Batch copy text to an echo - batch-file

So I plan to make a little file downloader in batch and I want to display something like the latest version number. I would like to create a .txt file with something like v1.2 etc and then when you run the batch script, it uses the "echo" command and echoes exactly what it says in the text file. I've tried googling this but no luck. Thanks in advanced!

You can put this in your batch file:
#echo off
pushd "%~dp0"
type "version.txt"
This will echo out the contents of version.txt, which is on the same direction of the normal Batch file.

If you want to go more complex with a save feature telling the program what happened and stuff, do this to save:
echo %Version%
echo %log%
) > Save.prgmsav
That saves the version and log variable, this is how you load them:
< Save.prgmsav (
set /p Version=
set /p log=
The .prgmsav can be .txt too. The save name can be a variable, as well.


Batch program, runs a program, opens a file, new version opens a main directory to open sub directory file

im having a little issue, I currently made a simple batch script to open this program and a specific file so that users dont have to go into the directory and open it that way, they only enter the file folder name and file name and it opens that specific file straight away, however I need it so that the user enters just the file name, I will show the simple working version which you have to type in the folder name aswell. I will also show the version I am trying to get to work without having to type the folder name, however the if statement is not working as it always runs both parts of it.
#echo off
set /p id2=Enter folder name for the label.
echo %id2%
set /p id=Enter Label Code, please use this format E.G. AA-01:
echo %id%
Start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\EuroPlus\NiceLabel 6\bin\NicePrint.exe" "J:\MYFOLDER\%id2%\%id%.lbl"
^ This is the working version however it is tedious as you have to type the folder name.
#echo off
set /p id=Enter Label Code, please use this format E.G. AA-01:
echo %id%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /s /b "J:\MYFOLDER"') do echo %%a
if exist %id% in ('dir /s /b "J:\MYFOLDER"') (
echo File found, starting NicePrint.
/! set current folder where file was found
The file path is %~dp1
Start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\EuroPlus\NiceLabel 6\bin\NicePrint.exe" "J:\MYFOLDER\%~dp1\%id%"
) else exit
Problems with the second part: If statement always prints file found starting nice print even if user input doesnt match a file and launches the program, further more, I need the directory of that file from this so that I can then set the program to launch that file after it starts as you can see I have attempted but I am still a novice to things like this as I am not too good at programming/scripting etc.
Thank you for help in advance.

Create Batch File that prompts user for File path in DOS 6.22

I am trying to create a .BAT file in DOS 6.22 that will copy the contents of a floppy disk in A: over to C:\ and then set the folder created as a system variable. I tried using something like "SET /P VARIABLE=Enter a path" however DOS will just add "/P VARIABLE" as a variable with the value of "Enter a path" so using the /P isn't an option as /P wasn't a switch in DOS 6.22
I tried using something like a for loop to set a variable to the file however where I hit a speed bump is that I have no idea what the folder is going to be called in drive A:\ as it will change all the time but only ever contain one folder, so basically I am just trying to find a way a way to copy the first directory found in drive A over to C:\ and set that as a system variable. As once the user is done making changes I will have to copy that folder back over to A:\ and overwrite the old files so it can be stored on the network once changes have been made.
I did try experimenting with some If/for statements through a .BAT file but I didn't have much luck with theses, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
At this point I'm probably making this way more complicated than I have to.
something like this should work too:
#echo off
:INPUT.BAT puts what is typed next in environment variable INPUT
set input=
echo Type in something and press [Enter]
fc con nul /lb1 /n|date|find " 1: ">temptemp.bat
echo :Loop>>enter.bat
echo if not (%%input%%)==() set input=%%input%% %%5>>enter.bat
echo if (%%input%%)==() set input=%%5>>enter.bat
echo shift>>enter.bat
echo if not (%%5)==() goto Loop>>enter.bat
for %%x in (call del) do %%x temptemp.bat
del enter.bat
echo The string you just entered:
echo %input%
echo has been stored in an environment variable named INPUT
I ended finding a solution after doing some more research from what #Squashman linked. Turns out there was a breakdown in communication and this wasn't even the original issue that the user had (a simple way to copy the files off A:\ and all that)
I used the following.
echo Type "set myvar="name of the folder" replacing name of the folder with
echo the name of the folder containing the files on A:\ example if you were
echo on "example" you would type: set myvar=example
copy con answer.bat
echo Type the words "set myvar=" (don't type the quote marks)
echo and then immediately after the = sign, press Control-Z then enter
call answer.bat
mkdir C:\%myvar%
xcopy A:\%mvar% C:\%myvar%
DEL answer.bat
This is a modified version of a guide I found here.
Hopefully this is able to help someone, this isn't pretty by any stretch of the imagination but it worked.
I think this would be easier for your users if they actually need to only copy one directory.
#echo off
if "%1" == "" goto syntax
md C:\%1
xcopy/E A:\%1 C:\%1
goto end
echo Please input a directory after %0

Pass filename to windows batch (.bat) script when double clicking so that it will run in octave

I'm new in using batch scripts, and moderately experienced with octave. I have a lot of data files I examine with octave functions and I am trying to set up so that I can double click on files with a custom extension to directly open octave functions. Think "when I double click on this text file, it opens in notepad."
To do this I've written a very basic .bat file and I've associated my .data files to open using this .bat file. The .bat file looks like this:
C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.1\octave.vbs --no-gui --persist --eval myOctaveFunction.m
I've tested it with a hard coded filename inside "myOctaveFunction." but instead i'd like to actually pass the data file name to myOctaveFunction when I double click on the data file. How do I do this? And, are batch scripts even the right way to do this?
Thanks for your help.
Try this batch file, which will echo a few specific items:
#echo off
echo My directory %cd%
echo Batchfile Name %0
echo File to run %1
So %1 parameter will provide you with the filename itself.
You can also use it like this.
#echo off
echo My directory %cd%
echo Batchfile Name %~dpnx0
echo file to run %~dpnx1
So in Short, this should work if you are running this the way I am thinking you do.
C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.1\octave.vbs --no-gui --persist --eval myOctaveFunction('%1')

Batch script, copying filename to a txt file

Could anyone assist, i crate a batch script that will create bunch of txt files from the list i have, the txt then needs to contain a few lines on text and parts of it will need to have the name of a file.
So eg.
mkdir file1.txt
then the .txt file needs to have:
this file contains info
owner of the file is 'file.txt'
data for this file is in C:\Users\'file.txt'
Please let me know should this not be clear enough
(copy/formatted from OP's comment - OP: Use the EDIT link to edit your question (judiciously, of course))
so far i have written
#echo off
for %%a in (*.txt) do type customer=customer andOrAddress=OR outputPath=E:\Exgest\customer\ outputFormat=MIME customHeaders=true fromDate=20030901 toDate=20101231 >> (*.txt)
This failed to add a text and only created *.txt file in this folder. Then I tried running
copy >>
for each email address in the list, and then
copy con >> name of each file
which just added syntax is correct to the txt file. Sorry guys, I am very new at batch scripting so.
If you want to write something in a file, then you need to write this in a batch file:
ECHO.this file contains info>>file.txt
ECHO.owner of the file is 'file.txt'>>file.txt for this file is in C:\Users\'file.txt'>>file.txt
Before ECHO. write what do you want to be sended to an file with any extension.
Before what do you want to write in that file, write > if you want to keep only a single line writed, and >> if you want to write more lines in that file.
So if you have:
file.txt will looks like this:
I hope that this helps you.
P.S.: Sorry for my bad english!
What you intend to do is unclear.
What your code seems to want to do is to append "customer=customer fr...01 toDate=20101231" to each existing .TXT file. The correct syntax for this would be
#echo off
for %%a in (*.txt) do ECHO customer=customer andOrAddress=OR outputPath=E:\Exgest\customer\ outputFormat=MIME customHeaders=true fromDate=20030901 toDate=20101231 >>"%%a"
which should add the extra line at the end of each .txt file.
Note the changes - ECHO not TYPE and >>"%%a" since the metavariable %%a will contain the filename of the files *.txt - and the "quotes" ensure that "filenames containing spaces.txt" are processed properly.
#user2782162 you need to edit your question and be more specific.
I've created the below batch based on what 'I think' you are trying to do.
Please let us know if this is what you want?
Also...i'm sure #Magoo could make this a lot simpler(you're a wiz at it).
SET listloc=list.txt
FOR /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a IN (%listloc%) DO CALL :process1 %%a
ECHO List finished - Press any key to close.
PAUSE >nul
GOTO :eof
SET fname=%2
IF "%2"=="" GOTO :eof
ECHO %1=%2 >>%fname%.txt
IF NOT "%2"=="" GOTO process2
GOTO :eof
This is assuming that your input file 'list.txt' is arranged like the below...with all the info for each 'new file' on individual lines like this....
Contents of list.txt
customer=hello1 andOrAddress=OR1 outputPath=E:\Exgest\customer\ outputFormat=MIME1 customHeaders=true1 fromDate=200309011 toDate=201012311
customer=hello2 andOrAddress=OR2 outputPath=E:\Exgest\customer\ outputFormat=MIME2 customHeaders=true2 fromDate=200309012 toDate=201012312
customer=hello3 andOrAddress=OR3 outputPath=E:\Exgest\customer\ outputFormat=MIME3 customHeaders=true3 fromDate=200309013 toDate=201012313
The Batch will read the 'list.txt' 1 row at a time.
It will use the value for "customer" on each row as the name for the new file.
Example below show what the output for the first row will look like..
Contents of hello1.txt

Variables in Batch FTP script

In C you can use %username% as a variable for the current user's name for directory listings and such: c:\documents and settings\%username%\
Is there something like this for a batch script?
Using just %username% doesn't seem to help.
I wrote a script that accesses my FTP server so I can load files to the server.
I want my friends to be able to use this script, but I don't want to have to write several different scripts.
Here is what I have so far:
#echo off
#ftp -s:"%~f0" &GOTO: EOF
cd /home/ftp
lcd "c:\documents and settings\%username%\my documents\FTP"
mput *txt
There's gotta be a way
This can be done if you change the batch file so that it creates a script file every time the batch file runs. You can do this by using the echo command to write the script lines to script file, which you can then pass to the ftp command. The reason this works is that echo will expand the %username% variable before writing it to the script file:
#echo off
del script.txt
echo open>>script.txt
[echo rest of script lines to file]
echo lcd "c:\documents and settings\%username%\my documents\FTP">>script.txt
echo echo mput *txt>>script.txt
#ftp -s:script.txt
I believe i found a better way, although it's a bit more code.
set "rootdir=%userprofile%\my documents"
set "destdir=c:\
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s "%rootdir%*.txt"') do copy "%%~a" "%destdir%"
And then the usual FTP stuff, including lcd c:\
Ive tested this and it works, although I would like to find a simpler way.
I tried using xcopy but for some reason it doesn't work on my system, the cmd screen just hangs.
Also tried just using copy, but that gave me "can't find file" errors.
Instead of using lcd, a better idea might be to change the working directory in the outer batch file.
#echo off
#pushd "c:\documents and settings\%username%\my documents\FTP"
#ftp -s:"%~f0" &GOTO: EOF
cd /home/ftp
mput *txt
The only problem with this solution, is that the script itself is no longer in the working directory, and so you need to add a path for that. (Or, put it in the FTP folder ;)
Also, minor pedantry, but this is not actually a correct way to find My documents. In particular, on Vista or Windows 7, User profiles are stored in C:\Users. And, it's possible for users to move My Documents (on my computer, My Documents is located in D:\Mike's Documents)
However, there doesn't appear to be an environment variable that points directly at My Documents, so you will have to make do with this:
"%userprofile%\my documents\FTP"
If the people running this script are running XP and haven't moved their My Documents, then this doesn't really matter.
