Seeding rand() by itself - c

If a program generates a few numbers using rand(), stores the last rand() result, and on repeated runs use srand(stored_seed), would this provide some shorter, but still usable random number sequence?

srand should be run exactly once. If you initialize it more than once the resulted sequence may not be so random.
A good way to initialize the PRNG is srand(time(NULL)*getpid());
alternatively you can try:
timeval t;
gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
srand((t.tv_usec/100) + (t.tv_sec/100));//getpid is optional
A PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator) generates a deterministic
sequence of numbers dependent on the algorithm used. A given algorithm
will always produce the same sequence from a given starting point
(seed). If you don't explicitly see the PRNG then it will usually
start from the same default seed every time an application is run,
resulting in the same sequence of numbers being used.
To fix this you need to seed the PRNG yourself with a different seed
(to give a different sequence) each time the application is run. The
usual approach is to use time(NULL) which sets the seed based on the
current time. As long as you don't start two instances of the
application within a second of each other, you'll be guaranteed a
different random sequence.
There's no need to seed the sequence each time you want a new random
number. And I'm not sure about this, but I have the feeling that
depending on the PRNG algorithm being used re-seeding for every new
number may actually result in lower randomness in the resulting
Source: link


Does rand() indeed produce a random value when the random number generator has been seeded?

I know that in order to avoid repeating the same output of the rand() function a pseudo-random number generator must be seeded with the srand function. That means, if I try say srand(1), the output of the rand() will be one value, if I try srand(2), the output will contain another value. But when I try the first argument again like srand(1), the value will be the same as in the first output. This issue made me think that all random values would be predictable in some way. Is it possible to have different output for the same seed (say if I try the same seed tomorrow)? Or are random values predictable indeed?
With the traditional definition of a pseudorandom generator, if you know what the generator has been seeded with, then the sequence of output values is completely determined and not random. This means that if you knew the seed for a random generator, then you could predict every single output that generator would produce from that point forward. (A good random number generator is one where seeing a sequence of outputs of the generator does not let you easily reverse-engineer what the random seed is or predict other values.)
I seem to remember reading a while back that, a while back, some popular poker websites were not doing a good job choosing their random seeds. Some people figured out that you could input the pattern of cards you were seeing, and the system could then reverse-engineer the random seed and let you predict all the future cards. Oops. These days, we have cryptographically secure pseudorandom generators based on encryption routines that, at least when it comes to what's known in the open literature, can't be predicted even if you have gigabytes of random bits of output from the generators.
If you do need to get something that really isn't predictable - that is, you want to get a bunch of truly random bits - you'll need to use something other than a pseudorandom number generator. Most operating systems have some mechanism in place to generate values that do appear to be truly random. They might, for example, look at how long it takes for different capacitors to discharge on the motherboard, or factor in timing information from a clock, or see how the user interacts with the keyboard, etc. These data can be fed into something called an entropy accumulator that slowly builds up more and more random bits. If you need a value that's truly random and can't be predicted in advance, you can check your particular OS for the mechanism used to get data from the entropy accumulator. (You can read from /dev/random on UNIX-style machines, for example.)
Often, pulling data from the entropy accumulator takes time, since the computer has to wait long enough for enough different sources to mix together to give you back high-quality random data. A common strategy, therefore, is to use the entropy accumulator to get a high-quality random seed, then "stretch" the randomness by using it as the seed of a strong pseudorandom generator.
Here is the language of the C Standard:
7.22.2 Pseudo-random sequence generation functions The rand function
#include <stdlib.h>
int rand(void);
The rand function computes a sequence of pseudo-random integers in the range 0 to RAND_MAX
The rand function is not required to avoid data races with other calls to pseudo-random sequence generation functions. The implementation shall behave as if no library function calls the rand function.
The rand function returns a pseudo-random integer.
Environmental limits
The value of the RAND_MAX macro shall be at least 32767. The srand function
#include <stdlib.h>
void srand(unsigned int seed);
The srand function uses the argument as a seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers to be returned by subsequent calls to rand. If srand is then called with the same seed value, the sequence of pseudo-random numbers shall be repeated. If rand is called before any calls to srand have been made, the same sequence shall be generated as when srand is first called with a seed value of 1.
The srand function is not required to avoid data races with other calls to pseudo-random sequence generation functions. The implementation shall behave as if no library function calls the srand function.
The srand function returns no value.
In other words, rand() returns a pseudo-random sequence of integers between 0 and RAND_MAX. The sequence is not random, it is predictable for every value passed to srand(), including if srand() is never called.
In order to try and get different sequences for successive runs of the program, srand() can be called with a rapidly varying value, such as the return value of clock(). Note that calling srand(time(NULL)) will produce the same sequence for multiple runs of the program during the same second.

why I need to use rand_r() in threads and why I need different seed for each threads?

I can't understand why I have to use rand_r() in generating random numbers in a thread function. And also why I need to use different seed for each thread.
Why I need different seed in each?
rand_r() is a pseudo-random number generator. That is to say, it generates a pseduo-random sequence of numbers: Each call returns the next number in the sequence.
"Random" means "unpredictable." If you have a generator for a truly random sequence of numbers, you will be unable to predict the next number in the sequence, no matter how many of the preceding numbers you already know.
A "Pseudo random" is like a random sequence in some ways—can be used as if it was random in some applications—but it isn't random at all. In fact, it is 100% predictable. All you need to know to predict the next number in the sequence is to know the state of the generator and the algorithm that it uses.
The seed for a pseudo-random generator provides a way to put the generator into a known, repeatable state. If you provide the same seed to two different instances of the generator, then both generators will return exactly the same sequence of values.
Do you want each thread to get exactly the same sequence as every other thread? It's up to you. If that's what you want, then seed each one with the same value. If you want them to get different "random" numbers, then seed each generator with a different value.
Also, if you want different runs of the program to get different "random" values, then you have to seed with a different value each time the program is run.
why I need to use rand_r() in threads
From the documentation of rand : The function rand() is not reentrant or thread-safe, ... this can be done using the reentrant function rand_r().
why I need different seed for each threads?
you don't necessary need, it is your choice to use or not the same seed in all the threads

using the time function for srand in pseudo-random number generator in c

#include <time.h>
I don't understand why you have to include the time header file and use the time function in your program when creating a pseudo-random number generator using the function srand(). Can somebody please explain what the significance of time is in this case?
* Please note that the code shown is only part of the program. Thank you.
It's because of the Pseudo- part of Pseudorandom. The PRNG performs a mathematical operation upon an internally-stored seed value to yield the next output number and transform the seed.
If you don't call time(NULL) or some other source of entropy (eg. /dev/rand), then the sequence will still be pseudo-random (not easily predictable by examining the values), but it will be exactly the same for every run of the program. Because, even though it may be very difficult to accurately predict the next number, it is possible because the PRNG is deterministic.
If you don't provide your own seed with srand(), the default initial seed is usually 1.
The time() call provides the initial source of entropy that makes the starting seed unpredictable.
It makes the code non-repeatable when it is called for a second time. If you include no seed or a fixed number for a seed, the program will act exactly the same, because the random number will be the same.

Random Number In C Independent Of Time

Is there a way to generate random numbers in c language independent of time.
The idea is that I want to generate an array of random numbers at a time,but since rand() method depends on time,all the values in the array are generated similarly.
rand() doesn't depend on time. People typically seed their pseudo-random number generator using the current time (through the srand() function), but they don't have to. You can just pass whatever number you want to srand().
If your random numbers aren't of a high enough quality for your purposes (libc's rand is notorious for its inadequacy), you should look at other sources of randomness. On most operating systems, you can get high-quality random data just by reading from /dev/random (or /dev/urandom), and the Windows API provides CryptGenRandom. There are also a lot of cross-platform libraries that provide high-quality PRNGS; OpenSSL is one of them.
rand() generates values sequentially (in a time-sequence), but does not depend upon time (as in "time of day"), unless you seed the generator with srand(time(NULL)). If you don't do this, it's dependent on 1 (one).
There's also rand_r() (POSIX) to return the value of the current seed. You could use these to coordinate multiple streams of random-numbers, by saving and restoring the appropriate seed values.
For a non-deterministic seed without using time(NULL) you'll probably have to resort to a system-specific source (/dev/random on unix).
At all costs don't do this, and proceed to use myrand() as a replacement for rand(). This will return the same value for each call during each clock second.
unsigned myrand() { // BAD! NO!
srand(time(NULL)); // re-seeding destroys the properties of `rand()`
return rand();
If you call srand(), it should be just once at the beginning of the program.
The sequential determinism of rand() is actually a very useful property for testing programs. What you get is an (almost-)random, but repeatable sequence. If you print out the seed value at the start of the program, you can re-use the same value to produce the same results (like if it doesn't work on that run).

trying to find a fully-random number generator

I work in C and i am trying(desperately) to make a random generator that not only generates
a different number every time i run the generator but also a different sequence every time i run the program.I tested almost everything i found online.I resulted in 2 good ways to make a good random generator.
The first one is to use a different seed every time.But this means that i have to use a different-random seed every time,a matter that i didn't solve at first.Here is what i am trying now but it's not truly random as i want:
int myrand(int random_seed){
random_seed = random_seed * 1103515245 +12345;
return (unsigned int)(random_seed / 65536) % 32768;
Every time i call the function i increase the seed by 1.
The second way is to use time.Time changes and this is randomness.I also tried many ways to implement this.My latest try is here:
Compiler error-Possible IDE error"undefined reference to gettimeofday error"
but i couldn't use the gettimeofday function because i work in Windows.Also in that question i didn't get any answers.
Could anyone give help me of how i can implement a random generator(probably using time) in C working in Windows?Or should i use Unix?
Seed your RNG with a good source of entropy.
Under unix, use /dev/random.
Under windows, use something like CryptoAPI - Windows equivalent of /dev/random
What you are asking for is not a random number generator, but how to use the random number generator already included in the C standard library.
All you need to do is seed it once at program startup:
That's all. It's portable and will give you a different sequence every time you run the program, given that at least one second has passed since the last time you've ran it.
There is no harm in seeding it again later, but no point in it either.
The C standard library has the header time.h (or ctime if you are using C++)(reference). The functions there will be supported in Windows and Unix.
I would recommend time() or clock() as seed for your random number generator.
An other way to get totally random input is the usage of the mouse position or other things influenced from outside.
There are many ways to implement prng but unfortunately none of them is real random number generator. time(NULL) is a good approach but I'm using "blum blum shub". It generates one bit random number
Since you're asking explicitly for a Windows solution I'd suggest to avoid time(NULL) or clock() as a seed for srand()since their granularity is very limited (ms). Instead you could use the result of the performance counter:
LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount;
The increment rate of the frequency of QueryPerformanceCounter() can be obtained by a call to QueryPerformanceFrequency(). This typically increases at at least 1 MHz and sometimes even into the GHz range. Therefore it provides a fast changing source for the seed.
Edit: As understood from your earlier question also a gettimeofday() alike implementation won't give fine granularity. It may show the word tv_usec in its argument but on WIndows it will not provide microseconds granularity as it does on Linux systems.
to make a random generator that not only generates a different number every time i run the generator
Definitions of random do not include that concept. Rather the idea is that you have an equal chance of selecting any number, regardless of the number previously chosen. Which means it is theoretically possible to pick the same number twice.
If you are dealing a deck of cards then that meets your criterion of no duplicates. Using the deck dealing approach means keeping track of "used" numbers.
You should also be aware that PNRGs (pseudorandom number generators) are cyclic (periodic). After you have generated numbers, usually a large number, you then start all over again and repeat exactly the name sequence of numbers. The UNIX rand() function generates integers integers in the range [0, {RAND_MAX}] and has a period of 2^32
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