Saving in arrays and comparing an argument to an array in bash - arrays

I do not know why this code stopped working
I tested it a couple of times and it was running great
what I am trying to do hear is place first and second in 2 different arrays
and then comparing argument $2 ==> $comment to the array varA and if it is in the array i do not want to store it in the text file $file
declare -a varA varB
cat $file | while IFS=$'\t' read -r num first second;do
if [[ ${varA[#]} == ~$comment ]]; then
echo "already in the Todo list"
x=$(cat $file | wc -l)
echo -e "$x\t$comment\t$dueD" >> $file
I think I am storing the values wrong in the array because when I try
echo ${varA[#]}
nothing gets printed
more over I think my if statement is not accurate enough since this is the 4th time I edit it and it works but after a while it no longer works
need assistance kindly

Your pipeline creates a sub-shell. Therefore your assignments to varA and varB happen in the sub-shell and are lost as soon as the sub-shell exits. See How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)? for how to do this without a sub-shell. – Etan Reisner
Look at the solutions there. See how they don't use a pipe? That's the solution: Don't use a pipe. Use one of the other input redirection options. – Etan Reisner


Append data read from a file onto a bash array [duplicate]

Bash allows to use: cat <(echo "$FILECONTENT")
Bash also allow to use: while read i; do echo $i; done </etc/passwd
to combine previous two this can be used: echo $FILECONTENT | while read i; do echo $i; done
The problem with last one is that it creates sub-shell and after the while loop ends variable i cannot be accessed any more.
My question is:
How to achieve something like this: while read i; do echo $i; done <(echo "$FILECONTENT") or in other words: How can I be sure that i survives while loop?
Please note that I am aware of enclosing while statement into {} but this does not solves the problem (imagine that you want use the while loop in function and return i variable)
The correct notation for Process Substitution is:
while read i; do echo $i; done < <(echo "$FILECONTENT")
The last value of i assigned in the loop is then available when the loop terminates.
An alternative is:
while read i; do echo $i; done other things using $i here...
The braces are an I/O grouping operation and do not themselves create a subshell. In this context, they are part of a pipeline and are therefore run as a subshell, but it is because of the |, not the { ... }. You mention this in the question. AFAIK, you can do a return from within these inside a function.
Bash also provides the shopt builtin and one of its many options is:
If set, and job control is not active, the shell runs the last command of a pipeline not executed in the background in the current shell environment.
Thus, using something like this in a script makes the modfied sum available after the loop:
13 Number
14 Information"
shopt -s lastpipe # Comment this out to see the alternative behaviour
while read number name; do ((sum+=$number)); done
echo $sum
Doing this at the command line usually runs foul of 'job control is not active' (that is, at the command line, job control is active). Testing this without using a script failed.
Also, as noted by Gareth Rees in his answer, you can sometimes use a here string:
while read i; do echo $i; done <<< "$FILECONTENT"
This doesn't require shopt; you may be able to save a process using it.
Jonathan Leffler explains how to do what you want using process substitution, but another possibility is to use a here string:
while read i; do echo "$i"; done <<<"$FILECONTENT"
This saves a process.
This function makes duplicates $NUM times of jpg files (bash)
function makeDups() {
echo "Making $1 duplicates for $(ls -1 *.jpg|wc -l) files"
ls -1 *.jpg|sort|while read f
while [ "$COUNT" -le "$NUM" ]
cp $f ${f//sm/${COUNT}sm}

Set variable from item in array before the array is looped in a bash script

I am creating an array from the output of a command and then i am looping through the array and running commands that use each item in the array.
Before i loop through the array i want to create a variable that uses one of the values in my array. I will use this value when one of the items in the array contains a specific string.
I am not sure how to pick the value i need to set the variable from my array before i then loop through the array. I currently have this which is not working for me. I have also tried looping through to get my value but the value does not follow to the next loop, i dont think its being set and i cant keep the loop open as i am looping inside my loop.
readarray -t ARRAY < <( command that gets array of 5 hostnames )
if [[ $ARRAY[#] == *"FT-01"* ]]; then
for server in "${ARRAY[#]}"; do
echo "Server: ${srv}"
echo "-------------------"
if [[ $server == *"ER-01"* ]]; then
echo " FTP server is ${FTP} and this is ${server}"
I'm pretty sure the first if statement would never work but i am at a loss to how to pick out the the value i need from the array.
Sometimes difficulty expressing an idea is a sign that you're thinking like a C programmer rather than a shell scripter. Arrays and for loops aren't the most natural idioms in shell scripts. Consider streaming and pipes instead.
Let's say the command that gets hostnames is called list-of-hostnames. If it prints one host name per line you can filter the results with grep.
FTP=$(list-of-hostnames | grep FT-01)
If you really do want to work with an array you could use printf '%s\n' to turn it into a grep-able stream.
FTP=$(printf '%s\n' "${ARRAY[#]}" | grep FT-01)

Bash - expanding variable nested in variable

Noble StackOverflow readers,
I have a comma seperated file, each line of which I am putting into an array.
Data looks as so...
There are 103 lines and I am able to generate the 103 arrays without issue.
n=1; while read -r OrdLine; do
IFS=',' read -a OrdLineArr${n} <<< "$OrdLine"
let n++
done < $WkOrdsFile
HOWEVER, I can only access the arrays as so...
echo "${OrdLineArr3[0]} <---Gives 25455413
I cannot access it with the number 1-103 as a variable - for example the following doesn't work...
echo "${OrdLineArr${i}[0]}
That results in...
./ line 24: ${OrdLineArr${i}[0]}: bad substitution
I think that the answer might involve 'eval' but I cannot seem to find a fitting example to borrow. If somebody can fix this then the above code makes for a very easy to handle 2d array replacement in bash!
Thanks so much for you help in advance!
You can use indirect expansion. For example, if $key is OrdLineArr4[7], then ${!key} (with an exclamation point) means ${OrdLineArr4[7]}. (See §3.5.3 "Shell Parameter Expansion" in the Bash Reference Manual, though admittedly that passage doesn't really explain how indirect expansion interacts with arrays.)
I'd recommend wrapping this in a function:
function OrdLineArr () {
local -i i="$1" # line number (1-103)
local -i j="$2" # field number (0-3)
local key="OrdLineArr$i[$j]"
echo "${!key}"
Then you can write:
echo "$(OrdLineArr 3 0)" # prints 25455413
echo "$(OrdLineArr $i 0)" # prints 25455413
This obviously isn't a total replacement for two-dimensional arrays, but it will accomplish what you need. Without using eval.
eval is usually a bad idea, but you can do it with:
eval echo "\${OrdLineArr$i[0]}"
I would store each line in an array, but split it on demand:
readarray OrdLineArr < $WkOrdsFile
IFS=, read -a Ord <<< "$OrdLine"
However, bash isn't really equipped for data processing; it's designed to facilitate process and file management. You should consider using a different language.

bash - variable storing multiple lines of file

This is my code:
grep $to_check $forbidden >${dir}variants_of_interest;
cat ${dir}variants_of_interest | (while read line; do
#process ${line} and echo result
Thank to grep I get lines of data that I then process separately in loop. I would like to use variable instead of using file variants_of_interest.
Reason for this is that I am afraid that writing to file thousands of time (and consequently reading from it) rapidly slows down computation, so I am hoping that avoiding writing to file could help. What do you think?
I have to do thousands of grep commands and variants_of_interest contains up to 10 lines only.
Thanks for your suggestions.
You can just make grep pass its output directly to the loop:
grep "$to_check" "$forbidden" | while read line; do
#process "${line}" and echo result
I removed the explicit subshell in your example, since it is already in a separate one due to the piping. Also don't forget to quote the $line variable to prevent whitespace expansion on use.
You dont have to write a file. Simply iterate over the result of grep:
grep $to_check $forbidden | (while read line; do
#process ${line} and echo result
This might work for you:
OIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n'; lines=($(grep $to_check $forbidden)); IFS="$OIFS"
for line in "${lines[#]}"; do echo $(process ${line}); done
The first line places the results of the grep into the variable array lines.
The second line processes the array lines placing each line into the variable line

Problem with appending to bash arrays

I'm trying to create an alias that will get all "Modified" files and run the php syntax check on them...
function gitphpcheck () {
git diff --name-status | while read line; do
if [[ $line =~ ^M ]]
filename="`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'`"
echo "$filename" # correct output
echo "--------------FILES"
echo ${filearray[#]}
# will do php check here, but echo of array is blank
As Wrikken says, the while body runs in a subshell, so all changes to the filearray array will disappear when the subshell ends. A couple of different solutions come to mind:
Process substitution (less readable but does not require a subshell)
while read line; do
done < <(git diff --name-status)
echo "${filearray[#]}"
Use the modified variable in the subshell using command grouping
git diff --name-status | {
while read line; do
echo "${filearray[#]}"
# filearray is empty here
You've piped | things to while, which is essentially another process, so the filearray variable is a different one (not the same scope).
