Angular-Leaflet-Directive + JSON markers - angularjs

Try create Leaflet Map with clustering markers in my app. Using for this Angular Leaflet Directive plugin.
It's work with example controller and JSON data, but I have other JSON with other data format and have problem with get lattitude and longitude parameters for creating markers array on my map.
My Controller
app.controller("BasicFirstController", [ "$scope", "$http", function($scope, $http) {
var addressPointsToMarkers = function(points) {
return {
return {
layer: 'realworld',
lat: ap[0],
lng: ap[1],
message: ap[2]
angular.extend($scope, {
center: {
lat: 53.13207624721133,
lng: 26.01689853383789,
zoom: 15
events: {
map: {
enable: ['moveend', 'popupopen'],
logic: 'emit'
marker: {
enable: [],
logic: 'emit'
layers: {
baselayers: {
osm: {
name: 'OSM',
url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
type: 'xyz'
overlays: {
realworld: {
name: "Real world data",
type: "markercluster",
visible: true
$http.get("sample.json").success(function(data) {
$scope.markers = addressPointsToMarkers(data);
Work with this JSON format
[-37.8839, 175.3745188667, "571"],
[-37.8869090667, 175.3657417333, "486"],
[-37.8894207167, 175.4015351167, "807"],
[-37.8927369333, 175.4087452333, "899"],
[-37.90585105, 175.4453463833, "1273"]
Need work with this JSON format
"posts": [
"ID": "1",
"title": "Title",
"tag": "tag1",
"lat": "53.11691211703813",
"lng": "26.03631556034088",
"thumb": "getImage-24-100x100.jpg",
"fullimg": "getImage-24.jpg",
"imgs": [
"imgurl": "getImage-24-300x200.jpg"
"place": "Place",
"type": "Photo",
"period": "War",
"year": "1985",
"url": "",
"author": "author"
"ID": "2",
"title": "Title2",
"tag": "tag2",
"lat": "53.11691211703813",
"lng": "26.03631556034088",
"thumb": "getImage-24-100x100.jpg",
"fullimg": "getImage-24.jpg",
"imgs": [
"imgurl": "getImage-24-300x200.jpg"
"place": "Place",
"type": "Photo",
"period": "War",
"year": "1935",
"url": "",
"author": "author"
How get data with lat and lng from JSON for markers array?

Here is what worked for me with a JSON file sent from server, to publish ALL markers at once:
Then with $HTTP I can "get" the data, but you will have to loop through it and push details to a new $scope array:
$scope.markers = []
$http.get('JSONfilePath').then(function (responseData) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++){
In the HTML file, it's pretty straight forward:
<leaflet lf-center="center" defaults="defaults" markers="markers" width="90%" height="800px"></leaflet>


How to fetch data from json in angularjs Form

How to call the data from json in angularjs form without using backend. i have written this code and here m unable to find a way in last to get data from the json file. someone please help me to move forward from here.
$scope.count = $scope.newPreAuth.length;
//Delete newPreAuth - Using AngularJS splice to remove the preAuth row from the newPreAuth list
//All the Update newPreAuth to update the locally stored newPreAuth List
//Update the Count
$scope.deletenewPreAuth = function (preAuth) {
$scope.newPreAuth.splice($scope.newPreAuth.indexOf(preAuth), 1);
$scope.count = $scope.newPreAuth.length;
//Create the Storage Service Module
//Create getLocalStorage service to access UpdateEmployees and getEmployees method
var storageService = angular.module('storageService', []);
storageService.factory('getLocalStorage', function () {
var newPreAuthList = {};
return {
list: newPreAuthList,
updatenewPreAuth: function (newPreAuthArr) {
if (window.localStorage && newPreAuthArr) {
//Local Storage to add Data
localStorage.setItem("newPreAuth", angular.toJson(newPreAuthArr));
newPreAuthList = newPreAuthArr;
getnewPreAuth: function () {
//Get data from Local Storage
newPreAuthList = angular.fromJson(localStorage.getItem("newPreAuth"));
return newPreAuthList ? newPreAuthList : [];
Json Code
X-Auth-Token t3Z10HGEiYFdzq9lGtr18ycdeAAXmWBEI64rQAJcAte6Ka8Tz96IAhuXHSgpiKufsd
"preAuth": {
"claimbId": "newPreAuth",
"claimbStatus": "new",
"patientInfo": {
"patientName": "name",
"gender": "Male",
"dob": 950639400000,
"age": 21,
"contactNumber": 9987654356,
"tpaMemberId": 950639400121,
"policyNumber": "ABC12615627",
"corporateName": "ABC",
"EmployeeId": "XYZ10232",
"otherInsurance": {
"isOtherInsurance": true,
"playerName": "xyx",
"details": "sdfdsafdsfdsf"
"familyPhysician": {
"isFamilyPhysician": true,
"physicianName": "fsdf"'c
"physicianContactNumber": 7878748728,
"address": {
"address1": "Hosa road",
"address2": "Basapura",
"city": "Bangalore",
"state": "Karnataka",
"country": "India",
"pincode": "560100"
"isFamilyPhysician": false,
"address": {
"address1": "Hosa road",
"address2": "Basapura",
"city": "Bangalore",
"state": "Karnataka",
"country": "India",
"pincode": "560100"
"medicalInfo": {
"illnessType": "cancer",
"clinicalFinding": "description",
"ailmentDuration": "2 months",
"ailmentHistory": "description",
"illnessCause": "alcohol",
"provisionalDiagnosis": [
"diagnosisName": "abc",
"diagnosisICDCode": "121423"
"diagnosisName": "xyz",
"diagnosisICDCode": "434543"
"differentialDiagnosis": [
"diagnosisName": "afasdbc",
"diagnosisICDCode": "12431423"
"diagnosisName": "fdxyz",
"diagnosisICDCode": "434sdf543"
"clinicalObservations": {
"BP": "120/80",
"CVS": "126",
"P.A.": "abc",
"R.S.": "aa",
"CNS": "dd",
"others": "others"
"maternityDetails": {
"maternityType": "G",
"L.M.P.": 950639400000,
"E.D.D.": 950639400000
"accidentDetails": {
"accidentCause": "xyz",
"accidentDate": 950639400000,
"isPoliceComplaint": true,
"firNumber": "asfsafds"
"pastIllness": [
"pastIllnessType": "Diabetes",
"isPresent": true,
"NoOfMonth": 2,
"NoOfYear": 5,
"illnessSince": 950639400000
"pastIllnessType": "Hypertension",
"isPresent": true,
"NoOfMonth": 2,
"NoOfYear": 5,
"illnessSince": 950639400000
"pastIllnessType": "Other",
"isPresent": false,
"NoOfMonth": 2,
"NoOfYear": 5,
"illnessSince": 950639400000
"treatmentInfo": {},
"billingInfo": {},
"documents": [
"documentId": 12345,
"documentMetadata": {
"documentName": "discharge summary",
"date": 950639400000,
"version": "1.1",
"viewedStatus": false,
"link": "link to view/download document"
"documentId": 12346,
"documentMetadata": {
"documentName": "medical summary",
"date": 950639400000,
"version": "1.0",
"viewedStatus": true,
"link": "link to view/download document"
I created sample ,it worked this way
// Code goes here
var app = angular.module('app',[]);
app.controller('sample', function($scope,$http){
$ = "advaitha";
here is the plunker example
using HTML5 localStorage would require you to serialize and deserialize your objects before using or saving them.
For example:
var myObj = {
firstname: "kisun",
lastname: "rajot",
website: ""
//if you wanted to save into localStorage, serialize it
window.localStorage.set("empData", JSON.stringify(myObj));
//unserialize to get object
var myObj = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.get("empData"));
Created a plunker based on your code am able save and retrieve the json data with your code. Please check here

mapbox-gl.js with PGRestAPI vector tile(pbf)

I have own vector tile from PGRestAPI, url like below
and I try use mapbox-gl.js to render the map, but nothing display.
I am doing wrong? thx
var style = {
"version": 8,
"sources": {
"countries": {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"],
"maxzoom": 6
"glyphs": location.origin+location.pathname+"font/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"layers": [{
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": {
"background-color": "#ddeeff"
"id": "country-glow-outer",
"type": "line",
"source": "countries",
"source-layer": "country",
"layout": {
var init_lat = 1.3552799//42.299228067198634;
var init_lng = 103.6945413;//-83.69717033229782;
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'mapbox-token';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: style,
center: [init_lng,init_lat],
zoom: 15
edit 1:
after debug mapbox-gl-js code, now can see several circles. I modify the style, the source-layer name from pbf must be correct.
but not display all the points, it seems filtered?
var style = {
"version": 8,
"sources": {
"cleantech": {
"type": "vector",
// "url": "mapbox://map-id"
// "url": "",
"tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"],
"maxzoom": 6
"glyphs": location.origin+location.pathname+"font/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"layers": [{
"id": "cleantech2_geom_id",
"type": "circle",
'source': 'cleantech',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible'
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 8,
'circle-color': 'rgba(55,148,179,1)'
'source-layer': 'cleantech2_geom'
edit 2:
change the maxzoom to 22, all data displayed. lets drink!

Error in routing with id parameter, link works but displays no data

I am having an issue with retrieving the stored data (within MongoDB) by way of an :id parameter. The link works and takes me to the specified url (./contests/1), but the data doesn't show up. When querying within the mongo CMD with (db.contests.find( {id:1} )) the correct object's data is displayed correctly.
.get(function(req, res, next) {
Contest.findOne({id:}, function(err, contest) {
if(err) {
app.factory("contestService", ["$http", "$resource",
function($http, $resource)
var o = {
contests: []
function getAll() {
return $http.get("/contests").then(function(res) {
angular.copy(, o.contests);
function get(id) {
return $resource('/contests/:id');
o.getAll = getAll;
o.get = get;
return o;
var app = angular.module("sportsApp.controllers.contest,["ui.router"]);
app.config(["$stateProvider", function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state("contest", {
parent: "root",
url: "/contests/:id",
views: {
"container#": {
templateUrl: "partials/contests",
controller: "ContestController"
app.controller("ContestController", ["$scope","contestService", "$stateParams", function($scope, contestService, $stateParams) {
var contest_id = $;
$scope.contest = contestService.get({id: contest_id});
Contest Schema
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var ContestSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
id: Number,
tags: String,
matchups: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Matchup"
usersWhoJoined: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User"
mongoose.model("Contest", ContestSchema);
Any assistance or advice would be much appreciated due to the fact that I am learning as I go with the MEAN stack and have little to no experience with it.
I am looking to display the specific contest's matchups in which displays two teams and other variables. This is my json file that I mongoimported in order to create the object of the contests collection within MongoDB:
"id": 1,
"tags": "NBA",
"matchups": [{
"matchupId": 1,
"selectedTeam": "",
"matchupWinner": "Atlanta",
"nbaTeams": [{
"team": "Portland",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/Portland-Trail-Blazers-Logo.png"
}, {
"team": "Atlanta",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/atl-hawks.png"
}, {
"matchupId": 2,
"selectedTeam": "",
"matchupWinner": "Dallas",
"nbaTeams": [{
"team": "Dallas",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/Dallas-Mavericks.png"
}, {
"team": "Detroit",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/DET.png"
}, {
"matchupId": 3,
"selectedTeam": "",
"matchupWinner": "Golden State",
"nbaTeams": [{
"team": "Golden State",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/GSW.png"
}, {
"team": "Memphis",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/Memphis-Grizzlies.png"
}, {
"matchupId": 4,
"selectedTeam": "",
"matchupWinner": "Oklahoma City",
"nbaTeams": [{
"team": "Oklahoma City",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/OKC-Thunder.png"
}, {
"team": "Pheonix",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/Pheonix-Suns.jpg"
}, {
"matchupId": 5,
"selectedTeam": "",
"matchupWinner": "Utah",
"nbaTeams": [{
"team": "Sacremento",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/Sacremento-Kings.jpg"
}, {
"team": "Utah",
"logo": "stylesheets/nbalogos/Utah-Jazz.jpg"
I want to create each contest in this format.
I have no idea what relevance the actual data has to this issue, so let's start with $scope.contest, since there seems to be a problem with the way you're accessing data.
// ContestController
$scope.contest = contestService.get({id: contest_id});
OK, so you're calling the contestService.get method with an object, let's say it's {id: 2}. Let's look at that method and call it with that object.
// contestService
function get(id) {
return $resource('/contests/' + id);
If using our dummy data, if you call get({id: 2}), you now have an Angular resource at the URL /contests/[object Object] because your object gets converted into a string. Your method would work if called using the value at the id property of that object, like:
// ContestController
$scope.contest = contestService.get(contest_id);

How to remove quotes from array

My native app tries to place markers from JSON.
Example of JSON data:
"status": "ok",
"count": 15,
"count_total": 600,
"pages": 40,
"posts": [
"ID": "2290",
"title": "Title",
"tag": "Tag",
"lat": "53.11691211703813",
"lng": "26.03631556034088",
"thumb": "getImage-24-100x100.jpg",
"fullimg": "getImage-24.jpg",
"imgs": [
"imgurl": "getImage-24-300x200.jpg"
"place": "Place",
"type": "Photo",
"period": "Period",
"year": "1985",
"url": "URL",
"author": "Author"
My controller:
var addressPointsToMarkers = function(points) {
return {
return {
layer: 'realworld',
lng: ap.lng
$http.get("sample.json").success(function(data) {
$scope.markers = addressPointsToMarkers(data.posts);
This returns array of markers, like this: [{"layer":"realworld","lat":"53.11691211703813","lng":"26.03631556034088"}]
But I need to remove quotes from LAT and LNG coordinates: [{"layer":"realworld","lat":53.11691211703813,"lng":26.03631556034088}]
You have to convert the string values into number values. You can do that by adding a + in front of them, like this:
return {
return {
layer: 'realworld',
lng: +ap.lng
use JSON.parse().
E.g. :
return {
return {
layer: 'realworld',
lat: JSON.parse(,
lng: JSON.parse(ap.lng)

Bind to AngularJS Service property

I have a web page which uses a custom service to manage a map on the View (OpenLayers). I want to be able to display information about different markers on the page somewhere which means binding to a service property. The service is being called from a custom directive, and the binding (as far as I know) should be done from the Controller. The data being shown at the moment is the initialised object rather than binding to any changes to that object.
<h2>My Map</h2>
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
Name: {{}}</br>
Routers: {{selected.routers}}</br>
Switches: {{selected.switches}}
angular.module("app").controller("MainController", function($scope, openlayers){
$scope.selected = openlayers.selected;
angular.module("app").factory("openlayers", function(){
var init = function(){
var vectorLayers = [new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.MapQuest({layer: 'osm'})
var activeVector = {
name: null,
routers: null,
switches: null
function createMapLayer(markerColor){
var vectorSource = getVectorSource();
//add the feature vector to the layer vector, and apply a style to whole layer
var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: getVectorSource(cities[markerColor]),
style: getIconStyle(markerColor)
return vectorLayer;
function getVectorSource(cities){
var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
//create empty vector
//create a bunch of icons and add to source vector
for (var index in cities){
var city = cities[index];
var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(
routers: 200,
switches: 100
return vectorSource;
function getIconStyle(markerColor){
//create the style
return new{
image: new** #type {} */ ({
anchor: [0.5, 46],
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
opacity: 0.75,
src: "Images/"+markerColor+"-marker.png"
function setUpMap(vectorLayers){
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: vectorLayers,
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([2.808981, 46.609599]),
zoom: 4
function addClickEventsToMapItems(map){
var interaction = new ol.interaction.Select({
interaction.on("select", function(e){ ="name");
activeVector.routers ="routers");
activeVector.switches ="switches");
return {
init: init,
selected: activeVector
var red_cities = [
{ "lat": 40.462663, "lon": -3.626368, "name": "madrid" },
{ "lat": 53.381129, "lon": -1.470085, "name": "sheffield" },
{ "lat": 48.856614, "lon": 2.352222, "name": "paris" }
var orange_cities = [
{ "lat": 53.480759, "lon": -2.242631, "name": "manchester" },
{ "lat": 53.551085, "lon": 9.993682, "name": "hamburg" },
{ "lat": 50.850340, "lon": 4.351710, "name": "brussels" }
var blue_cities = [
{ "lat": 43.552847, "lon": 7.017369, "name": "cannes" },
{ "lat": 51.507351, "lon": -0.127758, "name": "london" },
{ "lat": 52.370216, "lon": 4.895168, "name": "amsterdam" },
{ "lat": 36.140751, "lon": -5.353585, "name": "gibraltar" }
var cities = {
red: red_cities,
orange: orange_cities,
blue: blue_cities
EDIT: Removed the directive to simplify the code.
