I'm having a bit of trouble here.
I have an AngularJS application that connects to an API and allows users to login, register, etc. The user receives a token that is then stored to $localStorage (via ngstorage).
$localStorage[JWT] = data.token;
When a user visits my application with a token stored, I want to present him with a loading page (regardless of which page he is trying to view) until I verify his token is correct, and then load views/controllers as usual.
I've looked into different ways of doing this, but I couldn't figure out any. Any pointers are appreciated!
You can use the default ngRoute module for the simple cases such as this.
First you configure the route with a default resolve properties. Here we are saying that the resolve should contain a list of movies.
templateUrl: 'post.html',
controller: 'PostCtrl',
resolve: {
movieList: function($movies) {
return $movies.get();
Secondly, we are interested into hooking into critical events of the angular system. Hence for this small example app we want to disable the button used to trigger the page change, as well as show the text loading... when the page change process starts...
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $location) {
$scope.go = function() {
$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(evt){
$scope.showLoading = true;
$scope.showLoading = false;
<p ng-if="showLoading" style="color:red">Loading...</p>
Entire code here
More info about ngRoute
Currently I'm loading my firebase data right in my controller like this:
app.controller("MyCtrl", function ($scope, $firebaseObject) {
$scope.users = {};
var myDB = new Firebase('https://mydb.firebaseio.com/');
$firebaseObject(myDB.child("users")).$bindTo($scope, "user");
This way after the page is loaded, there is a delay during which the data is retrieved from firebase, therefore at first the page appears to be empty until the data arrives. This is unconvinient.
In order to prevent this flashy behavior I wanted to resolve the required data in my $routeProvider but wasn't able to get a promise.
How to properly get rid of the content flashing?
Is there a way to get a promise so one can resolve the $firebaseObject before the view is shown?
Please do not offer quick-and-dirty-solutions containing ng-cloak, ng-hide, ng-show etc.
You can use the $loaded() promise in your resolve function.
app.config(["$routeProvider", function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when("/home", {
// the rest is the same for ui-router and ngRoute...
controller: "HomeCtrl",
templateUrl: "views/home.html",
resolve: {
"myObject": ["$firebaseObject", function($firebaseObject) {
var ref = new Firebase("...");
return $firebaseObject(ref).$loaded();
Check out the AngularFire docs on routing in authentication for better guidance on handling routes with promises in general.
I just took an app I'm working on and converted it to a Plunk but Angular and/or ui-router is not populating the two views I have in index.html. On my local box the app loads fine but there I have the app modularize. So when I converted it to a Plunk I had to rewire the files together since I can't make modules in Plunker AFAIK. Also, when I load the Plunk in a separate window and open Dev Tools I get no errors so I'm at a loss right now.
Here is link to the Plunk code I made:
And here is the link to the embedded view (more convenient if you want to use Dev Tools):
I should mention that the route has to end in /posts since that it the url of the state named posts. I have no state defined for the root / url. Also the following url failed:
Thanks in advance.
I've made few changes. Here is a working plunker
Firstly I upgraded your version to UI-Router 0.2.13 (fixes some issues, simply always use the latest)
The /post is now default
I changed your controller, to not use router params,
// wrong old
app.controller('ProfileCtrl', function ($scope, $routeParams, Profile) {
var uid = $routeParams.userId;
$scope.profile = Profile.get(uid);
Profile.getPosts(uid).then(function(posts) {
$scope.posts = posts;
// the way with UI-Router
app.controller('ProfileCtrl', function ($scope, $stateParams, Profile) {
var uid = $stateParams.userId;
$scope.profile = Profile.get(uid);
JUST to know what is post holding
Also, the passed userId into state contains values like: "simplelogin:82", to observe taht, I added overview of processed post, which is showing info like this:
"creator": "3lf",
"creatorUID": "simplelogin:82", // this is passed as userId, is it ok?
"title": "a",
"url": "http://a",
"$id": "-JazOHpnlqdNzxxJG-4r",
"$priority": null
Also, this is a fixed way how to call state posts.postview
<!-- wrong -->
<!-- <a ui-sref="posts({postId:post.$id})">comments</a> -->
<!-- correct -->
<a ui-sref="posts.postview({postId:post.$id})">comments</a>
And alos, if the postview should be injected into main area, this should be its defintion
var postView = {
name: 'posts.postview',
parent: posts,
url: '/:postId',
views: {
'navbar#': {
templateUrl: 'nav.tpl.html',
controller: 'NavCtrl'
//'#posts.postview': {
'#': {
templateUrl: 'postview.tpl.html',
controller: 'PostViewCtrl'
Check it all here
SUMMARY: Working navigation is among posts - users... the "comments" link is also working, but the target is just loaded ... with many other errors... out of scope here
I'm in the process of learning AngularJS, working on a more in-depth ToDo app. I'm having an issue with trying to limit access to a url or "route" using angular.
When you hit my dev url on my machine (todo.ang) it brings you to todo.ang/#/home, on this view you see the categories which have todos associated to each. EG (category = cat, cat has a todo of "feed", and "play"), when you click a category I'm calling the $scope.goToCategory function (seen in my JS fiddle) which sets a variable for my firebase ref then redirects you too /#/todo. This is working correctly.
My problem is, I don't want the user to be able to access /#/todo if the todoRef variable is still undefined. But it seems like even after $scope.goToCategory is called and todoRef is set to a firebase URL, the routerprovider never gets recalled to know that todoRef has been set to a different value so it always forces you back to /#/home.
var todoRef = undefined;
if (todoRef !== undefined) {
$routeProvider.when('/todo', {
templateUrl: 'views/todo.html',
controller: 'TodoCtrl'
$scope.goToCategory = function(catId) {
test = catId;
todoRef = new Firebase("URL HERE");
I didn't include the entire file of code but if thats necessary, I can do that as well.
All routes are only being set during the config phase.
what happens in your code is that 'todo' route is ignored during the initiation of ngRoute.
What you should do is to setup the route but have a resolve like so:
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/todo', {
templateUrl: 'views/todo.html',
controller: 'TodoCtrl',
resolve: {
todoRef: ['$q', function($q) {
return todoRef ? todoRef : $q.reject('no ref');
If 'todoRef' is undefined the route is rejected.
Also you should consider moving 'todoRef' into a service and not on global scope.
You can also listen for route errors and for example redirect to home route:
app.run(['$rootScope', '$location', function($rootScope, $location) {
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeError', function() {
I am using combination of AngularJS and Adobe CQ5.
I have implemented routing to load different views. The views are loading perfectly but the URL is not appending the #/path and it shows the base path only, e.g.
rather than
Due to this, when I refresh the page it loads the route path (/) template instead of loading the same view again.
I am struggling to resolve this issue. Here's my controller code:
var demoapp=angular.module('demoApp',['ngRoute','ngSanitize']);
demoapp.config(function($routeProvider,$locationProvider) {
// use the HTML5 History API
.when('/', {
templateUrl: '/content/index.html?wcmmode=disabled',
controller: 'myfirstcontroller'
.when('/checkstatus', {
templateUrl: '/content/housetemplate.html?wcmmode=disabled',
controller: 'houseController'
redirectTo: '/'
demoapp.controller('houseController', function($scope, $routeParams,$http)
demoapp.controller('myfirstcontroller', function($scope,$http,$rootScope,$location,$compile)
//On Form Submit
$scope.continueForm = function(isValid){
if (isValid)
This is not an issue with CQ5. When you open a page from Siteadmin, by default your page is loaded within contentfinder (/cf#).
Now, contentfinder already has your page URL as the hashvalue. Hence you find that the URL doesn't get updated even though your angular views work correctly.
Try accessing the same page without contentfinder. i.e.,
instead of
You should find things working as expected.
I use angularjs with ui-router library. Lets say I have some routes for admin and some routes for user. If admin or user is logged in I want to show some page for them (admin.html for admin and user.html for user, for example), otherwise login.html
On the backend I have a special url, like /auth/status/, which gives me information about the user (if he's logged and which role he has)
There are some situations I can't figure out how to handle:
I go to '/' url. The application loads. I have a run method for my app module. But how can I check if the user is logged in, when it happens asynchronously? Well, I have this and it works somehow, but I'm not sure if this is a good solution:
app.config(['$stateProvider', '$routeProvider',
function($stateProvider, $routeProvider) {
.state('admin', {
abstract: true,
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'templates/admin.html'
.state('admin.desktop', {
url: 'desktop',
templateUrl: 'templates/desktop.html'
function($http, $rootScope, $location, $state, userRoles) {
var DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE = 'admin.desktop';
var promise = $http.get('/auth/status/');
promise.then(function(response) {
$rootScope.isLogged = response.data.logged;
$rootScope.userRole = userRoles[response.data.role];
if (!$rootScope.isLogged) {
} else {
switch (response.data.role) {
case 'admin': $state.transitionTo(DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE); break;
}, function(response) {
Though I don't understand: if I go to / url I should get an error because it's abstract. Instead when $http.get request is resolved (I put 2 seconds sleep in backend to check that) I transition to admin.desktop state. I'm confused what happens in which order: state loads template or app.run function with some ajax requests...
The main question is, when I go to /#/desktop how can I first check if user is logged (send a request to /admin/auth/ and check what it returns) and only then decide what to do (transition to login or desktop state)?
I found Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker this, but again still a little fuzzy for me. Resolve property seems like a solution when I want to load a list of entities and then show the template. But I want to have some "before" function for ALL states which just checks if user is logged and has a correspond role (one moment: I do not want to use /admin/entites or /user/entities urls, want to have just /entitites. As I get it several states may have the same url). So basically it looks like if I go to /someurl I want to run method wait until it gets ajax response and after that transition to some state. Instead the state corresponding to /someurl load a template...
Also I found an article about authentication in angular but author uses cookies which is not async thing
Update: when I use cookies for checking if user is logged and I go to /#/desktop I still have it rendered, and $state.transitionTo doesn't work..
You should check it before page load:
I cannot write full example now, but in common you should do like this:
.run([ ..., function(....) {
$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(next, current) {
... check cookie here ...