Parse XML for a column value in a SQL query - sql-server

I've set up a SQL fiddle to mimic the tables that I currently have which can be found here:!6/7675e/5
I have 2 tables that I would like to join (Things and ThingData) which is easy enough, but I would like 1 of the columns to be coming from a value that is pulled from parsed XML in one of the columns in ThingData.
Ideally the output would look something like this:
thingID | thingValue | xmlValue
1 | aaa | a
As you can see in the fiddle, I'm able to parse a single XML string at a time, but I'm unsure of how to go from here to using the parsing stuff as a column in a join. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I updated your SQL Fiddle to demonstrate; the number one issue you're facing is that you're not using an XML type for your XML column. That's going to cause headaches down the road as people shove crap in that column :P!6/4c674/2

I have made a change to your query that gets executed .
DECLARE #xml xml
SET #xml = (select thingDataXML from ThingData where thingDataID = 3)
, t.[thingValue]
, CONVERT(XML,td.[thingDataXML]).value('(/anItem/a1/b1/c1/text())[1]','Varchar(1)') as xmlValue
FROM Things t
join ThingData td
on td.[thingDataID] = t.[thingDataID]
This should join from you main table into the table containing the xml and would then retreive the one value in the xml for you, note that if you would like to return multiple values for the one row you will need to either concatinate the answer or perhaps decide on a crossjoin to then use the data with the other data set to perform some logic with.
The answer for your question would be that both have a use case, the cross join he showed above creates an accesible table to query which uses a tiny bit more memory while the query runs but can be accessed many times, where as the normal xquery value function just reads a node which would only work to read a single value from the xml.
Cross join would be the solution if you would like to construct tabular data out of your xml.


'Multiple' values for a variable

A bit of background. There are multiple tables from multiple databases that have the same schemas. So, when I query to select all columns having the same master code (in the tables, the master code is in the column called CATMASTRCAT), the same code will have multiple rows, the only same thing about them is the CATMASTRCAT column. This works for a single master code (in the script below if I set the variable to 031325-002-70 it will show multiple rows having different organizations and same data with the rest, which is the desired result).
Question is, is there a way to have multiple master codes be as an input in the variable? I'm planning to create this as a stored procedure.
This is my SQL script:
DECLARE #ProductNumber AS VARCHAR(1000)
SET #ProductNumber = ('031325-002-70')
WHERE ITEMS in (#ProductNumber)
WHERE ITEMS in (#ProductNumber)
WHERE ITEMS IN (#ProductNumber)
Feel free to clarify any other needed data. I'm fairly new to SQL, just self-learning. You can also lecture me about the wrong code haha and how to do this better.
P.S. Attached the picture of query result
Yes the best way to do this is to use a table value parameter and then change the where clause to say
WHERE catmastrcat IN (SELECT catmastrcat FROM #tablevaluename)
or you could use an inner join -- which might be faster depending on indexes and other issues - the code for that would look like this
JOIN #tablevaluename tv ON AJF_CATMASTER.catmastrcat = tv.catmastrcat

Querying selection of values in XML in SQL Server, on table of mixed values

I have a table with people who have bought tickets for a charity evening event, and the table contains details of registration event, and the XML will show guests they are bringing with them, but also details of any dietary requirements, and the occasional person who might be disabled. This is supposed to be pushed to our CRM system but this is not currently working.
I'm trying to extract some values out of some XML which is in a column in our import table.
I've seen plenty of examples of querying ordinary chunks of XML, but not when the XML is inside a table with other normal INT and VARCHAR values.
We are using SQL Server 2014. I've spent hours googling but haven't the faintest idea on making a query that combined the two together. Or even if I'm supposed to push the XML stuff into a temp table which I could then do a join with.
Declare #xmlstring xml = '<field_import_admin_event_tickets xmlns:xsi=""
<und is_array="true">
MainDataCenter.Col.value('(value)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Name,
MainDataCenter.Col.value('(revision_id)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Value
#xmlstring.nodes('/field_import_admin_event_tickets/und/item') as MainDataCenter(Col)
^ this will work
but I need to query it along with this:-
FROM [importtickets].[bcc].[entityform]
WHERE type LIKE '%show%'
AND createdDATETIME > '2019-03-14'
AND LEN(CAST(field_import_admin_event_tickets AS VARCHAR(MAX)) ) >1
-- bodging a way of seeing if XML code exists or not, doesn't seem to work with IS NOT NULL
AND Jobstatus = 'completed'
The only way I can crudely get values out of the XML is CAST it to a VARCHAR and use lots of REPLACE commands to strip out the XML tags to get it down to the values. There may be 2 to 18 numeric values in each lump of XML
This is my first post on StackOverflow and I've spent days searching on this, so please be gentle with me. Thanks.
2019-07-10 Hey, so I didn't make this fully clear.
each column of XML (a few are nulls) contains 2 - 34 separate numbers in. I dd some crude manipulation of data by CASTing this into VARCHAR and running lots of replace commands to understand it better.
this is the largest example here of some XML, 34 integer values, 17 are 'value' and 17 are 'revision_id'
So I then pushed this all into a new table using lots of SUBSTRING. This is crude but effective, but assumes each value is five digits long (it is so far) my boss is not keen on this solution though.
crudely shredded XML using CAST to VARCHAR and tags manually stripped out
I just need each sets of values extracted in each row so I can then do a JOIN or subquery to them, with a row or something identifiable. The numbers will refer to a guest who is coming to some charity events which will have some attributes such as dietary requirements or disability.
I don't know, if this is the very best approach for your issue, but I hope that I got your question correctly, that you want to combine the working query against an isolated XML with the tabular query, where the XML is the content of a column:
First of all I create a mockup with two rows
DECLARE #mockupTable TABLE(ID INT IDENTITY,SomeOtherValue VARCHAR(100),YourXml XML);
INSERT INTO #mockupTable(SomeOtherValue,YourXml) VALUES
('This is some value in row 1'
,'<field_import_admin_event_tickets xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<und is_array="true">
,('This is some value in row 2'
,'<field_import_admin_event_tickets xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<und is_array="true">
--The query
,MainDataCenter.Col.value('(value)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Name
,MainDataCenter.Col.value('(revision_id)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Value
FROM #mockupTable t
CROSS APPLY t.YourXml.nodes('/field_import_admin_event_tickets/und/item') as MainDataCenter(Col);
The result
ID SomeOtherValue Name Value
1 This is some value in row 1 8463 4763
2 This is some value in row 2 999 888
The idea in short:
APPLY allows to call a table-valued function row-wise. In this case we hand in the content of a column (in your case the XML) into the built-in function .nodes().
Similar to a JOIN we get a joined set, which adds columns (and rows) to the final set. We can use the .value() method to retrieve the actual values from the XML.
If this is the best approach? I don't know...
Your sample above shows just one single <item>. .nodes() would be needed to return several <item> elements in a derived set. With just one <item> this could be done more easily using .value() directly...

SQL Server pulling data from multiple tables

I'm having a problem trying to pull a specific data from two tables. According to the textbook its:
Select *
From terra..retailsales and terra..retailaccount
Where retailaccountid in retailsales = 2345678
Get date range from = 3/01/2014 to 6/30/2015
However, when running the code it produces an syntax error within the in. Yet to me the whole code looks wrong. Can someone help me. I would like to get this to work in order to do my assignment. It's driving me nuts! I contacted the prof and he said that the code in the book is correct, but I think he's wrong.
Can someone help?
The code you provided is not TSQL - actually looks more like some kind of pseudocode.
Just guessing at your column names here, but if I've got it right your query should look something like this:-
SELECT * FROM terra..retailsales
WHERE retailaccountid = 2345678
AND [date range] BETWEEN '20140301' AND '20150630'
Not sure where the 2nd table comes into this though.
You can JOIN two table, like this:
FROM terra..retailsales RS
INNER JOIN terra..retailaccount RC
ON RS.retailaccountid = RC.ID
WHERE RS.retailaccountid = 2345678
AND [date] BETWEEN '20140301' AND '20150630'
Your provided code is very confusing. I see the [terra..retailsales] table, but have no idea what your other table is. Are you sure you need to get your data from two tables?
What is the syntax error you're receiving? Can you paste the exact code you're trying in a code block? Not much of that makes any sense.
In order to pull data from two tables, you could union those tables in a CTE (common table expression), throw them both into a temp table, or join them in a select statement. If the format of both tables is identical, then why do you have two of them?
You're missing the column name where you want to compare a [date] to "3/01/2014 to 6/30/2015". You can use getDate() to return the current time.
Select *
FROM [terra..retailsales]
Where [retailaccountid] = 2345678
AND [<DateColumn>] BETWEEN '3/01/2014' AND '6/30/2015'
You don't need to re-specify your table name again in line "Where retailaccountid in retailsales = 2345678". It will just assume that the retailaccountid is from retailsales.

Preferred way to access data within XML columns in SQL Server

Recently I've started to use XML a lot more as a column in SQL Server 2005. During a bit of downtime yesterday, I noticed that two of the link tables I used a really just in the way and it bores me to tears having to write yet more supporting structure code for a couple of joins.
To actually generate the data for these two link tables, I pass in two XML fields to my stored procedure, which writes the main record, breaks the two XML variables down into #tables and inserts them into the actual tables with the new SCOPE_IDENTITY() from the master record.
After some though, I decided to just do away with those tables altogether and just store the XML in XML fields. Now I understand there are some pitfalls here, like general querying performance, GROUP BY doesn't work on XML data. And the query is generally a bit of a mess, but overall I like that I can now work with XElement when I get the data back.
Also, this stuff isn't going to get changed. It's a one shot affair, so I don't have to worry about modification.
I am wondering about the best way to actually get at this data. A lot of my queries involve getting a master record based upon the criteria of a child or even a subchild record. Most of the sprocs in the database do this but on a far more elaborate scale, usually requiring UDFs and Subqueries to work effectively but I have knocked up a trivial example to test querying some data...
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Tom', '', '<PhoneNumbers><PhoneNumber Type="1" Value="01234 456789" /><PhoneNumber Type="2" Value="01746 482954" /></PhoneNumbers>')
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Andy', '', '<PhoneNumbers><PhoneNumber Type="2" Value="07948 598348" /></PhoneNumbers>')
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Mike', '', '<PhoneNumbers><PhoneNumber Type="3" Value="02875 482945" /></PhoneNumbers>')
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Steve', '', '<PhoneNumbers></PhoneNumbers>')
Now I can see two ways of grabbing it.
Method 1
SET #PhoneType = 2
FROM Customers ct
WHERE ct.PhoneNumbers.exist('/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber[#Type=sql:variable("#PhoneType")]') = 1
Really? sql:variable feels a bit unwholesome. However, it does work. However it's distinctively more difficult to access data in a more meaningful way.
Method 2
SELECT ct.*, pt.PhoneType
FROM Customers ct
CROSS APPLY ct.PhoneNumbers.nodes('/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber') AS nums(pn)
INNER JOIN PhoneTypes pt ON pt.ID ='./#Type[1]', 'int')
WHERE'./#Type[1]', 'int') = #PhoneType
This is more like it. Already I can easily expand it to do joins and all other good stuff. I've used CROSS APPLY before on a table valued function, and it was very good. The execution plan for this as opposed to the previous query is seriously more advanced. Admittedly I haven't done any indexing and whatnot on these tables, but it's 97% of the entire batch cost.
Method 2 (expanded)
SELECT ct.ID, ct.CustomerName, ct.Notes, pt.PhoneType
FROM Customers ct
CROSS APPLY ct.PhoneNumbers.nodes('/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber') AS nums(pn)
INNER JOIN PhoneTypes pt ON pt.ID ='./#Type[1]', 'int')
WHERE'./#Type[1]', 'int') IN (SELECT ID FROM PhoneTypes)
Nice IN clause here. I can also do something like pt.PhoneType = 'Work'
So I'm essentially obtaining the results that I want, but is there anything I should be aware of when using this mechanism to interrogate small amounts of XML data? Will it fall down on performance during elaborate searches? And is the storage of such markup style data too much of an overhead?
Side note
I've used things like sp_xml_preparedocument and OPENXML in the past just to pass lists into sprocs, but this is like a breath of fresh air in comparison!
One approach we've taken for some of our key items of information stored inside an XML column is to "surface" them as computed, persisted properties on the "parent" table. This is done using a little stored function.
It works great, because the value is computed only once every time the XML changes - as long as it's not changing, there's no recomputation, the value is stored on the table like any other column.
It's also great since it can be indexed! So if you're searching and/or joining on such a field - that works like a charm!
So you basically need a stored function along the lines of this:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetPhoneNo1](#DataXML XML)
#result = #DataXML.value('(/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber[#Type="1"]/#Value)[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)')
RETURN #result
If you don't have a phone number of type 1, you'll just get back a NULL.
Then, you need to extend your parent table with a computed, persisted column:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Customers
ADD PhoneNumberType1 AS dbo.GetPhoneNo1(PhoneNumbers)
As you can see - it works just fine for single entries, but unfortunately, you cannot surface a whole list of properties. But if you have some key items, like ID's or something, that you expect most of your rows to have, this can be a very nice and slick way to get at that information more easily and more efficiently.

SQL query join elements

I will re-write my doubt to be more easy to understand.
I have one table named SeqNumbers that have only one column of data named PossibleNumbers, that has value from 1 to 10.000.
Then I have another Table named Terminals and one of the columns have the serial numbers of the terminals. What I want is get all the SerialNumbers that not exists in the Terminals table from 1 to 10.000.
I've created the SeqNumbers table only to do this... maybe there's another solution without using it... that's fine to me.
The query I have is:
SELECT PossibleNumbers from SeqNumbers
Where PossibleNumbers NOT IN (SELECT SerialNumbers from Terminals)**
Basically I want to list ALL serial numbers of terminals that doesn't exists in the database.
This Query works fine I think... but the problem is that I don't want all results in a single column.. I want these results displayed in 4 or 5 columns.
For my purpose I can only use the results from the query like that. I cannot use programmatically methods to do that.
Hope this is more clear now... Thanks for all the help...
select x, x+1000 from tablename
Will that do it for you?
If I'm reading this right, you'd probably have to do a self join; something like:
RightValues.ColA AS ColB
FROM YourTable LeftValues
LEFT JOIN YourTable RightValues ON LeftValues.ColA = RightValues.ColA - 1000
WHERE LeftValues.ColA < 1000
Note: Use the JOIN that makes sense for you (left if you are willing to accept NULLs in ColB, inner if you only want them where both values exist)
You can use a scripting language to parse the MySQL results to format it anyway you like. Are you using PHP to access the database? If so, let me know and I can cook one up for you.
I just saw your new updated question. In this case the order of the columns will be ordered by your SELECT statement and you can also sort too. Here is an example:
SELECT Column1, Column2 FROM my_table ORDER BY Column1, Column2 ASC
