SolrCloud: Unable to Create Collection, Locking Issues - solr

I have been trying to implement a SolrCloud, and everything works fine until I try to create a collection with 6 shards. My setup is as follows:
5 virtual servers, all running Ubuntu 14.04, hosted by a single company across different data centers
3 servers running ZooKeeper 3.4.6 for the ensemble
2 servers, each running Solr 5.1.0 server (Jetty)
The Solr instances each have a 2TB, ext4 secondary disk for the indexes, mounted at /solrData/Indexes. I set this value in solrconfig.xml via <dataDir>/solrData/Indexes</dataDir>, and uploaded it to the ZooKeeper ensemble. Note that these secondary disks are neither NAS nor NFS, which I know can cause problems. The solr user owns /solrData.
All the intra-server communication is via private IP, since all are hosted by the same company. I'm using iptables for firewall, and the ports are open and all the servers are communicating successfully. Config upload to ZooKeeper is successful, and I can see via the Solr admin interface that both nodes are available.
The trouble starts when I try to create a collection using the following command:,shard2,shard3,shard4,shard5,shard6&router.field=shard&async=4444
Via the Solr UI logging, I see that multiple index creation commands are issued simultaneously, like so:
6/25/2015, 7:55:45 AM WARN SolrCore [coll1_shard2_replica1] Solr index directory '/solrData/Indexes/index' doesn't exist. Creating new index...
6/25/2015, 7:55:45 AM WARN SolrCore [coll1_shard1_replica2] Solr index directory '/solrData/Indexes/index' doesn't exist. Creating new index...
Ultimately the task gets reported as complete, but in the log, I have locking errors:
Error creating core [coll1_shard2_replica1]: Lock obtain timed out: SimpleFSLock#/solrData/Indexes/index/write.lock
SolrIndexWriter was not closed prior to finalize(),​ indicates a bug -- POSSIBLE RESOURCE LEAK!!!
Error closing IndexWriter
If I look at the cloud graph, maybe a couple of the shards will have been created, others are closed or recovering, and if I restart Solr, none of the cores can fire up.
Now, I know what you're going to say: follow this SO post and change solrconfig.xml locking settings to this:
I did that, and it had no impact whatsoever. Hence the question. I'm about to have to release a single Solr instance into production, which I hate to do. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Based on the log entry you supplied, it looks like Solr may be creating the data (index) directory for EACH shard in the same folder.
Solr index directory '/solrData/Indexes/index' doesn't exist. Creating new index...
This message was shown for two different collections and it references the same location. What I usually do, is change my Solr Home to a different directory, under which all collection "instance" stuff will be created. Then I manually edit the for each shard to specify the location of the index data.


Change "Solr Cluster" in Lucidworks Fusion 4

I am running Fusion 4.2.4 with external Zookeeper (3.5.6) and Solr (7.7.2). I have been running a local set of servers and am trying to move to AWS instances. All of the configuration from my local Zookeepers has been duplicated to the AWS instances so they should be functionally equivalent.
I am to the point where I want to shut down the old (local) Zookeeper instances and just use the ones running in AWS. I have changed the configuration for Solr and Fusion ( so that they only use the AWS instances.
The problem I have is that Fusion's solr cluster (System->Solr Clusters) associated with all of my collections is still set to the old Zookeepers :9983,:9983,:9983 so if I turn off all of the old instances of Zookeeper my queries through Fusion's Query API no longer work. When I try to change the "Connect String" for that cluster it fails because the cluster is currently in use by collections. I am able to create a new cluster but there is no way that I can see to associate the new cluster with any of my collections. In a test environment set up similar to production, I have changed the searchClusterId for a specific collection using Fusion's Collections API however after doing so the queries still fail when I turn off all of the "old" Zookeeper instances. It seems like this is the way to go so I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to work.
So far, Lucidworks's support has not been able to provide a solution - I am open to suggestions.
This is what I came up with to solve this problem.
I created a test environment with an AWS Fusion UI/API/etc., local Solr, AWS Solr, local ZK, and AWS ZK.
1. Configure Fusion and Solr to only have the AWS ZK configured
2. Configure the two ZKs to be an ensemble
3. Create a new Solr Cluster in Fusion containing only the AWS ZK
4. For each collection in Solr
a. GET the json from <fusion_url>:8764/api/collections/<collection>
b. Edit the json to change “searchClusterId” to the new cluster defined in Fusion
c. PUT the new json to <fusion_url>:8764/api/collections/<collection>
After doing all of this, I was able to change the “default” Solr cluster in the Fusion Admin UI to confirm that no collections were using it (I wasn’t sure if anything would use the ‘default’ cluster so I thought it would be wise to not take the chance).
I was able to then stop the local ZK, put the AWS ZK in standalone mode, and restart Fusion. Everything seems to have started without issues.
I am not sure that this is the best way to do it, but it solved the problem as far as I could determine.

How do I create a Solr core without creating the config file first?

I am making a Solr web-based application and one of the features is the user can create a core and schema to the Solr. My friend made it using child process by going to the directory of the Solr first and then using the command 'bin/solr create -c...' the core can be created. But I am thinking of another approach, like using the http api request. I found this.
But apparently, it cannot run properly because you need to make the config file first for the core. The error says like this.
Error CREATEing SolrCore 'mycore': Unable to create core [mycore] Caused by: Could not load configuration from directory/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/configset2
So I am wondering what kind of approach I can do, since it seems like I can't make a core without setting up a config first. Or should I make an input menu with create core, create schema and only after the user clicks 'submit' it will process everything, from making a config file, creating schema, and then finally creating the core? I wonder if it's the best approach.
I am looking forward to any help.
You always need to provide a configuration when creating a core.
When your friend run the command, it actually used the default configuration data_driven_schema_configs, which you can confirm by reading the explanation from create_core command (create is an alias for create_core for non Cloud setup):
bin/solr create_core -h
The solr script copied that configuration and then created the core with it.
The example you showed is only valid for SolrCloud. If you are not using SolrCloud, you need to be using Core Admin API directly and manually setup the directory with configuration.
Notice that configsets are a bit of a tricky thing in the sense that if you create several cores from the same configset, that configset is shared and changes made to it by one core affect all of them. So, you most likely don't want to use them, but instead copy the configuration as I described above.

Creating Solr Config Sets without zookeeper

i have a very special situation, where i can not access zookper via SSH on the server i am running solr on. (Neither root nor sudo permissions). My question might be tricky or trvial, i am no expert regarding solr.
Anyways, would it be possible to create a configset (With my schema.xml and solrconfig.xml) without zookeeper? Solr is running with the cloud option. I cannot access the path where the files necesary for the config sets are. The best thing would be to completly bypass zookeeper or install solr without the necessity of zookeeper (Like, without the cloud option).

Solr Master/Slave still being followed

I have a solr cloud cluster with three different machines. Initially when there was only one machine I had enabled replication handler for master/slave in solrconfig.xml. But then I changed the config and commented out the replication handler part. Then I add the other two machines to the cluster and also created a cluster of zookeepers(one on each machine) and uploaded the new solrconfig.xml file.
But I still see the master/slave setup on the initial machine( that one that existed from beginning) and not on the other two machines. They all have the same config now, so why is the first machine still showing the master/slave part. Do I need to reload the zookeeper for that machine or something?
Any help will be appreciated.

SolrCloud boot with existing cores

I am playing with solrcloud 4.6.0 and have a question. I have 3 standalone zookeeper v3.4.5 servers and 2 solr instances. Zookeeper was freshly installed and empty.
I configured the first solr node with the new discovery format, prepared initial existing cores (with data) and started the first solr with the bootstrap_conf set to true.
By observing the solr log I saw the cores config was uploaded to zookeeper and can also confirm that by looking at zookeeper registry. Also the cores are visible in the solr web console, searchable. All in all working.
Now I wanted the second solr node to kick in. The second solr was only having solr.xml (exactly the same as the first solr node). My understanding was that starting the second solr node will read the cores info from zookeeper and after a while all cores will replicate to it.
Didn't happen.
No errors in the logs, second solr web console says no cores are available.
What did I miss?
Best regards
No errors in the log, huh? Bad eye I have.
It turns out that the initial configuration which was uploaded to zookeeper wasn't expending the variables in solr.xml, so the clusterstate.json had wrong ports for my Jetty solr installations - the default port 8983 was taken for replicas, but they were running on different ports.
I just modified the default value on all replicas in solr.xml file prior to booting the first solr instance with bootstrap_conf and now the cores are immediately visible. Also I deleted all zookeeper info before.
But still replicas have to be created on each node via web gui or by rest api.
