how to design a server for variable size messages - c

I want some feedback or suggestion on how to design a server that handles variable size messages.
to simplify the answer lets assume:
single thread epoll() based
the protocol is: data-size + data
data is stored on a ringbuffer
the read code, with some simplification for clarity, looks like this:
if (client->readable) {
if (client->remaining > 0) {
/* SIMPLIFIED FOR CLARITY - assume we are always able to read 1+ bytes */
rd = read(client->sock, client->buffer, client->remaining);
client->buffer += rd;
client->remaining -= rd;
} else {
/* SIMPLIFIED FOR CLARITY - assume we are always able to read 4 bytes */
read(client->sock, &(client->remaining), 4);
client->buffer = acquire_ringbuf_slot(client->remaining);
please, do not focus on the 4 byte. just assume we have the data size in the beginning compressed or not does not make difference for this discussion.
now, the question is: what is the best way to do the above?
assume both small "data", few bytes and large data MBs
how can we reduce the number of read() calls? e.g. in case we have 4 message of 16 bytes on the stream, it seems a waste doing 8 calls to read().
are there better alternatives to this design?

PART of the solution depends on the transport layer protocol you use.
I assume you are using TCP which provides connection oriented and reliable communication.
From your code I assume you understand TCP is a stream-oriented protocol
(So when a client sends a piece of data, that data is stored in the socket send buffer and TCP may use one or more TCP segments to convey it to the other end (server)).
So the code, looks very good so far (considering you have error checks and other things in the real code).
Now for your questions, I give you my responses, what I think is best based on my experience (but there could be better solutions):
1-This is a solution with challenges similar to how an OS manages memory, dealing with fragmentation.
For handling different message sizes, you have to understand there are always trade-offs depending on your performance goals.
One solution to improve memory utilization and parallelization is to have a list of free buffer chunks of certain size, say 4KB.
You will retrieve as many as you need for storing your received message. In the last one you will have unused data. You play with internal fragmentation.
The drawback could be when you need to apply certain type of processing (maybe a visitor pattern) on the message, like parsing/routing/transformation/etc. It will be more complex and less efficient than a case of a huge buffer of contiguous memory. On the other side, the drawback of a huge buffer is much less efficient memory utilization, memory bottlenecks, and less parallelization.
You can implement something smarter in the middle (think about chunks that could also be contiguous whenever available). Always depending on your goals. Something useful is to implement an abstraction over the fragmented memory so that every function (or visitor) that is applied works as it were dealing with contiguous memory.
If you use these chunks, when the message was processed and dropped/forwarded/eaten/whatever, you return the unused chunks to the list of free chunks.
2-The number of read calls will depend on how fast TCP conveys the data from client to server. Remember this is stream oriented and you don't have much control over it. Of course, I'm assuming you try to read the max possible (remaining) data in each read.
If you use the chunks I mentioned above the max data to read will also depend on the chunk size.
Something you can do at TCP layer is to increase the server receive buffer. Thus, it can receive more data even when server cannot read it fast enough.
3-The ring buffer is OK, if you used chunked, the ring buffer should provide the abstraction. But I don't know why you need a ring buffer.
I like ring buffers because there is a way of implementing producer-consumer synchronization without locking (Linux Kernel uses this for moving packets from L2 to IP layer) but I don't know if that's your goal.
To pass messages to other components and/or upper-layers you could also use ring buffers of pointers to messages.

A better design may be as follows:
Set up your user-space socket read buffer to be the same size as the kernel socket buffer. If your user-space socket read buffer is smaller, then you would need more than one read syscall to read the kernel buffer. If your user-space buffer is bigger, then the extra space is wasted.
Your read function should only read as much data as possible in one read syscall. This function must not know anything about the protocol. This way you do not need to re-implement this function for different wire formats.
When your read function has read into the user-space buffer it should call a callback passing the iterators to the data available in the buffer. That callback is a parser function that should extract all available complete messages and pass these messages to another higher-level callback. Upon return the parser function should return the number of bytes consumed, so that these bytes can be discarded from the user-space socket buffer.


Why should I use circular buffers when reading and writing to sockets in C?

I'm doing an assignment where the goal is to create a basic FTP server in C capable of handling multiple clients at once.
The subject tells us to "wisely use circular buffers" but I don't really understand why or how ?
I'm already using select to know when I can read or write into my socket without blocking as I'm not allowed to use recv, send or O_NONBLOCKING.
Each connection has a structure where I store everything related to this client like the communication file descriptor, the network informations and the buffers.
Why can't I just use read on my socket into a fixed size buffer and then pass this buffer to the parsing function ?
Same goes for writing : why can't I just dprintf my response into the socket ?
From my point of view using a circular buffer adds a useless layer of complexity just to be translated back into a string to parse the command or to send back the response.
Did I misunderstood the subject ? Instead of storing individual characters should I store commands and responses as circular buffers of strings ?
Why should I use circular buffers when reading and writing to sockets in C?
The socket interface does not itself provide a reason for using circular buffers (a.k.a. ring buffers). You should be looking instead at the protocol requirements of the application using the socket -- the FTP protocol in this case. This will be colored by the characteristics of the underlying network protocol (TCP for FTP) and their effect on the behavior of the socket layer.
Why can't I just use read on my socket into a fixed size buffer and then pass this buffer to the parsing function ?
You surely could do without circular buffers, but that wouldn't be as simple as you seem to suppose. And that's not the question you should be asking anyway: it's not whether circular buffers are required, but what benefit they can provide that you might not otherwise get. More on that later.
Also, you surely can have fixed size circular buffers -- "circular" and "fixed size" are orthogonal characteristics. However, it is usually among the objectives of using a circular buffer to minimize or eliminate any need for dynamically adjusting the buffer size.
Same goes for writing : why can't I just dprintf my response into the socket ?
Again, you probably could do as you describe. The question is what do you stand to gain from interposing a circular buffer? Again, more later.
From my point of view using a circular buffer adds a useless layer of
complexity just to be translated back into a string to parse the
command or to send back the response.
Did I misunderstood the subject ?
That you are talking about translating to and from strings makes me think that you did indeed misunderstand the subject.
Instead of storing individual
characters should I store commands and responses as circular buffers
of strings ?
Again, where do you think "of strings" comes into it? Why are you supposing that the elements of the buffer(s) would represent (whole) messages?
A circular buffer is more a manner of use of an ordinary, flat, usually fixed-size buffer than it is a separate data structure of its own. There is a little bit of extra bookkeeping data involved, however, so I won't quibble with anyone who wants to call it a data structure in its own right.
Circular buffers for input
Among the main contexts for circular buffers' usefulness is data arriving with stream semantics (such as TCP provides) rather than with message semantics (such as UDP provides). With respect to your assignment, consider this: when the server reads command input, how does it know where the command ends? I suspect you're supposing that you will get one complete command per read(), but that is in no way a safe assumption, regardless of the implementation of the client. You may get partial commands, multiple commands, or both on each read(), and you need to be prepared to deal with that.
So suppose, for example, that you receive one and a half control messages in one read(). You can parse and respond to the first, but you need to read more data before you can act on the second. Where do you put that data? Ok, you read it into the end of the buffer. And what if on the next read() you get not only the rest of a message, but also part of another message?
You cannot keep on indefinitely adding data at the end of the buffer, not even if you dynamically allocate more space as needed. You could at some point move the unprocessed data from the tail of the buffer to the beginning, thus opening up space at the end, but that is costly, and at this point we are well past the simplicity you had in mind. (That simplicity was always imaginary.) Alternatively, you can perform your reads into a circular buffer, so that consuming data from the (logical) beginning of the buffer automatically makes space available at the (logical) end.
Circular buffers for output
Similar applies on the writing side with a stream-oriented network protocol. Consider that you cannot write() an arbitrary amount of data at a time, and it is very hard to know in advance exactly how much you can write. That's more likely to bite you on the data connection than on the control connection, but in principle, it applies to both. If you have only one client to feed at a time then you can keep write()ing in a loop until you've successfully transferred all the data, and this is what dprintf() would do. But that's potentially a blocking operation, so it undercuts your responsiveness when you are serving multiple clients at the same time, and maybe even with just one if (as with FTP) there are multiple connections per client.
You need to buffer data on the server, especially for the data connection, and now you have pretty much the same problem that you did on the reading side: when you've written only part of the data you want to send, and the socket is not ready for you to send more, what do you do? You could just track where you are in the buffer, and send more pieces as you can until the buffer is empty. But then you are wasting opportunities to read more data from the source file, or to buffer more control responses, until you work through the buffer. Once again, a circular buffer can mitigate that, by giving you a place to buffer more data without requiring it to start at the beginning of the buffer or being limited by the available space before the physical end of the buffer.

Is there a portable way to discard a number of readable bytes from a socket-like file descriptor?

Is there a portable way to discard a number of incoming bytes from a socket without copying them to userspace? On a regular file, I could use lseek(), but on a socket, it's not possible. I have two scenarios where I might need it:
A stream of records is arriving on a file descriptor (which can be a TCP, a SOCK_STREAM type UNIX domain socket or potentially a pipe). Each record is preceeded by a fixed size header specifying its type and length, followed by data of variable length. I want to read the header first and if it's not of the type I'm interested in, I want to just discard the following data segment without transferring them into user space into a dummy buffer.
A stream of records of varying and unpredictable length is arriving on a file descriptor. Due to asynchronous nature, the records may still be incomplete when the fd becomes readable, or they may be complete but a piece of the next record already may be there when I try to read a fixed number of bytes into a buffer. I want to stop reading the fd at the exact boundary between the records so I don't need to manage partially loaded records I accidentally read from the fd. So, I use recv() with MSG_PEEK flag to read into a buffer, parse the record to determine its completeness and length, and then read again properly (thus actually removing data from the socket) to the exact length. This would copy the data twice - I want to avoid that by simply discarding the data buffered in the socket by an exact amount.
On Linux, I gather it is possible to achieve that by using splice() and redirecting the data to /dev/null without copying them to userspace. However, splice() is Linux-only, and the similar sendfile() that is supported on more platforms can't use a socket as input. My questions are:
Is there a portable way to achieve this? Something that would work on other UNIXes (primarily Solaris) as well that do not have splice()?
Is splice()-ing into /dev/null an efficient way to do this on Linux, or would it be a waste of effort?
Ideally, I would love to have a ssize_t discard(int fd, size_t count) that simply removes count of readable bytes from a file descriptor fd in kernel (i.e. without copying anything to userspace), blocks on blockable fd until the requested number of bytes is discarded, or returns the number of successfully discarded bytes or EAGAIN on a non-blocking fd just like read() would do. And advances the seek position on a regular file of course :)
The short answer is No, there is no portable way to do that.
The sendfile() approach is Linux-specific, because on most other OSes implementing it, the source must be a file or a shared memory object. (I haven't even checked if/in which Linux kernel versions, sendfile() from a socket descriptor to /dev/null is supported. I would be very suspicious of code that does that, to be honest.)
Looking at e.g. Linux kernel sources, and considering how little a ssize_t discard(fd, len) differs from a standard ssize_t read(fd, buf, len), it is obviously possible to add such support. One could even add it via an ioctl (say, SIOCISKIP) for easy support detection.
However, the problem is that you have designed an inefficient approach, and rather than fix the approach at the algorithmic level, you are looking for crutches that would make your approach perform better.
You see, it is very hard to show a case where the "extra copy" (from kernel buffers to userspace buffers) is an actual performance bottleneck. The number of syscalls (context switches between userspace and kernel space) sometimes is. If you sent a patch upstream implementing e.g. ioctl(socketfd, SIOCISKIP, bytes) for TCP and/or Unix domain stream sockets, they would point out that the performance increase this hopes to achieve is better obtained by not trying to obtain the data you don't need in the first place. (In other words, the way you are trying to do things, is inherently inefficient, and rather than create crutches to make that approach work better, you should just choose a better-performing approach.)
In your first case, a process receiving structured data framed by a type and length identifier, wishing to skip unneeded frames, is better fixed by fixing the transfer protocol. For example, the receiving side could inform the sending side which frames it is interested in (i.e., basic filtering approach). If you are stuck with a stupid protocol that you cannot replace for external reasons, you're on your own. (The FLOSS developer community is not, and should not be responsible for maintaining stupid decisions just because someone wails about it. Anyone is free to do so, but they'd need to do it in a manner that does not require others to work extra too.)
In your second case, you already read your data. Don't do that. Instead, use an userspace buffer large enough to hold two full size frames. Whenever you need more data, but the start of the frame is already past the midway of the buffer, memmove() the frame to start at the beginning of the buffer first.
When you have a partially read frame, and you have N unread bytes from that left that you are not interested in, read them into the unused portion of the buffer. There is always enough room, because you can overwrite the portion already used by the current frame, and its beginning is always within the first half of the buffer.
If the frames are small, say 65536 bytes maximum, you should use a tunable for the maximum buffer size. On most desktop and server machines, with high-bandwidth stream sockets, something like 2 MiB (2097152 bytes or more) is much more reasonable. It's not too much memory wasted, but you rarely do any memory copies (and when you do, they tend to be short). (You can even optimize the memory moves so that only full cachelines are copied, aligned, since leaving almost one cacheline of garbage at the start of the buffer is insignificant.)
I do HPC with large datasets (including text-form molecular data, where records are separated by newlines, and custom parsers for converting decimal integers or floating-point values are used for better performance), and this approach does work well in practice. Simply put, skipping data already in your buffer is not something you need to optimize; it is insignificant overhead compared to simply avoiding doing the things you do not need.
There is also the question of what you wish to optimize by doing that: the CPU time/resources used, or the wall clock used in the overall task. They are completely different things.
For example, if you need to sort a large number of text lines from some file, you use the least CPU time if you simply read the entire dataset to memory, construct an array of pointers to each line, sort the pointers, and finally write each line (using either internal buffering and/or POSIX writev() so that you do not need to do a write() syscall for each separate line).
However, if you wish to minimize the wall clock time used, you can use a binary heap or a balanced binary tree instead of an array of pointers, and heapify or insert-in-order each line completely read, so that when the last line is finally read, you already have the lines in their correct order. This is because the storage I/O (for all but pathological input cases, something like single-character lines) takes longer than sorting them using any robust sorting algorithm! The sorting algorithms that work inline (as data comes in) are typically not as CPU-efficient as those that work offline (on complete datasets), so this ends up using somewhat more CPU time; but because the CPU work is done at a time that is otherwise wasted waiting for the entire dataset to load into memory, it is completed in less wall clock time!
If there is need and interest, I can provide a practical example to illustrate the techniques. However, there is absolutely no magic involved, and any C programmer should be able to implement these (both the buffering scheme, and the sort scheme) on their own. (I do consider using resources like Linux man pages online and Wikipedia articles and pseudocode on for example binary heaps doing it "on your own". As long as you do not just copy-paste existing code, I consider it doing it "on your own", even if somebody or some resource helps you find the good, robust ways to do it.)

Strategy for estimating / calculating buffer space needed by writer function on embedded system

This isn't a show-stopping programming problem as such, but perhaps more of a design pattern issue. I'd have thought it'd be a common design issue on embedded resource-limited systems, but none of the questions I found so far on SO seem relevant (but please point out anything relevant that I could have missed).
Essentially, I'm trying to work out the best strategy of estimating the largest buffer size required by some writer function, when that writer function's output isn't fixed, particularly because some of the data are text strings of variable length.
This is a C application that runs on a small ARM micro. The application needs to send various message types via TCP socket. When I want to send a TCP packet, the TCP stack (Keil RL) provides me with a buffer (which the library allocates from its own pool) into which I may write the packet data payload. That buffer size depends of course on the MSS; so let's assume it's 1460 at most, but it could be smaller.
Once I have this buffer, I pass this buffer and its length to a writer function, which in turn may call various nested writer functions in order to build the complete message. The reason for this structure is because I'm actually generating a small XML document, where each writer function typically generates a specific XML element. Each writer function wants to write a number of bytes to my allocated TCP packet buffer. I only know exactly how many bytes a given writer function writes at run-time, because some of the encapsulated content depends on user-defined text strings of variable length.
Some messages need to be around (say) 2K in size, meaning they're likely to be split across at least two TCP packet send operations. Those messages will be constructed by calling a series of writer functions that produce, say, a hundred bytes at a time.
Prior to making a call to each writer function, or perhaps within the writer function itself, I initially need to compare the buffer space available with how much that writer function requires; and if there isn't enough space available, then transmit that packet and continue writing into a fresh packet later.
Possible solutions I am considering are:
Use another much larger buffer to write everything into initially. This isn't preferred because of resource constraints. Furthermore, I would still wish for a means to algorithmically work out how much space I need by my message writer functions.
At compile time, produce a 'worst case size' constant for each writer function. Each writer function typically generates an XML element such as <START_TAG>[string]</START_TAG>, so I could have something like: #define SPACE_NEEDED ( START_TAG_LENGTH + START_TAG_LENGTH + MAX_STRING_LENGTH + SOME_MARGIN ). All of my content writer functions are picked out of a table of function pointers anyway, so I could have the worst-case size estimate constants for each writer function exist as a new column in that table. At run-time, I check the buffer room against that estimate constant. This probably my favourite solution at the moment. The only downside is that it does rely on correct maintenance to make it work.
My writer functions provide a special 'dummy run' mode where they run though and calculate how many bytes they want to write but don't write anything. This could be achieved by perhaps simply sending NULL in place of the buffer pointer to the function, in which case the functions's return value (which usually states amount written to buffer) just states how much it wants to write. The only thing I don't like about this is that, between the 'dummy' and 'real' call, the underlying data could - at least in theory - change. A possible solution for that could be to statically capture the underlying data.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts and comments.
Something I had actually already started doing since posting the question was to make each content writer function accept a state, or 'iteration' parameter, which allows the writer to be called many times over by the TCP send function. The writer is called until it flags that it has no more to write. If the TCP send function decides after a certain iteration that the buffer is now nearing full, it sends the packet and then the process continues later with a new packet buffer. This technique is very similar I think to Max's answer, which I've therefore accepted.
A key thing is that on each iteration, a content writer must be designed so that it won't write more than LENGTH bytes to the buffer; and after each call to the writer, the TCP send function will check that it has LENGTH room left in the packet buffer before calling the writer again. If not, it continues in a new packet.
Another step I did was to have a serious think about how I structure my message headers. It became apparent that, like I suppose with almost all protocols that use TCP, it is essential to implement into the application protocol some means of indicating the total message length. The reason for this is because TCP is a stream-based protocol, not a packet-based protocol. This is again where it got a bit of a headache because I needed some upfront means of knowing the total message length for insertion into the start header. The simple solution to this was to insert a message header into the start of every sent TCP packet, rather than only at the start of the application protocol message (which may of course span several TCP sockets), and basically implement fragmentation. So, in the header, I implemented two flags: a fragment flag, and a last-fragment flag. Therefore the length field in each header only needs to state the size of the payload in the particular packet. At the receiving end, individual header+payload chunks are read out of the stream and then reassembled into a complete protocol message.
This of course is no doubt very simplistically how HTTP and so many other protocols work over TCP. It's just quite interesting that, only once I've attempted to write a robust protocol that works over TCP, have I started to realise the importance of really thinking the your message structure in terms of headers, framing, and so forth so that it works over a stream protocol.
I had a related problem in a much smaller embedded system, running on a PIC 16 micro-controller (and written in assembly language, rather than C). My 'buffer size' was always going to be the two byte UART transmit queue, and I had only one 'writer' function, which was walking a DOM and emitting its XML serialisation.
The solution I came up with was to turn the problem 'inside out'. The writer function becomes a task: each time it is called it writes as many bytes as it can (which may be >2 depending on the serial data transmission rate) until the transmit buffer is full, then it returns. However, it remembers, in a state variable, how far it had got through the DOM. The next time it is called, it caries on from the point previously reached. The writer task is called repeatedly from a loop. If there is no free buffer space, it returns immediately without changing its state. It is called repeatedly from an infinite loop, which acts as a round-robin scheduler for this task and the others in the system. Each time round the loop, there is a delay which waits for the TMR0 timer to overflow. So each task gets called exactly once in a fixed time slice.
In my implementation, the data is transmitted by a TxEmpty interrupt routine, but it could also be sent by another task.
I guess the 'pattern' here is that one role of the program counter is to hold the current state of the flow of control, and that this role can be abstracted away from the PC to another data structure.
Obviously, this isn't immediately applicable to your larger, higher level system. But it is a different way of looking at the problem, which may spark your own particulr insight.
Good luck!

Is it better to send 1 large chunk or lots of small ones when using TCP?

After I accept() a connection, and then write() to the client socket, is it better to write all the data you intend to send at once or send it in chunks?
For example:
accept, write 1MB, disconnect
accept, write 256 bytes, write 256 bytes, … n, disconnect
My gut feeling tells me that the underlying protocol does this automatically, with error correction, etc. Is this correct, or should I be chunking my data?
Before you ask, no I'm not sure where I got the idea to chunk the data – I think it's an instinct I've picked up from programming C# web services (to get around receive buffer limits, etc, I think). Bad habit?
Note: I'm using C
The client and server will break up your data as they see fit, so you can send as much as you like in one chunk. Check A User's Guide to TCP Windows article by Von Welch.
Years and years ago, I had an application that send binary data - it did one send with the size of the following buffer, and then another send with the buffer (a few hundred bytes). And after profiling, we discovered that we could get a major speed-up by making them into one buffer, and sending it just once. We were surprised - even though there is some network overhead on each packet, we didn't think that was going to be a noticeable factor.
From a TCP level, yes your big buffer will be split up when it is too large, and it will be combined when it is too small.
From an application level, don't let your application deal with unbounded buffer sizes. At some level you need to split them up.
If you are sending a file over a socket, and perhaps processing some of this file's data, like compressing it. Then you need to split this up into chunks. Otherwise you will use too much RAM when you eventually happen upon a large file and your program will be out of RAM.
RAM is not the only problem. If your buffer gets too big, you may spend too much time reading in the data, or processing it, and you won't be using the socket that is sitting there waiting for data. For this reason it's best to have a parameter for the buffer size so that you can determine a value that is not too small, nor too big.
My claim is not that a TCP socket can't handle a big chunk of data, it can and I suggest to use bigger buffers when sending to get better efficiency. My claim is to just don't deal with unbounded buffer sizes in your application.
The Nagle Algorithm, which is usually enabled by default on TCP sockets, will likely combine those four 256 byte writes into the same packet. So it really doesn't matter if you send it as one write or several, it should end up in one packet anyways. Sending it as one chunk makes more sense if you have a big chunk to begin with.
If you're computing the data between those writes, it may be better to stream them as they're available. Also, writing them all at once may produce buffer overruns (though that's probably rare, it does happen), meaning that your app needs to pause and re-try the writes (not all of them, just from the point where you hit the overflow.)
I wouldn't usually go out of my way to chunk the writes, especially not as small as 256 byte chunks. (Since roughly 1500 bytes can fit in an Ethernet packet after TCP/IP overhead, I'd use chunks at least that large.)
I would send all in one big chunk as the underlying layers in osi modell . Therefor you dont have to worry about how big chunks you are sending as the layers will split these up as necisarry.
The only absolute answer is to profile app in case. There are so many factors that it is not possible to give exact answer thah is correct in all cases.

How can I buffer non-blocking IO?

When I need buffered IO on blocking file descriptor I use stdio. But if I turn file descriptor into non-blocking mode according to manual stdio buffering is unusable. After some research I see that BIO can be usable for buffering non-blocking IO.
But may be there are other alternatives?
I need this to avoid using threads in a multi-connection environment.
I think what you are talking about is the Reactor Pattern. This is a pretty standard way of processing lots of network connections without threads, and is very common in multiplayer game server engines. Another implementation (in python) is twisted matrix.
The basic algorith is:
have a buffer for each socket
check which sockets are ready to read (select(), poll(), or just iterate)
for each socket:
call recv() and accumulate the contents into the socket's buffer until recv returns 0 or an error with EWOULDBLOCK
call application level data handler for the socket with the contents of the buffer
clear the socket's buffer
I see the question has been edited now, and is at least more understandable than before.
Anyway, isn't this a contradiction?
You make I/O non-blocking because you want to be able to read small amounts quickly, typically sacrificing throughput for latency.
You make it buffered because you don't care that much about latency, but want to make efficient use of the I/O subsystem by trading latency for throughput.
Doing them both at the same time seems like a contradiction, and is hard to imagine.
What are the semantics you're after? If you do this:
int fd;
char buf[1024];
ssize_t got;
fd = setup_non_blocking_io(...);
got = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
What behavior do you expect if there is 3 bytes available? Blocking/buffered I/O might block until able to read more satisfy your request, non-blocking I/O would return the 3 available bytes immediately.
Of course, if you have some protocol on top, that defines some kind of message structure so that you can know that "this I/O is incomplete, I can't parse it until I have more data", you can buffer it yourself at that level, and not pass data on upwards until a full message has been received.
Depending on the protocol, it is certainly possible that you will need to buffer your reads for a non-blocking network node (client or server).
Typically, these buffers provide multiple indexes (offsets) that both record the position of the last byte processed and last byte read (which is either the same or greater than the processed offset). And they also (should) provide richer semantics of compacting the buffer, transparent buffer size management, etc.
In Java (at least) the non-blocking network io (NIO) packages also provide a set of data structures (ByteBuffer, etc.) that are geared towards providing a general data structure.
There either exists such data structures for C, or you must roll your own. Once you have it, then simply read as much data as available and let the buffer manage issues such as overflow (e.g. reading bytes across message frame boundaries) and use the marker offset to mark off the bytes that you have processed.
As Android pointed out, you will (very likely) need to create matched buffers for each open connection.
You could create a struct with buffers for each open file descriptor, then accumulate these buffers until recv() returns 0 or you have data enough to process in your buffer.
If I understand your question correctly, you can't buffer because with non-blocking you're writing to the same buffer with multiple connections (if global) or just writing small pieces of data (if local).
In any case, your program has to be able to identify where the data is coming (possibly by file descriptor) from and buffer it accordingly.
Threading is also an option, it's not as scary as many make it sound out to be.
Ryan Dahl's evcom library which does exactly what you wanted.
I use it in my job and it works great. Be aware, though, that it doesn't (yet, but coming soon) have async DNS resolving. Ryan suggests udns by Michael Tokarev for that. I'm trying to adopt udns instead of blocking getaddrinfo() now.
