I extract all the rows from a database table into a table in Matlab,
I make changes in some cells. Now I want to save the content of the Matlab table back into the database table. How can I do it?
The database is SqlServer. The table is a Table in Matlab, which is an exact extraction of a table in Sqlserver database. I am using Matlab version 2014b and datbase toolbox.
SQL = select pr from prices
conn = database('mydb', '', '', 'com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver','jdbc:sqlserver://myserver; database=mydb;integratedSecurity=true;');
e = exec(conn,SQL)
myprices = e.Data
Then I made changes in myprices, which is a table and mirror the table in the database, and I would like to save it back to the database.
Thanks a lot.
From the MATLAB table you should be able to extract column names as cell array, similarly for each row of your table, then use fastinsert() as described in this link: http://fr.mathworks.com/help/database/ug/fastinsert.html
I have two tables, Engineering and Electrical. Work is done in the Engineering table, then the Electrical team starts work after that. They share some of the same columns. Those columns are
Service Description
Project Number
I want to create an after update trigger so that when the Tag column gets filled in the Electrical table and that data matches the data in one of the Tag columns in the Engineering table, the other four same columns in the Engineering table automatically are sent to the corresponding columns in the Electrical table.
Below is what I tried which obviously doesn't work:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_Electrial_Update]
inserted i ON i.[TAG_] = m.[TAG_]
I'm someone trying to teach myself SQL on the fly so be kind. As always I'm very appreciative of any help.
From your post, I'm assuming you already have an entry in the Electrical table, and it's column Tag gets updated from NULL to some other value. This syntax is for SQL Server - you didn't explicitly specify what RDBMS you're using, but it looks like SQL Server to me. If it's not - adapt as needed.
Assuming you have only a single row in Engineering that matches that Tag value, you can do something like this - it has to be an UPDATE statement since you already have a row in Electrical - you want to update some columns, not insert a completely new row:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_Electrical_Update]
ON [dbo].Electrical
UPDATE dbo.Electrical
[ICM_RPM_] = eng.[ICM_RPM_]
FROM Inserted i
INNER JOIN dbo.Engineering eng ON i.Tag = eng.Tag
WHERE Electrical.Tag = i.Tag;
We want import data from Oracle to SQL server using SSIS
I was able to transfer data from Oracle to one table (Staging)in SQL. then I need to transform data and I found that I need to run stored procedure to transform the data from Staging to Actual production data. But I wonder How we can do it.
Source table has four Columns with one field containing date but its datatype is string
Destination table has also four Columns but two column will not be stored as it is there is mapping between source column and destination Column
This mapping is stored in two table for both two column Like Table one stores SourceFeatureID, DestincationFeatureID similarly second table stores SourcePID, DestincationPID
Data is updated periodically so we need from destination data when it was updated last and get remaining where SourceDate > LastUpdated_destination_date
Update 1: Components that you can use to achieve your goal within a Data Flow Task
Source and Destination
OLEDB Source: Read from staging table, you can use an SQL command to return only data with SourceDate > Destination Date
SELECT * FROM StaggingTable T1 WHERE CAST(SourceDate as Datetime) > (SELECT MAX(DestDate) FROM DestinationTable)
OLEDB Destination: Insert data to production database
Join with other table
Lookup transformation: The Lookup transformation performs lookups by joining data in input columns with columns in a reference dataset. You use the lookup to access additional information in a related table that is based on values in common columns.
Merge Join: The Merge Join transformation provides an output that is generated by joining two sorted datasets using a FULL, LEFT, or INNER join
Convert columns data types
Data Conversion transformation: The Data Conversion transformation converts the data in an input column to a different data type and then copies it to a new output column
Derived Column transformation: The Derived Column transformation creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns. An expression can contain any combination of variables, functions, operators, and columns from the transformation input. The result can be added as a new column or inserted into an existing column as a replacement value. The Derived Column transformation can define multiple derived columns, and any variable or input columns can appear in multiple expressions.
Lookup Transformation
Merge Join Transformation
Data Conversion Transformation
Derived Column Transformation
Initial answer
I found that I need to run stored procedure to transform the data from Staging to Actual production data
This is not true, you can perform data transfer using DataFlow Task.
There are many links that you can find detailed solutions:
SSIS. How to copy data of one table into different tables?
Create a Project and Basic Package with SSIS
Fill SQL database from a CSV File (even if the source is CSV but it is very helpful)
Executing stored procedure using SSIS
Anyway, to execute a stored procedure from SSIS you can use an Execute SQL Task
Additional informations:
Execute SQL Task
How to Execute Stored Procedure in SSIS Execute SQL Task in SSIS
I'm not going to go through your comments. I'm just going to post an example of loading StagingTable into TargetTable, with an example of a date conversion, and an example of using a mapping table.
This code creates the stored proc
-- First delete any data that exists
-- in the target table that is already there
DELETE TargetTable
SELECT * FROM StagingTable
WHERE StagingTable.SomeKeyColumn = TargetTable.SomeKeyColumn
-- Insert some data into the target table
INSERT INTO TargetTable(Col1,Col2,Col3)
-- This is the data we are inserting
ST.SoureCol1, -- This goes into Col1
-- This column is converted to a date then loaded into Col2
TRY_CONVERT(DATE, ST.SourceCol2,112),
-- This is a column that has been mapped from another table
-- That will be loaded into Col3
FROM StagingTable ST
-- This might need to be an outer join. Who knows
INNER JOIN MappingTable MT
-- we are mapping using a column called MapCol
ON ST.MapCol = MT.MapCol
This code runs the stored proc that you just created. You put this into an execute SQL task after your data flow in the SSIS package:
With regards to date conversion, see here for the numbered styles:
CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL)
I need some help for transfering data from one table to another.
As you can see there are 2 databases.
I would like to transfer the table datas "PinterSet" located in the database Contrinex.GPO in the table "PrinterSet" located in the database Contrinex.GPOQA.
There are already datas in the table "PrinterSet" of Contrinex.GPOQA but I would overwrite and put the datas from "PrinterSet" of Contrinex.GPO.
So how can I do that ?
here is your code..
truncate table Contrinex.GPOQA.dbo.PrinterSet
insert into Contrinex.GPOQA.dbo.PrinterSet
select * from Contrinex.GPO.dbo.PrinterSet
TRUNCATE TABLE [Contrinex.GPOQA].dbo.PinterSet
INSERT INTO [Contrinex.GPOQA].dbo.PinterSet (...)
FROM [Contrinex.GPO].dbo.PinterSet
select data from first database table and insert it into the second database table as
INSERT INTO GPOQA.PrinterSet SELECT * from GPO.PrinterSet
if want some perticular columns then set column names as
INSERT INTO GPOQA.PrinterSet a SET a.column1=b.column1,.... SELECT column1,... from GPO.PrinterSet b
You can use Sql Server Export functianality, where you can transfer data from one table to another across Database.
Please refer the below link on using the SQL Server Export
Using SQL Server 2008
I have an SSIS task that downloads a CSV file from FTP and renames the file every hour. After that I'm doing a bulk insert of the data into a new table called NEWFTPDATA.
The data in this file is for the current day up to the current hour. The table has a composite primary key consisting of 4 different columns.
The next step I need to complete is, using T-SQL, compare this new table to my existing master archive table and insert any rows that do not already exist based on matching (or rather not-matching on those 4 columns)
Since I'll be downloading this file hourly (for real-time reporting) for each subsequent run there will be duplicate data which I will not want to insert into the master table to avoid duplicating data.
I've found ways to do this based off of the existence of one particular column, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it based off of 4 columns needing to match.
The workflow should be as follows
Update MASTERTABLE from NEWFTPDATA where newftpdata.column1, newftpdata.column2, newftpdata.column3, newftpdata.column4 do not exist in MASTERTABLE
Hopefully I've supplied substantial information for this question. If any further details are required please let me know. Thank you.
you can use MERGE
MERGE MasterTable as dest
using newftpdata as src
dest.column1 = src.column1
dest.column2 = src.column2
dest.column3 = src.column3
dest.column4 = src.column4
INSERT (column1, column2, ...)
values ( Src.column1, Src.column2,....)
The task is to have SQL Server read an Excel spreadsheet, and import only the new entries into a table. The entity is called Provider.
Consider an Excel spreadsheet like this:
Its target table is like this:
The task is to:
using 2008 Express toolset
import into an existing table in SQL Sever 2000
existing data in the table! Identity with increment is PK. This is used as FK in another table, with references made.
import only the new rows from the spreadsheet!
ignore rows who don't exist in spreadsheet
How can I use the SQL 2008 toolset (Import and Export wizard likely) to achieve this goal? I suspect I'll need to "Write a query to specify the data to transfer".
Problem being is that I cannot find the query as the tool would be generating to make fine adjustments.
What I'd probably do is bulk load the excel data into a separate staging table within the database and then run an INSERT on the main table to copy over the records that don't exist.
INSERT MyRealTable (ID, FirstName, LastName,.....)
SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName,.....
FROM StagingTable s
LEFT JOIN MyRealTable r ON s.ID = r.ID
Then drop the staging table when you're done.
You can run some updates on that stage table before you load it, to clean it up, if you need to, as well. UPDATE SET NAME = RTROM(LTRIM(Name))