AngularJS Data sharing between two controllers - angularjs

I have a issue in sharing data between 2 controllers and 2 views. I have 2 views. I created 2 separate controllers and bind with 2 different views. Now I have 2 share data between 2 controllers so I created a service. Issues is one controller get data from remote source and other controller is consuming that data. But the view that consumes data loads first, so pulled data from remote source is not exactly utilize by first one. Eg.
//My Services
as.service('songGenreService', function () {
var genreList = [];
var addGenres = function (newObj) {
genreList = newObj;
var getGenres = function () {
return genreList;
return {
addGenres: addGenres,
getGenres: getGenres
as.controller('SongListController', ['$scope', 'Song', "$stateParams", 'Category', 'Album', 'base64', 'langConversion', 'CONFIG', 'Poet', "songGenreService",
function ($scope, Song, $stateParams, Category, Album, base64, langConversion, CONFIG, Poet, songGenreService) {
$scope.getCategories = function () {
filter: {
fields: ["id", "name"],
where: {
parentId: 2
}).$promise.then(function (categories) {
$scope.categories = categories;// Here I am giving data to other source.
$scope.genreId = $scope.categories[0].id;
$scope.genreName = $scope.categories[0].name;
as.controller('SongGenreController', ['$scope', 'Song', "songGenreService",
function ($scope, Song, songGenreService) {
$scope.categories = songGenreService.getGenres();
Issue is "SongGenreController" loads first because of HTML as it loads first. I wish to populate it when data loads successfully. "songGenreService.getGenres();" doesn't run with remote source.

The way I fixed a similar issue is by using a publish subscribe mechanism.
In your service you can put a publish when genres are added like so:
var addGenres = function (newObj) {
genreList = newObj;
$rootScope.$broadcast('genresUpdated, genreList);
then in your two controllers you subscribe to the event :
$scope.$on('genresUpdated', function(event, genreList){
$scope.genres = genreList;
// and other code you want to have triggered when the genreList changes


Angular chat client - 2 views with one controller

I build chat function in my web app and i am about to create chat functionality between logged clients. Here is my screen from application to show exactly what i want to solve
Screen of my app
As you can see i got list of online users stored in scope in sidebar. Its created as partial view in my Asp.Net with .cshtml and i render content in "white box" using angular routing.
Problem is i use same controller twice and it creates new scope for each html so i got data in my sidebar, but in my content view i dont have any data. I am thinking about passing my data to rootscope, but i dont know if its good idea.
So my question is. Is there anything how i can clone my data from one controller to another or how i can solve this without changing functionality and if i can keep my views controlled with one controller.
Here is my PrivateChatController.js
(function () {
'use strict';
app.controller('PrivateChatController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'SignalRService', '$location', 'PrivateChatService', PrivateChatController]);
function PrivateChatController($rootScope, $scope, SignalRService, $location, PrivateChatService) {
//angular stuff
$scope.online_users = [];
$scope.isChatHidden = false;
$scope.openPrivateChatWindow = function (index) {
// $scope.isChatHidden = true;
angular.forEach($scope.online_users, function (value, key) {
if (index == key) {
$rootScope.currentPrivateChatUser = ({
UserName: value.UserName,
ConnectionId: value.connectionId,
$location.path("/details/" + value.UserName);
$scope.closePrivateChatWindow = function (index) {
$scope.isChatHidden = false
//signalR stuff
var chatHub = $.connection.chatHub;
$.connection.hub.logging = true; = function () { };
.done(function(){ console.log('Now connected, connection ID=' + $; })
.fail(function () { console.log('Could not Connect!'); });
function registerClientMethods(chatHub) {
//user object
chatHub.client.newOnlineUser = function (user) {
var newUser = ({
connectionId: user.ConnectionId,
UserName: user.UserName
//compare scope online users with server list of online users
chatHub.client.getOnlineUsers = function (onlineUsers) {
//loop through scope
angular.forEach($scope.online_users, function (scopeValue, scopeKey) {
//loop through received list of online users from server
angular.forEach(onlineUsers, function (serverListValue, serverListKey) {
if (!(serverListValue.ConnectionId == scopeValue.connectionId)) {
var newUser = ({
connectionId: serverListValue.ConnectionId,
UserName: serverListValue.UserName
chatHub.client.onUserDisconnected = function (id, user) {
var index = 0;
//find out index of user
angular.forEach($scope.online_users, function (value, key) {
if (value.connectionId == id) {
index = key;
$scope.online_users.splice(index, 1);
Consider using services as a layer for data sharing. It should also contain chat related logic, in my opinion controllers should be as thin as possible.
Move chatHub.client.getOnlineUsers function to the service and create getter for users.
Further read

ng-table going to first page when data changes

I'm working on a meteor app that uses angular-meteor and ng-table. The dataset of the ng-table is from a collection. You can add rows to the table dynamically via a modal form. The dataset is reactive and changes the view once there's a change in the collection. I'm watching for status changes of the item (QUEUED, PROCESSING, CREATED).
Thing is, if the table is on page 2 and the status changes (any change in the dataset), the table is redrawn and goes back to page 2. Is there a way to make it stay on the current page even with dataset changes?
Here's a sample of what I have so far:
(function () {
'use strict';
function myController($scope, $reactive, ngTableParams, ngTableEventsChannel, myService) {
this.currentPage = 1;
tableParams: () => {
return new ngTableParams({
page: this.currentPage
}, {
//this is just a simple collection call
dataset: myService.getItems().fetch()
$scope.$watch('vm.tableParams', (params) => {
//not triggered :(
ngTableEventsChannel.onDatasetChanged(() => {
console.log('data changed');$scope.currentPage);
}, $scope, tableParams);
ngTableEventsChannel.onPagesChanged(() => {
$scope.currentPage =;
}, $scope, tableParams);
angular.module('MyApp').controller('MyController', myController);
The onDatasetChanged event isn't being triggered. I was going to change the page there but I'm not sure if that's a good idea anyway.

Array populated witin 'service' but empty when referenced by any 'controller'

I have an AngularJS service which should get a JSON object and create three arrays based on differing criteria (all, searchable and has coordinates). These arrays need to be referenced by more than one controller, hence the use of a service.
When I test any of the three arrays the array within the service itself (as below), all three are correctly populated.
However, all three of my arrays are empty when referenced by any controller.
What am I missing here?
app.service('$stationsList', ['$http', function($http){
var stationsList = [],
searchableStations = [],
locatableStations = [];
$http.get('stations.json').then(function(res){ // Grab the JSON list of all stations
[] || [], function(elm){ // Map all stations...
stationsList =; // Set all stations to 'stationsList'
if(".xml") > -1) // Check to see if the station is searchable (has a full link)
searchableStations.push(elm); // It does - add the station to 'searchableStations'
if( // Check to see if the station can be checked as the closest station (has coordinates)
isFinite(parseFloat(elm.latitude)) &&
locatableStations.push(elm); // It does - add the station to 'locatableStations'
getList: function(){
return stationsList;
setList: function(value){
stationsList = value;
getSearchable: function(){
return searchableStations;
setSearchable: function(value){
searchableStations = value;
getLocatable: function(){
return locatableStations;
setLocatable: function(value){
locatableStations = value;
Example of how I'm referencing service -
app.controller('searchCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$localStorage', '$stationsList', function($scope, $http, $localStorage, $stationsList){
$scope.stationsList = $stationsList.getSearchable(); // Grab a list of all stations
$scope.selectStation = click_selectStation; // Handle clicks of a station within the 'searchCtrl' controller
$scope.localStorage = $localStorage.$default({ // Grab the local storage (so that it can be updated when the user selects a station)
recentStations: [] // Set a default value of '[]' for recentStations in case it doesn't exist
Derived from the answer posted by PankajParkar below, here is the service that will return the three arrays that I require.
However, my issue here is that every call to a method within the service triggers another async call to $http.get my JSON data. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid by using a service.
My desired outcome is one JSON call per page load, with my 3 arrays being created from that JSON call and then accessible to my controllers as and when required. If a service is not the correct answer, I am certainly open to other suggestions.
app.service('$stationsList', ['$http', function($http){
var searchableStations = [],
locatableStations = [];
* Grab all stations (for the master list)
var getAllStations = function(){
return $http.get('stations.json').then(function(res){ // Grab the JSON list of all stations
* Grab only searchable stations (those with full links)
var getSearchableStations = function(){
return $http.get('stations.json').then(function(res){ // Grab the JSON list of all stations
[] || [], function(elm){ // Map all stations...
if (".xml") > -1) // Check to see if the station is searchable
searchableStations.push(elm); // It is - add the station to 'searchableStations'
return searchableStations;
* Grab only locatable stations (those with coordinates)
var getLocatableStations = function(){
return $http.get('stations.json').then(function(res){ // Grab the JSON list of all stations
[] || [], function(elm){ // Map all stations...
isFinite(parseFloat(elm.latitude)) &&
) // Check to see if the station is locatable
locatableStations.push(elm); // It is - add the station to 'locatableStations'
return locatableStations;
getAll: getAllStations,
getSearchable: getSearchableStations,
getLocatable: getLocatableStations
Your current code is failing because you made asynchronous ajax call & accepting value as soon as it made. That's why you are getting your values as undefined.
You need to wait till your ajax gets completed, that could be implemented using returning ajax promise to controller from service. So i'd suggest you to create a new method which will do $http ajax and will return promise from that function & that will execute .then function of controller that called the getSearchableStations. Below snippet will give you an Idea what I wanted to say.
app.service('$stationsList', ['$http', function($http) {
var stationsList = [],
searchableStations = [],
locatableStations = [];
var getSearchableStations = function() {
return $http.get('stations.json').then(function(res) { // Grab the JSON list of all stations
[] || [], function(elm) { // Map all stations...
stationsList =; // Set all stations to 'stationsList'
if (".xml") > -1) // Check to see if the station is searchable (has a full link)
searchableStations.push(elm); // It does - add the station to 'searchableStations'
if ( // Check to see if the station can be checked as the closest station (has coordinates)
isFinite(parseFloat(elm.latitude)) &&
locatableStations.push(elm); // It does - add the station to 'locatableStations'
return locatableStations; //return data from here.
return {
getList: function() {
return stationsList;
setList: function(value) {
stationsList = value;
getSearchable: function() {
return searchableStations;
setSearchable: function(value) {
searchableStations = value;
getLocatable: function() {
return locatableStations;
setLocatable: function(value) {
locatableStations = value;
//added new function
getSearchableStations: getSearchableStations
Inside you controller you will call service getSearchableStations method that does return promise, You will use .then function that would get called when promise get resolved. Same has been shown below with code.
app.controller('searchCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$localStorage', '$stationsList',
function($scope, $http, $localStorage, $stationsList){
$scope.stationsList = data;
$scope.selectStation = click_selectStation; // Handle clicks of a station within the 'searchCtrl' controller
$scope.localStorage = $localStorage.$default({ // Grab the local storage (so that it can be updated when the user selects a station)
recentStations: [] // Set a default value of '[]' for recentStations in case it doesn't exist
}); // Grab a list of all stations

angularjs singleton doesn't work

In app.js I have a variable that I use in two files/controllers:
var app = angular.module('appDemo', ['MainControllers', 'MainServices'])
.constant('myConfig', {
'backend': 'http://localhost:1236'
.service('mailService', function() {
var mail = {
value: 'hello world'
var getMail = function() {
return mail;
var setMail = function(email) {
mail.value = email;
return {
getMail: getMail,
setMail: setMail
Setting the variable from controllerOne goes fine:
.controller('MemberController', function ($scope, mainService, appDemo) {
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
But when I get the setting variable from the controllerTwo than I get the default value:
.controller('EmailController', function($scope, appDemo) {
$scope.mailAddress = appDemo.getMail();
Each controller is in separate file.
what is wrong?
This may be because the service itself is being reloaded because as I can see you are setting the mail in the first controller on onbeforeunload.
Services can't persist on window reloads or page refresh. They get reloaded hence reinitialized every time you reload the page.
If you want to persist the values try putting it in localStorage or sessionStorage.

Proper place for data-saving logic in AngularJS

App design question. I have a project which has a very large number of highly customized inputs. Each input is implemented as a directive (and Angular has made this an absolute joy to develop).
The inputs save their data upon blur, so there's no form to submit. That's been working great.
Each input has an attribute called "saveable" which drives another directive which is shared by all these input types. the Saveable directive uses a $resource to post data back to the API.
My question is, should this logic be in a directive at all? I initially put it there because I thought I would need the saving logic in multiple controllers, but it turns out they're really happening in the same one. Also, I read somewhere (lost the reference) that the directive is a bad place to put API logic.
Additionally, I need to introduce unit testing for this saving logic soon, and testing controllers seems much more straightforward than testing directives.
Thanks in advance; Angular's documentation may be… iffy… but the folks in the community are mega-rad.
[edit] a non-functional, simplified look at what I'm doing:
<input ng-model="question.value" some-input-type-directive saveable ng-blur="saveModel(question)">
.directive('saveable', ['savingService', function(savingService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope) {
scope.saveModel = function(question) {
{id:, answer: question.value},
function(response, getResponseHeaders) {
// a bunch of post-processing
No, I don't think the directive should be calling $http. I would create a service (using the factory in Angular) OR (preferably) a model. When it is in a model, I prefer to use the $resource service to define my model "classes". Then, I abstract the $http/REST code into a nice, active model.
The typical answer for this is that you should use a service for this purpose. Here's some general information about this:
Here is a plunk with code modeled after your own starting example:
Example code:
var app = angular.module('savingServiceDemo', []);
app.service('savingService', function() {
return {
somethingOrOther: {
save: function(obj, callback) {
callback(obj, {});
app.directive('saveable', ['savingService', function(savingService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope) {
scope.saveModel = function(question) {
answer: question.value
function(response, getResponseHeaders) {
// a bunch of post-processing
app.controller('questionController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.question = {
question: 'What kind of AngularJS object should you create to contain data access or network communication logic?',
id: 1,
value: ''
The relevant HTML markup:
<body ng-controller="questionController">
Your answer: <input ng-model="question.value" saveable ng-blur="saveModel(question)" />
An alternative using only factory and the existing ngResource service:
However, you could also utilize factory and ngResource in a way that would let you reuse some of the common "saving logic", while still giving you the ability to provide variation for distinct types of objects / data that you wish to save or query. And, this way still results in just a single instantiation of the saver for your specific object type.
Example using MongoLab collections
I've done something like this to make it easier to use MongoLab collections.
Here's a plunk.
The gist of the idea is this snippet:
var dbUrl = "";
var apiKey = "YOUR API KEY";
var collections = [
for(var i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {
var collectionName = collections[i];
app.factory(collectionName, ['$resource', function($resource) {
var resourceConstructor = createResource($resource, dbUrl, collectionName, apiKey);
var svc = new resourceConstructor();
// modify behavior if you want to override defaults
return svc;
dbUrl and apiKey would be, of course, specific to your own MongoLab info
The array in this case is a group of distinct collections that you want individual ngResource-derived instances of
There is a createResource function defined (which you can see in the plunk and in the code below) that actually handles creating a constructor with an ngResource prototype.
If you wanted, you could modify the svc instance to vary its behavior by collection type
When you blur the input field, this will invoke the dummy consoleLog function and just write some debug info to the console for illustration purposes.
This also prints the number of times the createResource function itself was called, as a way to demonstrate that, even though there are actually two controllers, questionController and questionController2 asking for the same injections, the factories get called only 3 times in total.
Note: updateSafe is a function I like to use with MongoLab that allows you to apply a partial update, basically a PATCH. Otherwise, if you only send a few properties, the entire document will get overwritten with ONLY those properties! No good!
Full code:
<div ng-controller="questionController">
Your answer: <input ng-model="question.value" saveable ng-blur="save(question)" />
<div ng-controller="questionController2">
Your answer: <input ng-model="question.value" saveable ng-blur="save(question)" />
(function() {
var app = angular.module('savingServiceDemo', ['ngResource']);
var numberOfTimesCreateResourceGetsInvokedShouldStopAt3 = 0;
function createResource(resourceService, resourcePath, resourceName, apiKey) {
var resource = resourceService(resourcePath + '/' + resourceName + '/:id',
apiKey: apiKey
method: 'PUT'
resource.prototype.consoleLog = function (val, cb) {
console.log("The numberOfTimesCreateResourceGetsInvokedShouldStopAt3 counter is at: " + numberOfTimesCreateResourceGetsInvokedShouldStopAt3);
console.log('this =');
if (cb) {
resource.prototype.update = function (cb) {
return resource.update({
id: this._id.$oid
angular.extend({}, this, {
_id: undefined
}), cb);
resource.prototype.updateSafe = function (patch, cb) {
resource.get({id:this._id.$oid}, function(obj) {
for(var prop in patch) {
obj[prop] = patch[prop];
resource.prototype.destroy = function (cb) {
return resource.remove({
id: this._id.$oid
}, cb);
return resource;
var dbUrl = "";
var apiKey = "YOUR API KEY";
var collections = [
for(var i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {
var collectionName = collections[i];
app.factory(collectionName, ['$resource', function($resource) {
var resourceConstructor = createResource($resource, dbUrl, collectionName, apiKey);
var svc = new resourceConstructor();
// modify behavior if you want to override defaults
return svc;
app.controller('questionController', ['$scope', 'user', 'question', 'like',
function($scope, user, question, like) {
$scope.question = {
question: 'What kind of AngularJS object should you create to contain data access or network communication logic?',
id: 1,
value: ''
$ = function(obj) {
question.consoleLog(obj, function() {
console.log('And, I got called back');
app.controller('questionController2', ['$scope', 'user', 'question', 'like',
function($scope, user, question, like) {
$scope.question = {
question: 'What is the coolest JS framework of them all?',
id: 1,
value: ''
$ = function(obj) {
question.consoleLog(obj, function() {
console.log('You better have said AngularJS');
In general, things related to the UI belong in a directive, things related to the binding of input and output (either from the user or from the server) belong in a controller, and things related to the business/application logic belong in a service (of some variety). I've found this separation leads to very clean code for my part.
