Qemu: trace MMU operation - arm

Currently I'm trying to run qemu-system-arm for armv7 architecture, do some initial setup for paging and then enable MMU.
I run qemu with gdb stub and connect to it then with gdb.
I must have screwed something up with translation tables/registers/etc., the thing is the minute I set MMU-enable bit in control register, gdb can't fetch data from memory anymore: after ni command which executes mmu-enable instruction it doesn't fetch next command and I can't access memory.
Is there any way to look what happens inside Qemu's MMU? Where it takes translation tables from, what calculates etc.
Or should I just recompile it with my additional debug output?

No, there's no way to trace this without modifying QEMU's sources yourself
So I did. For ARM architecture, the relevant code is found in target-arm/helper.c - get_phys_addr* functions.

No, there's no way to trace this without modifying QEMU's sources yourself to add debugging output. This is a specific case of a more general tendency, which is that QEMU's design and approach is largely "run correct code quickly", not to provide detailed introspection into the behaviour of possibly buggy guests. Sometimes, as in this case, there's a nice easy location to add your own debug printing; sometimes, as in the fairly common desire to print all the memory accesses made by the guest, there is nowhere in the C code where tracing can be put to catch all accesses.

When I used QEMU for debugging VM issues in an operating system kernel that I had built with a colleague, I ended up connecting GDB to debug QEMU instead (instead of debugging the guest process inside QEMU).
You can place breakpoints on the MMU table walking function and step through it.


Run executable on MINI2440 with NO OS

I have Fedora installed on my PC and I have a Friendly ARM Mini2440 board. I have successfully installed Linux kernel and everything is working. Now I have some image processing program, which I want to run on the board without OS. The only process running on board should be my program. And in that program how can I access the on board camera to take image from, and serial port to send output to the PC.
You're talking about what is often called a bare-metal environment. Google can help you, for example here. In a bare-metal environment you have to have a good understanding of your hardware because you have to take care of a lot of things that the OS normally handles.
I've been working (off and on) on bare-metal support for my ELLCC cross development tool-chain. I have the ARM implementation pretty far along but there is still quite a bit of work to do. I have written about some of my experiences on my blog.
First off, you have to get your program started. You'll need to write some start-up code, usually in assembly, to handle the initialization of the processor as it comes out of reset (or is powered on). The start-up code then typically passes control to code written in C that ultimately directly or indirectly calls your main() function. Getting to main() is a huge step in your bare-metal adventure!
Next, you need to decide how to support your hardware's I/O devices which in your case include the camera and serial port. How much of the standard C (or C++) library does your image processing require? You might need to add some support for functions like printf() or malloc() that normally need some kind of OS support. A simple "hello world" would be a good thing to try next.
ELLCC has examples of various levels of ARM bare-metal in the examples directory. They range from a simple main() up to and including MMU and TCP/IP support. The source for all of it can be browsed here.
I started writing this before I left for work this morning and didn't have time to finish. Both dwelch and Clifford had good suggestions. A bootloader might make your job a lot simpler and documentation on your hardware is crucial.
First you must realise that without an OS, you are responsible for bringing the board up from reset including configuring the PLL and SDRAM, and also for the driver code for every device on the board you wish to use. To do that required adequate documentation of the board and it devices.
It is possible that you can use the existing bootloader to configure the core and SDRAM, but that may not meet your requirement for the only process running on the board should be your image processing program.
Additionally you will need some means of loading and bootstrapping; again the existing Linux bootstrapper may suit.
It is by no means straightforward and cannot really be described in detail here.

Create a Debugger using C

I have been asked to write a program in C which should debug another program in C language and then store the value of each variable of every line,loop or function in a log file.
I have been searching over the internet and I found articles on debugging using gdb.
Can I somehow use GDB in my program for this purpose and then store the values of each variable line by line.
I've got basic knowledge of C/C++ so please reply in simple terms.
Debuggers depend on some special capability of the hardware, which must be exposed by the operating system (if any).
The basic idea is that the hardware is configured to transfer control to a debugger stub either after every instruction of the target program, or after certain types of instructions such system calls, or those meeting a hardware breakpoint condition. Typically this would look like an interrupt, supervisor exception, or the like - very platform-specific detail.
As mentioned in comments, on Linux, you use the ptrace functionality of the kernel to interact with the debugger support provided by the hardware and the kernel, abstracting away a lot of the hardware-unique detail and managing the permission issues. Typically you must either be the same user id as the process being debugged, or be the superuser (root). Linux's ptrace also gives you an indirect ability to do to things like access the memory (literally, address space) of the target application, something critical to debugger functionality which you cannot ordinarily do from another user-mode program on a multitasking operating system.
Other operating systems will have different methods. Some embedded targets use debug pods which connect your development machine to the embedded board by a few wires. In other cases, debug capability built into the hardware is managed by a small program running on the target processor, which then talks back over a serial or network port to the full debugger program residing on the development machine.
A program such as GDB can do more than just the basics of setting debug stop conditions, dumping registers, and dumping program instructions. Much of its code deals with annotating what it displays based on debug metadata optionally left behind by compilers, walking back through stack frames, and giving the user powerful tools to configure all of this - and of course it does most of this in a target-independent way, with the target-unique code mostly confined to a few interchangeable directories.
You can indeed "drive" GDB from another program - many, many GUI type debuggers do exactly that, existing as graphical front ends for GDB. However, if you were assigned to write a debugger, doing it that way may or may not by consistent with your assignment.

How to debug memory issues in embedded application

I'm new to embedded programming but I have to debug a quite complex application running on an embedded platform. I use GDB through a JTAG interface.
My program crashes at some point in an unexpected way. I suppose this happens due to some memory related issue. Does GDB allow me to inspect the memory after the system has crashed, thus being completely unresponsive?
It depends on your setup a bit. In particular, since you're using JTAG, you may be able to set your debugger up to halt the processor when it detects an exception (for example accessing protected memory illegally and so forth). If not, you can replace your exception handlers with infinite loops. Then you can manually unroll the exception to see what the processor was doing that caused the crash. Normally, you'll still have access to memory in that situation and you can either use GDB to look around directly, or just dump everything to a file so you can look around later.
It depends on what has crashed. If the system is only unresponsive (in some infinite loop, deadlock or similar), then it will normally respond to GDB and you will be able to see a backtrace (call stack), etc.
If the system/bus/cpu has actually crashed (on lower level), then it probably will not respond. In this case you can try setting breakpoints at suspicious places/variables and observe what is happening. Also simulator (ISS, RTL - if applicable) could come handy, to compare behavior with HW.

Getting code line information from program counter only?

First of all, I cannot use a debugger[1]. But I can access the Program Counter of a program, and can also compile the binary (written in C) with all the flags I need. And I can even change the code (although I prefer not to). Given a PC I want to be able to know which line it corresponds.
I'm sure there has to be an automated, practical, quick way to do this. But I haven't succeeded.
Edit: Forgot to mention: Linux system, binaries are PPC, host is i386. I do have access to PPC hardware.
[1] The application is being emulated, and it is cross compiled, I have a gdb in the host emulator. But I cannot connect a gdbserver on the emulated guest application. And real hardware is not an option, I'm trying to build a simulator based on the emulator.
If the binary is compiled with debugging information, then you can use the PC to find the right location in the source by groping through the ELF sections that contain the debug information. Automated, quick and practical aren't the terms that spring to mind for the process, though!

Application kernel debugging

I have done some hacking in windows interrupt table and trying to test it through an application. I don't want to put a break point in the kernel functions which gonna get invoked.(I have modified some of the first level interrupt handlers.) I want to start from the application and then wanna go to the actual hacked part of the code by single stepping. I wanna know if Windbg is good enough to do that? Can I put a breakpoint in my application and then go onto debug windows?
You will need to use remote debugging (e.g, from a second computer) to single-step through the kernel. It is impossible to use breakpoints or single-stepping on the kernel of the local machine, as the debugger and other applications rely on the kernel to work.
