Implement Socket Mobile QR Scanner with web application - angularjs

I am new to this kind of developing with device and web application. What I doubt about is, can I implement Socket Mobile QR Scanner or any QR Scanner mobile with web application? If can, can you guide me with a few step, so I can get confidence and start implementing and testing with real device!
I will create an web application in Laravel and Angular Js handling some purchase transaction. What I want is, there will be a product generated QR code on the parcel, whenever I scan that with QR Scanner, the application should get the code and push it to server to process with the transaction!
Thanks you a lot for helping me out! I hope I could get any clues soon!


generate receipt email React

I am building a react web app as part of a project for uni.
the idea is the client builds a project for their own clients like scaffolding etc and as the project progresses it gets updated in a table and then I am tasked with figuring out how to collect data from the table when that table changes and automatically send an email to the client as an update on the progress of their project.
I've searched youtube and google on this but I seem to be getting email forms any help or pointers in the right direction would be great so I can continue to research and then build this part of my web app.
Thanks in advance

Cortana to make phone call in Android through code

I would like to know on whether there is any possibility to call a phone number using cortana skill through code.
I am using microsoft web bot. I want to write code in c# for calling a person from my contacts.
I am using a luis framework, If user invokes a specific intent, i should directly call a specific phone number in my android mobile.
Is there any way i can make this call through code.?
First of all - if you want to add call functionality you have to implement it on your own because there is no ad-hoc way to invoke contacts book or make calls from Cortana.
This is also not possible currently because there is no Cortana SDK released for Android or iOS platforms to make integration. If it was there are development steps you could probably do in your mobile app source code (dedicated app because Cortana is also not integrated with mobile Android and iOS system):
Integrate Cortana with mobile app source code (in your case Java because of Android) which enables talking to Cortana and getting responses.
Implement code which handles response from the user about specific person to search in contacts book.
Implement code to search contacts book basing on the name of user told to Cortana.
Invoke platform-specific code to make call with selected number.
To sum there is no way to implement call functionality with C# and Cortana on Android (iOS neither). You can fin more information here.

How to Ensure Installation of Mobile Web App on Device Only?

I'm working on an AngularJS mobile web app and am getting ready to deploy to Firebase Hosting. Does anyone know how to ensure that only devices can install the web app and prevent desktop browsers from viewing? I'm trying to protect the client's intellectual property as well as my own by making a reasonable attempt to disallow the source code from being read. Thank you!!
It's not possible to prevent the reverse engineering of any web application.
Developing a mobile application using native code may make you feel more secure about the intellectual property, however once a would be attacker gets the software on to their own hardware they will have the opportunity to defeat your software.
I wound up using ng-device-detector to determine whether the user was using a mobile device or not, and delivering a different template page depending. This library contains an isMobile() function that works great.

How do I develop application for USSD mobile codes?

I want to develop application on top of USSD codes.
I have a web app that shows the status of a request. Here, i need to create an USSD app that will take application no. from user and then server will show the status of application. Please help.

creating a web app based on what people text/sms to a phone

Can someone recommend the best way (app service or how I can setup my own) to create a phone number on the web which I can text messages via my mobile phone and I program the responses? For example creating a Alice AI chat bot through my mobile.
Try for the sms gateway part
I ended up playing around with
