Installing Solr 5.2.1 on Tomcat 7 on windows machine - solr

I want to deploy Solr 5.2.1 to tomcat 7 on a windows.Can you please provide me step by step guide to installing the same.

Solr team has discontinued support of Tomcat for newer versions.


install Solr version 7.3.0 using helm

I followed bitnami solr helm on my local k8s, it installed solr version 9.0.1. but I want to install specific solr 7.3.0 version for legacy issue of my project.
Any one can help. Thanks in advance

Solr-solj 6.5.0 in websphere 8 JDk

In the eclipse, my jre System library is WebSphere 8 JDK, I have added following files to the library:
I have import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;, but the statement SolrClient solr = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(urlString).build(); still got error before I try to compile it. Can solr 6.5.0 run in WebSphere 8 JDK?
The solr 6.5.0 is not supported java 1.6 JDk , it can not compile.

How to run Alfresco 5.2.c (EA) with Solr 6.3?

I want to run Alfresco Community Edition 201611 EA with Solr 6.3 using Solr 6 Integration.
The alfresco-search-services-1.0.a\README.MD instruction:
Install & Run
To run, unzip then
solr/bin/solr start
... unfortunately it isn't enough ;(
Can anyone guide me how to reconfigure both Solr 6.3 and Alfresco 5.2EA to make they work together?
The document published today (20-12-2016) by Axel Faust on
Using SOLR 6 in Alfresco Community Edition 5.2 (201612 GA)
... Installation ...

Solr in TomCat on Windows Server 2008 R2 - Solr doesn't start automatically

I have followed this guide to install Solr in TomCat running on Windows Server 2008 R2.
As described in step 6 of the guide I can run Solr from the command line using the following:
java -Dsolr.solr.home=c:/solr/ -jar start.jar
As expected I can now see Solr at http://localhost:8983/solr/
If I reboot the server Solr does not start automatically. I have to run the start.jar file via the command line as shown above.
I have tried adding the following to the Java Options in the Configure TomCat UI.
This doesn't work. The only way I can run Solr is to use the command line. I'm sure that this is a simple problem to resolve but I can't work it out. Does anyone have any idea what I've configured incorrectly?
My technology stack is:
TomCat 7.0
Solr 3.6.0
Windows Server 2008 R2 (IIS 7.5)
Default servlet container in solr is jetty, not tomcat. So when you are running java -jar start.jar you are starting jetty.
Please refer to the following doc on running solr with tomcat .
Once you have done this, to start tomcat as a service that automatically restarts follow this doc

Debian Lenny Solr Jetty install + running

I want to setup search for my site. I couldn't find much information to install Jetty + Solr on my linode.
I could install solr-jetty on ubuntu simply using apt-get. any body has better experience with debian?
You shouldn't need to install it through the package manager. Jetty is deployed with Solr from the Solr homepage. So long as you have java installed on your server you can simply unpack the Solr distibution, read example/README.txt
