Passing a URL to CakePdf - cakephp

Using CakePHP 2.6.7
When generating a PDF using wkhtmltopdf I can simply run from the command line wkhtmltopdf http://url/of/my/website some_name.pdf but I can find no way to pass a URL in this manner through CakePdf when using the Wkhtmltopdf engine. The closest I can get is using file_get_contents(http://my/website) and then manually going through the result and turning relative URLs for stylesheets/scripts into full URLs.
Is there a way to pass a URL to CakePdf? Alternatively, what would be the best way to go through a load of HTML and turn the relative links into full ones?
Partial Solution
For the moment I have managed to use the following code to manipulate the links on the page and replace them with the full urls.
$parsed_web_address = parse_url($this->request->data['ArmawareHtmlToPdf']['web_address']);
$root_web_address = $parsed_web_address['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed_web_address['host'] . '/';
$html_string = str_replace('href="/', 'href="' . $root_web_address, $html_string);
$html_string = str_replace('src="/', 'src="' . $root_web_address, $html_string);

No. As far as I'm aware you can't pass a URL through CakePdf. The entire purpose of the plugin is to convert html generated from your Cakephp app to wkhtmltopdf. So it wouldn't make much sense to pass a url to a external html source.
My suggestion would be to use wkhtmltopdf directly using proc_open(). Take a look at the WkHtmlToPdfEngine.php file in the CakePdf plugin for an example of using this with wkhtmltopdf.


Typo3 Transform DB bodytext to frontend html

I try to import an old typo3 v4 into v10 and I'm using external_importer extension for the job. On the flow I would like to download the internal files like PDF and relink in bodytext.
The idea would be to transform the saved content to real html and evaluate the hyperlinks if are containing relative PDF links and in case trigger the download and rebuild the link to the file.
How would I proceed in this case?
I tried the following
$parseObj = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ContentObjectRenderer::class);
$html = $parseObj->stdWrap_HTMLparser($htmlStr, []);
but the hyperlink steel remains as <link>
I had a similar problem. If the solution is the same with mine, you are halfway there. You are missing the reference. Meaning, how should TYPO3 process the text. Here is what worked for me.
TYPO3 render full t3:// links from bodytext in utility files
First, use the parseFunc and not the stdWrap_HTMLparser. Then use this reference: lib.parseFunc. At the end you should have something like that:
$parseFuncTSPath = 'lib.parseFunc';
$html = $parseObj->parseFunc($htmlStr, [], '< ' . $parseFuncTSPath);
And since you are using TYPO3 10, i would recommend to use DI (Dependency Injection). You can basically copy paste the code from the linked SO answer i pasted.
Best regards

Writing custom php script in joomla

I am good in php and javascript. I need a guidance where to place my custom php script if i make a ajax call from joomla.
I need to fetch the file names from a specific folder. I could make an ajax that will communicate with my php code and in return, my php code will give me the files of the specific folder.
Where is that php script to be place and how it should be routed.
For example
Hope i was clear.
If I understood correctly your question my answer would be that you can place your fetchfiles.php wherever you want providing that you put right path to the file in your $.ajax call.
Then in the fetches.php you should call Joomla framework before you start your code, something like this:
// no direct access
define( '_JEXEC', 1 );
// get joomla root
$jpath_root = $_POST['jpath_root'];
//load Joomla
define( 'JPATH_BASE', $jpath_root );
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .'/includes/defines.php' );
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .'/includes/framework.php' );
jimport( 'joomla.application.application' );
jimport( 'joomla.filter.filteroutput' );
$japp = JFactory::getApplication('site');
/* now you are good to go with your code */
Just a few words about
// get joomla root
$jpath_root = $_POST['jpath_root'];
My experience is that it is the best if you pass JPATH_ROOT variable via $.ajax( one way would be to have hidden input with value set to 'JPATH_ROOT' in your joomla file from where you call ajax and then in your ajax.js just pick that value up and pass to the ajax.php or fetches.php in your case)
You can define JPATH_BASE another way too, eg
define( 'JPATH_BASE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
define( 'JPATH_BASE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../..' ));
depending on your actual files structure but be aware that this way you practically redefined original JPATH_BASE constant and that it may cause conflicts in case you call, later within your code, some third party component functions/classes which may depend on original Joomla defined constants ...
I've learned it hard way with ZOO Component and my ajax calls ... :)
Hope this makes some sense.
Based on where you want to show the results you can create a component or a module (you can also easily include the module in an article to print the result in component position).
In the case of module:
Obviously your ajax call will be in tmpl/default.php and your php script in the module folder, simply you have to include it in the file list in mod_helloworld.xml. Then zip your folder and install it using Module Manager.
In case of problem with your jquery code, you have to use the noConflict() mode.

cakephp Managing Plugin Views how to determine paths

I have a plugin installed that has its own layout overrides for different controllers. However I'm having trouble understanding the mechanism for modifying the paths.
In the plug-in controller if I tell it to use my layout
$this->layout = 'default_dashboard';
Which is in app/Views/Layout and references an image in app/webroot/default_images.
All the relative links work fine to default_images when I do this, but would like to use some of the Plugin template overides for other actions.
However if I modify the default.cpt file to include some of the images, like say a logo that is used in default_dashboard.ctp. It is unable to map to the same image location.
For example in default.ctp:
echo $this->Html->image('default_images/logo.png',array('alt' =>
produces a path to /img/default_images/logo.png. The Plugin is configured to use the /img location, whereas I want to direct to /default_images in this case. I could make this ../default_images/logo.png, but this isn't very clean.
In addition I have js and css which is having a similar problem. Can someone please explain the mechanism for using a site-wide default.ctp so that it works with inherited plugin templates?
From hard coding the links into the template not using the Html Helper, I see that the browser's relative path is confused because of the routing. For example the first one works with the root specified, the second doesn't.
<img src="/default_images/logo.png" alt="works" width='284' height='82'>
<img src="default_images/logo.png" alt="lost" width='284' height='82'>
What's the best way to make sure that the Plugin layouts and non-plugin layouts can all find the correct path to /default_images ?
Following are the steps that you can follow to resolve relative path problem:
Create a file abc_constants.php in app\Config folder.
Include the file in app\Config\bootstrap.php
abc_constants.php should contain:
define('HTTP_HOST', "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/');
define('SITE_URL', HTTP_HOST.'your_app_name/');
define('IMAGE_HTTP_PATH', SITE_URL.'app/webroot/default_images/');
Use these constants in your view file accordingly.
<?php echo $this->Html->image(IMAGE_HTTP_PATH.'logo.png',array('alt' => 'Logo','width'=>'284','height'=>'82'));
It looks a bit lengthy process at first time, but once implemented, you can use these constants in Ajax calls in view files, controller's code etc.

Embed a Cakephp form into Wordpress

I have a Wordpress blog and I'm developing a backend application using Cakephp.
I want to develop the blog's contact form using cake (since the entered information will be available from the backend app).
Right now, I tried including the cake view into wp using ajax. The problem with this approach is that I either use a Js->submit, which makes attaching files to the form quite complicated, or I use a Form->submit, which makes displaying validation errors problematic. Also, it creates problems with the recaptcha plugin not showing up.
Is there a way of integrating the form using php? I don't need authentication (it is a public form), but I need to be able to show validation errors on the form and upload files on the form.
Actually, you can load any website into a string using CURL, if you load en empty page with a placeholder from your wordpress, you can then use it as your layout
$url = "";
$curl = curl_init($url);
$output = curl_exec($curl);
$placeholder = "{{CONTENT}}"
$placeholderPos = strpos($output,$placeholder);
$beginning = substr($output,0,$placeholderPos);
$end = substr($output,$placeholderPos+strlen($placeholder));
echo $beginning;
////// your form //////
echo $end;
You may have to deal with relative path after that, but this should get you started.
So, I finally found a way I think is the best since it uses cake classes.
I created a file new_file.php on webroot that is basically a copy of index.php but instead of using a generic request it requests the specific page I'm looking for:
$Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$Dispatcher->dispatch(new CakeRequest('CONTROLLER/ACTION'), new CakeResponse(array('charset' => Configure::read('App.encoding'))));
Of course, you'll have to change 'CONTROLLER/ACTION' to whatever your controller is.
After that, you only have to include the file in a WordPress plugin.
There is only one more change. There are some methods that conflict with WP declarations. PHP will complain when you include the above file. You have to find those method and wrap them into an if to make sure the method is not redeclared. This can break some functionality like localization (function __()) but it is ok if what you are including is not a very complex cake application.
if (!function_exists('methodName')) {
Hopefully the last issue will be solved once Cake 3 is out with namespaces support.

Explanation needed: How to extract link from one-click hosters(Megaupload,rapidshare etc)

I am creating a download manager for educational purpose. I intend to implement a kind of system that downloads from one-click hosters just like jdownloader or cryptload.
What are the processes/methods involved in extracting the exact download link from the host site? I know this methods may differ from each hosters.
The source code for jDownloader available for everyone so if you have Subversion you can look at it and maybe you'll find how it works.
find the value of the href attribute of the a tag that is wrapping the image caption Regular Download
you could use simple_html_dom to parse it
$html = new simple_html_dom();
$x = $html->find('a[class=down_butt1]')
$exact = $x->href;
