DB consistency with microservices - database

What is the best way to achieve DB consistency in microservice-based systems?
At the GOTO in Berlin, Martin Fowler was talking about microservices and one "rule" he mentioned was to keep "per-service" databases, which means that services cannot directly connect to a DB "owned" by another service.
This is super-nice and elegant but in practice it becomes a bit tricky. Suppose that you have a few services:
a frontend
an order-management service
a loyalty-program service
Now, a customer make a purchase on your frontend, which will call the order management service, which will save everything in the DB -- no problem. At this point, there will also be a call to the loyalty-program service so that it credits / debits points from your account.
Now, when everything is on the same DB / DB server it all becomes easy since you can run everything in one transaction: if the loyalty program service fails to write to the DB we can roll the whole thing back.
When we do DB operations throughout multiple services this isn't possible, as we don't rely on one connection / take advantage of running a single transaction.
What are the best patterns to keep things consistent and live a happy life?
I'm quite eager to hear your suggestions!..and thanks in advance!

This is super-nice and elegant but in practice it becomes a bit tricky
What it means "in practice" is that you need to design your microservices in such a way that the necessary business consistency is fulfilled when following the rule:
that services cannot directly connect to a DB "owned" by another service.
In other words - don't make any assumptions about their responsibilities and change the boundaries as needed until you can find a way to make that work.
Now, to your question:
What are the best patterns to keep things consistent and live a happy life?
For things that don't require immediate consistency, and updating loyalty points seems to fall in that category, you could use a reliable pub/sub pattern to dispatch events from one microservice to be processed by others. The reliable bit is that you'd want good retries, rollback, and idempotence (or transactionality) for the event processing stuff.
If you're running on .NET some examples of infrastructure that support this kind of reliability include NServiceBus and MassTransit. Full disclosure - I'm the founder of NServiceBus.
Update: Following comments regarding concerns about the loyalty points: "if balance updates are processed with delay, a customer may actually be able to order more items than they have points for".
Many people struggle with these kinds of requirements for strong consistency. The thing is that these kinds of scenarios can usually be dealt with by introducing additional rules, like if a user ends up with negative loyalty points notify them. If T goes by without the loyalty points being sorted out, notify the user that they will be charged M based on some conversion rate. This policy should be visible to customers when they use points to purchase stuff.

I don’t usually deal with microservices, and this might not be a good way of doing things, but here’s an idea:
To restate the problem, the system consists of three independent-but-communicating parts: the frontend, the order-management backend, and the loyalty-program backend. The frontend wants to make sure some state is saved in both the order-management backend and the loyalty-program backend.
One possible solution would be to implement some type of two-phase commit:
First, the frontend places a record in its own database with all the data. Call this the frontend record.
The frontend asks the order-management backend for a transaction ID, and passes it whatever data it would need to complete the action. The order-management backend stores this data in a staging area, associating with it a fresh transaction ID and returning that to the frontend.
The order-management transaction ID is stored as part of the frontend record.
The frontend asks the loyalty-program backend for a transaction ID, and passes it whatever data it would need to complete the action. The loyalty-program backend stores this data in a staging area, associating with it a fresh transaction ID and returning that to the frontend.
The loyalty-program transaction ID is stored as part of the frontend record.
The frontend tells the order-management backend to finalize the transaction associated with the transaction ID the frontend stored.
The frontend tells the loyalty-program backend to finalize the transaction associated with the transaction ID the frontend stored.
The frontend deletes its frontend record.
If this is implemented, the changes will not necessarily be atomic, but it will be eventually consistent. Let’s think of the places it could fail:
If it fails in the first step, no data will change.
If it fails in the second, third, fourth, or fifth, when the system comes back online it can scan through all frontend records, looking for records without an associated transaction ID (of either type). If it comes across any such record, it can replay beginning at step 2. (If there is a failure in step 3 or 5, there will be some abandoned records left in the backends, but it is never moved out of the staging area so it is OK.)
If it fails in the sixth, seventh, or eighth step, when the system comes back online it can look for all frontend records with both transaction IDs filled in. It can then query the backends to see the state of these transactions—committed or uncommitted. Depending on which have been committed, it can resume from the appropriate step.

I agree with what #Udi Dahan said. Just want to add to his answer.
I think you need to persist the request to the loyalty program so that if it fails it can be done at some other point. There are various ways to word/do this.
1) Make the loyalty program API failure recoverable. That is to say it can persist requests so that they do not get lost and can be recovered (re-executed) at some later point.
2) Execute the loyalty program requests asynchronously. That is to say, persist the request somewhere first then allow the service to read it from this persisted store. Only remove from the persisted store when successfully executed.
3) Do what Udi said, and place it on a good queue (pub/sub pattern to be exact). This usually requires that the subscriber do one of two things... either persist the request before removing from the queue (goto 1) --OR-- first borrow the request from the queue, then after successfully processing the request, have the request removed from the queue (this is my preference).
All three accomplish the same thing. They move the request to a persisted place where it can be worked on till successful completion. The request is never lost, and retried if necessary till a satisfactory state is reached.
I like to use the example of a relay race. Each service or piece of code must take hold and ownership of the request before allowing the previous piece of code to let go of it. Once it's handed off, the current owner must not lose the request till it gets processed or handed off to some other piece of code.

Even for distributed transactions you can get into "transaction in doubt status" if one of the participants crashes in the midst of the transaction. If you design the services as idempotent operation then life becomes a bit easier. One can write programs to fulfill business conditions without XA. Pat Helland has written excellent paper on this called "Life Beyond XA". Basically the approach is to make as minimum assumptions about remote entities as possible. He also illustrated an approach called Open Nested Transactions (http://www.cidrdb.org/cidr2013/Papers/CIDR13_Paper142.pdf) to model business processes. In this specific case, Purchase transaction would be top level flow and loyalty and order management will be next level flows. The trick is to crate granular services as idempotent services with compensation logic. So if any thing fails anywhere in the flow, individual services can compensate for it. So e.g. if order fails for some reason, loyalty can deduct the accrued point for that purchase.
Other approach is to model using eventual consistency using CALM or CRDTs. I've written a blog to highlight using CALM in real life - http://shripad-agashe.github.io/2015/08/Art-Of-Disorderly-Programming May be it will help you.


Syncing database and an external payment service

Are there any "design patterns" related to processing important financial operations so that there's no way that a local database can become out of sync because of some errors ?
A financial transaction record is created in a local db, then a request is sent to a remote payment API endpoint to charge a customer. Pseudocode:
record = TransactionRecord.create(timestamp=DateTime.now, amount=billed_amount, status=Processing)
response = Request.post(url=remote_url, data=record.post_data)
if response.ok:
Now, even if I handle errors that can be returned by the remote payment service a lot of other bad things can still happen: DB server can go down, network connection can go down etc., at arbitrary points in time.
In the above code the DB server can become inaccessible right after creating the transaction record, so it might not be possible to mark that record as ok, even if the financial transaction itself has been performed successfuly by the remote service.
In other words: customer is charged but we don't have that booked..
This can be worked around in a number of ways - by periodically syncing with the remote service, by investigating TransactionReturn-s which are being processed but are older than e.g. 10 minutes or an hour.
But my question is if there are some well established patterns for handling such situations (where money is involved, so everything should work properly "all the time") ?
PS. I'm not sure what tags should I use for this question, feel free to re-tag it.
I don't think there is any 'design pattern' to address cases such as database connection going down or network connection going down as it happens in your scenario. Any of those two scenarios are major fault events and would most likely require manual intervention.
There is not much coding you can do to address them other than being defensive by doing proper error checking, providing proper notifications to support and automatically disabling functionality which does not work (if the application detects that the payment service is down then 'Submit payment' button should be disabled).
You will be able to cut down significantly on support if you do proper error handling and state management. In your case, the transaction record would have to change its state from Pending -> Submitted -> Processed or Rejected or something like this.
Also, not every service provides functionality to for syncing up.

Is RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Service Broker or something similar an appropriate solution for creating a high availability database webservice?

I have a CRUD webservice, and have been tasked with trying to figure out a way to ensure that we don't lose data when the database goes down. Everyone is aware that if the database goes down we won't be able to get "reads" but for a specific subset of the operations we want to make sure that we don't lose data.
I've been given the impression that this is something that is covered by services like 0MQ, RabbitMQ, or one of the Microsoft MQ services. Although after a few days of reading and research, I'm not even certain that the messages we're talking about in MQ services include database operations. I am however 100% certain that I can queue up as many hello worlds as I could ever hope for.
If I can use a message queue for adding a layer of protection to the database, I'd lean towards Rabbit (because it appears to persist through crashes) but since the target is a Microsoft SQL server databse, perhaps one of their solutions (such as SQL Service Broker, or MSMQ) is more appropriate.
The real fundamental question that I'm not yet sure of though is whether I'm even playing with the right deck of cards (so to speak).
With the desire for a high-availablity webservice, that continues to function if the database goes down, does it make sense to put a Rabbit MQ instance "between" the webservice and the database? Maybe the right link in the chain is to have RabbitMQ send messages to the webserver?
Or is there some other solution for achieving this? There are a number of lose ideas at the moment around finding a way to roll up weblogs in the event of database outage or something... but we're still in early enough stages that (at least I) have no idea what I'm going to do.
Is message queue the right solution?
Introducing message queuing in between a service and it's database operations is certainly one way of improving service availability. Writing to a local temporary queue in a store-and-forward scenario will always be more available than writing to a remote database server, simply by being a local operation.
Additionally by using queuing you gain greater control over the volume and nature of database traffic your database has to handle at peak. Database writes can be queued, routed, and even committed in a different order.
However, in order to do this you need to be aware that when a database write is performed it is processed off-line. Even under conditions where this happens almost instantaneously, you are losing a benefit that the synchronous nature of your current service gives you, which is that your service consumers can always know if the database write operation is successful or not.
I have written about this subject before here. The user posting the question had similar concerns to you. Whether you do this or not is a decision you have to make based on whether this is something your consumers care about or not.
As for the technology stacks you are thinking of this off-line model is implementable with any of them pretty much, with the possible exception of Service broker, which doesn't integrate well with code (see my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45690344/569662).
If you're using Windows and unlikely to need to migrate, I would go for MSMQ (which supports durable messaging via transactional queues) as it's lightweight and part of Windows.

Message Queue or DataBase insert and select

I am designing an application and I have two ideas in mind (below). I have a process that collects data appx. 30 KB and this data will be collected every 5 minutes and needs to be updated on client (web side-- 100 users at any given time). Information collected does not need to be stored for future usage.
I can get data and insert into database every 5 minutes. And then client call will be made to DB and retrieve data and update UI.
Collect data and put it into Topic or Queue. Now multiple clients (consumers) can go to Queue and obtain data.
I am looking for option 2 as better solution because it is faster (no DB calls) and no redundancy of storage.
Can anyone suggest which would be ideal solution and why ?
I don't really understand the difference. The data has to be temporarily stored somewhere until the next update, right.
But all users can see it, not just the first person to get there, right? So a queue is not really an appropriate data structure from my interpretation of your system.
Whether the data is written to something persistent like a database or something less persistent like part of the web server or application server may be relevant here.
Also, you have tagged this as real-time, but I don't see how the web-clients are getting updates real-time without some kind of push/long-pull or whatever.
Seems to me that you need to use a queue and publisher/subscriber pattern.
This is an article about RabitMQ and Publish/Subscribe pattern.
I can get data and insert into database every 5 minutes. And then client call will be made to DB and retrieve data and update UI.
You can program your application to be event oriented. For ie, raise domain events and publish your message for your subscribers.
When you use a queue, the subscriber will dequeue the message addressed to him and, ofc, obeying the order (FIFO). In addition, there will be a guarantee of delivery, different from a database where the record can be delete, and yet not every 'subscriber' have gotten the message.
The pitfalls of using the database to accomplish this is:
Creation of indexes makes querying faster, but inserts slower;
Will have to control the delivery guarantee for every subscriber;
You'll need TTL (Time to Live) strategy for the records purge (considering delivery guarantee);

Sharing transactional space between two connections

There's an app that starts a transaction on SQL Server 2008 and moves some data around. Then, while the transaction is still not committed, the app prints out some labels. It is very important that the transaction is not committed until printing succeeded; if a printing error occurs, everything is rolled back.
Now, the printing engine is a) grew quite huge and complex, and b) is eventually required from lots of places. It is therefore decided to separate the engine and make it a service.
Yes, it is possible to pass all data required for printing from the client app to that server so that the server only prints and is not concerned about databases. However, that would mean leaving piles of code and label templates in each application that requires printing; effectively, very little separation will then occur. On contrary, it would be extreemely efficient (and easier for me to write and maintain) to just pass the IDs of what is required to the service which then would go to the database and get the data. All formats and layouts will be centralized and apps will only ask for 5 delivery notes from print job 12345.
Now, this is not going to happen as the transaction is still not committed at the moment of printing. The service would not be able to read the data, and using READ UNCOMMITTED is not quite an option.
I was going to use the good old sp_bindsession to join the two sessions, app's and service's, but then it is suddenly deprecated and to be removed from future releases. The help suggests I use MARS or distributed transactions instead, but I can't see how they would help.
Any advice?
My gut feeling is that attempting to share a transaction between two processes in this way is not a good idea.
My approach would be to either to pass all data to service, or investigate alternatives to keeping the transaction open for the duration of the printing - would a simpler mechanism (such as an IsPrinted flag for each record) not suffice?
Failing that, the eaisest way I can see of doing this would be to have the printing service pass all of its SQL requests back through to the originating process so that they can be executed in the context of the original transaction.
Only sp_getbindtoken/sp_bindsession can do what you ask, and it is deprecated and will be removed.
In theory you should use short transactions, represent the 'printing' state as a committed state, and have compensating actions if the print fails. Also if the printing engine is exposed as a service, it should be autonomous and receive as a message all data it needs to print (like label templates). I understand this is easy for me to to say but may be a major undertaking on the product.
For the moment I think your best bet is to use the session binding tokens. Altough I have to call out that leaving transactions open for the duration of physical operations (printing) is a very bad practice.

sql service broker functionality question

I'm a beginning web developer sitting on an ambitious web application project.
So after having done some research, I found out about SQL Service Broker. It seems like something I could use, but I'm not sure. Since learning it requires someone to put in lots of time, I wanted to be sure that it would fit my needs.
I need to implement a system where website users can submit text to the website. This stream of messages has to be redundant and dealt with in a FIFO way, with on the other end of the stream another group of users dealing with the messages.
Now, a message that is being read by one of this last group of users, should be locked so that no-one else can read it at the same time. The user can then decide to handle the message or not. Only if he decides to deal with the message can it be deleted from the queue. If he decides that he doesn't want to deal with the message, the message should be put back in the queue (at the end of the queue, or at least with the highest priority), so that another user can read it and decide.
Is this something I would be able to implement with SQL Service Broker? Am I on the wrong track?
Thank you!
IMO, the best use of Service Broker is for connecting to independent Application in a loosely coupled way. What I mean by that is that systems tied in this way can communicate through a set of mutually agreed message types. This in contrast to one application manipulating directly the other's database, for example.
From what you've said, I would implement it as a simple table, for example: Create a message table with an identity PK, an Allocation flag and your custom columns. Whenever an operator wants to fetch the last message, get the lowest PK value for which Allocation = 'N' and update Allocation to 'Y'. This in a single transaction.
When/if the operation decides to return the message to queue, just set its AllocationFlag to 'N' and its back.
This is just an example. The database in this case is providing you consistency, heavy load performance, etc.
Behind the screens all data you submit to SSB is stored and manipulated as tables, so there is no reason for it to be necessarily faster than a database solution .
