How to synchronize stored procedure files & codes within a team - sql-server

I have been studying on this matter for few hours and still studying on it. I'm actually getting lots of info and sources that are not relevant to what I need as I'm not too sure what to search for in google.
In my company, we use SVN to update and commit our source code and allow each developer in the team who work at the same project to get latest code from each other. This practice works fine without any issue so far.
The only problem that concerns me is how to synchronize stored procedures files in the similar method?
In the past, we face issue like forgetting to get the latest stored procedures from others and we don't even know who change what stored procedure, and deployed the files that without other people latest changes to the client. So our only workable manual method is to make sure we send our latest stored procedure physical files to everyone to update and make sure they remember to update, which is not so practical and unsafe, because people do forget sometimes.
We thought about SVN, but not really work for us because we don't stored our stored procedures in the IDE, and it's not a good concept to store in our IDE as stored procedure is not really code file.
Highly appreciate if someone could suggest some good practice to share these type of files across people who work in the same project.
Just for information, the IDE we working at is visual studio and we code in c# .Net.

My team is similar to yours. Actually we manage all stored procedures and table schema SQL files in a folder which is also saved in TFS/SVN. Every time when a developer want to change a store procedure, he should get the latest source stored procedure file and edit it in SQL Server Management Studio to edit it. Then he need to commit the stored procedure files with his code changes. It is also the same when he wants to delete or add stored procedure files.
Then after each deployment, when a developer finds there is db error blocking his ongoing works, he will find the stored procedure files in the source and run the most recently modified SQL files. The blocking issue should be solved.

We're storing all procedures as .sql files in the same folder with the sources that uses it. The procedures are installed automatically to correct database with each build and a version / build number if added to the end of the procedure so that different versions of the same application can be used with the same database (for testing environments).
Having your procedures in version control helps a lot when you have to track down what has been changed or who changed it and of course to get the correct versions installed at the correct time.
In addition to procedures we also store other objects like views, functions, triggers, constraints etc. into version control. You could store tables too, but for that we have a special handling because tables can't be re-created, it needs alter table clauses to be executed.
We're not using SVN, but I would assume the same basic idea would work with it too.


SQL Server Database Project to alter existing database

I have a large legacy database I'm working with and the company would like to make some modifications to it. Most of the modifications would be something like modifying a stored procedure that's used for a report. I'd like to figure out the best way to standardize and document any modifications we make.
One way I'm exploring is using a SQL Server Database Project to organize any update scripts, but I'm not really getting the results I'm looking for. I've tried both importing the entire database as well as using the .dacpac as a reference. Turns out that the original database has some validation issues that VS doesn't like, so it's not making it easy to just change what I want to change and deploy that without having to fix a lot of unrelated reference issues.
What I know will work fine is just controlling everything in some deployment scripts, where I can just run an alter command on an existing procedure and leave it at that. This will at least let me use version control for all changes I make, but it's still a pretty manual process.
Are there any other approaches anybody can recommend?

Group Stored Procedures based on Module in SQL Server 2008 [duplicate]

I have a SQL Server database that has a huge proliferation of stored procedures. Large numbers of stored procedures are not a problem in my Oracle databases because of the Oracle "package" feature.
What do programmers do to get around the lack of a "package" feature like that of Oracle?
While SQL Server has nothing to offer by way of the "cool features" of encapsulation and package state like you are used to, you can organize your stored procedures into schemas.
In enterprise manager, these procs are still all listed together which makes for a HUGE treelist if you have hundreds of procs. I too miss the organization and cool features of Oracle packages. However, all platforms have their strengths.
NOTE: Writing stored procedures in the .NET language DOES give you encapsulation and state. It still does not however separate them in the EM treeview in any special way.
Come up with a good naming convention, use it, and enforce it.
Schemas may be used to organize stored procedures and other objects. Personally, I prefer to use schemas when they organize objects by functional area, and where those funcational areas correspond to security boundaries. An example of this is found in the AdventureWorks sample databse, which has schemas like "HumanResources" and "Sales". The theory being that a given user may need access to objects in "HumanResources", but may not need access to "Sales" information.
An alternative is to use a naming convention and enforce it, as James says above. I'll add that SQL Server Management Studio has a filter button that can be used to filter the list of objects displayed. For instance, one can click on the "Stored Procedures" folder and filter on Name contains "Add".
On my current project, I have pulled a number of SQL queries out of SSIS packages and into stored procedures. In order to distinguish between these stored procedures and those that should be of general use, I have prefixed the names with "ssis". It would certainly have been more pleasant if I could have created something similar to a namespace in C# or C++, and created "SSIS.SelectUserLookupData" instead of "ssis_SelectUserLookupData". It would be even nicer if these namespaces could be nested.
If this is one of the featues of Packages in Oracle, then perhaps someone would let me know.
I've worked with both SQL Server and Oracle so have seen the good and bad of both. As the above comments have beena bit heated I'll try and keep this as neutral as possible...
So, what's an Oracle Package? Think of it like a database class
The Package has two elements: a header file and a body file. The header file is your public interface, and contains the signature (name, params and return type if applicable) of all the stored procedures or functions (in Oracle a function returns a value, a stored proc doesn't) that are directly callable. The package body must implement all the procedure signatures in the package header file.
The body element of the package contains all the stored procs and logic that actually do the work. You may have a Save procedure declared in the package header that calls an insert or update proc that exists in the body. The developer can only see the "Save" proc. It's important to keep in mind that the package body can also implement procs or functions not declared in the package header, they're just not accessible outside of the package itself.
I found packages to be really useful for a number of reasons:
You've got the concept of a public interface that can be provided to other developers
Packages can mirror your compiled classes. My Orders.Save() C# method will call my Oracle Orders.SaveLineItem method to save each line item and an Oracle SaveOrder method to save the order summary details.
My procs are grouped together in a nice, logical way inside the packages
Personally, I would be love MS to implement some kind of package functionality as I think it makes for a cleaner database.
One additional feature of packages that was not mentioned is the ability to 'wrap' the body. The header is always public and can be viewed by anyone with permissions to execute the package. But that also allows them to view the code in the body. You can wrap the body, encrypting it, and prevent anyone from seeing what the code is actually doing. Its a nice feature where security is a big issue.
3) The best argument against oracle packages is that based on experience and research on the Ask Tom site, one can't update a package without taking it off line. This is unacceptable. With SQL Server, we can update stored procedures on the fly, without interrupting production operation.
I understand the frustration of this statement, but I would not call id "unacceptable". In a true production environment, changes should never be tested in production. Updates should be moved from a test environment to production in a scheduled and orderly manner. In a 24/7 system, then redundant production environment should handle down time while servers are updated. Not only does the package have to be taken off line, but the new package, if not compiled, will fail when placed back on line. There is a DBA element required for Oracle databases. However, I do miss the Oracle packages.
It is somewhat funny to see how emotional one can get over such a dry subject.
The fact that Oracle has a feature that SQL Server does not seems to generate all kinds of reactions towards the disputable characteristics of this feature.
For starters, the question was in the style: there is this feature in Oracle that is being missed in SQL Server and what is the recommended approach.
No need to get emotional about it.
For those who do not like the packaging feature in Oracle, -for whatever the reason-, they still can go about it the same way one can do with SQL Server.
Getting more into the detail, there could be a follow-up question in the style: when modifying a function or procedure within a package, the entire package is invalidated and this "sucks", what would be the recommended way to avoid the sucking aspect.
Personally, I have never seen anyone complaining about not being able to modify a statically linked library in an executable without having to relink it.
Like people have said, Schema's are a more logical and ANSI compliant way to organize database tables and procedures.
Software engineering best practices are that we should never make a change directly on any server. Since all database sprocs are scripted and under configuration control, we can arrange those scripts into any folder structure we want.
(outdated info sourced from AskTom has been removed)
I would thank my lucky stars that SQL Server doesn't have packages. Oracle packages suck.
Hmm, we need a way to take all these procedures and put them in one place. I know! Let's make developers create and maintain two files for each package. They will love us forever!
As long as MS never implements packages like Oracle did, it'll be a win in my book.
EDIT for commenters:
Oracle Packages are simply a way to organize your stored procedures into, well, packages so that you don't have 100 stored procedures sitting around, but maybe 5 packages. They're not stackable like packages in Java or C# code. All packages are at the same level.
A package requires two files: the headers file and the body file. This creates frustration when adding new procedures to an existing package, because you cannot add the body without adding the header, even though it contains the exact same information as is in the body.
For example, here is a snippet from the header file of one of my packages:
PROCEDURE bulk_approve_events
i_last_updated_by IN VARCHAR2,
o_event OUT NUMBER
And here's the corresponding procedure in the body:
PROCEDURE bulk_approve_events
i_last_updated_by IN VARCHAR2,
o_event OUT NUMBER
) IS
No difference. The header file is useless and is simply another hurdle for the developer to step over when developing with packages. On my project, we have a convention that all the commented documentation for each procedure goes in the header, along with the details of when it was added and by whom, but that could just as easily be included in the body.

How to keep history of SQL Server stored procedure revisions

Note: I am not asking about full version control.
Is there any way automatically to keep a history of stored procedures on SQL Server.
Similar to how Google Docs automatically keeps a history of versions of documents and Wikipedia automatically keeps a history of versions of articles.
I don't want users updating stored procedures to have also to maintain a repository of stored procedures. This is too much work and people won't do it.
Hopefully this is something I can turn on in SQL Server...
(And by stored procedures really I mean functions, triggers, etc. Basically everything under Programmability.)
You could run RedGate SQL Compare every hour to write all definitions to a disk. If the same job commits that directory to source control, you get an hourly history of the database.
You can also use RedGate SQL Source Control, but that requires everyone to commit manually.
It looks like this might help: SQL Server stored procedure restores to previous one
But surely this is built in or can be implemented via some plugin that already exists...

Since SQL Server doesn't have packages, what do programmers do to get around it?

I have a SQL Server database that has a huge proliferation of stored procedures. Large numbers of stored procedures are not a problem in my Oracle databases because of the Oracle "package" feature.
What do programmers do to get around the lack of a "package" feature like that of Oracle?
While SQL Server has nothing to offer by way of the "cool features" of encapsulation and package state like you are used to, you can organize your stored procedures into schemas.
In enterprise manager, these procs are still all listed together which makes for a HUGE treelist if you have hundreds of procs. I too miss the organization and cool features of Oracle packages. However, all platforms have their strengths.
NOTE: Writing stored procedures in the .NET language DOES give you encapsulation and state. It still does not however separate them in the EM treeview in any special way.
Come up with a good naming convention, use it, and enforce it.
Schemas may be used to organize stored procedures and other objects. Personally, I prefer to use schemas when they organize objects by functional area, and where those funcational areas correspond to security boundaries. An example of this is found in the AdventureWorks sample databse, which has schemas like "HumanResources" and "Sales". The theory being that a given user may need access to objects in "HumanResources", but may not need access to "Sales" information.
An alternative is to use a naming convention and enforce it, as James says above. I'll add that SQL Server Management Studio has a filter button that can be used to filter the list of objects displayed. For instance, one can click on the "Stored Procedures" folder and filter on Name contains "Add".
On my current project, I have pulled a number of SQL queries out of SSIS packages and into stored procedures. In order to distinguish between these stored procedures and those that should be of general use, I have prefixed the names with "ssis". It would certainly have been more pleasant if I could have created something similar to a namespace in C# or C++, and created "SSIS.SelectUserLookupData" instead of "ssis_SelectUserLookupData". It would be even nicer if these namespaces could be nested.
If this is one of the featues of Packages in Oracle, then perhaps someone would let me know.
I've worked with both SQL Server and Oracle so have seen the good and bad of both. As the above comments have beena bit heated I'll try and keep this as neutral as possible...
So, what's an Oracle Package? Think of it like a database class
The Package has two elements: a header file and a body file. The header file is your public interface, and contains the signature (name, params and return type if applicable) of all the stored procedures or functions (in Oracle a function returns a value, a stored proc doesn't) that are directly callable. The package body must implement all the procedure signatures in the package header file.
The body element of the package contains all the stored procs and logic that actually do the work. You may have a Save procedure declared in the package header that calls an insert or update proc that exists in the body. The developer can only see the "Save" proc. It's important to keep in mind that the package body can also implement procs or functions not declared in the package header, they're just not accessible outside of the package itself.
I found packages to be really useful for a number of reasons:
You've got the concept of a public interface that can be provided to other developers
Packages can mirror your compiled classes. My Orders.Save() C# method will call my Oracle Orders.SaveLineItem method to save each line item and an Oracle SaveOrder method to save the order summary details.
My procs are grouped together in a nice, logical way inside the packages
Personally, I would be love MS to implement some kind of package functionality as I think it makes for a cleaner database.
One additional feature of packages that was not mentioned is the ability to 'wrap' the body. The header is always public and can be viewed by anyone with permissions to execute the package. But that also allows them to view the code in the body. You can wrap the body, encrypting it, and prevent anyone from seeing what the code is actually doing. Its a nice feature where security is a big issue.
3) The best argument against oracle packages is that based on experience and research on the Ask Tom site, one can't update a package without taking it off line. This is unacceptable. With SQL Server, we can update stored procedures on the fly, without interrupting production operation.
I understand the frustration of this statement, but I would not call id "unacceptable". In a true production environment, changes should never be tested in production. Updates should be moved from a test environment to production in a scheduled and orderly manner. In a 24/7 system, then redundant production environment should handle down time while servers are updated. Not only does the package have to be taken off line, but the new package, if not compiled, will fail when placed back on line. There is a DBA element required for Oracle databases. However, I do miss the Oracle packages.
It is somewhat funny to see how emotional one can get over such a dry subject.
The fact that Oracle has a feature that SQL Server does not seems to generate all kinds of reactions towards the disputable characteristics of this feature.
For starters, the question was in the style: there is this feature in Oracle that is being missed in SQL Server and what is the recommended approach.
No need to get emotional about it.
For those who do not like the packaging feature in Oracle, -for whatever the reason-, they still can go about it the same way one can do with SQL Server.
Getting more into the detail, there could be a follow-up question in the style: when modifying a function or procedure within a package, the entire package is invalidated and this "sucks", what would be the recommended way to avoid the sucking aspect.
Personally, I have never seen anyone complaining about not being able to modify a statically linked library in an executable without having to relink it.
Like people have said, Schema's are a more logical and ANSI compliant way to organize database tables and procedures.
Software engineering best practices are that we should never make a change directly on any server. Since all database sprocs are scripted and under configuration control, we can arrange those scripts into any folder structure we want.
(outdated info sourced from AskTom has been removed)
I would thank my lucky stars that SQL Server doesn't have packages. Oracle packages suck.
Hmm, we need a way to take all these procedures and put them in one place. I know! Let's make developers create and maintain two files for each package. They will love us forever!
As long as MS never implements packages like Oracle did, it'll be a win in my book.
EDIT for commenters:
Oracle Packages are simply a way to organize your stored procedures into, well, packages so that you don't have 100 stored procedures sitting around, but maybe 5 packages. They're not stackable like packages in Java or C# code. All packages are at the same level.
A package requires two files: the headers file and the body file. This creates frustration when adding new procedures to an existing package, because you cannot add the body without adding the header, even though it contains the exact same information as is in the body.
For example, here is a snippet from the header file of one of my packages:
PROCEDURE bulk_approve_events
i_last_updated_by IN VARCHAR2,
o_event OUT NUMBER
And here's the corresponding procedure in the body:
PROCEDURE bulk_approve_events
i_last_updated_by IN VARCHAR2,
o_event OUT NUMBER
) IS
No difference. The header file is useless and is simply another hurdle for the developer to step over when developing with packages. On my project, we have a convention that all the commented documentation for each procedure goes in the header, along with the details of when it was added and by whom, but that could just as easily be included in the body.

Need good scheme/workflow for managing database objects using Subversion

How do you track/manage your stored procedures, views, and functions in SQL Server?
I'd like to use Subversion, but it looks like I would have to just save & commit the CREATE/ALTER statements. That might work okay for me, but I suspect I'd end up doing a lot of nagging.
Is anyone using versioning with their databases? Is there a better way?
In the past, people have just commented out parts of the code and left it in. Or, they add little "added on 2/31/2010" comments all over. It drives me nuts, because I know there is a better way.
We do log changes in the object's header, but that's pretty limited. It would make my life easier to be able to diff versions.
Additional Info
We are using SQL Server 2005. I have Subversion (via VisualSVN Server) and TortoiseSVN installed, but I'm open to other suggestions.
By database objects, I specifically mean stored procedures, views, and functions.
There are only a few tables I would need to track. The database is the backend for a commercial application, and we mostly pull information out for reporting
I found a related question about stored procedure versioning
We script everything and put it into Subversion. Nothing can be loaded to Prod without a script (developers do not have rights to prod) and the people with rights on prod only accept scripts they loaded from Subversion.
We revision our database, schema creation, dw, etl, stored procedures just like any other piece of code, because it's code!
I have also seen people type dates in headers, etc. This is normally due to them completely missing the point of revision control.
Have a look at liquibase, here
It manages your sql changes/scripts for you, and can apply them in conjunction with svn via hooks or scripts. Makes doing all sorts of setup easy, and helps eliminate the case of the missing trigger/sproc/etc...
I'm not sure what you all mean with "database objects". Are these only the tables, views, procedures etc or also data? I mean daily created data?
Assumed you mean the database schema definition. By my experience there is only one way to handle database schema definitions (if you don't have NHibernate or some similar tool). You write sql scripts that create your database from scratch and check them in. You use the same scripts for installation of your software. You see the differences by just comparing the scripts files.
Whenever I've gone through this excercise, it's come down to 3 main things that need to be source-controlled:
Stored Procedures / Views / Triggers (more or less anything that can be fairly expressed as "code". These are fairly simple, include a conditional drop and create at the top of the file.
Table Schema - DROP / CREATE statements as above. You can try to get fancy with ALTER statements, but it tends to get really messy.
The biggest challenge we faced was this forces you into a system where your DB goes back to an initial state often - if there's a fair amount of work involved in bringing DBs to something usable / testable, it can be a pain. In that case we kept a library of scripts that brought a DB to various usable states, and source controlled those as well.
Data within tables. We looked at a couple of approaches here - either a series of INSERT statements stored in a file like "TableName_Data.sql" or a CSV file with custom build tooling that parsed and inserted when the DB was rebuilt.
Ultimately we went with the INSERT statements for simplicity's sake.
