Where EF6 doing where clause at SQL or at client - sql-server

I am trying to start using EF6 for a project. My database is already filled with millions of records.
I can't find right explanation how does EF send T-SQL to SQL Server? I am afraid that I am going to download bunch of data to user for no reason.
In code below I have found three way to get my data to List<> but I am not sure which is right way to do WHERE clause at SQL.
I do not want to fill client with millions of record and to query (filter) that data at client.
using (rgtBaza baza = new rgtBaza())
var t = baza.Database.SqlQuery<CJE_DOC>("select * from cje_doc where datum between #od and #do",new SqlParameter("od", this.dateTimePickerOD.Value.Date ) ,new SqlParameter("do", this.dateTimePickerOD.Value.Date)).ToList();
var t = baza.CJE_DOC.Where(s => s.DATUM.Value >= this.dateTimePickerOD.Value.Date && s.DATUM.Value <= this.dateTimePickerDO.Value.Date).ToList();
var query = from b in baza.CJE_DOC
where b.DATUM >= this.dateTimePickerOD.Value.Date && b.DATUM.Value <= this.dateTimePickerDO.Value.Date
select b;
var t = query.ToList();
this.dataGridViewCJENICI.DataSource = t;

In all 3 cases, the filtering will happen on the database side, the filtering (or WHERE clause) will not take place on the client side.
If you want to verify that this is true, especially for your last 2 options, add some logging so that you can see the generated SQL:
baza.Database.Log = s => Console.WriteLine(s);
In this case, since you are using EF already, choose the 2nd or 3rd options, they are both equivalent with different syntax. Pick your favorite syntax.

In all of those examples, EF6 will generate a SQL query including the where clause - it won't perform the where clause on the client.
It won't actually retrieve any data from the database until you iterate through the results, which in the examples above, is when you call .ToList().
EF6 would only run the filter on the client if you called something like:
baza.CJE_DOC.ToList().Where(x => x.Field == value)
In this instance, it would retrieve the entire table when you called ToList(), and then use a client-side Linq query to filter the results in the where clause.

Any of the 3 will run the query on the SQL Server.
EF relies on LINQ's deferred execution model to build up an expression tree. Once you take an action that causes the expression to be enumerated (e.g. calling ToList(), ToArray(), or any of the other To*() methods), it will convert the expression tree to SQL, send the query to the server, and then start returning the results.
One of the side effects of this is that when using the query or lambda syntax, expressions that EF does not understand how to convert to SQL will cause an exception.
If you absolutely need to use some code that EF can't handle, you can break your code into multiple segments -- filtering things down as far as possible via code that can be converted to SQL, using the AsEnumerable() method to "close off" the EF expression, and doing your remaining filtering or transformations using Linq to Objects.


How to retrieve data from LedgerJournalTrans table (based on relations and joins) for voucher transaction form in D365FinOp?

Basically I have a client request to implement:
Need to show data from the following fields : PaymMode, BankChequeNum, LedgerDimensionName, JournalNum from ledgerJournalTrans table on the LedgerTransVoucher form but have been unable to do so have tried nearly all of the possible queries that I could think of but none of them are working the way I expect them to: either the query is doing a cartesian product and duplicating the records or it is displaying no data in those fields.
Below is the query that I have recently tried:
public display MH_AccountTitle displayBeneficiaryName(GeneralJournalAccountEntry _accountEntry)
select SubledgerVoucher, AccountingDate from journalEntry
where journalEntry.RecId == _accountEntry.GeneralJournalEntry
join Voucher, MH_AccountTitle, RecId, AmountCurDebit, AmountCurCredit, TransDate from LedgerTrans
where LedgerTrans.Voucher == journalEntry.SubledgerVoucher
&& LedgerTrans.TransDate == journalEntry.AccountingDate
&& LedgerTrans.PaymReference == _accountEntry.PaymentReference
&& (abs(_accountEntry.TransactionCurrencyAmount) == LedgerTrans.AmountCurDebit
|| abs(_accountEntry.TransactionCurrencyAmount) == LedgerTrans.AmountCurCredit);
return ledgerTrans.MH_AccountTitle;
I know this query is logically incorrect because joins can't be applied on the basis of date and amount but this was suggested by a senior of mine after all else failed, and it did work, records were returned correctly but it failed where there were multiple transactions with same TransactionCurrencyAmount,TransDate and voucher
join with PaymentReference also failed where the method of payment was not Check and hence there was no BankChequeNum/Payment reference resulting in the same problem
Anyone who has any idea of what could be work around for this?
work has been done on a custom form of LedgerTransVoucher
display method approach was used because simply applying joins on the form's data source didn't work
Also code has been written on form's datasource GeneralJournalAccountEntry
What I usually do to debug these kinds of issues is get the query string that X++ creates when using inline SQL. Often there is something that X++ translates into SQL that is not expected.
Secondly, I always write my queries in SSMS first to avoid having unwanted results because of the X++ translation to SQL query.
You can get the query string by either making a query object and using the .ToString() method or you can take a trace and use Traceparser to view the query that was sent to the SQL Server.
I am thinking the abs() functions will be the issue here.

Fetching ElasticSearch Results into SQL Server by calling Web Service using SQL CLR

Code Migration due to Performance Issues :-
SQL Server LIKE Condition ( BEFORE )
SQL Server Full Text Search --> CONTAINS ( BEFORE )
Elastic Search ( CURRENTLY )
Achieved So Far :-
We have a web page created in ASP.Net Core which has a Auto Complete Drop Down of 2.5+ Million Companies Indexed in Elastic Search https://www.99corporates.com/
Due to performance issues we have successfully shifted our code from SQL Server Full Text Search to Elastic Search and using NEST v7.2.1 and Elasticsearch.Net v7.2.1 in our .Net Code.
Still looking for a solution :-
If the user does not select a company from the Auto Complete List and simply enters a few characters and clicks on go then a list should be displayed which we had done earlier by using the SQL Server Full Text Search --> CONTAINS
Can we call the ASP.Net Web Service which we have created using SQL CLR and code like SELECT * FROM dbo.Table WHERE Name IN( dbo.SQLWebRequest('') )
public static List<string> SearchCompany(string prefixText, int count)
Any better or alternate option
While that solution (i.e. the SQL-APIConsumer SQLCLR project) "works", it is not scalable. It also requires setting the database to TRUSTWORTHY ON (a security risk), and loads a few assemblies as UNSAFE, such as Json.NET, which is risky if any of them use static variables for caching, expecting each caller to be isolated / have their own App Domain, because SQLCLR is a single, shared App Domain, hence static variables are shared across all callers, and multiple concurrent threads can cause race-conditions (this is not to say that this is something that is definitely happening since I haven't seen the code, but if you haven't either reviewed the code or conducted testing with multiple concurrent threads to ensure that it doesn't pose a problem, then it's definitely a gamble with regards to stability and ensuring predictable, expected behavior).
To a slight degree I am biased given that I do sell a SQLCLR library, SQL#, in which the Full version contains a stored procedure that also does this but a) handles security properly via signatures (it does not enable TRUSTWORTHY), b) allows for handling scalability, c) does not require any UNSAFE assemblies, and d) handles more scenarios (better header handling, etc). It doesn't handle any JSON, it just returns the web service response and you can unpack that using OPENJSON or something else if you prefer. (yes, there is a Free version of SQL#, but it does not contain INET_GetWebPages).
HOWEVER, I don't think SQLCLR is a good fit for this scenario in the first place. In your first two versions of this project (using LIKE and then CONTAINS) it made sense to send the user input directly into the query. But now that you are using a web service to get a list of matching values from that user input, you are no longer confined to that approach. You can, and should, handle the web service / Elastic Search portion of this separately, in the app layer.
Rather than passing the user input into the query, only to have the query pause to get that list of 0 or more matching values, you should do the following:
Before executing any query, get the list of matching values directly in the app layer.
If no matching values are returned, you can skip the database call entirely as you already have your answer, and respond immediately to the user (much faster response time when no matches return)
If there are matches, then execute the search stored procedure, sending that list of matches as-is via Table-Valued Parameter (TVP) which becomes a table variable in the stored procedure. Use that table variable to INNER JOIN against the table rather than doing an IN list since IN lists do not scale well. Also, be sure to send the TVP values to SQL Server using the IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> method, not the DataTable approach as that merely wastes CPU / time and memory.
For example code on how to accomplish this correctly, please see my answer to Pass Dictionary to Stored Procedure T-SQL
In C#-style pseudo-code, this would be something along the lines of the following:
List<string> = companies;
companies = SearchCompany(PrefixText, Count);
if (companies.Length == 0)
using(SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using(SqlCommand batch = db.CreateCommand())
batch.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
batch.CommandText = "ProcName";
SqlParameter tvp = new SqlParameter("ParamName", SqlDbType.Structured);
tvp.Value = MethodThatYieldReturnsList(companies);
using(SqlDataReader results = db.ExecuteReader())
if (results.HasRows)
// deal with results
Done. Got the solution.
Used SQL CLR https://github.com/geral2/SQL-APIConsumer
exec [dbo].[APICaller_POST]
#URL = 'https://www.-----/SearchCompany'
,#JsonBody = '{"searchText":"GOOG","count":10}'
Let me know if there is any other / better options to achieve this.

Query archaic DB with entity framework

I have inherited a very old DB and I'm just starting out with .NET Core 3 (preview) to see if I can create a proof-of-concept WebApi that uses EF Core to query the DB.
So my problem is that in this DB, much of the data is untrimmed (so has lots of white space around values). There's a mix of varchar(n) and char(n) fields. And no, I'm not in a position to re-engineer this.
So my challenge is that the WebApi will receive a query which will contain a List<People>, and I need to return all relevant data about those people.
If I were doing this in SQL I guess I would do something like:
FROM Table1
ON RTRIM(LTRIM(Table1.[P1])) = RTRIM(LTRIM(Table2.[P9]))
I need to be able to do something similar using Entity Framework where I would join the DB table with the .NET List<People>. However, I'm a) not sure how best to go about this with the necessary trims and b) the number of rows in this DB is very large and so it has to be a set-based operation performed on the SQL Server - I can't bring everything back to the DB and join in-memory.
[EDIT (24th June)]
To add some examples of what I've tried, and to re-focus the question onto the approach I should be employing:
1 - I attempted this using a JOIN
var y = from a in query
join b in request.Items
on new { a.Prop1, a.Prop2 } equals new { b.Prop1, b.Prop2 }
select new { a.Prop1, a.Prop2, a.Prop3 };
return await y.ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
The compile error returned is:
The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect.
Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'.
Not sure why, but I suspect that this is because I'm trying to join strings to DB char fields.
Also tried:
var y = from a in query
from b in request.Items
where a.Prop1 == b.Prop1 && a.Prop2 == b.Prop2
select new {a.Prop1, a.Prop2, a.Prop3};
return await y.ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
This compiles, but gives run-time error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'collection selector was not
So, yes, I do need to be able to ensure that I'm trimming the data when doing the "join", but I think the main problem is that this needs to be a server-side operation (because of the size of the data sets) but I'd doing a join with a DB table against an in-memory List on the Client.
Not sure what the best approach is here (with EF Core 3).

Simple.Data LIKE Operator in Where

How can we use LIKE operator in WHEREusing Simple.Data for SQL Server in ASP.Net C#
I need to run this SQL Query
SELECT MAX(regid) FROM reg_course WHERE(regid LIKE '%2013%')
Finally I achieved this task by aliasing the max(regid) column and querying in this fashion.
var cid=db.course_test.All()
returns the type Simple.Data.SqlQuery
Using FirstOrDefault returns Top result. If you don't want you can iterate in collection without using FirstOrDefault
Any other Better way Suggestions??

Hitting the 2100 parameter limit (SQL Server) when using Contains()

from f in CUSTOMERS
where depts.Contains(f.DEPT_ID)
select f.NAME
depts is a list (IEnumerable<int>) of department ids
This query works fine until you pass a large list (say around 3000 dept ids) .. then I get this error:
The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.
I changed my query to:
var dept_ids = string.Join(" ", depts.ToStringArray());
from f in CUSTOMERS
where dept_ids.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(f.DEPT_id)) != -1
select f.NAME
using IndexOf() fixed the error but made the query slow. Is there any other way to solve this? thanks so much.
My solution (Guids is a list of ids you would like to filter by):
List<MyTestEntity> result = new List<MyTestEntity>();
for(int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((double)Guids.Count / 2000); i++)
var nextGuids = Guids.Skip(i * 2000).Take(2000);
result.AddRange(db.Tests.Where(x => nextGuids.Contains(x.Id)));
this.DataContext = result;
Why not write the query in sql and attach your entity?
It's been awhile since I worked in Linq, but here goes:
IQuery q = Session.CreateQuery(#"
select *
from customerTable f
where f.DEPT_id in (" + string.Join(",", depts.ToStringArray()) + ")");
Of course, you will need to protect against injection, but that shouldn't be too hard.
You will want to check out the LINQKit project since within there somewhere is a technique for batching up such statements to solve this issue. I believe the idea is to use the PredicateBuilder to break the local collection into smaller chuncks but I haven't reviewed the solution in detail because I've instead been looking for a more natural way to handle this.
Unfortunately it appears from Microsoft's response to my suggestion to fix this behavior that there are no plans set to have this addressed for .NET Framework 4.0 or even subsequent service packs.
I've opened up some discussion regarding whether this was going to be fixed for LINQ to SQL or the ADO.NET Entity Framework on the MSDN forums. Please see these posts for more information regarding these topics and to see the temporary workaround that I've come up with using XML and a SQL UDF.
I had similar problem, and I got two ways to fix it.
Intersect method
join on IDs
To get values that are NOT in list, I used Except method OR left join.
EntityFramework 6.2 runs the following query successfully:
var employeeIDs = Enumerable.Range(3, 5000);
var orders =
from order in Orders
where employeeIDs.Contains((int)order.EmployeeID)
select order;
Your post was from a while ago, but perhaps someone will benefit from this. Entity Framework does a lot of query caching, every time you send in a different parameter count, that gets added to the cache. Using a "Contains" call will cause SQL to generate a clause like "WHERE x IN (#p1, #p2.... #pn)", and bloat the EF cache.
Recently I looked for a new way to handle this, and I found that you can create an entire table of data as a parameter. Here's how to do it:
First, you'll need to create a custom table type, so run this in SQL Server (in my case I called the custom type "TableId"):
Then, in C#, you can create a DataTable and load it into a structured parameter that matches the type. You can add as many data rows as you want:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
This is an arbitrary list of IDs to search on. You can make the list as large as you want:
Create an SqlParameter using the custom table type and your data table:
SqlParameter tableParameter = new SqlParameter("#id", SqlDbType.Structured);
tableParameter.TypeName = "dbo.TableId";
tableParameter.Value = dt;
Then you can call a bit of SQL from your context that joins your existing table to the values from your table parameter. This will give you all records that match your ID list:
var items = context.Dailies.FromSqlRaw<Dailies>("SELECT * FROM dbo.Dailies d INNER JOIN #id id ON d.Daily_ID = id.id", tableParameter).AsNoTracking().ToList();
You could always partition your list of depts into smaller sets before you pass them as parameters to the IN statement generated by Linq. See here:
Divide a large IEnumerable into smaller IEnumerable of a fix amount of item
