // offset bits 16..31
} rt;
// linker output will be in this format
struct PACKED compiletime {
void *ptr; // offset bits 0..31
uint8_t zero;
uint8_t type_attr;
uint16_t selector; // to be swapped with the high16 of ptr
} ct;
} idt_entry;
// #define idt_ct_entry(off, type, priv) { .ptr = off, .type_attr = type, .selector = priv }
#define idt_ct_trap(off) { .ct = { .ptr = off, .type_attr = 0x0f, .selector = 0x00 } }
// generate an entry in compile-time format
extern void ex_de(); // these are the raw interrupt handlers, written in ASM
extern void ex_db(); // they have to save/restore *all* registers, and end with iret, rather than the usual C ABI.
// it might be easier to use asm macros to create this static data,
// just so it can be in the same file and you don't need cross-file prototypes / declarations
// (but all the same limitations about link-time constants apply)
static idt_entry idt[] = {
// ...
// having this static probably takes less space than instructions to write it on the fly
// but not much more. It would be easy to make a lidt function that took a struct pointer.
static const struct PACKED idt_ptr {
uint16_t len; // encoded as bytes - 1, so 0xffff means 65536
void *ptr;
} idt_ptr = { sizeof(idt) - 1, idt };
/****** functions *********/
// inline
void load_static_idt(void) {
asm volatile ("lidt %0"
: // no outputs
: "m" (idt_ptr));
// memory operand, instead of writing the addressing mode ourself, allows a RIP-relative addressing mode in 64bit mode
// also allows it to work with -masm=intel or not.
// Do this once at at run-time
// **OR** run this to pre-process the binary, after link time, as part of your build
void idt_convert_to_runtime(void) {
#ifdef DEBUG
static char already_done = 0; // make sure this only runs once
if (already_done)
already_done = 1;
const int count = sizeof idt / sizeof idt[0];
for (int i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {
uint16_t tmp1 = idt[i].rt.selector;
uint16_t tmp2 = idt[i].rt.offset_2;
idt[i].rt.offset_2 = tmp1;
idt[i].rt.selector = tmp2;
// or do this swap in fewer insns with SSE or MMX pshufw, but using vector instructions before setting up the IDT may be insane.
This does compile. See a diff of the -m32 and -m64 asm output on the Godbolt compiler explorer. Look at the layout in the data section (note that .value is a synonym for .short, and is 16 bits.) (But note that the IDT table format is different for 64-bit mode.)
I think I have the size calculation correct (bytes - 1), as documented in Minimum value 100h bytes long (encoded as 0x99). See also (lgdt size/pointer works the same way, although the table itself has a different format.)
The other option, instead of having the IDT static in the data section, is to have it in the bss section, with the data stored as immediate constants in a function that will initialize it (or in an array read by that function).
Either way, that function (and its data) can be in a .init section whose memory you re-use after it's done. (Linux does this to reclaim memory from code and data that's only needed once, at startup.) This would give you the optimal tradeoff of small binary size (since 32b addresses are smaller than 64b IDT entries), and no runtime memory wasted on code to set up the IDT. A small loop that runs once at startup is negligible CPU time. (The version on Godbolt fully unrolls because I only have 2 entries, and it embeds the address into each instruction as a 32-bit immediate, even with -Os. With a large enough table (just copy/paste to duplicate a line) you get a compact loop even at -O3. The threshold is lower for -Os.)
Without memory-reuse haxx, probably a tight loop to rewrite 64b entries in place is the way to go. Doing it at build time would be even better, but then you'd need a custom tool to run the tranformation on the kernel binary.
Having the data stored in immediates sounds good in theory, but the code for each entry would probably total more than 64b, because it couldn't loop. The code to split an address into two would have to be fully unrolled (or placed in a function and called). Even if you had a loop to store all the same-for-multiple-entries stuff, each pointer would need a mov r32, imm32 to get the address in a register, then mov word [idt+i + 0], ax / shr eax, 16 / mov word [idt+i + 6], ax. That's a lot of machine-code bytes.

One way would be to use an intermediate jump table that is located at a fixed address. You could initialize the idt with addresses of the locations in this table (which will be compile time constant). The locations in the jump table will contain jump instructions to the actual isr routines.
The dispatch to an isr will be indirect as follows:
trap -> jump to intermediate address in the idt -> jump to isr
One way to create a jump table at a fixed address is as follows.
Step 1: Put jump table in a section
// this is a jump table at a fixed address
void jump(void) __attribute__((section(".si.idt")));
void jump(void) {
asm("jmp isr0"); // can also be asm("call ...") depending on need
asm("jmp isr1");
asm("jmp isr2");
Step 2: Instruct the linker to locate the section at a fixed address
.so.idt 0x600000 :
Put this in the linker script right after the .text section. This will make sure that the executable code in the table will go into a executable memory region.
You can instruct the linker to use your script as follows using the --script option in the Makefile.
The following macro gives you the address of the location which contains the jump (or call) instruction to the corresponding isr.
// initialize the idt at compile time with const values
// you can find a cleaner way to generate offsets
#define JUMP_ADDR(off) ((char*)0x600000 + 4 + (off * 5))
You will then initialize the idt as follows using modified macros.
// your real idt will be initialized as follows
#define idt_entry(addr, type, priv) \
( \
((descr) (uintptr_t) (addr) & 0xffff) | \
((descr) (KERN_CODE & 0xff) << 0x10) | \
((descr) ((type) & 0x0f) << 0x28) | \
((descr) ((priv) & 0x03) << 0x2d) | \
((descr) 0x1 << 0x2F) | \
((descr) ((uintptr_t) (addr) & 0xffff0000) << 0x30) \
#define idt_int(off) idt_entry(JUMP_ADDR(off), 0x0e, 0x00)
#define idt_trap(off) idt_entry(JUMP_ADDR(off), 0x0f, 0x00)
descr idt[] =
A demo working example is below, which shows dispatch to a isr with a non-fixed address from a instruction at a fixed address.
#include <stdio.h>
// dummy isrs for demo
void isr0(void) {
printf("==== isr0\n");
void isr1(void) {
printf("==== isr1\n");
void isr2(void) {
printf("==== isr2\n");
// this is a jump table at a fixed address
void jump(void) __attribute__((section(".si.idt")));
void jump(void) {
asm("jmp isr0"); // can be asm("call ...")
asm("jmp isr1");
asm("jmp isr2");
// initialize the idt at compile time with const values
// you can find a cleaner way to generate offsets
#define JUMP_ADDR(off) ((char*)0x600000 + 4 + (off * 5))
// dummy idt for demo
// see below for the real idt
char* idt[] =
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int trap;
char* addr = idt[trap = argc - 1];
printf("==== idt[%d]=%p\n", trap, addr);
asm("jmp *%0\n" : :"m"(addr));



This is a follow-up from the following question Custom Instruction crashing with SIGNAL 4 (Illegal Instruction): RISC-V (32) GNU-Toolchain with QEMU (apologies if I have missed any etiquette points in advance or formatted this in an unsavoury way, as I am still new to posting here). I am using the latest version of the riscv-gnu-toolchain, so I am just wondering what caveats and differences this process will be for this platform.
I was following namely two guides to add custom RISC-V instructions to QEMU - namely and
After editing qemu/target/riscv/insn32.decode with a free opcode (following Ashling tutorial), and implementing translator function in insn_trans/ - QEMU hangs when calling the function as an .insn directive (I know this to work - ). Changing opcodes of existing instructions to test if disassembly changes indicated to me that QEMU was not registering the changes I made and that I didn't rebuild/recompile QEMU correctly. I simply ran make clean, reconfigured and make again in the QEMU directory to rebuild it - Is this the correct way to rebuild QEMU in this toolchain or is there something I missed.
The code to call
#include <stdio.h>
static int test_ins(int a, int b) {
int result;
asm volatile(".insn r 0x33, 7, 0x20, %0, %1, %2" : "=r"(result) : "r"(a), "r"(b));
return result;
int main() {
int a, b, result;
a = 2;
b = 4;
result = test_ins(a,b);
printf("%d\n", result);
Instruction in insn32.decode is as follows:
OPCODE = "0110011", FUNCT3 = "111" and FUNCT7 = "0100000".
Implementation of aforementioned instruction is as follows:
static bool trans_bitcnt(DisasContext *ctx, arg_bitcnt *a)
TCGLabel *loop_source1 = gen_new_label();
TCGLabel *loop_source2 = gen_new_label();
TCGv source1, source2, dstval, cntval;
source1 = tcg_temp_local_new();
source2 = tcg_temp_local_new();
dstval = tcg_temp_local_new();
cntval = tcg_temp_local_new();
// Count all the bits set in rs1 and rs2 and put that number in rd
gen_get_gpr(source1, a->rs1);
gen_get_gpr(source2, a->rs2);
tcg_gen_movi_tl(cntval, 0x0);
/* Count the bits that are set in the first register */
tcg_gen_andi_tl(dstval, source1, 0x1);
tcg_gen_shri_tl(source1, source1, 0x1);
tcg_gen_add_tl(cntval, cntval, dstval);
tcg_gen_brcondi_tl(TCG_COND_NE, source1, 0x0, loop_source1);
/* Count the bits that are set in the second register */
tcg_gen_andi_tl(dstval, source2, 0x1);
tcg_gen_shri_tl(source2, source2, 0x1);
tcg_gen_add_tl(cntval, cntval, dstval);
tcg_gen_brcondi_tl(TCG_COND_NE, source2, 0x0, loop_source2);
/* Update the destination register with the bits total */
gen_set_gpr(a->rd, cntval);
return true;

Auto-Allocate to a specific RAM Area in GCC/C

Sorry for my english, its a bit hard for me to explain what exactly i would need.
I'm making some extra code into existing binarys using the GCC compiler.
In this case, its PowerPC, but it should not really matter.
I know, where in the existing binary i have free ram available (i dumped the full RAM to make sure) but i need to define each RAM address manually, currently i am doing it like this:
// #ram.h
//8bit ram
uint8_t* xx1 = (uint8_t*) 0x807F00;
uint8_t* xx2 = (uint8_t*) 0x807F01;
//...and so on
// 16bit ram
uint16_t* xxx1 = (uint16_t*) 0x807F40;
uint16_t* xxx2 = (uint16_t*) 0x807F42;
//...and so on
// 32bit ram
uint32_t* xxxx1 = (uint32_t*) 0x807FA0;
uint32_t* xxxx2 = (uint32_t*) 0x807FA4;
//...and so on
And im accessing my variables like this:
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) silly_demo_function() {
#include "ram.h"
if (*xxx2>*xx1) {
*xxx3 = *xxx3 + *xx1;
But this gets really boring, if i want to patch my code into another existing binary, where the location of available/free/unused ram can be fully different, or if im replacing/removing some value in the middle. I am using 8, 16 and 32bit variables.
Is there a way, i can define an area like 0x807F00 to 0x00808FFF, and allocate my variables on the fly, and the compiler will allocate it inside my specific location?
I suspect that the big problem here is that those addresses are memory mapped IO (devices) and not RAM; and should not be treated as RAM.
Further, I'd say that you probably should be hiding the "devices that aren't RAM" behind an abstract layer, a little bit like a device driver; partly so that you can make sure that the compiler complies with any constraints caused by it being IO and not RAM (e.g. treated as volatile, possibly honoring any access size restrictions, possibly taking care of any cache coherency management); partly so that you/programmers know what is normal/fast/cached RAM and what isn't; partly so that you can replace the "device" with fake code for testing; and partly so that it's all kept in a single well defined area.
For example; you might have a header file called "src/devices.h" that contains:
#define xx1_address 0x807F00
..and the wrapper code might be a file called "src/devices/xx1.c" that contains something like:
#include "src/devices.h"
static volatile uint8_t * xx1 = (uint8_t*) xx1_address;
uint8_t get_xx1(void) {
return *xx1;
void set_xx1(uint8_t x) {
*xx1 = x;
However; depending on what these devices actually are, you might need/want some higher level code. For example, maybe xx1 is a temperature sensor and it doesn't make any sense to try to set it, and you want it to scale that raw value so it's "degrees celsius", and the highest bit of the raw value is used to indicate an error condition (and the actual temperature is only 7 bits), so the wrapper might be more like:
#include "src/devices.h"
#define xx1_offset -12.34
#define xx1_scale 1.234
static volatile uint8_t * xx1 = (uint8_t*) xx1_address;
float get_xx1_temperature(void) {
uint8_t raw_temp = *xx1;
if(raw_temp * 0x80 != 0) {
/* Error flag set */
return NAN;
/* No error */
return (raw_temp + xx1_offset) * xx1_scale;
In the meanwhile, i figured it out.
Its just as easy as defining .data, .bsss and .sbss in the linker directives.
6 Lines of code and its working like a charm.

Can i store a pointer to RAM in flash at compile time

My problem explained:
On my microcontroller (Atmel AT90CAN128) i have about 2500 bytes of RAM left.
In those 2500 bytes i need to store 5 times 100 data sets (size could change in the future). The data sets have a predefined but varying length between 1 and 9 bytes. The total bytes that the pure data sets occupy is about 2000 bytes. I now need to be able to access the data sets in an array like fashion by passing a uint8 to a function and get a pointer to the data set in return.
But i only have about 500 bytes left, so an array with pointers to each data set (calculated at start of run time) is simply not possible.
My attempt:
i use one big uint8 array[2000] (in RAM) and the length of the data sets is stored in flash as const uint8[] = {1, 5, 9, ...};.
The position of the data set in the big array is the accumulated length of the sets before it. So i would have to iterate through the length array and add the values up and then use it as an offset to the pointer of the big data array.
At runtime this gives me bad performance. The position of the data sets within the big array IS KNOWN at compile time, I just dont know how to put this information into an array that the compiler can store into flash.
As the amount of data sets could change, i need a solution that automatically calculates the positions.
something like that
uint8 index = 57;
uint8 *pointer_to_data = pointer_array[57];
Is this even possible, as the compiler is a 1 pass comiler ?
(I am using Codevision, not avr gcc)
My solution
The pure C solution/answer is technically the right answer for my question but it just seems overly complicated (from my perspective). The idea with the build script seemed better but codevision is not very practical in that way.
So i ended up with a bit of a mix.
I wrote a javascript that writes the C code/definition of the variables for me. The raw-definitions are easy to edit and i just copy paste the whole thing into a html text file and open it in a browser and copy paste the content back into my C file.
In the beginning i was missing a crucial element and that is the position of the 'flash' keyword in the definition. The following is a simplified output of my javascript that compiles just the way i like it.
flash uint8 len[150] = {4, 4, 0, 2, ...};
uint8 data1[241] = {0}; //accumulated from above
uint8 * flash pointers_1[150] = {data1 +0, data1 +4, data1 +0, data1 +8, ...};
The ugly part (lots of manual labor without script) is adding up the length for each pointer as the compiler will only compile if the pointer is increased by a constant and not a value stored in a constant array.
The raw definitions that are fed to the javascript then look like this
var strings = [
"len[0] = 4;",
"len[1] = 4;",
"len[3] = 2;",
Within the javascript it is an array of strings, this way i could copy my old definitions into it and just add some quotes. I only need to define the ones that i want to use, index 2 is not defined and the script uses length 0 for it but does include it. The macro would have needed an entry with 0 i guess, which is bad for overview in my case.
It is not a one click solution but it is very readable and tidy which makes up for the copy-paste.
One common method of packing variable-length data sets to a single continuous array is using one element to describe the length of the next data sequence, followed by that many data items, with a zero length terminating the array.
In other words, if you have data "strings" 1, 2 3, 4 5 6, and 7 8 9 10, you can pack them into an array of 1+1+1+2+1+3+1+4+1 = 15 bytes as 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 0.
The functions to access said sequences are quite simple, too. In OP's case, each data item is an uint8:
uint8 dataset[] = { ..., 0 };
To loop over each set, you use two variables: one for the offset of current set, and another for the length:
uint16 offset = 0;
while (1) {
const uint8 length = dataset[offset];
if (!length) {
offset = 0;
} else
/* You have 'length' uint8's at dataset+offset. */
/* Skip to next set. */
offset += length;
To find a specific dataset, you do need to find it using a loop. For example:
uint8 *find_dataset(const uint16 index)
uint16 offset = 0;
uint16 count = 0;
while (1) {
const uint8 length = dataset[offset];
if (length == 0)
return NULL;
if (count == index)
return dataset + offset;
offset += 1 + length;
The above function will return a pointer to the length item of the index'th set (0 referring to the first set, 1 to the second set, and so on), or NULL if there is no such set.
It is not difficult to write functions to remove, append, prepend, and insert new sets. (When prepending and inserting, you do need to copy the rest of the elements in the dataset array forward (to higher indexes), by 1+length elements, first; this means that you cannot access the array in an interrupt context or from a second core, while the array is being modified.)
If the data is immutable (for example, generated whenever a new firmware is uploaded to the microcontroller), and you have sufficient flash/rom available, you can use a separate array for each set, an array of pointers to each set, and an array of sizes of each set:
static const uint8 dataset_0[] PROGMEM = { 1 };
static const uint8 dataset_1[] PROGMEM = { 2, 3 };
static const uint8 dataset_2[] PROGMEM = { 4, 5, 6 };
static const uint8 dataset_3[] PROGMEM = { 7, 8, 9, 10 };
#define DATASETS 4
static const uint8 *dataset_ptr[DATASETS] PROGMEM = {
static const uint8 dataset_len[DATASETS] PROGMEM = {
sizeof dataset_0,
sizeof dataset_1,
sizeof dataset_2,
sizeof dataset_3,
When this data is generated at firmware compile time, it is common to put this into a separate header file, and simply include it from the main firmware .c source file (or, if the firmware is very complicated, from the specific .c source file that accesses the data sets). If the above is dataset.h, then the source file typically contains say
#include "dataset.h"
const uint8 dataset_length(const uint16 index)
return (index < DATASETS) ? dataset_len[index] : 0;
const uint8 *dataset_pointer_P(const uint16 index)
return (index < DATASETS) ? dataset_ptr[index] : NULL;
i.e., it includes the dataset, and then defines the functions that access the data. (Note that I deliberately made the data itself static, so they are only visible in the current compilation unit; but the dataset_length() and dataset_pointer(), the safe accessor functions, are accessible from other compilation units (C source files), too.)
When the build is controlled via a Makefile, this is trivial. Let's say the generated header file is dataset.h, and you have a shell script, say, that generates the contents for that header. Then, the Makefile recipe is simply
#$(RM) $#
$(SHELL) -c "$^ > $#"
with the recipes for the compilation of the C source files that need it, containing it as a prerequisite:
main.o: main.c dataset.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.c
Do note that the indentation in Makefiles always uses Tabs, but this forum does not reproduce them in code snippets. (You can always run sed -e 's|^ *|\t|g' -i Makefile to fix copy-pasted Makefiles, though.)
OP mentioned that they are using Codevision, that does not use Makefiles (but a menu-driven configuration system). If Codevision does not provide a pre-build hook (to run an executable or script before compiling the source files), then OP can write a script or program run on the host machine, perhaps named pre-build, that regenerates all generated header files, and run it by hand before every build.
In the hybrid case, where you know the length of each data set at compile time, and it is immutable (constant), but the sets themselves vary at run time, you need to use a helper script to generate a rather large C header (or source) file. (It will have 1500 lines or more, and nobody should have to maintain that by hand.)
The idea is that you first declare each data set, but do not initialize them. This makes the C compiler reserve RAM for each:
static uint8 dataset_0_0[3];
static uint8 dataset_0_1[2];
static uint8 dataset_0_2[9];
static uint8 dataset_0_3[4];
/* : : */
static uint8 dataset_0_97[1];
static uint8 dataset_0_98[5];
static uint8 dataset_0_99[7];
static uint8 dataset_1_0[6];
static uint8 dataset_1_1[8];
/* : : */
static uint8 dataset_1_98[2];
static uint8 dataset_1_99[3];
static uint8 dataset_2_0[5];
/* : : : */
static uint8 dataset_4_99[9];
Next, declare an array that specifies the length of each set. Make this constant and PROGMEM, since it is immutable and goes into flash/rom:
static const uint8 dataset_len[5][100] PROGMEM = {
sizeof dataset_0_0, sizeof dataset_0_1, sizeof dataset_0_2,
/* ... */
sizeof dataset_4_97, sizeof dataset_4_98, sizeof dataset_4_99
Instead of the sizeof statements, you can also have your script output the lengths of each set as a decimal value.
Finally, create an array of pointers to the datasets. This array itself will be immutable (const and PROGMEM), but the targets, the datasets defined first above, are mutable:
static uint8 *const dataset_ptr[5][100] PROGMEM = {
dataset_0_0, dataset_0_1, dataset_0_2, dataset_0_3,
/* ... */
dataset_4_96, dataset_4_97, dataset_4_98, dataset_4_99
On AT90CAN128, the flash memory is at addresses 0x0 .. 0x1FFFF (131072 bytes total). Internal SRAM is at addresses 0x0100 .. 0x10FF (4096 bytes total). Like other AVRs, it uses Harvard architecture, where code resides in a separate address space -- in Flash. It has separate instructions for reading bytes from flash (LPM, ELPM).
Because a 16-bit pointer can only reach half the flash, it is rather important that the dataset_len and dataset_ptr arrays are "near", in the lower 64k. Your compiler should take care of this, though.
To generate correct code for accessing the arrays from flash (progmem), at least AVR-GCC needs some helper code:
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
uint8 subset_len(const uint8 group, const uint8 set)
return pgm_read_byte_near(&(dataset_len[group][set]));
uint8 *subset_ptr(const uint8 group, const uint8 set)
return (uint8 *)pgm_read_word_near(&(dataset_ptr[group][set]));
The assembly code, annotated with the cycle counts, avr-gcc-4.9.2 generates for at90can128 from above, is
ldi r25, 0 ; 1 cycle
movw r30, r24 ; 1 cycle
lsl r30 ; 1 cycle
rol r31 ; 1 cycle
add r30, r24 ; 1 cycle
adc r31, r25 ; 1 cycle
add r30, r22 ; 1 cycle
adc r31, __zero_reg__ ; 1 cycle
subi r30, lo8(-(dataset_len)) ; 1 cycle
sbci r31, hi8(-(dataset_len)) ; 1 cycle
lpm r24, Z ; 3 cycles
ldi r25, 0 ; 1 cycle
movw r30, r24 ; 1 cycle
lsl r30 ; 1 cycle
rol r31 ; 1 cycle
add r30, r24 ; 1 cycle
adc r31, r25 ; 1 cycle
add r30, r22 ; 1 cycle
adc r31, __zero_reg__ ; 1 cycle
lsl r30 ; 1 cycle
rol r31 ; 1 cycle
subi r30, lo8(-(dataset_ptr)) ; 1 cycle
sbci r31, hi8(-(dataset_ptr)) ; 1 cycle
lpm r24, Z+ ; 3 cycles
lpm r25, Z ; 3 cycles
Of course, declaring subset_len and subset_ptr as static inline would indicate to the compiler you want them inlined, which increases the code size a bit, but might shave off a couple of cycles per invocation.
Note that I have verified the above (except using unsigned char instead of uint8) for at90can128 using avr-gcc 4.9.2.
First, you should put the predefined length array in flash using PROGMEM, if you haven't already.
You could write a script, using the predefined length array as input, to generate a .c (or cpp) file that contains the PROGMEM array definition. Here is an example in python:
# Assume the array that defines the data length is in a file named DataLengthArray.c
# and the array is of the format
# const uint16 dataLengthArray[] PROGMEM = {
# 2, 4, 5, 1, 2,
# 4 ... };
START_OF_ARRAY = "const uint16 dataLengthArray[] PROGMEM = {"
outFile = open('PointerArray.c', 'w')
with open("DataLengthArray.c") as f:
fc ='\n', '')
offsets = [int(s) for s in dataLengthArray.split(",")]
outFile.write("extern uint8 array[2000];\n")
outFile.write("uint8* pointer_array[] PROGMEM = {\n")
sum = 0
for offset in offsets:
outFile.write("array + {}, ".format(sum))
Which would output PointerArray.c:
extern uint8 array[2000];
uint8* pointer_array[] = {
array + 0, array + 2, array + 6, array + 11, array + 12, array + 14, };
You could run the script as a Pre-build event, if your IDE supports it. Otherwise you will have to remember to run the script every time you update the offsets.
You mention that the data set lengths are pre-defined, but not how they are defined - so I'm going to make the assumption of how the lengths are written into code is up for grabs..
If you define your flash array in terms of offsets instead of lengths, you should immediately get a run-time benefit.
With lengths in flash, I expect you have something like this:
const uint8_t lengths[] = {1, 5, 9, ...};
uint8_t get_data_set_length(uint16_t index)
return lengths[index];
uint8_t * get_data_set_pointer(uint16_t index)
uint16_t offset = 0;
uint16_t i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < index; ++i )
offset += lengths[index];
return &(array[offset]);
With offsets in flash, the const array has gone from uint8_t to uint16_t, which doubles the flash usage, plus an additional element to be speed up calculating the length of the last element.
const uint16_t offsets[] = {0, 1, 6, 15, ..., /* last offset + last length */ };
uint8_t get_data_set_length(uint16_t index)
return offsets[index+1] - offsets[index];
uint8_t * get_data_set_pointer(uint16_t index)
uint16_t offset = offsets[index];
return &(array[offset]);
If you can't afford that extra flash memory, ou could also combine the two by having the lengths for all elements and offsets for a fraction of the indices, e.g every 16 element in the example below, trading off run-time cost vs flash memory cost.
uint8_t get_data_set_length(uint16_t index)
return lengths[index];
uint8_t * get_data_set_pointer(uint16_t index)
uint16_t i;
uint16_t offset = offsets[index / 16];
for ( i = index & 0xFFF0u; i < index; ++i )
offset += lengths[index];
return &(array[offset]);
To simplify the encoding, you can consider using x-macros, e.g.
#define DATA_SET_X_MACRO(data_set_expansion) \
data_set_expansion( A, 1 ) \
data_set_expansion( B, 5 ) \
data_set_expansion( C, 9 )
uint8_t array[2000];
#define count_struct(tag,len) uint8_t tag;
#define offset_struct(tag,len) uint8_t tag[len];
#define offset_array(tag,len) (uint16_t)(offsetof(data_set_offset_struct,tag)),
#define length_array(tag,len) len,
#define pointer_array(tag,len) (&(array[offsetof(data_set_offset_struct,tag)])),
typedef struct
} data_set_count_struct;
typedef struct
} data_set_offset_struct;
const uint16_t offsets[] =
const uint16_t lengths[] =
uint8_t * const pointers[] =
The preprocessor turns that into:
typedef struct
uint8_t A;
uint8_t B;
uint8_t C;
} data_set_count_struct;
typedef struct
uint8_t A[1];
uint8_t B[5];
uint8_t C[9];
} data_set_offset_struct;
typedef struct
uint8_t A[1];
uint8_t B[5];
uint8_t C[9];
} data_set_offset_struct;
const uint16_t offsets[] = { 0,1,6, };
const uint16_t lengths[] = { 1,5,9, };
uint8_t * const pointers[] =
This just shows an example of what the x-macro can expand to. A short main() can show these in action:
int main()
printf("There are %d individual data sets\n", (int)sizeof(data_set_count_struct) );
printf("The total size of the data sets is %d\n", (int)sizeof(data_set_offset_struct) );
printf("The data array base address is %x\n", array );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(data_set_count_struct); ++i )
printf( "elem %d: %d bytes at offset %d, or address %x\n", i, lengths[i], offsets[i], pointers[i]);
return 0;
With sample output
There are 3 individual data sets
The total size of the data sets is 15
The data array base address is 601060
elem 0: 1 bytes at offset 0, or address 601060
elem 1: 5 bytes at offset 1, or address 601061
elem 2: 9 bytes at offset 6, or address 601066
The above require you to give a 'tag' - a valid C identifier for each data set, but if you have 500 of these, pairing each length with a descriptor is probably not a bad thing. With that amount of data, I would also recommend using an include file for the x-macro, rather than a #define, in particular if the data set definitions can be exported somewhere else.
The benefit of this approach is that you have the data sets defined in one place, and everything is generated from this one definition. If you re-order the definition, or add to it, the arrays will be generated at compile-time. It is also purely using the compiler toolchain, in particular the pre-processor, but there's no need for writing external scripts or hooking in pre-build scripts.
You said that you want to store the address of each data set but it seems like it would be much simpler if you store the offset of each data set. Storing the offsets instead of the addresses means that you don't need to know the address of big array at compile time.
Right now you have an array of constants containing the length of each data set.
const uint8_t data_set_lengths[] = { 1, 5, 9...};
Just change that to be an array of constants containing the offset of each data set in the big array.
const uint8_t data_set_offsets[] = { 0, 1, 6, 15, ...};
You should be able to calculate these offsets at design time given that you already know the lengths. You said yourself, just accumulate the lengths to get the offsets.
With the offsets precalculated the code won't have the bad performance of accumulating at run time. And you can find the address of any data set at run time simply by adding the data set's offset to the address of the big array. And the address of big array doesn't need to be settled until link time.

reading a 64 bit volatile variable on cortex-m3

I have a 64 bit integer variable on a 32 bit Cortex-M3 ARM controller (STM32L1), which can be modified asynchronously by an interrupt handler.
volatile uint64_t v;
void some_interrupt_handler() {
v = v + something;
Obviously, I need a way to access it in a way that prevents getting inconsistent, halfway updated values.
Here is the first attempt
static inline uint64_t read_volatile_uint64(volatile uint64_t *x) {
uint64_t y;
y = *x;
return y;
The CMSIS inline functions __disable_irq() and __enable_irq() have an unfortunate side effect, forcing a memory barrier on the compiler, so I've tried to come up with something more fine-grained
static inline uint64_t read_volatile_uint64(volatile uint64_t *x) {
uint64_t y;
asm ( "cpsid i\n"
"ldrd %[value], %[addr]\n"
"cpsie i\n"
: [value]"=r"(y) : [addr]"m"(*x));
return y;
It still disables interrupts, which is not desirable, so I'm wondering if there's a way doing it without resorting to cpsid. The Definitive Guide to
ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors, Third Edition by Joseph Yiu says
If an interrupt request arrives when the processor is executing a
multiple cycle instruction, such as an integer divide, the instruction
could be abandoned and restarted after the interrupt handler
completes. This behavior also applies to load double-word (LDRD) and
store double-word (STRD) instructions.
Does it mean that I'll be fine by simply writing this?
static inline uint64_t read_volatile_uint64(volatile uint64_t *x) {
uint64_t y;
asm ( "ldrd %[value], %[addr]\n"
: [value]"=&r"(y) : [addr]"m"(*x));
return y;
(Using "=&r" to work around ARM errata 602117)
Is there some library or builtin function that does the same portably? I've tried atomic_load() in stdatomic.h, but it fails with undefined reference to '__atomic_load_8'.
Yes, using a simple ldrd is safe in this application since it will be restarted (not resumed) if interrupted, hence it will appear atomic from the interrupt handler's point of view.
This holds more generally for all load instructions except those that are exception-continuable, which are a very restricted subset:
only ldm, pop, vldm, and vpop can be continuable
an instruction inside an it-block is never continuable
an ldm/pop whose first loaded register is also the base register (e.g. ldm r0, { r0, r1 }) is never continuable
This gives plenty of options for atomically reading a multi-word variable that's modified by an interrupt handler on the same core. If the data you wish to read is not a contiguous array of words then you can do something like:
1: ldrex %[val0], [%[ptr]] // can also be byte/halfword
... more loads here ...
strex %[retry], %[val0], [%[ptr]]
cbz %[retry], 2f
b 1b
It doesn't really matter which word (or byte/halfword) you use for the ldrex/strex since an exception will perform an implicit clrex.
The other direction, writing a variable that's read by an interrupt handler is a lot harder. I'm not 100% sure but I think the only stores that are guaranteed to appear atomic to an interrupt handler are those that are "single-copy atomic", i.e. single byte, aligned halfword, and aligned word. Anything bigger would require disabling interrupts or using some clever lock-free structure.
Atomicity is not guaranteed on LDRD according to the ARMv7m reference manual. (A3.5.1)
The only ARMv7-M explicit accesses made by the ARM processor which exhibit single-copy atomicity are:
• All byte transactions
• All halfword transactions to 16-bit aligned locations
• All word transactions to 32-bit aligned locations
LDM, LDC, LDRD, STM, STC, STRD, PUSH and POP operations are seen to be a sequence of 32-bit
transactions aligned to 32 bits. Each of these 32-bit transactions are guaranteed to exhibit single-copy
atomicity. Sub-sequences of two or more 32-bit transactions from the sequence also do not exhibit
single-copy atomicity
What you can do is use a byte to indicate to the ISR you're reading it.
flag = 1
foo = doubleword
while(flag > 1)
flag = 0
if(flag == 1)
doubleword = foo
Source (login required):
Login not required:
I was also trying to use a 64-bit (2 x 32-bit) system_tick, but on an STM32L4xx (ARM cortex M3). I found that when I tried to use just "volatile uint64_t system_tick", compiler injected assembly instruction LDRD, which may have been enough, since getting interrupted after reading the first word is supposed to cause both words to be read again.
I asked the tech at IAR software support and he responded that I should use C11 atomics;
#include "stdatomic.h"
#ifdef __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__
static_assert(__STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ != 1);
volatile atomic_uint_fast64_t system_tick;
* \brief Increment system_timer
* \retval none
void HAL_IncTick(void)
* \brief Read 64-bit system_tick
* \retval system_tick
uint64_t HAL_GetSystemTick(void)
return system_tick;
* \brief Read 32 least significant bits of system_tick
* \retval (uint64_t) system_tick
uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void)
return (uint32_t)system_tick;
But what I found was a colossal amount of code was added to make the read "atomic".
Way back in the day of 8-bit micro-controllers, the trick was to read the high byte, read the low byte, then read the high byte until the high byte was the same twice - proving that there was no rollover created by the ISR. So if you are against disabling IRQ, reading system_tick, then enabling IRQ, try this trick:
* \brief Read 64-bit system_tick
* \retval system_tick
uint64_t HAL_GetSystemTick(void)
uint64_t tick;
do {
tick = system_tick;
} while ((uint32_t)(system_tick >> 32) != (uint32_t)(tick >> 32));
return tick;
The idea is that if the most significant word does not roll over, then then whole 64-bit system_timer must be valid. If HAL_IncTick() did anything more than a simple increment, this assertion would not be possible.

How to corrupt the stack in a C program

I have to change the designated section of function_b so that it changes the stack in such a way that the program prints:
Executing function_a
Executing function_b
At this point it also prints Executed function_b in between Executing function_b and Finished!.
I have the following code and I have to fill something in, in the part where it says // ... insert code here
#include <stdio.h>
void function_b(void){
char buffer[4];
// ... insert code here
fprintf(stdout, "Executing function_b\n");
void function_a(void) {
int beacon = 0x0b1c2d3;
fprintf(stdout, "Executing function_a\n");
fprintf(stdout, "Executed function_b\n");
int main(void) {
fprintf(stdout, "Finished!\n");
return 0;
I am using Ubuntu Linux with the gcc compiler. I compile the program with the following options: -g -fno-stack-protector -fno-omit-frame-pointer. I am using an intel processor.
Here is a solution, not exactly stable across environments, but works for me on x86_64 processor on Windows/MinGW64.
It may not work for you out of the box, but still, you might want to use a similar approach.
void function_b(void) {
char buffer[4];
buffer[0] = 0xa1; // part 1
buffer[1] = 0xb2;
buffer[2] = 0xc3;
buffer[3] = 0x04;
register int * rsp asm ("rsp"); // part 2
register size_t r10 asm ("r10");
r10 = 0;
while (*rsp != 0x04c3b2a1) {rsp++; r10++;} // part 3
while (*rsp != 0x00b1c2d3) rsp++; // part 4
rsp -= r10; // part 5
rsp = (int *) ((size_t) rsp & ~0xF); // part 6
fprintf(stdout, "Executing function_b\n");
The trick is that each of function_a and function_b have only one local variable, and we can find the address of that variable just by searching around in the memory.
First, we put a signature in the buffer, let it be the 4-byte integer 0x04c3b2a1 (remember that x86_64 is little-endian).
After that, we declare two variables to represent the registers: rsp is the stack pointer, and r10 is just some unused register.
This allows to not use asm statements later in the code, while still being able to use the registers directly.
It is important that the variables don't actually take stack memory, they are references to processor registers themselves.
After that, we move the stack pointer in 4-byte increments (since the size of int is 4 bytes) until we get to the buffer. We have to remember the offset from the stack pointer to the first variable here, and we use r10 to store it.
Next, we want to know how far in the stack are the instances of function_b and function_a. A good approximation is how far are buffer and beacon, so we now search for beacon.
After that, we have to push back from beacon, the first variable of function_a, to the start of instance of the whole function_a on the stack.
That we do by subtracting the value stored in r10.
Finally, here comes a werider bit.
At least on my configuration, the stack happens to be 16-byte aligned, and while the buffer array is aligned to the left of a 16-byte block, the beacon variable is aligned to the right of such block.
Or is it something with a similar effect and different explanation?..
Anyway, so we just clear the last four bits of the stack pointer to make it 16-byte aligned again.
The 32-bit GCC doesn't align anything for me, so you might want to skip or alter this line.
When working on a solution, I found the following macro useful:
#ifdef DEBUG
#define show_sp() \
do { \
register void * rsp asm ("rsp"); \
fprintf(stdout, "stack pointer is %016X\n", rsp); \
} while (0);
#define show_sp() do{}while(0);
After this, when you insert a show_sp(); in your code and compile with -DDEBUG, it prints what is the value of stack pointer at the respective moment.
When compiling without -DDEBUG, the macro just compiles to an empty statement.
Of course, other variables and registers can be printed in a similar way.
ok, let assume that epilogue (i.e code at } line) of function_a and for function_b is the same
despite functions A and B not symmetric, we can assume this because it have the same signature (no parameters, no return value), same calling conventions and same size of local variables (4 byte - int beacon = 0x0b1c2d3 vs char buffer[4];) and with optimization - both must be dropped because unused. but we must not use additional local variables in function_b for not break this assumption. most problematic point here - what is function_A or function_B will be use nonvolatile registers (and as result save it in prologue and restore in epilogue) - but however look like here no place for this.
so my next code based on this assumption - epilogueA == epilogueB (really solution of #Gassa also based on it.
also need very clearly state that function_a and function_b must not be inline. this is very important - without this any solution impossible. so I let yourself add noinline attribute to function_a and function_b. note - not code change but attribute add, which author of this task implicitly implies but not clearly stated. don't know how in GCC mark function as noinline but in CL __declspec(noinline) for this used.
next code I write for CL compiler where exist next intrinsic function
void * _AddressOfReturnAddress();
but I think that GCC also must have the analog of this function. also I use
void* _ReturnAddress();
but however really _ReturnAddress() == *(void**)_AddressOfReturnAddress() and we can use _AddressOfReturnAddress() only. simply using _ReturnAddress() make source (but not binary - it equal) code smaller and more readable.
and next code is work for both x86 and x64. and this code work (tested) with any optimization.
despite I use 2 global variables - code is thread safe - really we can call main from multiple threads in concurrent, call it multiple time - but all will be worked correct (only of course how I say at begin if epilogueA == epilogueB)
hope comments in code enough self explained
__declspec(noinline) void function_b(void){
char buffer[4];
buffer[0] = 0;
static void *IPa, *IPb;
// save the IPa address
_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&IPa, _ReturnAddress(), 0);
if (_ReturnAddress() == IPa)
// we called from function_a
// <-- IPb
if (_ReturnAddress() == IPa)
// we called from function_a, change return address for return to IPb instead IPa
*(void**)_AddressOfReturnAddress() = IPb;
// we at stack of function_a here.
// we must be really at point IPa
// and execute fprintf(stdout, "Executed function_b\n"); + '}' (epilogueA)
// but we will execute fprintf(stdout, "Executing function_b\n"); + '}' (epilogueB)
// assume that epilogueA == epilogueB
// we called from function_b
IPb = _ReturnAddress();
fprintf(stdout, "Executing function_b\n");
// epilogueB
__declspec(noinline) void function_a(void) {
int beacon = 0x0b1c2d3;
fprintf(stdout, "Executing function_a\n");
// <-- IPa
fprintf(stdout, "Executed function_b\n");
// epilogueA
int main(void) {
fprintf(stdout, "Finished!\n");
return 0;
