Unix text based browser with javascript support - angularjs

I need to perform smoke-test of my AngularJS application on Unix, from terminal.
I tried accessing application from
All above-mentioned browsers show empty screen. In most of them I am able to view source using \ (backslash), so I could do basic verification if application server works properly at least.
Is there any unix text browser with javascript support? I am not looking for complete support (so application would be usable).
It would be great to have ability just to view some elements of the page

Try to install libmozjs (on debian/ubuntu aptitude install libmozjs185-dev), then (don't forget to do a sudo ldconfig first) compile from the source elinks.
wget http://elinks.or.cz/download/elinks-current-0.13.tar.bz2
tar xjvf elinks-current-0.13.tar.bz2
cd elinks-0.13*
make -j8
sudo make install
Check after ./configure if ECMAScript is flagged SpiderMonkey document scripting.
p.s. Ubuntu 14.04 here.

I guess the best way to do it would be with a headless browser such as PhantomJS http://phantomjs.org/. It has a programmable interface, so you can run a simple JS script to open your webpage, and do a simple check.
Or, you can write a more complete test using Protractor https://github.com/angular/protractor. It will give you a nice API to write tests targeting Selenium Webdriver http://www.seleniumhq.org/projects/webdriver/, that can target many browsers, including PhantomJS.
If you do a lot of AngularJS development you should take a look a Protractor anyway.


Set up kenlm for Windows

The official website makes it pretty clear that there is no support for kenlm in Windows. There is a Windows tag at the github repository but it seems to be maintained by few random contributors then and there.
How to set up kenlm for Windows then?
The new DeepSpeech PlayBook also includes instructions for setting up a Docker image and running training from within a Docker container. If you have Docker on Windows, this might be another solution.
The information for building a new Scorer is still in a PR, but may also be useful.
The solution is to use Ubuntu in Windows through Windows Subsystem for Linux
Get WSL for Windows
From your ubuntu bash navigate to the folder where you want to do the setup. You can access the Windows file system from the /mnt/c/ folder, which you can find at the root directory.
From there simply follow the official instructions, that is clone the git repo, and run cmake .. & make -j2 in order to build the project (after first making the necessary installations in your Ubuntu system).
Obviously, you must train the models or scorers using the Linux bash. You can also use these models from Windows using the kenlm python library.
The two steps to build a scorer for the deepspeech-model as described here should be executed from your Ubuntu system. But after you have the scorer you should be able to run the command
deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer kenlm.scorer --audio audio.wav
from Windows. However, once you have WSL there's no need to do this work from Windows. Things will work nicely #your Ubuntu system.
I've faced the same problem and solved it by building kenlm wheel from Cygwin terminal as home page advices (pip wheel pypi-kenlm).
I've also uploaded wheel to pypi called kenlm-cygwin, but it's only python3.7.

VOLTTRON install on rasbian buster

Can I get a tip for installing on rasp buster? Im hung up on the install directions to check the status of the rabbitMQ server. Traceback of bash console:
(volttron) pi#raspberry:~/Desktop/volttron $ echo 'export RABBITMQ_HOME=$HOME/rabbitmq_server/rabbitmq_server-3.7.7'|sudo tee --append ~/.bashrc
export RABBITMQ_HOME=$HOME/rabbitmq_server/rabbitmq_server-3.7.7
(volttron) pi#raspberry:~/Desktop/volttron $ source ~/.bashrc
pi#raspberry:~/Desktop/volttron $ RABBITMQ_HOME/sbin/rabbitmqctl status
bash: RABBITMQ_HOME/sbin/rabbitmqctl: No such file or directory
There are a few tracebacks earlier on the installation...
If it makes a difference or not here is the entire bash console process. The git gist link I just created the name install.py even though its just bash commands copied pasted per install directions...
`pi#raspberry:~/Desktop $ git clone https://github.com/VOLTTRON/volttron --branch releases/7.x`
It looks like there are a couple of different issues going on here:
The issue you quote above (RABBITMQ_HOME/sbin/rabbitmqctl: No such file or directory) is that your shell isn't finding the rabbitmqctl command. It looks like you added the RABBITMQ_HOME environment variable to your .bashrc, but used the string RABBITMQ_HOME instead of the variable expansion $RABBITMQ_HOME when you tried to run the command. Try running it as $RABBITMQ_HOME/sbin/rabbitmqctl status instead.
The rabbitmqctl status command will check the status of the rabbitmq application, but I don't think you've done anything to start it yet (that happens when you bootstrap the platform and/or start the platform configured to use the RMQ broker)
I think that the traces earlier in the installation process are problematic (appears to be the same error hit two different ways), but you just haven't run into them yet. I haven't seen any issues building gevent on the RPi 4 with buster (though it is pretty slow), but the ctypes error makes me wonder if there's an issue with the underlying c library it is trying to build on top of. I did notice that you're getting amd64 erlang packages, are you running Raspbian on an x86 processor? (if so this isn't a permutation we've tried and you may be hitting some package compatibility edge case we haven't seen)
One thing to try is to manually install cython into your virtualenvironment and then try running the bootstrap script again with the virtualenvironment activated. You could also try and pip install gevent==20.6.1 directly in that virtualenvironment (this is what the bootstrap script was doing at the failure point). VOLTTRON depends on gevent, so if that isn't installing the platform won't be able to run.

Not able to install the GUI package(odl-dlux-all) related to OpenDaylight Carbon version

I am not able to install the package odl-dlux-all on the Ubuntu 16.04 machine. Following is the error message
Error executing command: Can't install feature odl-dlux-all/0.0.0:
VM : Ubuntu 16.04
Opendaylight version : Carbon
What is the issue?
Should i install gnome-desktop for this?
This is what I have found. It looks like you and I were in the same boat. I ran into this issue, also. After additional searching, I found that ODL's website has a guide for the DLUX features.
These are the features I installed and it got me where I needed:
Be sure you enter them as separate commands using the feature:install command prior to each of them.
I found the guide on ODL's website HERE.
I hope this helps!! :)
The way OpenDaylight's DLUX features are structured was changed in Carbon. Application-specific logic was broken out into odl-dluxapps-* Karaf features for easier maintenance.
Install and start OpenDaylight:
sudo dnf install -y http://cbs.centos.org/repos/nfv7-opendaylight-70-release/x86_64/os/Packages/opendaylight-7.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm
sudo systemctl start opendaylight
Connect to the Karaf shell (make take a moment for Karaf's SSH server to come up):
ssh -p 8101 karaf#localhost
# password: karaf
See the available DLUX features:
opendaylight-user#root>feature:list | grep dluxapps
Install the ones you're interested in:
opendaylight-user#root>feature:install odl-dluxapps-topology
In a browser on the same machine:
Login with admin/admin and things should work.
Here are the DLUX docs.
Note that DLUX isn't widely used by ODL developers, and isn't packaged as a product by vendors. Most people use the REST API directly to query OpenDaylight. There are REST API examples in the NetVirt Postman Collection, as an example.
It is true. You have to install all dlux features manually.
The Change against ODL Boron is, that Carbon removed feature odl-dlux-all. And in Carbon odl-dlux-core installs only core and nothing more. I had always gray login page in DLUX WEB login, there was nothing, only blank gray page.
I suggest you to use command: feature:list | grep dlux
This will create for you complete list of available DLUX features. And You have to install all of them.
After you finish installation of DLUX use same command with parameter -i which will show you only succesfully installed features:
feature:list -i | grep dlux
so you will see the result.
Don't forget that after instalation Dlux needs a few minutes to be fully ready. If you try to login to dlux during this time, you can get ERROR403 but also login page will not accept the credentials even they are correct. So be patient and wait.

End To End Testing on Headless Server

I am trying to set up an environment for end-to-end testing on a droplet running Ubuntu server 12.04.3 on digital ocean.
What I am trying to achieve in the end is for my jenkins (installed on the one droplet) to be able to run my end-to-end tests. Now, the server is ofcourse headless and the end-to-end tests need to run through a browser (I am using protractor with the selenium standalone server with chromedriver).
My question is: how do I spawn a browser on that machine? I have installed xorg and if I do startx on the server, log out and ssh -X to it, I can manually run the end-to-end tests (a browser pops up on my local machine). But I can get it to work without ssh -X to it, and since jenkins is on the same droplet where the tests are to be run. Well I dont get a browser to spawn.
NOTE: I know I might be missing something really trivial here since I don't fully understand the configuration nor the xorg.
Any hints or a complete answer is very much appreciated, this is giving me gray hair.
Edit: After a little digging I think i got the xorg stuff a bit wrong, i am guessing the purpose of X is to be able to spawn a window on a remote machine ( ie my local machine). And what i am after is more along the lines of a virtual frame buffer such as Xvfb...
There is PhantomJS but with Protractor is buggy and a dead-end.
You can still use Chrome & Firefox headless through docker-selenium or, if you don't like Docker you can do it yourself with ubuntu-headless sample. Both solutions provide Chrome & Firefox by using Xvfb even though there is no real DISPLAY.
UPDATE 2 Seems to be possible to run Xvfb in OSX: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/
UPDATE 1 Mac OSX selenium headless solution:
Enable multi-user remote desktop access to OSX machine
So can test selenium headless on mac. Not headless really but as another user so it doesn't interfere with your current user display.
To do this you need kickstart: http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201710
Begin using the kickstart utility
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/kickstart -restart -agent
Activate Remote Desktop Sharing, enable access privileges for all users and restart ARD Agent:
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/kickstart -activate -configure -access -on -restart -agent -privs -all
Apple Remote Desktop 3.2 or later only
Allow access for all users and give all users full access
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/kickstart -configure -allowAccessFor -allUsers -privs -all
Kickstart help command
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/kickstart -help
A lot of angular apps use Travis CI to perform Protractor based end-to-end integration tests on headless vms all the time. I do not know the details of exactly how they do it but I do know that they use a linux service called xvfb which is a headless x windows implementation. Looking at a typical Travis configuration file, it appears that all they do before firing up their web server, selenium server and kicking off Protractor is to call sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start to start this service.

Are there any third party tools integrated with RobotFramework for Multi Browser testing

Are there any third party tools compatible with robot framework to run the tests in three different browsers.
That means first it should run whole suite using IE
After that it should run whole suite using FF
Then using Chrome and this should be done automatically.
Please suggest me.
If you use Selenium2Library, and define the browser in a variable, you can run the same tests against multiple browsers by changing the variable on the command line:
$ pybot -v BROWSER=chrome my_test_suite.txt
$ pybot -v BROWSER=ff my_test_suite.txt
https://robotframework.org/#libraries has a nice list of good libraries for RF and among them there is a Selenium2Library.
