How to use Angular New Router without a Controller - angularjs

I thought the new direction that Angular was going in was Controller free views. How come the New Router (seemingly) asks for a Controller? Is it possible to route without one?

Yes it is possible. In 1.5 You can use component() or 1.3+ directive().
Here is the latest example working with angular 1.5, components() and child routes:
angular.module('app', ['ngComponentRouter', 'dialog', 'heroes', 'crisis-center'])
.config(function($locationProvider) {
.run(function($router) {
{ path: '/...', name: 'App', component: 'app', useAsDefault: true }
.component('app', {
'<nav>\n' +
' <a ng-link="[\'CrisisCenter\']">Crisis Center</a>\n' +
' <a ng-link="[\'Heroes\']">Heroes</a>\n' +
'</nav>\n' +
$routeConfig: [
{path: '/crisis-center/...', name: 'CrisisCenter', component: 'crisisCenter', useAsDefault: true},
{path: '/heroes/...', name: 'Heroes', component: 'heroes'},
{path: '/disaster', name: 'Asteroid', redirectTo: ['CrisisCenter', 'CrisisDetail', {id:3}]}


Can I use nested components linked with same app module? Is it good practise? Using component Router

Here is component structure of my application. Any advice will be valuable. Root component is app.
Which has two components as child : login & home.
home has two child components : dummy-component & dummy-component1.
Is it good practice? Will I face any issue if I switch component router to ui-router. I am also planning to switch from angular 1.6.0 to 2.0
App.component('app', {
templateUrl: 'core/app',
$routeConfig: [{
path: '/core/teamnest/login-component/',
name: 'LoginComponent',
component: 'loginComponent',
useAsDefault: true
path: '/core/teamnest/home-component/...',
name: 'HomeComponent',
component: 'homeComponent'
controller: appController
App.component('homeComponent', {
templateUrl: 'core/dashboard',
$routeConfig: [{
path: '/dummy-component',
name: 'DummyComponent',
component: 'dummyComponent',
useAsDefault: true
path: '/dummy-component1',
name: 'DummyComponent1',
component: 'dummyComponent1'
bindings: {
$router: '<'
controller: homeController
App.component('dummyComponent', {
templateUrl: 'core/dummy',
controller: dummyController
App.component('dummyComponent1', {
templateUrl: 'core/diff'

Angular Router nested named outlets

I'm using Angular (v2.4.5). Is it possible to have nested named outlets?
Here is my situation:
<router-outlet name="test"></router-outlet>
<router-outlet name="test"></router-outlet>
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
redirectTo: '/dashboard',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: 'login',
component: LoginComponent
path: 'dashboard',
component: DashboardComponent,
canActivate: [AuthGuard],
children: [
path: '',
redirectTo: 'inbox',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: 'inbox',
component: InboxContentComponent
path: 'test',
component: TestComponent,
outlet: 'test'
path: 'test',
component: TestComponent,
outlet: 'test'
If I go to this url: http://localhost/login(test:test) the TestComponent is loaded in the app.component.html outlet.
If I go to this url: http://localhost/dashboard/inbox(test:test) the TestComponent is loaded in the app.component.html outlet and not in dashboard.component.html
I want to be able to target test outlet from dashboard. Is it possible?

Component Router (AngularJS 1.5) useAsDefault config

I am new to Component Router. I am using it in angular 1.5 and I would like to define a default component in the case a user try to access a route not defined in the config :
I have an app component with this config :
$routeConfig: [
{ path: '/...', name: 'Layout', component: 'layout', useAsDefault: true }
and a layout component with this config
$routeConfig: [
{path: '/', name: 'Home', component: 'home', useAsDefault: true},
{path: '/user', name: 'User', component: 'user' }
I can access to the urls localhost:8080/#/ and localhost:8080/#/user but
when I try to access localhost:8080/#/test it doesn't redirect me to the home component although the useAsDefault is set to true (I obtain a blank page...).
Has anyone faced this problem ?

Angular2 Nested Routing parent to child ES5 not working

Current working on angular2 beta version 6, in this nested routing like parent to child using (EX: /plan/...) future is not working on es5 JavaScript development, but in type script development it's working perfectly
Throwing error: EXCEPTION: Link "["Plan"]" does not resolve to a terminal instruction.
App.js code
var Tabs = [],viewId;
app.AppComponent =
selector: 'app',
template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>',
directives: [ng.router.ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
providers: [ng.http.HTTP_PROVIDERS]
constructor: [ng.router.Router, function(router) {
{ path: '/', redirectTo: ['Home'] },
{ path: '/home', component: app.HomeComponent, name: 'Home' },
{ path: '/plan/...', component: app.planComponent, name: 'Plan' }
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
ng.platform.browser.bootstrap( app.AppComponent,[ng.router.ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
Plan.js code
app.planComponent =
selector: 'plan-view',
templateUrl: './assets/src/plan/view/plan.html',
directives: [ ng.router.RouterLink, ng.router.ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
constructor:[ng.router.Router, function(router){
{ path: '/', redirectTo: ['PlanInfo'] },
{ path: '/planInfo', component: app.planInfoComponent, name: 'PlanInfo', useAsDefault: true }/*,
{ path: '/coverage', component: app.CoverageComponent, name: 'Coverage' },
{ path: '/nonelective', component: app.nonElectiveComponent, name: 'NonElective' },
{ path: '/loans', component: app.loansComponent, name: 'Loans' },
{ path: '/enrollment', component: app.enrollmentComponent, name: 'Enrollment' }*/
I think that you should use the ng.router.RouteConfig decorator instead of the router itself. Like this, you will have the same configuration as with TypeScript.
Here is the way to do:
{ path: '/', redirectTo: ['Home'] },
{ path: '/home', component: app.HomeComponent, name: 'Home' },
{ path: '/plan/...', component: app.planComponent, name: 'Plan' }
{ path: '/', redirectTo: ['PlanInfo'] },
{ path: '/planInfo', component: app.planInfoComponent, name: 'PlanInfo', useAsDefault: true }/*,
{ path: '/coverage', component: app.CoverageComponent, name: 'Coverage' },
{ path: '/nonelective', component: app.nonElectiveComponent, name: 'NonElective' },
{ path: '/loans', component: app.loansComponent, name: 'Loans' },
{ path: '/enrollment', component: app.enrollmentComponent, name: 'Enrollment' }*/
As a reference, you could have a look at this plunkr:

AngularJS New Router - Multiple Viewports route parameter is not working

My SPA uses the new angular router. Everything is working well, but now I would like to pass a parameter to one of the components. There are multiple viewports in every routing, and in this case I can't grab the parameter passed to the router.
The routing
AppController.$routeConfig = [
path: '/',
redirectTo: '/home'
path: '/home',
components: {
'main': 'home',
'footer': 'footer'
as: 'home'
path: '/request',
components: {
'main': 'request',
'footer': 'footer'
as: 'request'
path: '/request/:id',
components: {
'main': 'request',
'footer': 'footer'
as: 'requestid'
path: '/allItems',
components: {
'main': 'allItems',
'footer': 'footer'
}, as: 'allItems'
The calling of the route
<a class="btn btn-warning" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" ng-link="requestid({id: 1})">
the result url seems legit
The controller cannot get the $
.controller('requestController', ['$routeParams', '$scope', function ($routeParams, $scope) {
$ = $;
What I've missed? Thanks in advance.
