Angular JS Permissions Check - angularjs

Have a long list of items for some of which the user has permissions for some of them don't. How can I check if the user has permission for specific item?
I can load the permissions in the controller and then when I iterate trough the list in ng-repat call a method to check if for that item I have permission - the item is in the permissions array - loaded before.
What I have seen trying this approach is that because of the two way data biding this takes a long time - the check is executed even when the user is doing something else on the screen - clicking a button - interacting with the controller. What will be the best method to implement this?

I update my user (->permissions) only on app start or route changes.
With this, I get no performance problems in my central method
which only checks the result, so js has nothing to calculate in template.

Just use memoization technics. Permission checks should not change very often (I guess after login form and after logout). So, you can do something like:
var memoize = require('lodash.memoize')
var hasPermission = memoize(service.hasPermission)
If you want to clear cache just call
I used this approach on my projects using CASL and it works quite fast


Detect if the user got to the current route by using history.goBack()

I have an application that has a list of employees as a part of it. When the user clicks on an employee, the app navigates to the details page of the employee. In the details page there is a button that executes history.goBack(), which would take the user to the employee list, but that is not the only way to navigate to the employee list in the app.
I need to execute certain logic only when the user has gotten to the employee list by using history.goBack (the logic should NOT be executed, when the user gets to the employee list, f.e. using history.push).
How can I detect whether the user got there by using history.goBack() in the employee list component?
Presumably you also need to run this logic when the user clicks the built in browser "back" button, since this is functionally identical? The short answer is, you can't. The browser has no built in events for navigation direction by design for security reasons.
What you can do instead is create a HOC or Hook which calls history.listen and continuously updates some piece of state with the previous location. Then provide it as Context to the relevant components and compare it where needed with the current location.
This is probably a better solution anyway since it sounds like you only want to run logic in this limited routing scenario, and listening to a generalised "back" event would make it prone to errors should you add more ways to route back to the Employee List in the future.
You can use the history.action prop. After goBack is POP while after replace is PUSH or REPLACE.
Notice that the action is also POP on first load. If you want to ignore this case, combine it with history.length > 1.
To summarize:
const isBack = history.action === "POP" && history.length > 1;
(Click on "About" and "Back")

Website "you can do this" script

I want to create a training path for new users accessing my site. This training path must display info bubbles showing what you can do on every page, but only the first time you access it.
So, for example, if a user enters a page where there's an edit button an info box should appear next to the edit button telling the user that he can edit that page.
I will create the script myself, I just want to know what's the best method to check if the user has already seen that box or not. I was thinking about storing in database a boolean value for each info box which will be set to true if the user has seen the box. To save some queries from the DB I think I can also store the same values in localStorage or in Cookies.
What is the best practice for creating user training paths for a website?
The way I suggest is to store user id (ip or username ? ) and a bit value for each bubble like you say.
PS: for your script you can use this:

Want to display results of a callout

When a user 'Saves' a Contact (for example), whether it's new or just updated, I need to:
Do an external callout using one of the Contact field values as a lookup
Display the results of the callout, so the user can make a selection
Update the Contact based on the user's selection display the updated Contact
I have found two aproaches, but have reached a point in both that I need to resolve.
Trigger Based Method
In the 'after' trigger pass the lookup string to a callback.
Update the Contact with the selection
How do you pass the lookup string or results to a visualforce page to display the lookup results?
When the user makes the selection and the update has been done, how do I move back to the updated contact?
Override Base Method
I found a discussion here that seems to suggests using overriding & redirection to someone asking about 'Edit'. I think this could also be done with the 'Save' button.
This is meant to be a deployable sollution, so I think that the override has to be set in code (I'm using the IDE) and not via Setup (or am I wrong?). I can't find out if this is possible or how to do it
Sorry for detailed question. Didn't want to just ask the wrong question (i.e. assume I know the best approach).
For the trigger-based method, you cannot change the built-in Save functionality, but (per your second solution) you can override the Edit button and recreate the Edit page with Visualforce, which would give you full control over the Save button and how you handle the callout and redirecting.
The release notes for Spring '10 indicate that standard-button overrides are now available for packaging, as they can be created through the Metadata API.

Best way to populate a dropdown sitewide that is

I am using CakePHP 1.3 and a layout which includes a dropdown of organizations a user has access to administer, so I'm trying to populate that dropdown with organizations that contain the userid that is logged in, but I want to populate it before the user sees anything so they can use it in the header. The dropdown needs to appear on every page once logged in. I tried adding the query to pull these organizations in the appcontroller, but userid was not yet available to use in before filter. Where or how should I do this? Should it be in session or is there a better construct to use? Element?
In my app it's no problem to use the user_id from within the beforeRender (if you are using the Auth-Component).
You can use it with $this->Auth->user('id').
I would do it like this: Check in the AppController if the user is logged in. If he is, pull your wanted information from the database (or whereever you get your information from) and store it in a variable called $dropdown for example.
If the user is not logged in, $dropdown will be false.
You now make this variable available to the view with $this->set(compact('dropdown'))
Now in your layout (this is important to you have it on every page) you can easily do a check if $dropdown is false or not. If not, you can work with your variable and show the user your wanted dropdown.

how to find out my current user id in other page controller after i login?

i am planing to set a permission on my event index page, which just allow certain user to view which had set when i add the event. After user click into my event, the event controller will 1st check the user id and check the event database which control the user can see which event in his calendar. The permission is added when user create a event and share to other user. Beside, how can i find the current user id to compare with my event database which is the accurate 1?
any suggestion for me to did this function?
i need to know the code and concept how i get the current user id to compare with all the event database, and allow the current user see the certain event.
thanks alot for your information.
The recommended approach for getting logged in user data is via the AuthComponent itself:
// in any controller
$userId = $this->Auth->user('id');
See Accessing the logged in user in the Auth section of the CakePHP Book.
Use sessions to save and read data for a user between pages.
Within Controllers:
// store a user id in the session
$this->Session->write('', $userId);
// read a user id from the session
$userId = $this->Session->read('');
Within Views:
// read a user id from the session
$userId = $session->read('');
You can use any key you want if you prefer something over "". I simply use this since it is what the AuthComponent defaults to if you are using that.
What you're looking for are ACLs (Access Control Lists). There's an AclComponent built into Cake which you should look into. It works together with the AuthComponent, which will hold the user id. It's a little complicated at first, but worth the hassle.
Also, for a simple approach, have a look at the model and controller settings of AuthComponent::authorize. This allows you to define an isAuthorized() method in your controller or model (your choice) which will store logic that determines access (should return true if access allowed and false if denied).
to see sessions, queries, data, and everything else that is passed from page to page in cake use this amazing little helper
