angular $resource receive extra information - angularjs

I am using ng-resource to do ajax request. I want to send extra info besides the data.
For example, I have an article entity on my server
exports.fetchArticle = function(req, res, next) {
var article = req.article
return res.json({data: article, message: 'success fetch article'})
The reason I wrap it is that, in the case of deletion, it makes no sense to send data, I can just return res.json({data: null, message: 'deleted successfully'})
on my client side, I have:
$scope.fetchArticle = function() {
Article.get({articleId: $routeParams.articleId}, function(response) {
$scope.article =
$scope.ajaxSuccess = response.message
}, function(err) {
$scope.ajaxError =
$scope.article is not an instance of ng-resource anymore, thus I can't do further request with $scope.article, i.e. this will cause error, since $scope.article is a plain json object:
$scope.article.$update(function(response) {...})
If I simply return res.json(article) from server, it works, but I can't send along the message.
The reason I dont generate the message from client but fetch from server is that, the error message is from server, I want to keep success message consistent with the error message.
Is there any other elegant way to send the message?

Assuming that all your servers responses follow this format:
data: {/*...*/},
message: 'some message'
You could use $http's transformResponse for that, so that you get an ngResource instance that is your returned object while still processing your message. For that, you need a transform-function:
function processMessage(data, message) {
//Do whatever you want with your message here, like displaying it
function transform(response) {
var data =;
delete response.message;
for(var attributeName in data) {
response[attributeName] = data[attributeName];
return response;
Then you can add this function to $http's default transfroms in the config of your app:
angular.module("yourApp",[/* ... */])
//....all your other config
Now all repsonses from $http get transformed by this function, triggering processMessage and leaving you with a ngResource instance of the returned object.


Angular bad data while trying to post http

I try to send some data (from a form) via $http to my backend. But I'm getting $http:baddata error when I try to send the data.
The full error is "Data must be a valid JSON object" but in my opinion, it is a valid object!$http/baddata?p0=%3Cbr%20%2F%3E%0A%3Cb%3ENotice%3C%2Fb%3E:%20%20Undefined%20index:%20formData%20in%20%3Cb%3EC:%5Cxampp%5Chtdocs%5Cuno-form%5Capi%5Ccontrollers%5CFormController.php%3C%2Fb%3E%20on%20line%20%3Cb%3E26%3C%2Fb%3E%3Cbr%20%2F%3E%0A%7B%22success%22:true,%22data%22:%7B%22form%22:null%7D%7D&p1=%7B%7D
This is the code, and the console.log() result
$scope.submitForm = function(){
console.log($scope.formData, angular.toJson($scope.formData));
var data = {
formData: angular.toJson($scope.formData)
var config = {
headers : {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
$'/api/save-form', data,config)
console.log("RESPONSE", response);
home.controller.js:47 {firstName: "Test"} "{"firstName":"Test"}"
home.controller.js:63 Err
home.controller.js:64 Error: [$http:baddata] (...)
Model in frontend ({{formData}})
"firstName": "Test"
I have some other way's to send the data, without config, with the other $http way ($http({method: 'POST',....}) but no luck.
What I'm doing wrong here? I have created many forms and functions like this, but I never get this error...
This error can also happen when there is bad data coming from your backend, check if your response is valid.

not able to push the data in to the list

I have one list which contains list of objects so, now i want to add one more object to the each list in the main list
I am using AngularJS
here is the code which i tried
$scope.mediaList = [];
$scope.getTheProfile = function(data){
for(var i in data)
$scope.mediaList[i].displayName =
function(data , status){
console.log("In Error");
if(status == '400'){
function(data , status){
console.log("In forbidden")
so i am trying to add displayName to that list
now the problem is i am not able to get the value in that alert
if that alert is inside ProfileService.getByHandle function then i am getting the value
this is the function getByHandle
this.getByHandle = function(handle, successCB, errorCB, forbiddenCB) {
console.log("In Profile Service for fetching the profile by handle: "+handle);
HttpCommunicationUtil.doGet(apiConstants["profile"]["getByHandle"]+"/"+handle, successCB, errorCB, forbiddenCB);
Looking at getByHandle, it seems you are making asynchronous HTTP request using HttpCommunicationUtil.doGet.
What happens is this: for loop will make the HTTP calls and trigger this alert alert($scope.mediaList[0].displayName) without waiting for the response of getByHandle, as it's an asynchronous request.
Therefore, when you try to alert there will be an empty array [] value for $scope.mediaList due to line#1. So $scope.mediaList[0].displayName will produce error saying unable to get displayName of undefined.
You can return promises in ProfileService.getByHandleand when it's resolved use .then to update your variable.
If you can post code for HttpCommunicationUtil.doGet it'll be more useful.
Without HttpCommunicationUtil.doGet, I'll give you an idea of how to do it in a generic way.
this.getByHandle : function(params) {
return $http.get('/api/endpoint');
//use data to push response in $scope.mediaList[i]

Fixing 3rd party API 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error

I have an Angular application, currently an HTML file I open but it will soon be converted to a server/accessed through localhost. I use $http to access a 3rd party API (I have no control over its responses; most of the API calls work, but some don't and throw the error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
The API calls that throw that error are the searches that return 0 results (in the example, the database returns no results for "susage"). In the Network tab, the response can't be loaded and no response headers are listed; for other working API calls, under Response Headers, the necessary "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*" is present.
The API definitely forms a response and tries to send it back, but fails for whatever reason. Visiting the posted url shows that response.
Why do only the empty searches throw the error when API understands and has a response for both calls, and how do I fix it? I would prefer that my frontend communicates with the API directly, as opposed to communicating with my backend which in turn communicates with the API.
For comparison, a search with results (spelling 'sausage' correctly) vs a search without results:
The $http code:
return $http.get('', {
params: {
api_key: usdaKey,
q: query
In order to expose the "-1" status (timeout) to the UI, I changed the service method to simply return the promise, like this:
var search = function(query) {
return $http.get('', {
params: {
api_key: usdaKey,
q: query
Then you can handle the error in your controller, like this:
$ = function(query) {
$scope.items = [];
$scope.err = null; {
$scope.items =;
}, function(e) {
console.log('Error status: ' + e.status);
if (e.status === -1) {
$scope.err = 'No data found';

Angular $http read String?

The back end guy wants to send me a string, which will be returned by $ If he sends me something like "success", I will get error like "parsing Json failed". I want him to wrap the string into object like "{"message": "success"}", which works fine. But other back end guys say that front end should comply with back end, so they will just send me the string. Is there any way that I can read the string?
This is the code I use if he sends me "{"message": "success"}", which works perfectly:
.then(function(data) {
var data =;
if (data.message == "success") {
scope.successMessage = "Cache hours saved successfully";
} else {
scope.errorMessage = data.message;
}, function() {
scope.errorMessage = "Submission failed";
By default angular tries to detect if a http response contains JSON. Sometimes this detection fails and you get such an error as you described in your question.
You can avoid this behavior for a single request if you override the response transformation by providing an transformResponse property for on the configuration object passed to the request:
url: '...',
method: 'POST',
//Just return original response from server without parsing
transformResponse: [function (data, headers) {
return data;
Alternatively you can change the default behavior for all your app's http requests by overriding the default response transformation:
myApp.config('$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.transformResponse = [function (data, headers) {
return data;
For more information see API Reference $http section "Transforming Requests and Responses"
the API Response Content-Type should be set to text/plain; and use POSTMAN to verify, it would save you a lot of headache

catch errors/read status code from rest call - angular

How do you catch errors/read http status code when making a rest call in one of these formats, both work to return a successful response, just no idea how to grab the info i need. I can get the object with values returned as I need, I just cant get the http status code.
methods provided by #Claies in a response to this question (Get data from $resource response in angular factory)
$scope.makeRestCall= function () {
$scope.member = Item.makeRestCallWithHeaders('123456789', '789456123')
$scope.makeRestCall= function () {
$scope.member = Item.makeRestCallWithHeaders('123456789', '789456123')
.query({}, function() {
I have tried to use the first method here and grab something from the function(response) such as response.status, but it returns undefined.
For reference, using this factory:
.factory("Item", function($resource) {
var endpoint = "http://some valid url";
function makeRestCallWithHeaders(id1, id2) {
return $resource(endpoint, null, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'id1': id1,
'id2': id2
var item = {
makeRestCallWithHeaders: makeRestCallWithHeaders
return item ;
Item returns something like this:
{firstName:Joe, lastName:smith}
I am really just trying to figure out how I can access the status code returned by the REST call. Absolute end goal is to read any error response and return error to UI written in angular as well. If there is a way to just read this in the UI, that could work too.
To read the error status you need to pass in the errorCallback to the $promise:
$scope.makeRestCall= function () {
$scope.member = Item.makeRestCallWithHeaders('123456789', '789456123')
//this is the successCallback
//response.status & response.statusText do not exist here by default
//because you don't really need them - the call succeeded
//see rest of answer below if you really need to do this
// but be sure you really do...
function(repsonse) {
//this is the errorCallback
//response.status === code
//response.statusText === status text!
//so to get the status code you could do this:
var statusCode = response.status;
You shouldn't need the status in the successCallback, because it is a success and you know the success code implicitly.
Therefore the status is not available in the successCallback by default.
If, for some reason, you do need the status in your successCallback, you could write an interceptor to put this information somewhere, but be aware that the angular framework deals with the data differently in different success scenarios so you will need to write code for different cases.
