Showing Google Analytics Data in real time - angularjs

I would like to show number of visitors on a site since beginning of the month, number of users on the current day and currently on site.
I have Google Analytics installed, I tried to solve this issue with Embed API by enabling Google Analytics API from developer console - but I requires user authorization, etc.
What would be the easiest way to show analytics on-site without user authentication and accepting access by Embeded API, etc. Application is written in Angular, so Javascript API is the one I look for.
Thank you for any suggestion.

Authorization has to happen in order to get the data you want. Either you can let visitors to your site authorize themselves, or you'll have to authorize server-side on their behalf.
Once authorized, you can do something similar to what the Third Party Visualization Embed API demo shows. It uses a custom ActiveUsers Embed API component and includes the source code to show how it works.
Whether you use the ActiveUsers component or not, the basic gist is that once the users is authenticated via the Embed API, you have access to the method, which you can use to query this data.
Here's where that happens in the source code for the ActiveUsers component:

Authentication with the Analytics service is mandatory. But the OAuth 2.0 Service Accounts (for Server to Server Applications) can be used to automate it in many cases.
It's unclear to me (from a quick scan) if the Auth options of the Embeed API would work with the automated authentication scheme, you may want to go through the details.
You should be able to use the Analytics Core Reporting API and maybe the Analytics Real Time Reporting API (beta) which work with the automated authentication according to their guides (look for the Authorisation sections on the left frames of the respective guides).
Donno if this qualifies as easy, tho, YMMV :)


NextJS advice for SSG/SSR and Google Analytics/cookies

I have a NextJS site which is statically generated at build (SSG).
There are two things I need to implement next
Google Analytics
GDPR compliant opt-in cookie options
The first one is easy enough to do, however i'm struggling with making this GDPR compliant.
The issue is I don't have access to cookies at server side when my site is statically generated. This means that without knowing whether the user has consented to cookies at the server, I can't serve (or not serve) the analytics script along with the rest of the page.
Possible solutions:
Handle everything at client side - ask for consent, then dynamically add the GA tag to the <head>. However i'm worried this will negatively effect the analytics, or break it altogether. Does anyone know?
Change my site to be server-side rendered (SSR). I'd love to avoid this if possible. I'm really happy with how fast the site is running with SSG. It's essentially just a basic blog so would be a shame to have to convert for the sake of analytics.
Any other ideas?...
If anyone has experience with this, whether they used Next or Nuxt, etc, your input would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Use Google Tag Manager to manage everything, your GA integration and your cookie integration using something like CookieHub for example (How to set up Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager for Next-Js?)
GTM will allow you to trigger the GA script only if the user specified he accepts analytics cookies.
Eitherway you could use built in analytics since your website is using Next.js wich is Vercel's framework.

Desktop client flow for MicrosoftAccount access to Azure Mobile Service API

I have followed Adrian Halls book to create a cross platform app with a Mobile Service API backend. I have successfully got unsecured access to the backend working from Android, iOS and Desktop (WPF) clients. I am moving on to adding security to the API using the Authorise attribute. I would like to add social authentication using MicrosoftAccount (formerly passport/Live ID).
Since Adrian wrote his book the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client and the authentication and authorisation landscape seem to have moved on. The samples given in the book no longer build and Microsoft's social authentication and AAD authentication seem to have been rolled into one API.
I have spent days searching for up to date and relevant information but there seems to be lots of stuff on the internet that is either out of date or only shows examples of authenticating using Facebook or Google from Xamarin clients or authenticating against Azure AD.
I am using .NET 4.7 and WPF for the desktop app. I am also using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client V4.0.1. and my questions are:
Should I be using the Microsoft.Identity.Client to authenticate users from my desktop client; and,
If so can someone point me to an example of the client flow that I need to follow, specifically how do I get the authorisation token that I need to pass to the new MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() function that uses the identification provider and token parameters?
If so can someone point me to an example of the client flow that I need to follow, specifically how do I get the authorisation token that I need to pass to the new MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() function that uses the identification provider and token parameters?
According to your requirement, you want to use client-flow authentication with MSA. As I known, MSA authentication uses the Live SDK for signing users.
Since Live SDK is deprecated, you could leverage OneDrive SDK for CSharp for logging with MSA, and you could follow the detailed steps for achieving this purpose:
Install the client libraries via NuGet:
Log into Microsoft Account Developer Center and create your app, add the native application platform, then Register your app with Microsoft Account.
Then you could follow the code below and add to your WPF application as follows:
For more details about OneDrive SDK for CSharp, you could refer to here and Authentication Adapter for the OneDrive SDK.
It's my fault. I did not mention that the above code would automatically open a web browser. Per my test, you could configure the parameter returnUrl to when constructing your MsaAuthenticationProvider instance.
I was in a similar boat - and here is summary from the top of my head - There two security libraries currently in play for authorization- ADAL, and MSAL.
This is the first library that came out, and services like B2C must each be handle separately using this library.
One security framework to rule them all!
This library has a go live license, but technically it's still in Beta.
Head to for the last info in creating a mobile application, and this article on a V2 endpoint.
When you register an application for Authorization - there are two categories a "Converged" application, and a "Live SDK application" ( see - why they would choose these names is beyond me to understand. IMPORTANT Translation - Converged application ONLY work with MSAL, the other ONLY works with ADAL. THAT will go a long way for you to get the authentication working, as the Application / Client ID must match the correct SDK, and hence endpoint.
In the end, we chose to stay with ADAL for now as we were having problems with MSAL. MSAL is the future however, as all services will be incorporated, and it should be an easier SDK to use.
Here are some links that I kept, all of which refer to ADAL or MSAL:
These links are about month old - HTH

How to consume Chatbot Analytics?

We want to somehow consume a Chatbot Analytics so we can create our Own Analytics site for our Clients.
Is that any Possible?
Are there Any tools that will help?
We don't want tools, we want to consume their Data and Present them in our own site on behalf of our Clients.
Conside creating Chatbot via Chatfuel, or something.
You can use API to fetch app and page specific metrics.
Currently, it collects 10 metrics, Note: if there is no data; then API does not return 0, it skips keys with 0 count. ChatbotProxy Metrics
We don't want tools, we want to consume their Data and Present them in our own site on behalf of our Clients.
By assuming you are referring consumer response as Data, yes that is possible.
To gather that data you should use AWS cloud services; you can use AWS Lex and AWS Lambda to build chatbot. In AWS ecosystem,you build the skeleton with Lex and provide functionality using Lambda function which will be triggered on catching an intent.
Considering you want to do some custom analysis on your consumer's responses AWS provides the best solution. AWS implementations are more flexible, transparent and their SDKs are available for a diverse set of platforms.
If your bot is created using, unfortunately, there's no way to consume analytics data via API calls, instead, they have developed & announced Analytics dashboard in console. Here, you can review statistics relevant to the specific agent. The solution to your problem can be logging everything via webhooks and write your own analytics service, but you'd probably know that already.

Using the Google Users Service with jQuery Mobile

I was wondering what would be a better way to let my jQuery Mobile app "know" the user of the app after completing a registration process.Since the handlers in my Python Google App Engine app expect a username, i decided to store the username in localstorage and then use this as part of any request made to the server.But i don't think this is a good design idea (?).After a lot of search, i have found that jQuery Mobile does not support Google login (Please correct me if am wrong) So i have decided to use the Users Service from the server end.I am confused on how to implement this, since the users service from Google has it's own sign-in form.
Is it possible to use this same service with jQuery? If so, can i change the design of the sign-in form to blend in with the design of my jQuery app?
jQuery Mobile is just a template designer created directly for mobile web applications using a mobile web browser. It does not possess any connections with server side scripting automatically.
You need to create a connection using server side scripting.
Once you login in using the Google Login, your app associates it with the Google account.
jQuery is just a browser scripting. It does not have an automatic connection with the server unless you connect using AJAX to request to a server, but still need to code the server using HTTP protocol (as a tunnel) and server side scripting language like Java, Python, or PHP.
If you just want to get the "username" using a javascript, you may use REST to get the user information after login. You may look for how JSON or XML REST is created (but putting the username on local storage is not a bad option, without the password, however it may get deleted if you clear the root), but knowing that you are already connected with Google Sign in, just as long as you are already logged in with Google, your app should be able to retrieve the Google username.
Udacity also contains a complete course about web development focused on Google App Engine using Python, and how you may use cookies, password encryption, as well as user login. A detailed information about HTTP protocol is also discussed.
Note that the course I took existed 2 years ago. It may be different now.

How to implement RESTful API on an App Engine server with webapp ( +Facebook authentication )?

so my idea is pretty simple. But I don't know where to start.
develop a simple RESTful API on my app engine server using the simple webapp framework.
there will be two kinds of clients:
1. Normal pc users access the facebook application, and this will directly place API calls to my app engine server.
( Please note, that the facebook application itself is hosted on the same app engine server)
Iphone users access my app engine server by going though Facebook connect. The user is then free to make the API calls.
So how i checked the App3 Project at, then didn't really have authentication in place.
Any suggestions/ideas?
I have a rough idea of how the flow works
Assumption: I have the datastore all set up with user data.
For normal PC users accessing my FB app:
--> authenticate in FB ->I save their userid + facebook_session_key in with gmemsess -> I use both data to authenticate with the user data in my datastore --> that user is now free to CRUD on my server.
For iphone users, it's the same flow. But with Facebook Connect.
the CRUD should look something like:
if the user wants to check his/her stats, the API call would be something like:
Is anyone actually doing something like that? I'd appreciate everyone's insights.
A simple, hassle free solution would be awesome!
Well, this might not be exactly what you've been looking for, but here's my try:
To do simple REST on app engine, you can try Jim Fulton's excellent library, bobo (here's a link to the REST section of the documentation). Bobo is a well-tested, simple package that contains only one fily,, so it perfectly fits a minimalistic application's need. You can simply put it on top of webapp.
Note that the decorators shown in the documentation need to be converted to python2.5-style to work, so
#bobo.resource('/rest/getstats', 'GET')
def get_stats(self, request):
"Get user's stats"
would become
def get_stats(self, request):
"Get user's stats"
get_stats = bobo.resource('/rest/getstats', 'GET')(get_stats)
and such. This should be an easy approach to REST.
As for the authentication, you could pipe repoze.who into the WSGI pipeline. There are a some very simple repoze.who plugins for the facebook API out there in the wild (unfortunately none of them on pypi), I wrote a very simple one myself for a simple Facebook application a while ago. You can check it out here, along with a brief wiki and some dependency graphs that might help keep your app lightweight and memory-efficient. (Note on the dependency graphs there: some of the Zope libraries has been simplified since then; for Facebook authentication to work, you only need zope.interface.)
Maybe I didn't really give you anything specific (or useful), but these are just a few links you can take a look at, they might come in handy.
