Image Size is limited in Lightbox2 - lightbox2

i just download the sample of lightbox2 and use the css & js to create my lightbox successfully. However , i found the image is not the original size when i'm click the enlarge (it suppose is larger). Does it the css or js setting limited the size?
Look forward your prompt reply.
Thank you!

The lightbox re-sizes the image in its native behavior at the level javascript in 2 cases :
Case 1
If the properties maxWidth/maxHeight are set in the options :
maxWidth - If set, the image height will be limited to this number, in pixels. Aspect ratio will not be maintained.
maxHeight - If set, the image width will be limited to this number, in pixels. Aspect ratio will not be maintained.
Case 2
If the image width or height is > than the containers width, you can check the changeImage function in the lightbox.js for more information
// part of the code where resize checking occurs
maxImageWidth = windowWidth - self.containerLeftPadding - self.containerRightPadding - 20;
maxImageHeight = windowHeight - self.containerTopPadding - self.containerBottomPadding - 120;
// Is there a fitting issue?
if ((preloader.width > maxImageWidth) || (preloader.height > maxImageHeight)) {
if ((preloader.width / maxImageWidth) > (preloader.height / maxImageHeight)) {

There is a fitImagesInViewport option that is set to true by default. Any images that would extend outside of the viewport are resized so they fit neatly inside of it.
If you would like to view images at their full resolution, and are okay with images extending outside the viewport, then you need to set this option to false.
<script src="path/to/lightbox.js"></script>
'fitImagesInViewport': false
A list of all available options is available here:


Change text when image is displayed on scroll react

I'm building a portfolio website with React with large full width vertically scrolling images. There is a single text box on the side of the webpage that I would like to display the title of each image as each image comes into view.
Any recommendations on how to change the text in a DIV when an image comes into view? I'm not even sure what to search to find an answer to this. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
You can attach an onscroll listener to detect when the user scrolls. Inside the listener, you need to do some math to calculate which element is currently viewed. The variables you can use for the calculation are scrollTop (on the container, used to determine the current scroll position) and the clientHeight of each element.
let nameDisplayDiv = document.getElementById('display')
let containerDiv = document.getElementById('container')
function refresh() {
let scrollTop = containerDiv.scrollTop + containerDiv.clientHeight / 2
let height = 0
for (let child of containerDiv.children) {
let top = height
let bottom = height += child.clientHeight
if (top < scrollTop && bottom > scrollTop) {
// Found the element that's currently viewed!
nameDisplayDiv.innerHTML =
containerDiv.onscroll = refresh
Here's a working fiddle:

Using Number Filter in AngularJS ng-style

What is the preferred way of using a number filter in ng-style? I have an image that I want to only be set to a whole number pixel value of height.
<img src="ok-button.png" ng-style="{'height': textHeight * 1.888 | number:0}">
The above code does not work but reflects what I'm trying to do.
Height property should have mentioned in pixel so you need to add px to indicate it is pixel.
You were using number filter which is used to change text to , separated currency representation, which would applicable to solve your case.
For rounding pixels you should have define function inside controller which will do Math.roud of that value & return it to the view.
ng-style="{'height': round(textHeight) + 'px'}"
$scope.round = function(textHeight){
var result = textHeight * 1.88;
return Math.roud(result);

Getting correct height of an app part after removing item from repeat

I'm building an app part in sharepoint (o365) using angularjs, which displays a list of items i'm following (docs, sites). I display the items as tiles (in rows of 4 below each other), and to fit the app part nicely on any page, I calculate the height of the most outer div (topContainer) which contains all items). I calculate the height when the ng-repeat finishes rendering (with a custom directive). The resizing is done with a postmessage:
var resizeAppPart = function (width, height) {
if (senderId && hostweburl) {
var message = "<Message senderId=" + senderId + " >"
+ "resize(" + width + "," + height + ")</Message>";
window.parent.postMessage(message, hostweburl);
The height and width are provided by
var heightDoc = $("#topContainer").height();
var widthDoc = $("#topContainer").width();
myUtils.resizeAppPart(widthDoc, heightDoc);
If I use
it delivers the same result.
This works perfectly when loading the page.
However I also provide a button which allows a user to 'unfollow' any of the displayed items. Then the item disappears (splice from the array, the repeat gets updated nicely), and I try to recalculate the height of the app part (so no gap remains when unfollowing an item). I can successfully call the recalculate size function for the app part (that's not the problem) however I just can't get the right height of the app part.. The height remains the same as before unfollowing an item, even though there's now a gap where the unfollowed item was..
So I'm trying to find a method to get the right height of the app part after removing the item from the array. Any Ideas?

Zooming a qooxdoo widget

I have a qx.Desktop application which is used on mobile devices. Some of the content in my application should be zoomable by pinching. So my question is: Is there a way to zoom a qooxdoo widget like for example a qx.ui.basic.Image bigger and smaller?
The page zooming is configured through the meta tags of your index.html .
If you want to "zoom" or "pinch" one single widget you can use
and use the scale method.
You can access the DOM element through getContentElement().getDomElement()
Here is an easy example:
var div = yourLayoutElement.getContentElement().getDomElement();
if (div !== undefined && div !== null)
{ = scale;
a scale of 1.0 is 100%

Fluid like box?

I'm making a responsive site and need to include a Facebook Like-Box for the client's Facebook fanpage. The developer page for the like-box has a widget for customization, but it doesn't allow you to set a width in percentages.
I've searched around and the closest I've got was this page from 2010, which refers to a fb:fan widget that allows you to link custom CSS. I tried to get this tutorial to work but it fails with this error:
<fb:fan> requires one of the "id" or "name" attributes.
So, to recap, I need a Facebook Like Box that I can either set up to be fluid, or which allows me to pass custom CSS to the iFrame it generates. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
I found this Gist today and it works perfectly:
/* Make the Facebook Like box responsive (fluid width) */
/* This element holds injected scripts inside iframes that in
some cases may stretch layouts. So, we're just hiding it. */
#fb-root {
display: none;
/* To fill the container and nothing else */
.fb_iframe_widget, .fb_iframe_widget span, .fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style] {
width: 100% !important;
You thought it couldn't be done? AHA! Have at you, Facebook and your wicked fixed-width ways: I wrote a JQuery script to undo all your evil!
var fbWidth;
function attachFluidLikeBox(){
// the FBML markup: WIDTH is a placeholder where we'll insert our calculated width
var fbml = '<fb:like-box href="" width="WIDTH" show_faces="false" stream="true"></fb:like-box>';//$('#likeBoxTemplate').text().toString();
// the containing element in which the Likebox resides
var container = $('#likebox');
// we should only redraw if the width of the container has changed
if(fbWidth != container.width()){
container.empty(); // we remove any previously generated markup
fbWidth = container.width(); // store the width for later comparison
fbml = fbml.split('WIDTH').join(fbWidth.toString()); // insert correct width in pixels
container.html(fbml); // insert the FBML inside the container
FB.XFBML.parse(); // parses all FBML in the DOM.
// should Facebook's API crap out - wouldn't be the first time
var resizeTimeout;
// Resize event handler
function onResize(){
resizeTimeout = setTimeout(attachFluidLikeBox, 200); // performance: we don't want to redraw/recalculate as the user is dragging the window
// Resize listener
// first time we trigger the event manually
What is does is it adds a listener to the window's resize event. When it resizes, we check the width of the Likebox' containing element, generates new XFBML code with the correct width, replaces the containing element's children with said XFBML and then trigger the Facebook API to parse the XFBML again. I added some timeouts and checks to make sure it doesn't do anything stupid and only runs when it needs to.
Much has changed since the OP.
By simply choosing iFrame and setting your width to 100%, your FB Like Box should be responsive.
Basically FB adds this to the iFrame:
style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:300px;".
Been struggling with the exact same problem. A quick & simple solution is to use the iframe based Facebook Like box.
<iframe class="fb-like-box" src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Note the assigned 'fb-like-box' class and all the removed inline styles. The class for the iframe could look something like this:
.fb-like-box {
width: 100% !important;
Looks like it doesn't matter what the height and width are that are defined in the iframe's src tag. Just place the iframe into some fluid element like a cell in a CSS grid layout.
(includes ideas from:
I used the HTML5 version of Facebook Like Box and here is what worked for me:
.fb_iframe_widget span,
.fb_iframe_widget iframe {
width:100% !important;
You cannot set the like-box to anything other than a pixel width. My suggestion is to place it in a DIV or SPAN that is fluid with overflow set to hidden. Sure, it's going to crop off part of the like-box, but by having the requirement of fluid, this is your best bet.
Here's a small work around that appends the HTML5 Facebook LikeBox Plugin into the DOM with a response height or width.
var height = $(window).height();
var width = $(window).width();
var widget_height = parseInt((height)*0.9);
var widget_width = parseInt((height)*0.3);
var page_url = "";
$(".fb-plugin").append("<div class='fb-like-box'
The comment above from Ed and Matthias about using 100% for the iframe worked great for me. Here is my iframe code
<iframe src="//
scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:290px;"
<iframe src="//
scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:290px;width:100%"
The only change is adding "width:100%" to the style attribute of the iframe
note that the code above has "XXXXXXXXXX" in place of the unique references
