Is vectorization profitable in this case? - c

I broke a kernel down to several loops, in order to vectorize each one of them afterwards. One of this loops looks like:
int *array1; //Its size is "size+1";
int *array2; //Its size is "size+1";
//All positions of array1 and array2 are set to 0 here;
int *sArray1 = array1+1; //Shift one position so I start writing on pos 1
int *sArray2 = array2+1; //Shift one position so I start writing on pos 1
int bb = 0;
for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
if(A[i] + bb > B[i]){
bb = 1;
sArray1[i] = S;
sArray2[i] = 1;
bb = 0;
Please note the loop-carried dependency, in bb - each comparison depends upon bb's value, which is modified on the previous iteration.
What I thought about:
I can be absolutely certain of some cases. For example, when A[i] is already greater than B[i], I do not need to know what value bb carries from the previous iteration;
When A[i] equals B[i], I need to know what value bb carries from the previous iteration. However, I also need to account for the case when this happens in two consecutive positions; When I started to shape up these cases, it seemed that these becomes overly complicated and vectorization doesn't pay off.
Essentially, I'd like to know if this can be vectorized in an effective manner or if it is simply better to run this without any vectorization whatsoever.

You might not want to iterate over single elements, but have a loop over the chunks (where a chunk is defined by all elements within yielding the same bb).
The search for chunk boundraries could be vectorized (by hand using compiler specific SIMD intrinics probably).
And the action to be taken for single chunk of bb=1 could be vectorized, too.
The loop transformation is as follows:
size_t i_chunk_start = 0, i_chunk_end;
int bb_chunk = A[0] > B[0] ? 1 : 0;
while (i_chunk_start < isize) {
if(bb_chunk) {
/* find end of current chunk */
for (i_chunk_end = i_chunk_start + 1; i_chunk_end < isize; ++i_chunk_end) {
if(A[i_chunk_end] < B[i_chunk_end]) {
/* process current chunk */
for(size_t i = i_chunk_start; i < i_chunk_end; ++i) {
sArray1[i] = S;
sArray2[i] = 1;
bb_chunk = 0;
} else {
/* find end of current chunk */
for (i_chunk_end = i_chunk_start + 1; i_chunk_end < isize; ++i_chunk_end) {
if(A[i_chunk_end] > B[i_chunk_end]) {
bb_chunk = 1;
/* prepare for next chunk */
i_chunk_start = i_chunk_end;
Now, each of the inner loops (all for loops) could potentially get vectorized.
Whether or not vectorization in this manner is superior to non-vectorization depends on whether the chunks have sufficient length in average. You will only find out by benchmarking.

The effect of your loop body depends on two conditions:
A[i] > B[i]
A[i] + 1 > B[i]
Their calculation can be vectorized easily. Assuming int has 32 bits, and vectorized instructions work on 4 int values at a time, there are 8 bits per vectorized iteration (4 bits for each condition).
You can harvest those bits from a SSE register by _mm_movemask_epi8. It's a bit inconvenient that it works on bytes and not on ints, but you can take care of it by a suitable shuffle.
Afterwards, use the 8 bits as an address to a LUT (of 256 entries), which stores 4-bit masks. These masks can be used to store the elements into destination conditionally, using _mm_maskmoveu_si128.
I am not sure such a complicated program is worthwhile - it involves much bit-fiddling for just x4 improvement in speed. Maybe it's better to build the masks by examining the decision bits individually. But vectorizing your comparisons and stores seems worthwhile in any case.


Shuffle an array while making each index have the same probability to be in any index

I want to shuffle an array, and that each index will have the same probability to be in any other index (excluding itself).
I have this solution, only i find that always the last 2 indexes will always ne swapped with each other:
void Shuffle(int arr[]. size_t n)
int newIndx = 0;
int i = 0;
for(; i > n - 2; ++i)
newIndx = rand() % (n - 1);
if (newIndx >= i)
swap(i, newIndx, arr);
but in the end it might be that some indexes will go back to their first place once again.
Any thoughts?
C lang.
A permutation (shuffle) where no element is in its original place is called a derangement.
Generating random derangements is harder than generating random permutations, can be done in linear time and space. (Generating a random permutation can be done in linear time and constant space.) Here are two possible algorithms.
The simplest solution to understand is a rejection strategy: do a Fisher-Yates shuffle, but if the shuffle attempts to put an element at its original spot, restart the shuffle. [Note 1]
Since the probability that a random shuffle is a derangement is approximately 1/e, the expected number of shuffles performed is about e (that is, 2.71828…). But since unsuccessful shuffles are restarted as soon as the first fixed point is encountered, the total number of shuffle steps is less than e times the array size for a detailed analysis, see this paper, which proves the expected number of random numbers needed by the algorithm to be around (e−1) times the number of elements.
In order to be able to do the check and restart, you need to keep an array of indices. The following little function produces a derangement of the indices from 0 to n-1; it is necessary to then apply the permutation to the original array.
/* n must be at least 2 for this to produce meaningful results */
void derange(size_t n, size_t ind[]) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) ind[i] = i;
swap(ind, 0, randint(1, n));
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
int r = randint(i, n);
swap(ind, i, r);
if (ind[i] == i) i = 0;
Here are the two functions used by that code:
void swap(int arr[], size_t i, size_t j) {
int t = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = t;
/* This is not the best possible implementation */
int randint(int low, int lim) {
return low + rand() % (lim - low);
The following function is based on the 2008 paper "Generating Random Derangements" by Conrado Martínez, Alois Panholzer and Helmut Prodinger, although I use a different mechanism to track cycles. Their algorithm uses a bit vector of size N but uses a rejection strategy in order to find an element which has not been marked. My algorithm uses an explicit vector of indices not yet operated on. The vector is also of size N, which is still O(N) space [Note 2]; since in practical applications, N will not be large, the difference is not IMHO significant. The benefit is that selecting the next element to use can be done with a single call to the random number generator. Again, this is not particularly significant since the expected number of rejections in the MP&P algorithm is very small. But it seems tidier to me.
The basis of the algorithms (both MP&P and mine) is the recursive procedure to produce a derangement. It is important to note that a derangement is necessarily the composition of some number of cycles where each cycle is of size greater than 1. (A cycle of size 1 is a fixed point.) Thus, a derangement of size N can be constructed from a smaller derangement using one of two mechanisms:
Produce a derangement of the N-1 elements other than element N, and add N to some cycle at any point in that cycle. To do so, randomly select any element j in the N-1 cycle and place N immediately after j in the j's cycle. This alternative covers all possibilities where N is in a cycle of size > 3.
Produce a derangement of N-2 of the N-1 elements other than N, and add a cycle of size 2 consisting of N and the element not selected from the smaller derangement. This alternative covers all possibilities where N is in a cycle of size 2.
If Dn is the number of derangements of size n, it is easy to see from the above recursion that:
Dn = (n−1)(Dn−1 + Dn−2)
The multiplier is n−1 in both cases: in the first alternative, it refers to the number of possible places N can be added, and in the second alternative to the number of possible ways to select n−2 elements of the recursive derangement.
Therefore, if we were to recursively produce a random derangement of size N, we would randomly select one of the N-1 previous elements, and then make a random boolean decision on whether to produce alternative 1 or alternative 2, weighted by the number of possible derangements in each case.
One advantage to this algorithm is that it can derange an arbitrary vector; there is no need to apply the permuted indices to the original vector as with the rejection algorithm.
As MP&P note, the recursive algorithm can just as easily be performed iteratively. This is quite clear in the case of alternative 2, since the new 2-cycle can be generated either before or after the recursion, so it might as well be done first and then the recursion is just a loop. But that is also true for alternative 1: we can make element N the successor in a cycle to a randomly-selected element j even before we know which cycle j will eventually be in. Looked at this way, the difference between the two alternatives reduces to whether or not element j is removed from future consideration or not.
As shown by the recursion, alternative 2 should be chosen with probability (n−1)Dn−2/Dn, which is how MP&P write their algorithm. I used the equivalent formula Dn−2 / (Dn−1 + Dn−2), mostly because my prototype used Python (for its built-in bignum support).
Without bignums, the number of derangements and hence the probabilities need to be approximated as double, which will create a slight bias and limit the size of the array to be deranged to about 170 elements. (long double would allow slightly more.) If that is too much of a limitation, you could implement the algorithm using some bignum library. For ease of implementation, I used the Posix drand48 function to produce random doubles in the range [0.0, 1.0). That's not a great random number function, but it's probably adequate to the purpose and is available in most standard C libraries.
Since no attempt is made to verify the uniqueness of the elements in the vector to be deranged, a vector with repeated elements may produce a derangement where one or more of these elements appear to be in the original place. (It's actually a different element with the same value.)
The code:
/* Deranges the vector `arr` (of length `n`) in place, to produce
* a permutation of the original vector where every element has
* been moved to a new position. Returns `true` unless the derangement
* failed because `n` was 1.
bool derange(int arr[], size_t n) {
if (n < 2) return n != 1;
/* Compute derangement counts ("subfactorials") */
double subfact[n];
subfact[0] = 1;
subfact[1] = 0;
for (size_t i = 2; i < n; ++i)
subfact[i] = (i - 1) * (subfact[i - 2] + subfact[i - 1]);
/* The vector 'todo' is the stack of elements which have not yet
* been (fully) deranged; `u` is the count of elements in the stack
size_t todo[n];
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) todo[i] = i;
size_t u = n;
/* While the stack is not empty, derange the element at the
* top of the stack with some element lower down in the stack
while (u) {
size_t i = todo[--u]; /* Pop the stack */
size_t j = u * drand48(); /* Get a random stack index */
swap(arr, i, todo[j]); /* i will follow j in its cycle */
/* If we're generating a 2-cycle, remove the element at j */
if (drand48() * (subfact[u - 1] + subfact[u]) < subfact[u - 1])
todo[j] = todo[--u];
return true;
Many people get this wrong, particularly in social occasions such as "secret friend" selection (I believe this is sometimes called "the Santa game" in other parts of the world.) The incorrect algorithm is to just choose a different swap if the random shuffle produces a fixed point, unless the fixed point is at the very end in which case the shuffle is restarted. This will produce a random derangement but the selection is biased, particularly for small vectors. See this answer for an analysis of the bias.
Even if you don't use the RAM model where all integers are considered fixed size, the space used is still linear in the size of the input in bits, since N distinct input values must have at least N log N bits. Neither this algorithm nor MP&P makes any attempt to derange lists with repeated elements, which is a much harder problem.
Your algorithm is only almost correct (which in algorithmics means unexpected results). Because of some little errors scattered along, it will not produce expected results.
First, rand() % N is not guaranteed to produce an uniformal distribution, unless N is a divisor of the number of possible values. In any other case, you will get a slight bias. Anyway my man page for rand describes it as a bad random number generator, so you should try to use random or if available arc4random_uniform.
But avoiding that an index come back at its original place is both incommon, and rather hard to achieve. The only way I can imagine is to keep an array of the numbers [0; n[ and swap it the same as the real array to be able to know the original index of a number.
The code could become:
void Shuffle(int arr[]. size_t n)
int i, newIndx;
int *indexes = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
for (i=0; i<n; i++) indexes[i] = i;
for(i=0; i < n - 1; ++i) // beware to the inequality!
int i1;
// search if index i is in the [i; n[ current array:
for (i1=i; i1 < n; ++i) {
if (indexes[i1] == i) { // move it to i position
if (i1 != i) { // nothing to do if already at i
swap(i, i1, arr);
swap(i, i1, indexes);
i1 = (i1 == n) ? i : i+1; // we will start the search at i1
// to guarantee that no element keep its place
newIndx = i1 + arc4random_uniform(n - i1);
/* if arc4random is not available:
newIndx = i1 + (random() % (n - i1));
swap(i, newIndx, arr);
swap(i, newIndx, indexes);
/* special case: a permutation of [0: n-1[ have left last element in place
* we will exchange the last element with a random one
if (indexes[n-1] == n-1) {
newIndx = arc4random_uniform(n-1)
swap(n-1, newIndx, arr);
swap(n-1, newIndx, indexes);
free(indexes); // don't forget to free what we have malloc'ed...
Beware: the algorithm should be correct, but the code has not been tested and can contain typos...

How to use AVX/SIMD with nested loops and += format?

I am writing a page rank program. I am writing a method for updating the rankings. I have successful got it working with nested for loops and also a threaded version. However I would like to instead use SIMD/AVX.
This is the code I would like to change into a SIMD/AVX implementation.
#define IDX(a, b) ((a * npages) + b) // 2D matrix indexing
for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
temp[i] = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < npages; j++) {
temp[i] += P[j] * matrix_cap[IDX(i,j)];
For this code P[] is of size npages and matrix_cap[] is of size npages * npages. P[] is the ranks of the pages and temp[] is used to store the next iterations page ranks so as to be able to check convergence.
I don't know how to interpret += with AVX and how I would get my data which involves two arrays/vectors of size npages and one matrix of size npages * npages (in row major order) into a format of which could be used with SIMD/AVX operations.
As far as AVX this is what I have so far though it's very very incorrect and was just a stab at what I would roughly like to do.
ssize_t g_mod = npages - (npages % 4);
double* res = malloc(sizeof(double) * npages);
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < mod; j += 4) {
__m256d p = _mm256_loadu_pd(P + j);
__m256d m = _mm256_loadu_pd(matrix_hat + i + j);
__m256d pm = _mm256_mul_pd(p, m);
_mm256_storeu_pd(&res + j, pm);
for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
sum += res[j + k];
for (size_t i = mod; i < npages; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < npages; j++) {
sum += P[j] * matrix_cap[IDX(i,j)];
temp[i] = sum;
sum = 0.0;
How to can I format my data so I can use AVX/SIMD operations (add,mul) on it to optimise it as it will be called a lot.
Consider using OpenMP4.x #pragma omp simd reduction for innermost loop. Take in mind that omp reductions are not applicable to C++ arrays, therefore you have to use temporary reduction variable like shown below.
#define IDX(a, b) ((a * npages) + b) // 2D matrix indexing
for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
my_type tmp_reduction = 0.0; // was: // temp[i] = 0.0;
#pragma omp simd reduction (+:tmp_reduction)
for (size_t j = 0; j < npages; j++) {
tmp_reduction += P[j] * matrix_cap[IDX(i,j)];
temp[i] = tmp_reduction;
For x86 platforms, OpenMP4.x is currently supported by fresh GCC (4.9+) and Intel Compilers. Some LLVM and PGI compilers may also support it.
P.S. Auto-vectorization ("auto" means vectorization by compiler without any pragmas, i.e. without explicit gudiance from developers) may sometimes work for some compiler variants (although it's very unlikely due to array element as reduction variable). However it is strictly speaking incorrect to auto-vectorize this code. You have to use explicit SIMD pragma to "resolve" reduction dependency and (as a good side-effect) disambiguate pointers (in case arrays are accessed via pointer).
First, EOF is right, you should see how well gcc/clang/icc do at auto-vectorizing your scalar code. I can't check for you, because you only posted code-fragments, not anything I can throw on
You definitely don't need to malloc anything. Notice that your intrinsics version only ever uses 32B at a time of res[], and always overwrites whatever was there before. So you might as well use a single 32B array. Or better, use a better method to get a horizontal sum of your vector.
(see the bottom for a suggestion on a different data arrangement for the matrix)
Calculating each temp[i] uses every P[j], so there is actually something to be gained from being smarter about vectorizing. For every load from P[j], use that vector with 4 different loads from matrix_cap[] for that j, but 4 different i values. You'll accumulate 4 different vectors, and have to hsum each of them down to a temp[i] value at the end.
So your inner loop will have 5 read streams (P[] and 4 different rows of matrix_cap). It will do 4 horizontal sums, and 4 scalar stores at the end, with the final result for 4 consecutive i values. (Or maybe do two shuffles and two 16B stores). (Or maybe transpose-and-sum together, which is actually a good use-case for the shuffling power of the expensive _mm256_hadd_pd (vhaddpd) instruction, but be careful of its in-lane operation)
It's probably even better to accumulate 8 to 12 temp[i] values in parallel, so every load from P[j] is reused 8 to 12 times. (check the compiler output to make sure you aren't running out of vector regs and spilling __m256d vectors to memory, though.) This will leave more work for the cleanup loop.
FMA throughput and latency are such that you need 10 vector accumulators to keep 10 FMAs in flight to saturate the FMA unit on Haswell. Skylake reduced the latency to 4c, so you only need 8 vector accumulators to saturate it on SKL. (See the x86 tag wiki). Even if you're bottlenecked on memory, not execution-port throughput, you will want multiple accumulators, but they could all be for the same temp[i] (so you'd vertically sum them down to one vector, then hsum that).
However, accumulating results for multiple temp[i] at once has the large advantage of reusing P[j] multiple times after loading it. You also save the vertical adds at the end. Multiple read streams may actually help hide the latency of a cache miss in any one of the streams. (HW prefetchers in Intel CPUs can track one forward and one reverse stream per 4k page, IIRC). You might strike a balance, and use two or three vector accumulators for each of 4 temp[i] results in parallel, if you find that multiple read streams are a problem, but that would mean you'd have to load the same P[j] more times total.
So you should do something like
#define IDX(a, b) ((a * npages) + b) // 2D matrix indexing
for (size_t i = 0; i < (npages & (~7ULL)); i+=8) {
__m256d s0 = _mm256_setzero_pd(),
s1 = _mm256_setzero_pd(),
s2 = _mm256_setzero_pd(),
s7 = _mm256_setzero_pd(); // 8 accumulators for 8 i values
for (size_t j = 0; j < (npages & ~(3ULL)); j+=4) {
__m256d Pj = _mm256_loadu_pd(P+j); // reused 8 times after loading
//temp[i] += P[j] * matrix_cap[IDX(i,j)];
s0 = _mm256_fmadd_pd(Pj, _mm256_loadu_pd(&matrix_cap[IDX(i+0,j)]), s0);
s1 = _mm256_fmadd_pd(Pj, _mm256_loadu_pd(&matrix_cap[IDX(i+1,j)]), s1);
// ...
s7 = _mm256_fmadd_pd(Pj, _mm256_loadu_pd(&matrix_cap[IDX(i+7,j)]), s7);
// or do this block with a hsum+transpose and do vector stores.
// taking advantage of the power of vhaddpd to be doing 4 useful hsums with each instructions.
temp[i+0] = hsum_pd256(s0); // See the horizontal-sum link earlier for how to write this function
temp[i+1] = hsum_pd256(s1);
temp[i+7] = hsum_pd256(s7);
// if npages isn't a multiple of 4, add the last couple scalar elements to the results of the hsum_pd256()s.
// TODO: cleanup for the last up-to-7 odd elements.
You could probably write __m256d sums[8] and loop over your vector accumulators, but you'd have to check that the compiler fully unrolls it and still actually keeps everything live in registers.
How to can I format my data so I can use AVX/SIMD operations (add,mul) on it to optimise it as it will be called a lot.
I missed this part of the question earlier. First of all, obviously float will and give you 2x the number of elements per vector (and per unit of memory bandwidth). The factor of 2 less memory / cache footprint might give more speedup than that if cache hit rate increases.
Ideally, the matrix would be "striped" to match the vector width. Every load from the matrix would get a vector of matrix_cap[IDX(i,j)] for 4 adjacent i values, but the next 32B would be the next j value for the same 4 i values. This means that each vector accumulator is accumulating the sum for a different i in each element, so no need for horizontal sums at the end.
P[j] stays linear, but you broadcast-load each element of it, for use with 8 vectors of 4 i values each (or 8 vec of 8 is for float). So you increase your reuse factor for P[j] loads by a factor of the vector width. Broadcast-loads are near-free on Haswell and later (still only take a load-port uop), and plenty cheap for this on SnB/IvB where they also take a shuffle-port uop.

Best approach to FIFO implementation in a kernel OpenCL

Goal: Implement the diagram shown below in OpenCL. The main thing needed from the OpenCl kernel is to multiply the coefficient array and temp array and then accumilate all those values into one at the end. (That is probably the most time intensive operation, parallelism would be really helpful here).
I am using a helper function for the kernel that does the multiplication and addition (I am hoping this function will be parallel as well).
Description of the picture:
One at a time, the values are passed into the array (temp array) which is the same size as the coefficient array. Now every time a single value is passed into this array, the temp array is multiplied with the coefficient array in parallel and the values of each index are then concatenated into one single element. This will continue until the input array reaches it's final element.
What happens with my code?
For 60 elements from the input, it takes over 8000 ms!! and I have a total of 1.2 million inputs that still have to be passed in. I know for a fact that there is a way better solution to do what I am attempting. Here is my code below.
Here are some things that I know are wrong with he code for sure. When I try to multiply the coefficient values with the temp array, it crashes. This is because of the global_id. All I want this line to do is simply multiply the two arrays in parallel.
I tried to figure out why it was taking so long to do the FIFO function, so I started commenting lines out. I first started by commenting everything except the first for loop of the FIFO function. As a result this took 50 ms. Then when I uncommented the next loop, it jumped to 8000ms. So the delay would have to do with the transfer of data.
Is there a register shift that I could use in OpenCl? Perhaps use some logical shifting method for integer arrays? (I know there is a '>>' operator).
float constant temp[58];
float constant tempArrayForShift[58];
float constant multipliedResult[58];
float fifo(float inputValue, float *coefficients, int sizeOfCoeff) {
//take array of 58 elements (or same size as number of coefficients)
//shift all elements to the right one
//bring next element into index 0 from input
//multiply the coefficient array with the array thats the same size of coefficients and accumilate
//store into one output value of the output array
//repeat till input array has reached the end
int globalId = get_global_id(0);
float output = 0.0f;
//Shift everything down from 1 to 57
//takes about 50ms here
for(int i=1; i<58; i++){
tempArrayForShift[i] = temp[i];
//Input the new value passed from main kernel. Rest of values were shifted over so element is written at index 0.
tempArrayForShift[0] = inputValue;
//Takes about 8000ms with this loop included
//Write values back into temp array
for(int i=0; i<58; i++){
temp[i] = tempArrayForShift[i];
//all 58 elements of the coefficient array and temp array are multiplied at the same time and stored in a new array
//I am 100% sure this line is crashing the program.
//multipliedResult[globalId] = coefficients[globalId] * temp[globalId];
//Sum the temp array with each other. Temp array consists of coefficients*fifo buffer
for (int i = 0; i < 58; i ++) {
// output = multipliedResult[i] + output;
//Returned summed value of temp array
return output;
__kernel void lowpass(__global float *Array, __global float *coefficients, __global float *Output) {
//Initialize the temporary array values to 0
for (int i = 0; i < 58; i ++) {
temp[i] = 0;
tempArrayForShift[i] = 0;
multipliedResult[i] = 0;
//fifo adds one element in and calls the fifo function. ALL I NEED TO DO IS SEND ONE VALUE AT A TIME HERE.
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i ++) {
Output[i] = fifo(Array[i], coefficients, 58);
I have had this problem with OpenCl for a long time. I am not sure how to implement parallel and sequential instructions together.
Another alternative I was thinking about
In the main cpp file, I was thinking of implementing the fifo buffer there and having the kernel do the multiplication and addition. But this would mean I would have to call the kernel 1000+ times in a loop. Would this be the better solution? Or would it just be completely inefficient.
To get good performance out of GPU, you need to parallelize your work to many threads. In your code you are just using a single thread and a GPU is very slow per thread but can be very fast, if many threads are running at the same time. In this case you can use a single thread for each output value. You do not actually need to shift values through a array: For every output value a window of 58 values is considered, you can just grab these values from memory, multiply them with the coefficients and write back the result.
A simple implementation would be (launch with as many threads as output values):
__kernel void lowpass(__global float *Array, __global float *coefficients, __global float *Output)
int globalId = get_global_id(0);
float sum=0.0f;
for (int i=0; i< 58; i++)
float tmp=0;
if (globalId+i > 56)
sum += tmp;
This is not perfect, as the memory access patterns it generates are not optimal for GPUs. The Cache will likely help a bit, but there is clearly a lot of room for optimization, as the values are reused several times. The operation you are trying to perform is called convolution (1D). NVidia has an 2D example called oclConvolutionSeparable in their GPU Computing SDK, that shows an optimized version. You adapt use their convolutionRows kernel for a 1D convolution.
Here's another kernel you can try out. There are a lot of synchronization points (barriers), but this should perform fairly well. The 65-item work group is not very optimal.
the steps:
init local values to 0
copy coefficients to local variable
looping over the output elements to compute:
shift existing elements (work items > 0 only)
copy new element (work item 0 only)
compute dot product
5a. multiplication - one per work item
5b. reduction loop to compute sum
copy dot product to output (WI 0 only)
final barrier
the code:
__kernel void lowpass(__global float *Array, __constant float *coefficients, __global float *Output, __local float *localArray, __local float *localSums){
int globalId = get_global_id(0);
int localId = get_local_id(0);
int localSize = get_local_size(0);
//1 init local values to 0
localArray[localId] = 0.0f
//2 copy coefficients to local
//don't bother with this id __constant is working for you
//requires another local to be passed in: localCoeff
//localCoeff[localId] = coefficients[localId];
//barrier for both steps 1 and 2
float tmp;
for(int i = 0; i< outputSize; i++)
//3 shift elements (+barrier)
if(localId > 0){
tmp = localArray[localId -1]
localArray[localId] = tmp
//4 copy new element (work item 0 only, + barrier)
if(localId == 0){
localArray[0] = Array[i];
//5 compute dot product
//5a multiply + barrier
localSums[localId] = localArray[localId] * coefficients[localId];
//5b reduction loop + barrier
for(int j = 1; j < localSize; j <<= 1) {
int mask = (j << 1) - 1;
if ((localId & mask) == 0) {
localSums[local_index] += localSums[localId +j]
//6 copy dot product (WI 0 only)
if(localId == 0){
Output[i] = localSums[0];
//7 barrier
//only needed if there is more code after the loop.
//the barrier in #3 covers this in the case where the loop continues
What about more work groups?
This is slightly simplified to allow a single 1x65 work group computer the entire 1.2M Output. To allow multiple work groups, you could use / get_num_groups(0) to calculate the amount of work each group should do (workAmount), and adjust the i for-loop:
for (i = workAmount * get_group_id(0); i< (workAmount * (get_group_id(0)+1) -1); i++)
Step #1 must be changed as well to initialize to the correct starting state for localArray, rather than all 0s.
//1 init local values
if(groupId == 0){
localArray[localId] = 0.0f
localArray[localSize - localId] = Array[workAmount - localId];
These two changes should allow you to use a more optimal number of work groups; I suggest some multiple of the number of compute units on the device. Try to keep the amount of work for each group in the thousands though. Play around with this, sometimes what seems optimal on a high-level will be detrimental to the kernel when it's running.
At almost every point in this kernel, the work items have something to do. The only time fewer than 100% of the items are working is during the reduction loop in step 5b. Read more here about why that is a good thing.
The barriers will slow down the kernel just by the nature of what barriers do: the pause a work item until the others reach that point. Maybe there is a way you could implement this with fewer barriers, but I still feel this is optimal because of the problem you are trying to solve.
There isn't room for more work items per group, and 65 is not a very optimal size. Ideally, you should try to use a power of 2, or a multiple of 64. This won't be a huge issue though, because there are a lot of barriers in the kernel which makes them all wait fairly regularly.

Efficiently choose an integer distinct from all elements of a list

I have a linked list of objects each containing a 32-bit integer (and provably fewer than 232 such objects) and I want to efficiently choose an integer that's not present in the list, without using any additional storage (so copying them to an array, sorting the array, and choosing the minimum value not in the array would not be an option). However, the definition of the structure for list elements is under my control, so I could add (within reason) additional storage to each element as part of solving the problem. For example, I could add an extra set of prev/next pointers and merge-sort the list. Is this the best solution? Or is there a simpler or more efficient way to do it?
Given the conditions that you outline in the comments, especially your expectation of many identical values, you must expect a sparse distribution of used values.
Consequently, it might actually be best to just guess a value randomly and then check whether it coincides with a value in the list. Even if half the available value range were used (which seems extremely unlikely from your comments), you would only traverse the list twice on average. And you can drastically decrease this factor by simultaneously checking a number of guesses in one pass. Done correctly, the factor should always be close to one.
The advantage of such a probabilistic approach is that you are immune to bad sequences of values. Such sequences are always possible with range based approaches: If you calculate the min and max of the data, you run the risk, that the data contains both 0 and 2^32-1. If you sequentially subdivide an interval, you run the risk of always getting values in the middle of the interval, which can shrink it to zero in 32 steps. With a probabilistic approach, these sequences can't hurt you.
I think, I would use something like four guesses for very small lists, and crank it up to roughly 16 as the size of the list approaches the limit. The high starting value is due to the fact that any such algorithm will be memory bound, i. e. your CPU has ample amounts of time to check a value while it waits for the next values to arrive from memory, so you better make good use of that time to reduce the number of passes required.
A further optimization would instantly replace a busted guess with a new one and keep track of where the replacement happened, so that you can avoid a complete second pass through the data. Also, move the busted guess to the end of the list of guesses, so that you only need to check against the start position of the first guess in your loop to stop as early as possible.
If you can spare one pointer in each object, you get an O(n) worst-case algorithm easily (standard divide-and-conquer):
Divide the range of possible IDs equally.
Make a singly-linked list covering each subrange.
If one subrange is empty, choose any id in it.
Otherwise repeat with the elements of the subrange with fewest elements.
Example code using two sub-ranges per iteration:
unsigned getunusedid(element* h) {
unsigned start = 0, stop = -1;
for(;h;h = h->mainnext)
h->next = h->mainnext;
while(h) {
element *l = 0, *r = 0;
unsigned cl = 0, cr = 0;
unsigned mid = start + (stop - start) / 2;
while(h) {
element* next = h->next;
if(h->id < mid) {
h->next = l;
l = h;
} else {
h->next = r;
r = h;
h = next;
if(cl < cr) {
h = l;
stop = mid - 1;
} else {
h = r;
start = mid;
return start;
Some more remarks:
Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.
Using more buckets (best keep to a power of 2 for easy and efficient handling) each iteration might be faster due to better data-locality (though only try and measure if it's not fast enough otherwise), as #MarkDickson rightly remarks.
Without those extra-pointers, you need full sweeps each iteration, raising the bound to O(n*lg n).
An alternative would be using 2+ extra-pointers per element to maintain a balanced tree. That would speed up id-search, at the expense of some memory and insertion/removal time overhead.
If you don't mind an O(n) scan for each change in the list and two extra bits per element, whenever an element is inserted or removed, scan through and use the two bits to represent whether an integer (element + 1) or (element - 1) exists in the list.
For example, inserting the element, 2, the extra bits for each 3 and 1 in the list would be updated to show that 3-1 (in the case of 3) and 1+1 (in the case of 1) now exist in the list.
Insertion/deletion time can be reduced by adding a pointer from each element to the next element with the same integer.
I am supposing that integers have random values not controlled by your code.
Add two unsigned integers in your list class:
unsigned int rangeMinId = 0;
unsigned int rangeMaxId = 0xFFFFFFFF ;
Or if not possible to change the List class add them as global variables.
When the list is empty you will always know that the range if free. When you add a new item in the list check if its ID is between rangeMinId and rangeMaxId and if so change the nearest of them to this ID.
It may happen after a lot of time that rangeMinId to become equal to rangeMaxId-1, then you need a simple function which traverses the whole list and search for another free range. But this will not happens very frequently.
Other solutions are more complex and involves using of sets, binary trees or sorted arrays.
The free range search function can be done in O(n*log(n)). An example of such function is given below(I have not extensively tested it). The example is for integer array but easily can be adapted for a list.
int g_Calls = 0;
bool _findFreeRange(const int* value, int n, int& left, int& right)
g_Calls ++ ;
int l=left, r=right,l2,r2;
int m = (right + left) / 2 ;
int nl=0, nr=0;
for(int k = 0; k < n; k++)
const int& i = value[k] ;
if(i > l && i < r)
if(i-l < r-i)
l = i;
r = i;
if(i < m)
nl ++ ;
nr ++ ;
if ( (r - l) > 1 )
left = l;
right = r;
return true ;
if( nl < nr)
// check first left then right
l2 = left;
r2 = m;
if(r2-l2 > 1 && _findFreeRange(value, n, l2, r2))
left = l2 ;
right = r2 ;
return true;
l2 = m;
r2 = right;
if(r2-l2 > 1 && _findFreeRange(value, n, l2, r2))
left = l2 ;
right = r2 ;
return true;
// check first right then left
l2 = m;
r2 = right;
if(r2-l2 > 1 && _findFreeRange(value, n, l2, r2))
left = l2 ;
right = r2 ;
return true;
l2 = left;
r2 = m;
if(r2-l2 > 1 && _findFreeRange(value, n, l2, r2))
left = l2 ;
right = r2 ;
return true;
return false;
bool findFreeRange(const int* value, int n, int& left, int& right, int maxx)
g_Calls = 1;
left = 0;
right = maxx;
if(!_findFreeRange(value, n, left, right))
return false ;
return (right - left) >= 0 ;
If it returns false list is filled and there is no free range (very least possible), maxm is the maximal limit of the range in this case 0xFFFFFFFF.
The idea is first to search the biggest range of the list and then if no free hole is found to recursively search the subranges for holes which may have been left during the first pass. If the list is sparsely filled it is very least probable that function will be called more than once. However when the list become almost completely filled it can happen the range search to take longer. Thus in this most worst case scenario, when the list becomes closed to filled, its better to start keeping all free ranges in a list.
This reminds me of the book Programming Pearls, and in particular the very first column, "Cracking the Oyster". What is the real problem you are trying to solve?
If your list is small, then a simple linear search to find max/min would work and it would work quickly.
When your list gets large and linear search becomes unwieldy, you can build a bitmap to represent the unused numbers for much less memory than adding 2 extra pointers at each node in the linked list. In fact, it would only be 2^(32-8) = 16KB of RAM compared to your linked list being potentially >10GB.
Then to find an unused number, you can just traverse the bitmap one machine-word at a time, checking if it's non-zero. If it is, then at least one number in that 32- or 64- bit block is unused, and you can inspect the word to find out exactly which bit is set. As you add numbers to the list, all you have to do is clear the corresponding bit in the bitmap.
One possible solution is to take the min and max of the list with a simple O(n) iteration, then pick a number between max and min + (1 << 32). This is simple to do since overflow/underflow behavior is well-defined for unsigned integers:
uint32_t min, max;
// TODO: compute min and max here
// exclude max from choice space (min will be an exclusive upper bound)
uint32_t choice = rand32() % (min - max) + max; // where rand32 is a random unsigned 32-bit integer
Of course, if it doesn't need to be random, then you can just use one more than the maximum of the list.
Note: the only case where this fails is if min is 0 and max is UINT32_MAX (aka 4294967295).
Ok. Here is one really simple solution. Some of the answers have become too theoretical and complicated for optimization. If you need a quick solution do this:
1.In your List add a member:
unsigned int NextFreeId = 1;
add also an std::set<unsigned int> ids
When you add item in the list add also the integer in the set and keep track of the NextFreeId:
int insert(unsigned int id)
if (NextFreeId == id) //will not happen too frequently
unsigned int TheFreeId ;
unsigned int nextid = id+1, previd = id-1;
while(true )
if(nextid < 0xFFFFFFF && !ids.count(nextid))
NextFreeId = nextid ;
break ;
if(previd > 0 && !ids.count(previd))
NextFreeId = previd ;
break ;
if(prevId == 0 && nextid == 0xFFFFFFF)
break; // all the range is filled, there is no free id
nextid++ ;
previd -- ;
return 1;
Sets are very efficient to check if a value is contained so the complexity will be O(log(N)). It is quick to implement. Also set is searched not each time but only when the NextFreeId is filled. List is not traversed at all.

Linear Search Algorithm Optimization

I just finished a homework problem for Computer Science 1 (yes, it's homework, but hear me out!). Now, the assignment is 100% complete and working, so I don't need help on it. My question involves the efficiency of an algorithm I'm using (we aren't graded on algorithmic efficiency yet, I'm just really curious).
The function I'm about to present currently uses a modified version of the linear search algorithm (that I came up with, all by myself!) in order to check how many numbers on a given lottery ticket match the winning numbers, assuming that both the numbers on the ticket and the numbers drawn are in ascending order. I was wondering, is there any way to make this algorithm more efficient?
* Function: ticketCheck
* #param struct ticket
* #param array winningNums[6]
* Takes in a ticket, counts how many numbers
* in the ticket match, and returns the number
* of matches.
* Uses a modified linear search algorithm,
* in which the index of the successor to the
* last matched number is used as the index of
* the first number tested for the next ticket value.
* #return int numMatches
int ticketCheck( struct ticket ticket, int winningNums[6] )
int numMatches = 0;
int offset = 0;
int i;
int j;
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
for( j = 0 + offset; j < 6; j++ )
if( ticket.ticketNum[i] == winningNums[j] )
offset = j + 1;
if( ticket.ticketNum[i] < winningNums[j] )
return numMatches;
It's more or less there, but not quite. In most situations, it's O(n), but it's O(n^2) if every ticketNum is greater than every winningNum. (This is because the inner j loop doesn't break when j==6 like it should, but runs the next i iteration instead.)
You want your algorithm to increment either i or j at each step, and to terminate when i==6 or j==6. [Your algorithm almost satisfies this, as stated above.] As a result, you only need one loop:
for (i=0,j=0; i<6 && j<6; /* no increment step here */) {
if (ticketNum[i] == winningNum[j]) {
else if (ticketNum[i] < winningNum[j]) {
/* ticketNum[i] won't match any winningNum, discard it */
else { /* ticketNum[i] > winningNum[j] */
/* discard winningNum[j] similarly */
Clearly this is O(n); at each stage, it either increments i or j, so the most steps it can do is 2*n-1. This has almost the same behaviour as your algorithm, but is easier to follow and easier to see that it's correct.
You're basically looking for the size of the intersection of two sets. Given that most lottos use around 50 balls (or so), you could store the numbers as bits that are set in an unsigned long long. Finding the common numbers is then a simple matter of ANDing the two together: commonNums = TicketNums & winningNums;.
Finding the size of the intersection is a matter of counting the one bits in the resulting number, a subject that's been covered previously (though in this case, you'd use 64-bit numbers, or a pair of 32-bit numbers, instead of a single 32-bit number).
Yes, there is something faster, but probably using more memory. Make an array full of 0 in the size of the possible numbers, put a 1 on every drawn number. For every ticket number add the value at the index of that number.
int NumsArray[MAX_NUMBER+1];
memset(NumsArray, 0, sizeof NumsArray);
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
NumsArray[winningNums[i]] = 1;
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
numMatches += NumsArray[ticket.ticketNum[i]];
12 loop rounds instead of up to 36
The surrounding code left as an exercise.
EDIT: It also has the advantage of not needing to sort both set of values.
This is really only a minor change on a scale like this, but if the second loop reaches a number bigger than the current ticket number, it is already allowed to brake. Furthermore, if your seconds traverses numbers lower than your ticket number, it may update the offset even if no match is found within that iteration.
Not to forget, general results on efficiency make more sense, if we take the number of balls or the size of the ticket to be variable. Otherwise it is too much dependent of the machine.
If instead of comparing the arrays of lottery numbers you were to create two bit arrays of flags -- each flag being set if it's index is in that array -- then you could perform a bitwise and on the two bit arrays (the lottery ticket and the winning number sets) and produce another bit array whose bits were flags for matching numbers only. Then count the bits set.
For many lotteries 64 bits would be enough, so a uint64_t should be big enough to cover this. Also, some architectures have instructions to count the bits set in a register, which some compilers might be able to recognize and optimize for.
The efficiency of this algorithm is based both on the range of lottery numbers (M) and the number of lottery numbers per ticket (N). The setting if the flags is O(N), while the and-ing of the two bit arrays and counting of the bits could be O(M), depending on if your M (lotto number range) is larger than the size that the target cpu can preform these operations on directly. Most likely, though, M will be small and its impact will likely be less than that of N on the performance.
