How to clear kendo window data using refresh method? - angularjs

I have form and grid in kendo window modal, I want to refresh the screen everytime user open the modal window, I have used refresh() but its not working...any suggetion will be appreciated....
So far tried code...
<div kendo-window="viewAttestorkWin" options="attWinOptions" k-modal="true"></div>
$scope.openAttestorSearch = function(){
attestorConfig.attestorModalWinConfig.title = 'Add Attestor(s)';

It should work properly with your code right now, yet I suspect setOptions make it didn't. Have you try to call the refresh method after window is open?
$scope.openAttestorSearch = function(){
attestorConfig.attestorModalWinConfig.title = 'Add Attestor(s)';


Data Tables inside of a Modal

Does anyone know how to get datatables to work inside of a modal? I've been following the example at and bascially did all of my work to load the datatable inside the initModal function but it doesn't seem to work.
I was able to figure this out on my own. I tried to specify my class as an object (no quotes) rather than a string as in their example:
var productInfoModal = new abp.ModalManager({
viewUrl: '/Products/ProductInfoModal',
scriptUrl: '/Pages/Products/ProductInfoModal.js', //Lazy Load URL
modalClass: 'ProductInfo' // << Make sure to specify as a string
You may want to check CmsKit.Admin.Web project for view the usage of modal in datatable.
1-) Create your modal view. (.cshtml file):
2-) Define your abp.modals class. (.js file for your modal):
3-) Define your modal by using ModalManager and call the modal wherever its needed:
Define Modal Manager
Open the modal when an event triggered
You can create a row action and open the modal when the action is clicked.
rowAction: {
items: [
text: l('MyRowAction'),
action: function (data) {;
Refresh the datatable according to the changes of your modal

Kendo tooltip content is not updated when angular model is changed

I have defined kendo tooltip in following way:
<i class="fa fa-info-circle ico-tooltip" kendo-tooltip k-content="model.Description"></i>
Initially the content is ok, but when model.Description is changed and the site is not reloaded the k-content shows the old value.
After reload site by F5 there is new value, but this is not what I want to achieve.
It is possible to somehow refresh this tooltip or workaround this issue?
I had a similar issue and I debugged through Kendo's code and following solution works, in my case I wanted to show only upto 22 characters of text from my model and show full text in the tooltip, here is example code
This sample below is using Angular's 1.5 component
<div kendo-tooltip="$ctrl.selectedItemTooltip" k-content="$ctrl.selectedItemText">{{$ctrl.selectedItemText | limitTo:22}}</div>
and in JS
function fetchFromServer(){
ctrl.selectedItemText =;
ctrl.selectedItemTooltip.options.content = ctrl.selectedItemText
in the tooltip options object (when you initialize the tooltip) you set function for the hide event (check documentation ) and in this function you could call refresh function
var tooltip = $("#container").kendoTooltip({
hide: function() {
i think this will do the trick

How to cange value of button overflowText property?

I have panel wiht toolbar with buttons. Panel resizable when it small buttons hide in menu. In menu it show icon and value of overflowText. But on click button i need change overflowText.
expandClick: function (btn) {
var me = this;
btn.overflowText = btn.overflowText === "expand" ? "reduce" : "expand";
view.fireEvent('expandGraph', view);
in browser's console on breckpoint i see right value but there is no change in interface. Why?!
btn.setConfig( name, [value] );
try to use this function to set specific initial configs dinamically.
Sometimes the button din't refresh his state if you modify directly the variable
Try to refresh component layout with doLayout() method after you change overflowText property.

Wijdropdown not working after being hidden

Using Wijmo Open ComponentOne's Dropdown, I tried to place it in a registration form that displays when a button is clicked. This form is inside a jquery modal window.
The problem is that it is not displayed like a wijdropdown inside the form.
I supposed that since is was hidden, then it wasn't part of the DOM and so I added a method in the callback of the function that displayed the modal window; when the modal window finishes displaying, then call the .wijdropdown() on the element. However, it didn't work.
In conclusion: the select tag is not being wijdropdowned...
¿Any recommendations?
$(function() {
// show overlay
$('#product-slideshow-overlay-trigger').live('click', function() {
var $registerOverlay = $('#product-slideshow-overlay');
//left position
var positionLeft = ($(window).width() - $registerOverlay.width())/2;
//show mask
/**Add WijmoDropdown***/
console.log("Did the wijdropdown");
return false
}); // end document ready function
Refresh the wijdropdown when the dropdown is not hidden:
Find the wijmo component and check if it's visible or not (styled or not).
And trigger the visiblity changed event when you display the modal window.

Ext js - Dynamically changing content of Tab in a TabPanel

I have an (Ext JS) tab panel where the hidden tabs aren't loaded at all upon initial instantiation, (the only thing I set is the title).
Upon 'activation' of a tab I want to call a method , which then instanstiates a new FormPanel/GridPanel and put this content into the tab.
Can someone point me to a code example or give me tips on how to do this??
Thanks so much!
Just build a new panel and add it to the activated tab. Then call doLayout().
listeners: {
activate: function(panel) {
var formPanel = ....
