nested sortable angular repeat not populating with $http - angularjs

I'm an angular newby, and I'm trying to produce a sortable array within another sortable array using ng-sortable. When I get the data directly from a javascript file it works fine, but when I use $http to retrieve the same data, only the non-repeating data displays - I don't get any error, but the repeaters don't display at all.
Controller with test data (which works):
angular.module('demoApp').controller('TestController', function ($scope, TestService, TestDataFactory) {
$scope.testData = TestService.getTestData(TestDataFactory.Data);
Controller with $http:
angular.module('demoApp').controller('TestController', function ($scope, $http, TestService) {
.success(function (data) {
$scope.testData = TestService.getTestData(data);
.error(function (data) {
alert("Error getting test data");
<h1 class="dataname">{{}}</h1>
<div ng-model="testData" id="test" ng-controller="TestController">
<div as-sortable="sectionSortOptions" ng-model="testData.sections">
<div class="section" ng-repeat="section in testData.sections" as-sortable-item ng-include="'test/Section'">
Test/Index returns a string of the same format as TestDataFactory.Data, and the object returned by TestService.getTestData() (which is just a data formatter) in each case is identical.
Am I missing something?
Seems my problem is to do with the fact that my ng-include has another ng-sortable within it - here's a flattened view of the whole thing:
<h1 class="dataName">{{}}</h1>
<div as-sortable="sectionSortOptions" ng-model="testData.sections">
<div class="section" ng-repeat="section in testData.sections" as-sortable-item>
<span class="section-sortOrder" as-sortable-item-handle>Section {{section.sortOrder}}</span>
<div as-sortable="itemSortOptions" ng-model="section.items">
<div class="item" ng-repeat="item in section.items" as-sortable-item>
<div as-sortable-item-handle>
<span class="itemName">{{}}</span>
If I comment out the the line:
<div as-sortable="sectionSortOptions" ng-model="documentPack.sections">
And the associated as-sortable-item-handle (plus the closing div tag) then I get the sortable items in the sections (but not, obviously, the section-level sortability).
Plunker here: - uses $timeout to simulate $http ($timeout caused the same problem) but now working as it uses latest ng-sortable (see answer).

I think this is your problem:
.success(function (data) {
$scope.testData = TestService.getTestData(data);
It should be
$scope.testData = data;
The success function is called when the promise is resolved, so if you do
$scope.testData = TestService.getTestData(data);
You are probably doing another remote call just as the first one finishes, and your page will never load anything.
Also, I suggest you read the documentation for ngResource as it will probably be useful in whatever you're doing.
It's not a good practice to use $http calls in your controllers, as you're coupling them with your remote calls, server addresses, and lots of other stuff that should be in another configuration files.

OK, seems the problem was with the version of ng-sortable I had - version number was labeled 1.2.2 (same as current version), but it didn't have the latest fixes (since 15th June - so, all of 15 days ago). Not sure how unlucky I am to have hit the (probably tiny) window when this problem was there, but I'll post this as answer just in case someone else hits similar behaviour with an early-June-2015 version.


AngularJS | Handling $broadcast & $on for specific instance of the same controller

I have a utility controller build to manage documents attachments for reusing across my application.
<div ng-controller="someController">
<div ng-controller="documentController as temp1"></div>
<div ng-controller="documentController as temp2"></div>
Under the parent controller i.e. someController I have a broadcast method..
var module = angular.module("MyModule");
function ($scope) {
function($scope) {
$scope.$on("callSomeFunctionInDocumentsController", function() {
//do something here
Now the problem I am facing is that since the documentController is added twice to the view, the $on method is executed twice as well. Whereas based on some condition I would want to call the $on method either in temp1 or temp2 instance and not both.
I am not sure if what I wish to achieve is possible but any help will be much appreciated.
The $broadcast works simply: everyone who registered is notified through $on.
In your example, both controllers are registered.
So why do you use the same controller twice? Maybe worth to switch to component?
What about this one:
<div ng-controller="someController">
<div ng-controller="documentController as temp1"></div>
<div ng-if="oneCtrlGotNotification" ng-controller="documentController as temp2"></div>
where oneCtrlGotNotification is some flag (maybe under $rootScope).
So you will display second controller only when 1st already notified.
But it is a workaround.
One approach is to give a unique id to each element with a controller:
<div ng-controller="someController">
<div id="temp1" ng-controller="documentController as temp1"></div>
<div id="temp2" ng-controller="documentController as temp2"></div>
Then use the $attrs local to differentiate:
app.controller("documentController", function($scope, $attrs) {
$scope.$on("callSomeFunctionInDocumentsController", function() {
if ($ == "temp1") {
//do something specific to "temp1" controller
For more information, see
AngularJS Comprehensive Directive API Reference - controller
AngularJS $attrs Type API Reference

AngularJS Communication between ng-repeat and controller

I've just started using AngularJS, and as a project I decided to build a simple app for managing bookmarks. I want to be able to maintain a list of bookmarks and add/remove items. I'm using Django with Django REST framework, and Angular.
So far I've written a service to grab the bookmarks from the database, and I can print them to the console from my controller, but ng-repeat doesn't seem to be seeing them.
Here's my code for the service:
.factory('BookmarkService', ["$http", function ($http) {
var api_url = "/api/bookmarks/";
return {
list: function () {
return $http.get(api_url).then(function (response) {
And for the controller:
["$scope", "BookmarkService", function ($scope, BookmarkService) {
$scope.bookmarks = BookmarkService.list();
And here's the HTML:
<div ng-controller="ListController as listCtrl">
<md-list-item ng-repeat="bookmark in listCtrl.bookmarks">
<div class="md-tile-content">
<p>{[{ }]} - {[{ bookmark.url }]}</p> // used interpolateProvider to allow "{[{" instead of "{{"
<md-divider ng-if="!$last"></md-divider>
When I print to the console from the controller I can see a promise object but ng-repeat isn't repeating:
image of promise object
I'd really appreciate if someone could help me to find my mistake and to understand why it is happening. I'm still not entirely comfortable with how all these parts fit together.
Thanks for your time!
There's two problems that I see with the code in question.
The first is that using the controller as syntax (ng-controller="ListController as listCtrl") requires properties to be bound to the controller instance and not to the scope if you address them using the controller name. In your case,
["BookmarkService", function (BookmarkService) {
this.bookmarks = BookmarkService.list();
The second is that you are assigning a promise to your $scope.bookmarks property. The repeater is expecting an array of objects to iterate over. You really want to assign the value resolved by the promise to $scope.bookmarks.
Instead of this
$scope.bookmarks = BookmarkService.list();
Do this
this.bookmarks = result;
The final version of your controller should look something like this
["BookmarkService", function (BookmarkService) {
this.bookmarks = BookmarkService.list();
This is simple. Ng-repeat is not working with promises. So, you can go with two ways:
$scope.bookmarks =;
Another way is to create own repiter ^)
Ng-repeat doc

Cannot bind response object from POST to my view

I've been trying to solve this for hours, and have tried to find a working solution on stack overflow and other sites, but none worked so far.
The Issue
I am building a travelogue web app that allows users to log and view their journeys (e.g. a road trip). At the moment I am implementing the feature that lets users view a particular journey in a separate view which they have selected from a list of journeys. I pass down the id of the selected journey and retrieve an Object from MongoDB. I implemented this using POST. It works in that the _id of the selected journey is passed in the request, then used to identify the document with Model.findById - then the response yields the data. The data is bound to $scope.selection.
But while $scope.selection contains the data (when logged to console), I cannot seem to bind it to the view (called view_journey). Meaning, whenever I want to access, e.g. in my view_journey.html, the expression or ng-bind is left empty.
$scope.viewJourneybyId = function(id) {
var selectOne = { _id : id };
$'http://localhost:8080/view_journey', selectOne).
success(function(data) {
$scope.selection = data;
console.log("POST found the right Journey");
}).error(function(data) {
console.error("POST encountered an error");
server.js"/view_journey", function(request, response, next) {
Journeys.findById(request.body._id, function(error, selection) {
if (error)
response.json({ message: 'Journey found!', selection });
<tr ng-repeat="journey in journeys">
<a href="#/view_journey" ng-click="viewJourneybyId(journey._id)">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h2 ng-bind=""></h2>
<!-- For Debugging -->
ID <span ng-bind="selection._id">
<div class="panel-body">
<table class=table>
This is my first question on stack overflow, so please also tell me if I phrased my question in a way that could be misunderstood, and whether or not I should supply more details, e.g. console output. Thank you ;)
After fiddling with your code I can confirm that when triggering the route you are getting a new instance of the controller that has a new, clean scope. This is the expected behavior with AngularJS.
You can verify this by adding a simple log message as the first line of your controller:
You will notice that it always logs out "undefined" because the variable has never been set (within viewJourneyById). If you leave that logging in and test the code you will see the logging fire in viewJourneyById but then immediately the "undefined" as it loads the view_journey.html template into ng-view and creates the new instance of mainCtrl. The presence of the "undefined" after the new view loads shows that the controller function is being executed again on the route change.
There are a couple of ways to address this. First you could create a factory or service, inject it into your controller, and have it store the data for you. That is actually one of the reasons they exist, to share data between controllers.
travelogueApp.factory('myFactory',function() {
return {
selected: null,
journeys: []
travelogueApp.controller('mainCtrl', ['$scope','$http','$location','myFactory', function ($scope, $http, $location, myFactory) {
// put it into the scope so the template can see it.
$scope.factory = myFactory;
// do other stuff
$scope.viewJourneybyId = function(id) {
var selectOne = { _id : id };
$'http://localhost:8080/view_journey', selectOne)
.success(function(data) {
$scope.factory.selection = data;
console.log("POST found the right Journey");
.error(function(data) {
console.error("POST encountered an error");
}]); // end controller
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<div class="panel-body">
<table class=table>
More or less something like that. Another way to do it would be to construct the link with the journey id as part of the query string and then in the controller check for the presence of the journey id and if you find one, look up the journey. This would be a case of firing the route, loading a new instance of the controller and then loading the data once you're on the view_journey page. You can search for query string parameters in the controller like this:
var journey_id = $;
Either way works. The factory/service method allows you to minimize web service calls over time by storing some data. However, then you have to start considering data management so you don't have stale data in your app. The query string way would be your quickest way to solve the problem but means that every route transition is going to be waiting a web service call, even if you are just going back and forth between the same two pages.

Prevent ngRepeat flicker with promise in AngularJS

I have a collection of objects, say Products, which I can interact with using $resource. On an index page, I'd like to either display the collection, or, in the case the collection is empty, display a helpful message. i.e.
In Controller
$scope.products = Products.query();
In Template
<div ng-repeat="product in products">
<div class="alert" ng-hide="products.length">
<p>Oops, no products!</p>
This works fine, provided the user isn't staring at the spot where the ng-repeat will occur. If they are, or if there is a delay in the response from the server, they may notice a slight flicker, before the promise is resolved.
Given that, "invoking a $resource object method immediately returns an empty reference" (see here), such a flicker will always in this example. Instead, I find myself writing:
<div class="alert" ng-hide="!products.$resolved || products.length">
<p>Oops, no products!</p>
Which takes care of the flicker. However, I'm not too keen on letting my view know exactly how the products are obtained. Especially if I change this later on. Is there anything cleaner I could do? I'm aware that a fallback for ng-repeat is in the works (see here), however, just wondering if there's a cleaner solution in the meantime.
You could use the success method to set the object:
Products.query(function(data) {
$scope.products = data;
Or use the promise:
Products.query().$promise.then(function(data) {
$scope.products = data;
This way, the object doesn't become empty until you get a response.
You can get $promise out of $resource and change displayed information before/after promise is resolved.
Say you have following Products and service to get them.
/* products */
{ "id":1, "name":"name1" },
{ "id":2, "name":"name2" },
app.factory('Products', function ($resource) {
return $resource('products.json');
Then in your controller assign data only after promise is resolved.
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, Products) {
$scope.initialize = function () {
$scope.products = null;
Products.query().$promise.then(function (data) {
$scope.products = data;
In your HTML template you can take care of the cases like a) not yet resolved b) resolved c) resolved but no data
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div ng-show="!products">
Getting data... please wait
<div ng-show="products && products.length === 0">
Oh noes!1 :( No products
<div ng-show="products">
<span ng-repeat="product in products">
{{ product | json }} <br>
<button type="button" ng-click="initialize()">Refresh</button>
Related plunker here

AngularJS - Using a Service as a Model, ng-repeat not updating

I'm creating an ajax search page which will consist of a search input box, series of filter drop-downs and then a UL where the results are displayed.
As the filters part of the search will be in a separate place on the page, I thought it would be a good idea to create a Service which deals with coordinating the inputs and the ajax requests to a search server-side. This can then be called by a couple of separate Controllers (one for searchbox and results, and one for filters).
The main thing I'm struggling with is getting results to refresh when the ajax is called. If I put the ajax directly in the SearchCtrl Controller, it works fine, but when I move the ajax out to a Service it stops updating the results when the find method on the Service is called.
I'm sure it's something simple I've missed, but I can't seem to see it.
<div ng-app="jobs">
<div data-ng-controller="SearchCtrl">
<div class="search">
<div class="box"><input type="text" id="search" maxlength="75" data-ng-model="search_term" data-ng-change="doSearch()" placeholder="Type to start your search..." /></div>
<div class="search-summary">
<p><span class="field">You searched for:</span> {{ search_term }}</p>
<div class="results">
<li data-ng-repeat="item in searchService.results">
<h3>{{ item.title }}</h3>
var app = angular.module('jobs', []);
app.factory('searchService', function($http) {
var results = [];
function find(term) {
$http.get('/json/search').success(function(data) {
results = data.results;
//public API
return {
results: results,
find: find
app.controller("SearchCtrl", ['$scope', '$http', 'searchService', function($scope, $http, searchService) {
$scope.search_term = '';
$scope.searchService = searchService;
$scope.doSearch = function(){
Here is a rough JSFiddle, I've commented out the ajax and I'm just updating the results variable manually as an example. For brevity I've not included the filter drop-downs.
I'm very new to AngularJS, so if I'm going about it in totally the wrong way, please tell me so :)
In your HTML, you need to reference a property defined on your controller's $scope. One way to do that is to bind $scope.searchService.results to searchService.results once in your controller:
$scope.searchService.results = searchService.results;
Now this line will work:
<li data-ng-repeat="item in searchService.results">
In your service, use angular.copy() rather than assigning a new array reference to results, otherwise your controller's $scope will lose its data-binding:
var new_results = [{ 'title': 'title 3' },
{ 'title': 'title 4' }];
angular.copy(new_results, results);
Fiddle. In the fiddle, I commented out the initial call to find(), so you can see an update happen when you type something into the search box.
The problem is that you're never updating your results within your scope. There are many approaches to do this, but based on your current code, you could first modify your find function to return the results:
function find(term) {
$http.get('/json/search').success(function(data) {
var results = data.results;
//also notice that you're not using the variable 'term'
//to perform a query in your webservice
return results;
You're using a module pattern in your 'public API' so your searchService returns the find function and an array of results, but you'd want to make the function find to be the responsible for actually returning the results.
Setting that aside, whenever you call doSearch() in your scope, you'd want to update the current results for those returned by your searchService
$scope.doSearch = function(){
$scope.searchService.results = searchService.find($scope.search_term);
I updated your jsfiddle with my ideas, is not functional but i added some commments and logs to help you debug this issue.
