Loop through array Breadth search fashioned - arrays

the title of the question might be a little bit missleading but I am not sure how to describe my problem.
I want to restructure the keys of an array such that the loop will jump with the following pattern:
Example 1:
keys from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 will lead to 1,9,5,3,7,2,6,4,8
take the first element - 1
take the last element - 9
take the middle (1+9)/2 = 5
go to the first half and take the middle of 1 and 5 - 3
jump to the second half and take the middle of 5 and 9 - 7
jump back to the first half of the first half and take 2
jump back to the first half of the second half and take 6
jump back to the second half of the first half and take 4
jump back to the second half of the second half and take 8
Of course, this is an idealized example where everything is nicely dividable. If this is not the case you have to floor and ceil to get the new elements to divide.
Example 2:
key from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 will lead to 1,10,5,6,3,8,2,7,4,9
With my small knowledge about algorithm and datastructures I tried to use recursion/divide and conquer but I did not manage to realize the jumps between the halfs.
So I think I have to add parameters like the length of the divided halfs an the positions but here I am lost for implementation.
The interesting question for me is: Is my thinking to complicated and is there a much easier solution? Or is this problem really this complex?
I am happy for any advise on literature ore code snippets to try it.
Thanks and best regards

I'm not sure if you can implement this algorithm by a recursive or divide-and-conquer. But you can do this elegantly using a breadth-first search. Below is python pseudocode, where you have a queue whose elements are intervals.
#initialize queue Q with the whole interval
n = len(your_list)
# breadth first search
Q.push([0, n-1])
while Q not empty:
itv = q.pop_front()
process(itv) # print the middle element of interval itv, etc.
itv_1, itv_2 = divide_interval_into_halves(itv)
if len(itv_1) > 0:
if len(itv_1) > 0:
Hope it helps :)


Best approach for finding the maximum array element in a given range

Given a non-negative integer array of length n and m queries consisting of two integers a and b, it is expected to find the maximum in the range of index [a,b] of the array. Note that a can be greater than b, in which case the desired range is from a to n and then from 1 to b. And an input k is also given that signifies that the length of the range to be considered is also constant that is constant
6 3 5 ---> n,m,k
7 6 2 6 1 5 ---> integer array
1 5 ---> query 1
2 6 ---> query 2
4 2 ---> query 3
I referred this article but am not able to get how to take care of the cases where a>b. Is there any other approach for this problem
Sliding window approach:
To solve the problem using approach mentioned i.e. Sliding Window Maximum, Just append the input array to itself like as shown below:
7 6 2 6 1 5 7 6 2 6 1 5
For a<=b case work as normal.
For a>bcase: Consider b = a + k. So your new range is [a,a+k] which you can happily solve without any changes to algorithm.
To optimize the above approach a bit, you can just append first k elements.
If you slide over every time a query arrives, it takes O(n) per query. k being very close or equal to n is the worst case.
Alternative Approach: Use the following approach in case of heavy querying and flexible ranges.
You are looking for range queries and this is what Segment Trees are popular for.
This tutorial finds the minimum in given range. I know you have asked for maximum, which is just a trivial change you have to make in code.
For a>b case, query two times once for [1,b] & then for [a,n] and report the maximum out of the two.
Preprocessing time: O(n)
Extra Space: O(n)
This approach is very efficient as it will answer every query in O(logn) which is quite helpful in case you are querying too much.
Sliding Window is going to output maximum element in all the ranges, but you need the maximum element only in given range. So instead of going with Sliding Window approach go with Segment Trees or Binary Indexed Trees. You'll feel the fun of truly querying within a range and not sliding over. (Just sliding over every time a query arrives won't scale if the range is flexible.)
I think this could be done by using divide and conquer approach, so let's take a look at the above example.
So for the case a>b
find max for range (1,b), say max_b = max_in_range(1,b).
find max for range (a,n), say max_a = max_in_range(a,n).
Now you can easily take up max between two numbers using a in built max method in any language as
ans = max(max_a, max_b)
But problems like this which involes ranges, you can solve it using segment trees, here is the link to start with - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segment_tree
Hope this helps!

Sort a set of disks in minimum number of moves

So this question is more of an algorithm/approach seeking question where I'm looking for any thoughts/insights on how I can approach this problem. I'm browsing through a set of programming problems and came across one question where I'm required to provide the minimum number of moves needed to sort a list of items. Although this problem is marked as 'Easy', I can't find a good solution for this. Your thoughts are welcome.
The problem statement is something like this.
X has N disks of equal radius. Every disk has a distinct number out of 1 to N associated with it. Disks are placed one over other in a single pile in a random order. X wants to sort this pile of disk in increasing order, top to bottom. But he has a very special method of doing this. In a single step he can only choose one disk out of the pile and he can only put it at the top. And X wants to sort his pile of disks in minimum number of possible steps. Can you find the minimum number of moves required to sort this pile of randomly ordered disks?
The easy way to solving it without considering making minimum moves will be:
Take a disk that is max value and put it on top. And then take the second max and put it on top. And so on till all are sorted. Now this greedy approach will not always give you min steps.
Consider this example: [5,4,1,2,3] with the above greedy approach it will be like this:
Which takes 5 moves, but the min moves should be this:
Which takes only 2
To get min moves, first think how many values are already in descending order starting from N, you can consider those something you don’t need to move. And for the rest you have to move which is the min value. For example
Here starting from 10 there are in total 4 numbers that are in desc order [10,9,8,7] for the rest you need to move. So the min moves will the 10-4 = 6

Implementing A* algorithm

So I am implementing A* algorithm in C. Here's the procedure.
I am using Priority Queue [using array] for all the open nodes. Since I'll have duplicate distances, that is more than one node with same distance/Priority, hence while inserting a node in PQ, if the parent of the inserted node has the same priority, I still swap them both, so that my newest entered member remains on the top( or as high as possible),so that I keep following a particular direction. Also, on removing, when I swap the topmost element with the last one, then again, if the swapped last element has the same as one of its children, then it gets swapped to the bottom.(I am not sure if this will affect in any way).
Now the problem is say I have a 100*100 matrix, and I have obstacles from (0,20) to (15,20) of the 2D array , in which I am moving. Now for a starting position (2,2) and ending position (16,20) I get a straight path, i.e. firstly go all the way to right, then go down till 15 then move one right and I am done.
But, if I have starting as (2,2) and last as (12,78) i.e. the points are separated by the obstacles and the path has to go around it, I still go via (16,20) and my path after (16,20) is still straight, but my path upto (16,20) is zig zag, i.e. I go some distance straight down, then some right, then down then right and so on, ultimately reaching (16,20) and going straight after that.
Why this zig zag path for the first half of the distance, what can I do to make sure that my path is straight, as it is, when my destination is (16,20) and not (12,78).
void findPath(array[ROW][COLUMN],sourceX,sourceY,destX,destY) {
PQ pq[SIZE];
int x,y;
while(!empty(pq)) {
break; //Path Found
void insert(PQ pq[SIZE],element){
int i=sizeOfPQ;
if(pq[i].priority <= pq[(i-1)/2].priority){
You should change your scoring part. Right now you calculate absolute distance. Instead calculate min move distance. If you count each move as one then if you were at (x,y) and going to (dX,dY) that would be
distance moved + (max(x,dX) - min(x,dx) + max(y,dY) - min(y,dY))
A lower value is considered a higher score.
This heuristic is a guess at how many moves it would take if there was nothing in the way.
The nice thing about the heuristic is you can change it to get the results you want, for example if you prefer to move in a straight line as you suggest, then you can make this change:
= distance moved + (max(x,dX) - min(x,dx) + max(y,dY) - min(y,dY))
+ (1 if this is a turn from the last move)
This will cause you to "find" solutions which tend to go in the same direction.
If you want to FORCE as few turns as possible:
= distance moved + (max(x,dX) - min(x,dx) + max(y,dY) - min(y,dY))
+ (1 times the number of turns made)
This is what is nice about A* -- the heuristic will inform the search -- you will still always find a solution, but if there is more than one you can influence where you look first -- this makes it good for simulating AI behavior.
Doubt : How is the first one and second calculating way different from
each other?
The first one puts a lower priority on a move that is a turn. The second one puts a lower priority on a path with more turns. In some cases (eg, the first turn) the value will be the same, but over all the 2nd one will pick paths that have as few turns as possible, where the first one might not.
Also, 1 if this is a turn from the last move , for this,
say i have source at top left and destination at bottom right, now my
path normally would be, left,left,left...down,down,down.... Now, 1 if
this is a turn from the last move, according to this, when I change
from left to down, will I add 1?
Wont it make the total value more and the priority for down will decrease.
Yes, exactly. You want to not look at choices that have a turn in them first. This will make them lower priority and your algorithm will investigate other options with a higher priority -- exactly what you want.
Or 1 if this is a turn from the last move is when I move to a cell, that is not abutting the cell previously worked upon? Thnks –
No, I don't understand this question -- I don't think it makes sense in this context -- all moves have to abut the previous cell, diagonal moves are not allowed.
Though, I'd really appreciate if you could tell me one instance where the first and second methods will give different answers. If you could. Thanks alot. :) 
Not so easy without seeing the details of your algorithm but the following might work:
The red are blocks. The green is what I would expect the first one to do, it locally tries to find the least turn. The blue is the least turn solution. Note, how far the red areas are from each other and the details of how your algorithm influence if this will work. As I have it above -- having an extra turn only costs 1 in the heuristic. SO, if you want to be sure this will work change the heuristic like this:
= distance moved + (max(x,dX) - min(x,dx) + max(y,dY) - min(y,dY))
+ (25 times the number of turns made)
Where 25 is bigger than the distance to get past the 2nd turn in the green path. (Thus after the 2nd turn the blue path will be searched.)

A* search algorithm heuristic function

I am trying to find the optimal solution to a Sliding Block Puzzle of any length using the A* algorithm.
The Sliding Block Puzzle is a game with white (W) and black tiles (B) arranged on a linear game board with a single empty space(-). Given the initial state of the board, the aim of the game is to arrange the tiles into a target pattern.
For example my current state on the board is BBW-WWB and I have to achieve BBB-WWW state.
Tiles can move in these ways :
1. slide into an adjacent empty space with a cost of 1.
2. hop over another tile into the empty space with a cost of 1.
3. hop over 2 tiles into the empty space with a cost of 2.
I have everything implemented, but I am not sure about the heuristic function. It computes the shortest distance (minimal cost) possible for a misplaced tile in current state to a closest placed same color tile in goal state.
Considering the given problem for the current state BWB-W and goal state BB-WW the heuristic function gives me a result of 3. (according to minimal distance: B=0 + W=2 + B=1 + W=0). But the actual cost of reaching the goal is not 3 (moving the misplaced W => cost 1 then the misplaced B => cost 1) but 2.
My question is: should I compute the minimal distance this way and don't care about the overestimation, or should I divide it by 2? According to the ways tiles can move, one tile can for the same cost overcome twice as much(see moves 1 and 2).
I tried both versions. While the divided distance gives better final path cost to the achieved goal, it visits more nodes => takes more time than the not divided one. What is the proper way to compute it? Which one should I use?
It is not obvious to me what an admissible heuristic function for this problem looks like, so I won't commit to saying, "Use the divided by two function." But I will tell you that the naive function you came up with is not admissible, and therefore will not give you good performance. In order for A* to work properly, the heuristic used must be admissible; in order to be admissible, the heuristic must absolutely always give an optimistic estimate. This one doesn't, for exactly the reason you highlight in your example.
(Although now that I think about it, dividing by two does seem like a reasonable way to force admissibility. I'm just not going to commit to it.)
Your heuristic is not admissible, so your A* is not guaranteed to find the optimal answer every time. An admissible heuristic must never overestimate the cost.
A better heuristic than dividing your heuristic cost by 3, would be: instead of adding the distance D of each letter to its final position, add ceil(D/2). This way, a letter 1 or 2 away, gets a 1 value, 3 or 4 away, gets a 2 value, an so on.

Building an array of numbers no repeating order doesn't matter (Gaming stats)

So I play heroes of newerth. I have the desire to make a statistical program that shows which team of 5 heroes vs another 5 heroes wins the most. Given there are 85 heroes and games are 85 choose 5 vs 80 choose 5, that's a lot of combinations.
Essentially I'm going to take the stats data the game servers allow me to get and just put a 1 in an array which has heroes when they get a win [1,2,3,4,5][6,7,8,9,10][W:1][L:0]
So after I parse and build the array from the historical game data, I can put in what 5 heroes I want to see, and I can get back all the relevant game data telling me which 5 hero lineup has won/lost the most.
What I need help starting is a simple algorithm to write out my array. Here's similar output I need: (I have simplified this to 1-10, where the code I get I can just change 10 to x for how many heroes there are).
You get the Idea. No repeating and order doesn't matter. Its essentially cut in half doesn't matter the order of the arrays either. Just need a list of all the combinations of teams that can be played against each other.
EDIT: additional thinking...
After quite a bit of thinking. I have come up with some ideas. Instead of writting out the entire array of [85*84*83*82*81][80*79*78*77*76*75] possible combinations of characters, which would have to be made larger for the introduction of of new heroes as to keep the array relevant and constantly updating.
To instead when reading from the server parse the information and build the array from there. It would be much simpler to just make an element in the array when one is not found, ei the combinations have never been played before. Then parsing the data would be 1 pass, and build your array as it complies along. Yes it might take a while, but the values that are created will be worth the wait. It can be done over time too. Starting with a small test case say 1000 games and working up the the number of matches that have been played. Another Idea would be to start from our current spot in time and build the data base from there. There is no need to go back to the first games ever played based off the amount of changes that have occurred to heroes over that time frame, but say go back 2-3 months to give it some foundation and reliability of data, and with each passing day only getting more accurate.
Example parse and build of the array:
get match(x)
if length < 15/25, x++; //determine what length matches we want and discredit shorter than 15 for sure.
if players != 10, x++; //skip the match because it didn't finish with 10 players.
if map != normal_mm_map // rule out non mm games, and mid wars
if != mm, rule out custom games
//and so forth
match_psr = match(x).get(average_psr);
match_winner = match(x).get(winner);
//Hero ids of winners
Wh1 = match.(x).get(winner.player1(hero_id)))
Wh2 = match.(x).get(winner.player2(hero_id)))
Wh3 = match.(x).get(winner.player3(hero_id)))
Wh4 = match.(x).get(winner.player4(hero_id)))
Wh5 = match.(x).get(winner.player5(hero_id)))
//hero ids of losers
Lh1 = match.(x).get(loser.player1(hero_id)))
Lh2 = match.(x).get(loser.player2(hero_id)))
Lh3 = match.(x).get(loser.player3(hero_id)))
Lh4 = match.(x).get(loser.player4(hero_id)))
Lh5 = match.(x).get(loser.player5(hero_id)))
//some sort of sorting algorithim to put the Wh1-5 in order of hero id from smallest to largest
//some sort of sorting algorithim to put the Lh1-5 in order of hero id from smallest to largest
if(array([Wh1, Wh2, Wh3, Wh4, Wh5],[Lh1,Lh2,Lh3,Lh4,Lh5],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]) != null)
array([Wh1, Wh2, Wh3, Wh4, Wh5],[Lh1,Lh2,Lh3,Lh4,Lh5],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]) += array([],[],[1],[][][][](something with psr)[][][[])
else(array.add_element([Wh1, Wh2, Wh3, Wh4, Wh5],[Lh1,Lh2,Lh3,Lh4,Lh5],[1],[][][][](something with psr)[][][[])
Any thoughts?
Encode each actor in the game using a simple scheme 0 ... 84
You can maintain a 2D matrix of 85*85 actors in the game.
Initialize each entry in this array to zero.
Now use just the upper triangular portion of your matrix.
So, for any two players P1,P2 you have a unique entry in the array, say array[small(p1,p2)][big(p1,p2)].
array(p1,p2) signifies how much p1 won against p2.
You event loop can be like this :
For each stat like H=(H1,H2,H3,H4,H5) won against L=(L1,L2,L3,L4,L5) do
For each tuple in H*L (h,l) do
if h<l
increment array[h][l] by one
decrement array[l][h] by one
Now, at the end of this loop, you have an aggregate information about players information against each other. Next step is an interesting optimization problem.
wrong approach : select 5 fields in this matrix such that no two field's row and column are same and the summation of their absolute values is maximum. I think you can get good optimization algorithms for this problem. Here, we will calculate five tuples (h1,l1), (h2,l2), (h3,l3) ... where h1 wins against l1 is maximized but you still did not see it l1 is good against h2.
The easier and correct options is to use brute force on the set of (85*84)C5 tuples.
