How combine user device data and fact table design? - database

It is needed to store following information:
User device data like device id, device brand, screan size, type (pc, tablet, mobile).
Actual facts, like odrder id, total cost, goods count, goods ids etc.
How where to put user device data - fact or dimension table?
If I put it to fact table, I have a lot of duplicates, e.g. each row have to cotained detailed information about device, with is mostly the same for one user.
If I put it to dimesion table, I have to update dimension table - add new device or update older.
Important note here is analytical system designing not only analyze user behaviour, but to see where data is not gather. So there can be a situation when different application versions provide different "fullness" of information - 1st version gather 50% of user device, 2nd - 75%, 3rd - 99%. So I have to update (not only insert) data in devices table.

You need at least two dimensions i.e. User and Device with Snowflake Schema. The user dimension should reference the Device table with Device ID.
User will just keep a list of users. It will use foreign key to reference the Device table(on say Device ID). You might go for any SCD type to handle data changes. But it will definitely better in comparison to if all the device fields were on a single table.
Device table will hold the different types of Devices and their attributes.
The fact would then just need to reference (UserID, DeviceID) combination from User table.


Oracle APEX - Data Modeling & Primary Keys

I'm creating a rather large APEX application which allows managers to go in and record statistics for associates in the company. Currently we have a database in oracle with data from AD which hold all the associates information. Name, Manager, Employee ID, etc.
Now I'm responsible for creating and modeling a table that will house all their stats for each employee. The table I have created has over 90+ columns in it. Some contain data such as:
Documents Processed
Calls Received
Amount of Doc 1 Processed
Amount of Doc 2 Processed
and the list goes on for well over 90 attributes. So here is my question:
When creating this table in my application with so many different columns how would I go about choosing a primary key that's appropriate? Should I link it to our employee table using the employees identification which is unique (each have a associate number)?
Secondly, how can I create these tables (and possibly form) to allow me to associate the statistic I am entering for an individual to the actual individual?
I have ordered two books from amazon on data modeling since I am new to APEX and DBA design. Not a fresh chicken, but new enough to need some guidance. An additional problem I am running into is that each form can have only 60 fields to it. So I had thought about creating tables for different functions out of my 90+ I have.
4.2 allows for 200 items per page.
oracle apex component limits
A couple of questions come to mind:
Are you sure that the employee Ids are not recyclable? If these ids are unique and not recycled.. you've found yourself a good primary key.
What do you plan on doing when you decide to add a new metric? Seems like you might have to add a new column to your rather large and likely not normalized table.
I'd recommend a vertical table for your metrics.. you can use oracle's pivot function to make your data appear more like a horizontal table.
If you went this route you would store your employee Id in one column, your metric key in another, and value...
I'd recommend that you create a metric table consisting of a primary key, a metric label, an active indicator, creation timestamp, creation user id, modified timestamp, modified user id.
This metric table will allow you to add new metrics, change the name of the metric, deactivate a metric, and determine who changed what and when.
This would be a much more flexible approach in my opinion. You may also want to think about audit logs.

Data in regions of HBase could manually be arranged on basis of family:column's value

I've been working on HBase from a couple of week, still in design state for my project with an ongoing POC. Now before i ask my query let me give brief description of what i've inferenced.
The basic unit of horizontal scalability in HBase is called a Region. Regions are a subset of the table’s data and they are essentially a contiguous, sorted range of rows that are stored together.
when regions become too large after adding more rows, the region is split into two at the middle key, creating two roughly equal halves.
The multi-map structure of a HBase table can thus be summarized as
key -> family -> column -> timestamp -> value.
HBase, internally, keeps special catalog tables named -ROOT- and .META. within which it maintains the current list, state, and location of all regions afloat on the cluster. The -ROOT- table holds the list of .META. table regions. The .META. table holds the list of all user-space regions. Entries in these tables are keyed by region name, where a region name is made of the table name the region belongs to, the region’s start row, its time of creation, and finally, an MD5 hash of all of the former
Numbers of rows that can be stored in a region depends upon threshold value defined for a region i.e. this is something what i believe can be given manually.
SO what i want to do is :-
If a table with USERID , ROLE & YEAR is their with lets say millions of tuples. I want to create two layers.
One layer with region nodes differentiated on year's range. lets say one region stored data from 1990 - 1995 , another stores data from 1996 - 2000 and so on.
& second layer having differentiated on roles. for example one region node keeps data for admin (id -1), another for users(id -2) and so on.
Each layer has its own region server and mapped in meta table and meta table managed by ZOOKEEPER.
Refer below figure for further clarification :-
Perhaps more than one zookeepers may work in sync managed by another zookeeper above them.
So this is the design what i'll be proposing and i want to inquire about its feasibility
If you create the two tables, hbase will automatically do the splitting and rebalancing if needed.
If you want to manually pre-split the table, on creation you can specify the set of key-ranges that you want, for each table, and hbase will create one region per range. then the balancer will take care of distributing the different regions to different machines.
You don't need to care about Zookeeper, -ROOT- or .META.

Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?

I am having a hard time trying to figure out when to use a 1-to-1 relationship in db design or if it is ever necessary.
If you can select only the columns you need in a query is there ever a point to break up a table into 1-to-1 relationships. I guess updating a large table has more impact on performance than a smaller table and I'm sure it depends on how heavily the table is used for certain operations (read/ writes)
So when designing a database schema how do you factor in 1-to-1 relationships? What criteria do you use to determine if you need one, and what are the benefits over not using one?
From the logical standpoint, a 1:1 relationship should always be merged into a single table.
On the other hand, there may be physical considerations for such "vertical partitioning" or "row splitting", especially if you know you'll access some columns more frequently or in different pattern than the others, for example:
You might want to cluster or partition the two "endpoint" tables of a 1:1 relationship differently.
If your DBMS allows it, you might want to put them on different physical disks (e.g. more performance-critical on an SSD and the other on a cheap HDD).
You have measured the effect on caching and you want to make sure the "hot" columns are kept in cache, without "cold" columns "polluting" it.
You need a concurrency behavior (such as locking) that is "narrower" than the whole row. This is highly DBMS-specific.
You need different security on different columns, but your DBMS does not support column-level permissions.
Triggers are typically table-specific. While you can theoretically have just one table and have the trigger ignore the "wrong half" of the row, some databases may impose additional limits on what a trigger can and cannot do. For example, Oracle doesn't let you modify the so called "mutating" table from a row-level trigger - by having separate tables, only one of them may be mutating so you can still modify the other from your trigger (but there are other ways to work-around that).
Databases are very good at manipulating the data, so I wouldn't split the table just for the update performance, unless you have performed the actual benchmarks on representative amounts of data and concluded the performance difference is actually there and significant enough (e.g. to offset the increased need for JOINing).
On the other hand, if you are talking about "1:0 or 1" (and not a true 1:1), this is a different question entirely, deserving a different answer...
See also: When I should use one to one relationship?
Separation of duties and abstraction of database tables.
If I have a user and I design the system for each user to have an address, but then I change the system, all I have to do is add a new record to the Address table instead of adding a brand new table and migrating the data.
Currently right now if you wanted to have a person record and each person had exactly one address record, then you could have a 1-to-1 relationship between a Person table and an Address table or you could just have a Person table that also had the columns for the address.
In the future maybe you made the decision to allow a person to have multiple addresses. You would not have to change your database structure in the 1-to-1 relationship scenario, you only have to change how you handle the data coming back to you. However, in the single table structure you would have to create a new table and migrate the address data to the new table in order to create a best practice 1-to-many relationship database structure.
Well, on paper, normalized form looks to be the best. In real world usually it is a trade-off. Most large systems that I know do trade-offs and not trying to be fully normalized.
I'll try to give an example. If you are in a banking application, with 10 millions passbook account, and the usual transactions will be just a query of the latest balance of certain account. You have table A that stores just those information (account number, account balance, and account holder name).
Your account also have another 40 attributes, such as the customer address, tax number, id for mapping to other systems which is in table B.
A and B have one to one mapping.
In order to be able to retrieve the account balance fast, you may want to employ different index strategy (such as hash index) for the small table that has the account balance and account holder name.
The table that contains the other 40 attributes may reside in different table space or storage, employ different type of indexing, for example because you want to sort them by name, account number, branch id, etc. Your system can tolerate slow retrieval of these 40 attributes, while you need fast retrieval of your account balance query by account number.
Having all the 43 attributes in one table seems to be natural, and probably 'naturally slow' and unacceptable for just retrieving single account balance.
It makes sense to use 1-1 relationships to model an entity in the real world. That way, when more entities are added to your "world", they only also have to relate to the data that they pertain to (and no more).
That's the key really, your data (each table) should contain only enough data to describe the real-world thing it represents and no more. There should be no redundant fields as all make sense in terms of that "thing". It means that less data is repeated across the system (with the update issues that would bring!) and that you can retrieve individual data independently (not have to split/ parse strings for example).
To work out how to do this, you should research "Database Normalisation" (or Normalization), "Normal Form" and "first, second and third normal form". This describes how to break down your data. A version with an example is always helpful. Perhaps try this tutorial.
Often people are talking about a 1:0..1 relationship and call it a 1:1. In reality, a typical RDBMS cannot support a literal 1:1 relationship in any case.
As such, I think it's only fair to address sub-classing here, even though it technically necessitates a 1:0..1 relationship, and not the literal concept of a 1:1.
A 1:0..1 is quite useful when you have fields that would be exactly the same among several entities/tables. For example, contact information fields such as address, phone number, email, etc. that might be common for both employees and clients could be broken out into an entity made purely for contact information.
A contact table would hold common information, like address and phone number(s).
So an employee table holds employee specific information such as employee number, hire date and so on. It would also have a foreign key reference to the contact table for the employee's contact info.
A client table would hold client information, such as an email address, their employer name, and perhaps some demographic data such as gender and/or marital status. The client would also have a foreign key reference to the contact table for their contact info.
In doing this, every employee would have a contact, but not every contact would have an employee. The same concept would apply to clients.
Just a few samples from past projects:
a TestRequests table can have only one matching Report. But depending on the nature of the Request, the fields in the Report may be totally different.
in a banking project, an Entities table hold various kind of entities: Funds, RealEstateProperties, Companies. Most of those Entities have similar properties, but Funds require about 120 extra fields, while they represent only 5% of the records.

Indicating primary/default record in database

I've been struggling with how I should indicate that a certain record in a database is the "fallback" or default entry. I've also been struggling with how to reduce my problem to a simple problem statement. I'm going to have to provide an example.
Suppose that you are building a very simple shipping application. You'll take orders and will need to decide which warehouse to ship them from.
Let's say that you have a few cities that have their own dedicated warehouses*; if an order comes in from one of those cities, you'll ship from that city's warehouse. If an order comes in from any other city, you want to ship from a certain other warehouse. We'll call that certain other warehouse the fallback warehouse.
You might decide on a schema like this:
The solution must enforce zero or one fallback warehouses.
You need a way to indicate which warehouse should be used if there aren't any warehouses specified for the city in question. If it really matters, you're doing this on SQL Server 2008.
EDIT: To be clear, all valid cities are NOT present in the WarehouseCities table. It is possible for an order to be received for a City not listed in WarehouseCities. In such a case, we need to be able to select the fallback warehouse.
If any number of default warehouses were allowed, or if I was assigning default warehouses to, say, states, I would use a DefaultWarehouse table. I could use such a table here, but I would need to limit it to exactly one row, which doesn't feel right.
How would you indicate the fallback warehouse?
*Of course, in this example we discount the possibility that there might be multiple cities with the same name. The country you are building this application for rigorously enforces a uniqueness constraint on all city names.
I understand your problem, but have questions about parts of it, so I'll be a bit more general.
If at all possible I would store warehouse/backup warehouse data with your inventory data (either directly hanging of warehouses, or if it's product specific off the inventory tables).
If the setup has to be calculated through your business logic then the records should hang off the order/order_item table
In terms how to implement the structure in SQL, I'll assume that all orders ship out of a single warehouse and that the shipping must be hung off the orders table (but the ideas should be applicable elsewhere):
The older way to enforce zero/one backup warehouses would be to hang a Warehouse_Source record of the Orders table and include an "IsPrimary" field or "ShippingPriority" then include a composite unique index that includes OrderID and IsPrimary/ShippingPriority.
if you will only ever have one backup warehouse you could add ShippingSource_WareHouseID and ShippingSource_Backup_WareHouseID fields to the order. Although, this isn't the route I would go.
In SQL 2008 and up we have the wonderful addition of Filtered Indexes. These allow you to add a WHERE clause to your index -- resulting in a more compact index. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to accomplish some things that could only be done through triggers in the past.
You could put a Unique filtered index on OrderID & IsPrimary/ShippingPriority (WHERE IsPrimary = 0).
Add a comment or such if you want me to explain further.
re: how I should indicate that a certain record in a database is the "fallback" or default entry
use another column, isFallback, holding a binary value. I'm assuming your fallback warehouse won't have any cities associated with it.
As I see it, the fallback warehouse after all is just another warehouse and if I understood, every record in WarehouseCities has a reference to one record in Warehouses:
Which means that if there are a hundred cities without a dedicated warehouse they all will reference the id of an specific fallback warehouse. So I don't see any problem (which makes me thing I didn't understand the problem), even the model looks well defined.
Now you could identify if a warehouse is fallback warehouse with an attribute like type_warehouse on Warehouses.
EDIT after comment
Assuming there is only one fallback warehouse for the cities not present in WarehouseCities, I suggest to keep the fallback warehouse as just another warehouse and keep its Id (WarehouseId) as an application parameter (a table for parameters maybe?), of course, this solution is programmatically and not attached to your database platform.

Storing user profile data from multiple lookup tables. how?

I have a user table which has about 50-ish pieces of data. Some of it is Religion, political party, Ethnicity, City, Favorite movies, etc. Each of these items are lookup values from either: Their own lookup table OR I have a common lookup table for the small items like gender, sex preference, etc. Even favorite movie is from a movie lookup table.
The question is i assume in the member table all these will be stored as IDs and not text? So first Q:
1) Should they or should they not have FKs to the lookup tables?
2) If we store IDs then to get the actual answer text like Id 6 in city table = new york, Id 10 in nationality table = American etc. for the actual output on the page ,how will it be done? Do we need to Select from each lookup table in the read mode to output the text value? This scares me because out of the 50 pieces of data about 40 of them are lookup based, so that means 40 different select on 40 tables on page read mode and again on edit mode for the user to edit the values.
How is this implemented in real world sites with detailed user profiles? (I have search and analytics on each value so I need to ID them)
Depends on the scope, but this sounds like a sync process - setup a weekly/daily/hourly process to resync extended user information into a master table with a foreign key to the "user"-related table (username, password, email, update stamps, etc...).
What you've described is the big tradeoff between normalized DB design and more of a flat-table design: the queries are a lot more complicated with the normalized design, which is sounds like you have.
I'd think that you'd be reading from the table a lot more than you'd be writing to it? (How often does a person's religion, gender, city, etc. change?) In this case, (only) if you're running into performance issues on the read end, you might maintain two representations of the table: one extensible, normalized one like you have, and a plain-text, flat version that's fast and piece of cake to query and read. When you update the record in the normalized one, you update the record in the flat one.
