Troubleshooting Missing Data Sample Packets in xBee? - xbee

I have my first two nodes setup, I have a ZigBee Coordinator API module and a ZigBee End Device API module. I have the end point connected on Analog pins 1-3 with sensors for temp, moisture, and light.
I have the pins D1-3 configured for ADC, and the IR sample rate setting at EA60 for once per 60 seconds.
The frames log on the co-ordinator shows a stream of Explicit RX Indicator frames and Transmit Status frames, but I am seeing no IO Data Sample RX Indicator frames.
Also, I wired an LED to the sleep indicator pin, and it is almost constantly lit, it's certainly not sleeping for a minute at a time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Do the Explicit RX Indicator frames look like they might contain your I/O samples? You might need to set ATAO=0 to receive the 0x92 frame type, but you're probably better off sticking with parsing the Explicit Rx to find the I/O sample payload and using that.
Regarding your sleeping end device, have you configured the various XBee registers to have it sleep? Find the section on sleep in your XBee documentation and read through it entirely -- there are many configuration options. For the ZigBee specification, you'll need to wake up every 7 seconds, even if it's just a short wakeup for the device to ping its parent device and check for network messages.
Finally, make sure you've wired your LED correctly. If the sleep indicator pin is active low, it will be pulled low whenever sleeping. And the end device will be waking for a short amount of time, possibly too short to see on an LED. You could use a scope or a logic analyzer to monitor the pin for changes instead.


Linux UART imx8 how to quickly detect frame end?

I have an imx8 module running Linux on my PCB and i would like some tips or pointers on how to modify the UART driver to allow me to be able to detect the end of frame very quickly (less than 2ms) from my user space C application. The UART frame does not have any specific ending character or frame length. The standard VTIME of 100ms is much too long
I am reading from a Sim card, i have no control over the data, no control over the size or content of the data. I just need to detect the end of frame very quickly. The frame could be 3 bytes or 500. The SIM card reacts to data that it receives, typically I send it a couple of bytes and then it will respond a couple of ms later with an uninterrupted string of bytes of unknown length. I am using an iMX8MP
I thought about using the IDLE interrupt to detect the frame end. Turn it on when any byte is received and off once the idle interrupt fires. How can I propagate this signal back to user space? Or is there an existing method to do this?
Waiting for an "idle" is a poor way to do this.
Use termios to set raw mode with VTIME of 0 and VMIN of 1. This will allow the userspace app to get control as soon as a single byte arrives. See:
How to read serial with interrupt serial?
How do I use termios.h to configure a serial port to pass raw bytes?
How to open a tty device in noncanonical mode on Linux using .NET Core
But, you need a "protocol" of sorts, so you can know how much to read to get a complete packet. You prefix all data with a struct that has (e.g.) A type and a payload length. Then, you send "payload length" bytes. The receiver gets/reads that fixed length struct and then reads the payload which is "payload length" bytes long. This struct is always sent (in both directions).
See my answer: thread function doesn't terminate until Enter is pressed for a working example.
What you have/need is similar to doing socket programming using a stream socket except that the lower level is the UART rather than an actual socket.
My example code uses sockets, but if you change the low level to open your uart in raw mode (as above), it will be very similar.
How quickly after the frame finished would i have the data at the application level? When I try to read my random length frames currently reading in 512 byte chunks, it will sometimes read all the frame in one go, other times it reads the frame broken up into chunks. –
In my link, in the last code block, there is an xrecv function. It shows how to read partial data that comes in chunks.
That is what you'll need to do.
Things missing from your post:
You didn't post which imx8 board/configuration you have. And, which SIM card you have (the protocols are card specific).
And, you didn't post your other code [or any code] that drives the device and illustrates the problem.
How much time must pass without receiving a byte before the [uart] device is "idle"? That is, (e.g.) the device sends 100 bytes and is then finished. How many byte times does one wait before considering the device to be "idle"?
What speed is the UART running at?
A thorough description of the device, its capabilities, and how you intend to use it.
A uart device doesn't have an "idle" interrupt. From some imx8 docs, the DMA device may have an "idle" interrupt and the uart can be driven by the DMA controller.
But, I looked at some of the linux kernel imx8 device drivers, and, AFAICT, the idle interrupt isn't supported.
I need to read everything in one go and get this data within a few hundred microseconds.
Based on the scheduling granularity, it may not be possible to guarantee that a process runs in a given amount of time.
It is possible to help this a bit. You can change the process to use the R/T scheduler (e.g. SCHED_FIFO). Also, you can use sched_setaffinity to lock the process to a given CPU core. There is a corresponding call to lock IRQ interrupts to a given CPU core.
I assume that the SIM card acts like a [passive] device (like a disk). That is, you send it a command, and it sends back a response or does a transfer.
Based on what command you give it, you should know how many bytes it will send back. Or, it should tell you how many optional bytes it will send (similar to the struct in my link).
The method you've described (e.g.) wait for idle, then "race" to get/process the data [for which you don't know the length] is fraught with problems.
Even if you could get it to work, it will be unreliable. At some point, system activity will be just high enough to delay wakeup of your process and you'll miss the window.
If you're reading data, why must you process the data within a fixed period of time (e.g. 100 us)? What happens if you don't? Does the device catch fire?
Without more specific information, there are probably other ways to do this.
I've programmed such systems before that relied on data races. They were unreliable. Either missing data. Or, for some motor control applications, device lockup. The remedy was to redesign things so that there was some positive/definitive way to communicate that was tolerant of delays.
Otherwise, I think you've "fallen in love" with "idle interrupt" idea, making this an XY problem:

lwip to send data bigger than 64kb

i'm trying to send over lwip a RT data (4 bytes) sampled at 100kHz for 10 channels.
I've understood that lwip has a timer which loops every 250ms and it cannot be changed.
In this case i'm saving the RT over RAM at 100kHz and every 250ms sending the sampled data over TCP.
The problem is that i cannot go over 65535 bytes every 250ms because i get the MEM_ERR.
i already increased the buffer up to 65535 but when i try to increase it more i get several error during compiling.
So my doubt is: can lwip manage buffer bigger than 16bits?
Better to focus on throughput.
You neglected to show any code, describe which Xilinx board/system you're using, or which OS you're using (e.g. FreeRTOS, linux, etc.).
Your RT data is: 4 bytes * 10 channels * 100kHz --> 400,000 bytes / second.
From your lwip description, you have 65536 byte packets * 4 packets/sec --> 256,000 bytes / second.
This is too slow. And, it much slower than what a typical TCP / Ethernet link can process, so I think your understanding of the maximum rate is off a bit.
You probably can't increase the packet size.
But, you probably can increase the number of packets sent.
You say that the 250ms interval for lwip can't be changed. I believe that it can.
From: we have the section: Creating an lwIP Application Using the RAW API:
Set up a timer to interrupt at a constant interval. Usually, the interval is around 250 ms. In the timer interrupt, update necessary flags to invoke the lwIP TCP APIs tcp_fasttmr and tcp_slowtmr from the main application loop explained previously
The "usually" seems to me to imply that it's a default and not a maximum.
But, you may not need to increase the timer rate as I don't think it dictates the packet rate, just the servicing/completion rate [in software].
A few guesses ...
Once a packet is queued to the NIC, normally, other packets may be queued asynchronously. Modern NIC hardware often has a hardware queue. That is, the NIC H/W supports multiple pending requests. It can service those at line speed without CPU intervention.
The 250ms may just be a timer interrupt that retires packet descriptors of packets completed by the NIC hardware.
That is, more than one packet can be processed/completed per interrupt. If that were not the case, then only 4 packets / second could be sent and that would be ridiculously low.
Generating an interrupt from the NIC for each packet incurs an overhead. My guess is that interrupts from the NIC are disabled. And, the NIC is run in a "polled" mode. The polling occurs in the timer ISR.
The timer interrupt will occur 4 times per second. But, will process any packets it sees that are completed. So, the ISR overhead is only 4 interrupts / second.
This increases throughput because the ISR overhead is reduced.
Thanks for the reply, indeed is 4 bytes * 10 channels * 100kHz --> 4,000,000 bytes / second but I agree that we are quite far from the 100Mbit/s.
Caveat: I don't know lwip, so most of what I'm saying is based on my experience with other network stacks (e.g. linux), but it appears that lwip should be similar.
Of course, lwip will provide a way to achieve full line speed.
Regarding the changing of the 250ms timer period, to achieve what i want it should be lowered more than 10times which seems it is too much and it can compromise the stability of the protocol.
When you say that, did you actually try that?
And, again, you didn't post your code or describe your target system, so it's difficult to provide help.
Issues could be because of the capabilities [or lack thereof] of your target system and its NIC.
Or, because of the way your code is structured, you're not making use of the features that can make it fast.
So basically your suggestion is to enable the interrupt on each message? In this case i can send the remaining data in the ACK callback if I understood correctly. – Marco Martines
The mode for interrupt on every packet is useful for low data rates where the use of the link is sparse/sporadic.
If you have an interrupt for every packet, the overhead of entering/exiting the ISR (the ISR prolog/epilog) code will become significant [and possibly untenable] at higher data rates.
That's why the timer based callback is there. To accumulate finished request blocks and [quickly] loop on the queue/chain and complete/reclaim them periodically. If you wish to understand the concept, look at NAPI:
Loosely, on most systems, when you do a send, a request block is created with all info related to the given buffer. This block is then queued to the transmit queue. If the transmitter is idle, it is started. For subsequent blocks, the block is appended to the queue. The driver [or NIC card] will, after completing a previous request, immediately start a new/fresh one from the front of the queue.
This allows you to queue multiple/many blocks quickly [and return immediately]. They will be sent in order at line speed.
What actually happens depends on system H/W, NIC controller, and OS and what lwip modes you use.

Implementing an SSI slave interface on STM32 Board

I am trying to implement a SSI Slave Protocol on a STM32 Board. Since the STM32 Boards don't have a SSI interface, I used its SPI interface in Slave(Transmit only mode). The master SSI sends 24 clock signals and the slave reacts by sending its data(3 Bytes) over the MISO pins. The problem I am facing is that the data is always shifted on the left on every clock signal coming from the master. For example assuming I am constantly sending 0x010101 from slave.
At first transmission the master receives 0x010101
At Second transmission the master receives 0x020202
At third transmission the master receives 0x040404
Can someone please give me some hints on how to solve this problem?
The data-shift with each transmission can happen when the SPI slave recognizes an (unexpected) additional clock pulse. Looking at the SSI protocol description on Wikipedia this actually makes sense:
In order to transmit N bits of data the master emits N clock cycles, followed by another clock pulse to signal the end of the transfer (so-called "Monoflop Time" - referring to the original hardware implementation of the SSI interface). Since the SPI protocol / SPI slave does not know about this additional clock pulse, it begins to output the first bit of the next data byte, which is in turn not recognized by the SSI master. As a result this leads to a shift in the data bits recognized by the SSI master on the next SSI frame.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to handle the Monoflop time correctly with the SPI slave. In order to deal with the additional clock pulse, we could try to set the SPI frame size to 25 bits on the slave side. Since the STM32 hardware only supports SPI frame sizes between 4 bit and 16 bit, the only choice is to set it to 5 bit. This is not very convenient, since we need to convert the 3 byte (24 bit) output data into 5 blocks of 5 bit (24 bit output data + 1 bit dummy data), but it should work for a "normal" transfer.
Things get more complicated though, if we also want to handle the cases "Multiple transmissions" and "Interrupting transmission" correctly. We need to monitor the clock signal to be able to detect the monoflop timeout. This can be done using a STM32 hardware timer with an external trigger. When the timer expires, we need to reset the SPI unit (in order to handle an interrupted transmission) and update the output value. This "simple" task can be quite challenging since it requires a couple of instructions - requiring a fast MCU depending on the SSI clock frequency.
Alternatively the SSI protocol can be implemented using a software-only "bit banging" solution. But this requires a fast MCU as well in order to handle a fast SSI clock correctly.
IMHO the best solution is to use a small (inexpensive) FPGA to implement the SSI slave and let the MCU feed it with data over a traditional SPI interface.

STM32F429 Timer triggered USART DMA transfer issue

This is my first post at this forum.
I am developing a MIDI sequencer device based on a STM32F429DISCOVERY board running at stock 180MHz. In order to send midi messages the USART1 is configured for 31250 bauds and the appropriate DMA is configured to transfer a 3 byte array stored in ram to the USART. I was doing tests of even timing of sending of midi messages, by configuring the Timer 4 update interrupt, within the service routine of which I am enabling the memory-to-peripheralUSART1 DMA operation. This gives me a periodic sending of a 3 byte message over the USART1 peripheral.
Everything works great and with correct frequency and correct data, but i have a small issue which i have been researching for few days now and have not been able to correct. To make things clearer, within the timer interrupt routine I set a led on the discovery (RG13) to momentarily blink and connected 1 channel of an oscilloscope to the led pin. The second channel of the oscilloscope is connected to the USART TX pin. Now, when the code is executed, i can see the led pulse on the oscilloscope's CH1, followed by the USART serial data on the CH2. But for some reason the time between the led pulse and the beginning of the serial data transfer fluctuates with every sending of the data. It increments with every sending, going from around 1uS to around 30uS, and then jumps back to 1.
I noticed that if i slightly change the USART baudrate, the time fluctuation between the pulse and the data sending changes in pattern, going faster or slower and with longer or shorter range.
I have tried resetting all the apropriate flags from USART as well as DMA, have tried to disable/enable the timer, played with interrupt priorities, but nothing has worked to get rid of the time fluctuation.
As you can imagine, the stability of this is crucial for a MIDI sequencer hardware application as it bases the timing of the musical events, which must be rock solid.
I have also tried using the USART by itself without DMA, manually sending every byte, basically same results. Interrupt driven USART TX exhibited likewise results.
The only thing which seemed to work to get rid of the time fluctuation of USART TX response is, before every sending operation to deinitialize USART and the DMA modules and reinitialize them again. This seemed to give a stable operation but inserts a long delay between the timer interrupt and the actual sending of the data over the USART, which is unacceptable.
If anyone has any thoughts on this or have done anything similar, I need an advice on where to look at.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Best regards,
Even based on your detailed description, there are various possibilities for errors, so best I can do is guess:
Maybe just one of the TIM setting is just slightly wrong: What about the timer's auto-reload register (TIM4_ARR)?
The period setting must be just one unit lower than the desired transmission period divided by the (possibly prescaled) clock period (see details upcounting/downcounting spec).
Now, if the reload value were just equal to the value instead, the second trigger would be late by one tiny period, the third trigger twice as much and so on (which may look like what you described).
This "ramp of delays" would then rise until the unwanted delay sums up to one UART bit period (which happens to be 32uS for 31250 bauds, quite near to the "around 30uS" you described). The next trigger would then just fit for the neighbouring UART bit cycle (without much delay).
Comparing this hypothesis with your other findings...
Changing the UART baud rate would preserve the fundamental error, but the duration of the irritating delay changes. It can appear to change its sign ("faster or slower"), depending on the beat characteristics between the (actual) TIM period and the UART bit period. => OK
Changing the event processing from DMA to IRQ handler wouldn't change much about the problem but only the "phase" of the initial delay (by the time the CPU needs to execute a different ST library function). => OK
Disabling and re-enabling the UART might have changed the behaviour because the UART clock might re-synchronize newly with the underlying bus clock (APB2 for USART2), so the delay after the TIM trigger would appear constant, and you wouldn't notice fluctuations. => OK

C code to Read data from nonin Pulse Oximeter device via bluetooth Serial Port profile in linux

I am trying to communicate to the Nonin Pulse oximeter device to read the data (Pulse rate and SPO2 level) via Bluetooth. Nonin device supports SPP and HDP profile. I want to communicate through SPP profile. I am able to scan and pair with the device by the sample code available in Bluez.
Please tell me next steps how to send command and read data from the device. I have got struck at this point.
I realize this is a late response, but I recently setup data acquisition from a Nonin PalmSAT 2500A VET unit. I am using the RTC-1000 cable and an RS232 to USB converter.
This is straight from the manual:
"Information from the device, in the real-time mode, is sent in an ASCII serial format at 9600 baud with 9 data bits, 1 start bit, and 1 stop bit. The data are output at a rate of once per second.
NOTE: The 9th data bit is used for odd parity in memory playback mode. In real-time mode, it is always set to the mark condition. Therefore the real-time data may be read as 8 data bits, no parity.
Real-time data may be printed or displayed by devices other than the pulse oximeter. On power up a header is sent identifying the format and the time and date. Thereafter, the data are sent once per second in the following format:
where “XXX” represents the SpO2 value, and “YYY” represents the pulse rate. The SpO2 and pulse rate will be displayed as “---” if there are no data available for the data reading."
Link to manual:
What model oximeter are you working with?
