End User Authentication using Neo4j - sql-server

Currently I have a website which uses MS SQL 2008 and the Microsoft Membership Provider to create/authenticate users, this works fine.
We have migrated all of our 'data' over to Neo4j, which has gone really well and everything works, but we are not sure at this point the best way of managing the authentication system.
So the question is, what is the standard way to store/retrieve credentials and other sensitive information and perform authentication using a graph database.
Is it ideal to store the credentials data in the graph, or should we still use MSSQL and the Membership provider we already have?

The authentication feature introduced in Neo4j 2.2 is just a "all or nothing" based on username / password.
If you need a more fine grained approach you need to implement your own security rules.


Azure Mobile Services (DB)

I came from Parse to Azure and faced the problem with Azure Mobile Services. When I'm trying to setup data tables in the browser it is possible to add attributes with 4 types only, such as String, Number, Date and Boolean. It is not enough for me.
Can anyone help me how can I obtain other types (BLOB, Pointer, etc.)?
I'm new to Azure and working with OSX.
The best way to manage blobs is through azure blob storage you can find how to do this through https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-ios-how-to-use-blob-storage/
The best way to manage the tables is through Microsoft Management Studio and connect it to Azure SQL Database.
If you are coming from Parse, why not continue to use Parse?
See: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-welcomes-parse-developers/
Azure Mobile Apps / Services both deal with SQL Database Tables - if you are on an ASP.NET backend, you can support anything that Entity Framework supports. However, SQL databases tend to be more involved than most Parse developers are used to.
If you are just switching, but want to use the same development experience, just continue using Parse Server.

Using a new / separate database for forms authentication

Does anyone have a view on whether to use a new separate database for forms authentication users, or is it ok to mix it with your application database?
I could see separation being useful if multiple applications/databases were sharing user authentication, but in my case I have one website/database, and intended to just add the tables/views/sps created by aspnet_regsql.exe to my current application database.
Any views/opinions welcomed. Thank you.
You can mix that db with your database BUT you should not make any changes to the default database tables if you want to use asp.net built in classes that use that database , It means you can only add your tables to that database !
That is OK to have a single Database from which the Forms are to be authenticated. Since the SQL server is a very secure one there will be no problem in having a single database.
But If you want to setup Your custom database for Authentication then Refer the following Links
Using Forms Authentication with a customer database
forms authentication with sql server 2008 database questions

Using SQL Server Users and Roles as an authorization database for an intranet web application?

I have a question that really feels like I should have an easy answer to, but for one reason or another I haven't been able to totally reason around it.
I'm embarking on development of an ASP.NET MVC3 intranet application, and I'm currently working on designing authentication & authorization. We're forced to use basic authentication in our environment, and we use Active Directory, so the authorization part is generally taken care of. Unfortunately our role/user hierarchy in active directory doesn't mirror what I need for the roles in the application, so I'm going to have to define my own.
I'm using SQL Server, so I was originally thinking of using stored procedures for all DML, and then creating roles and adding users in roles in SQL Server, and then controlling access to the stored procedures via those roles. I was also thinking I could query for those SQL Server database-level users & roles in order to use that as the source of authorization info in the application itself. That originally seemed like a great idea, but it doesn't seem like a popular one (for one, it seems the queries for that are a little long and messy for what they produce). Alternatively, would it be better to have the web app impersonate a user for all queries to the server, and then implement a user/role database with my own schema, and only authorize on the application side?
It originally seemed that authorizing on both the application and database side would be a good thing for security, and using the SQL Server user/role objects means that the user and role data wouldn't need to be stored in two places.
I did see some potentially relevant discussion at Best practice on users/roles on SQL Server for a web application, but I think this is a different question overall.
I recommend creating a sql login that the web application will use to connect to sql server. This way you are not impersonating any specific AD account which may get deleted, disabled in the future and can control the user strickly in SQL Server.
I would then recommend implementing roles based authentication in your application. This will enable you to create users and roles that are custom to your application and then assign users to them. This way if a user tries to access a resource that their role is not allowed it will not do any work. Here is a demo app based on this principle http://www.codeproject.com/KB/web-security/rolesbasedauthentication.aspx.

What are the best practices on MS-SQL when Windows Authentications is not an option?

What is the best option for a windows application that uses SQL server authentication? Should I create a single SQL account and manage the users inside the application (using a users table). Or should I create a SQL server account for each user. What is your experience? Thank you!
Depends on whether the username/password for the SQL server would be exposed to the user, and whether that would be a problem. Generally for internal apps (in smaller organisations), one would trust the users not too log in directly to the sql server. If you have a middleware layer (ie webservices) the password can be hidden from user.
I prefer to use a general login for the DB and manage users in the application. Even if you do create a login to sql for each application user, they could still connect directly, so why not just use a generic sql login that is easier to manage. This is of course assuming all users have the same accesses.
One good practice, if the users potentially can get direct access to the db, would be to grant access only through Stored Procedures and not directly to tables, so that only certain actions can be performed. Steer away from writing business logic or security checks (except basic ones) within the stored procs.
One way I would solve your problem is to write some webservices that check security and does your CRUD (via datasets, etc), but again it depends on the app and environment.
In summary if you have a middle layer or all users have the same access manage the user within the application and use a single user login. Otherwise use a login per user or role.
One option that I have used in the past is to use the ASP.NET Membership Provider. It makes authentication a breeze to use. The only drawback that I saw was that it added a bunch of tables to your database.
The code for using it is very straight-forward.
Here's a blog post about using this in a Windows app. http://msmvps.com/blogs/theproblemsolver/archive/2006/01/12/80905.aspx Here's another article with more details. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/jmcfet/Provider-basedASP.NET10162006104542AM/Provider-basedASP.NET.aspx
Here's another article that talks about using it with Windows applications: http://www.theproblemsolver.nl/usingthemembershipproviderinwinforms.htm
Google for "ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Provider", and you will get plenty of hits.
What about having SQL accounts based on the level of permissions needed for the task. For example you could have a read only account just used for reporting if your system has a lot of reporting. You would also need an account what has write access for people to change their passwords and other user admin tasks.
If you have situations where certain users are only going to have access to certain data I would have separate accounts for that data. The problem with using 1 account is you are saying that there is no SQL injection anywhere in your application. That is something everyone would strive for but sometimes perfect security is not possible, hence the multi-pronged approach.

How to secure MS SSAS 2005 for HTTP remote access via Internet?

We are building an hosted application that uses MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 for some of the reporting, specifically OLAP cube browsing. Since it is designed to be used by very large global organizations, security is important.
It seems that Microsoft's preferred client tool for browsing OLAP cubes is Excel 2007 and the whole infrastructure is geared around Windows Integrated Authentication. We, however, are trying to build an internet-facing web application and do not want to create Windows Accounts for every user.
It also seems that there are not many nice AJAXy web-based OLAP cube browsing tools (fast, drag-and-drop for dimensions, support for actions, cross-browser etc.) As an aside, we're currently using Dundas OLAP Grid but have also considered RadarCube and other more expensive commercial solutions and are still thinking of taking on CellSetGrid and developing it further - if you know of any other cheap/open solutions please let me know!
We are therefore planning on providing two modes of access to the cube data:
Through our own Web Application using one of these 3rd party Web-based OLAP browsing tools.
Direct access from Excel over HTTPS via the msmdpump.dll data pump, for when the web version is too slow/clunky or user needs more powerful analysis.
For the web app access, the connection to the SSAS data source happens from the web server so we can happily pass a CustomData item on the Connection String which indicates which user is connecting. Since we potentially have too many combinations of rights to create individual SSAS roles for, we have implemented dynamic dimension security that uses a "Cube Users" dimension in conjunction with the CustomData item from the connection string and limits the Allowed Set of various other dimension members accordingly (via other Many-to-Many dinemsion relationships with Measure Groups that contain the 'rights mapping')
See Mosha on Dimension Security:
This all seems to work fine so far.
For the 'direct connection' from Excel, we set up the data pump for HTTP access
(see the MS Technet article) but have enabled anonymous access, relying again on the Connection String to control access since we don't have windows accounts.
However, in this case, the connection string is controlled by the user (we push a .odc file from the web app, but a curious user could view & change it), so we cannot rely on users to be good and keep the CustomData=grunt#corp.org from changing to CustomData=superuser#corp.org. As it turns out, this also causes the same problem with Roles, since these are also specified on the connection string if you are not using Windows Integrated Authentication.
The question therefore boils down to this: is there a way of getting basic authentication in IIS working without windows accounts in such a way that it can be used with the SSAS data pump to let SSAS know which user is connecting so that dynamic dimension security can be used successfully?
(This is my first q on StackOverflow and probably the most complicated question I've ever asked: let me know where I haven't explained myself very well and I'll attempt to clarify)
Basic authentication will work with local user accounts (non-domain) and even support passthrough authentication if the local accounts exist on different machines, however you should force SSL as basic authentication sends passwords in plaintext.
You can use non-windows accounts with basic authentication in IIS with add-on such as http://www.codeplex.com/CustomBasicAuth, but SSAS will still need to know who that user is and as far as I know SSAS uses only Windows authentication.
For a (relatively) cheap thin client front-end for SSAS look at RSInteract. For bonus points it will also consume SSRS reports and report models.
Any attempt to use dimension security will require SSAS to be aware of the user and have their access rights available to it. I don't see any way to get around maintaining user permissions.
