server keeps shutting off using grunt serve due to connect:livereload - angularjs

Here is the error I'm getting, I'm relatively new with using grunt on personal projects, anybody have any clue? strong text
Salmans-MacBook-Pro:ang-news Salman$ grunt serve
Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-connect" not found. Is it installed?
Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-jshint" not found. Is it installed?
Local Npm module "grunt-ng-annotate" not found. Is it installed?
Running "serve" task
Warning: Task "connect:livereload" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.

install the modules with:
npm install grunt-contrib-connect grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-ng-annotate --save-dev


You need to install 'webpack-dev-server' for running 'webpack serve'. - error getting when give npm start in React Application

[webpack-cli] You need to install 'webpack-dev-server' for running 'webpack serve'.
Error: Cannot find module 'ajv/dist/compile/codegen'
I getting error like this when give npm start in React Application.
Have you checked in your package.json to see if it has been installed? It is common to mispell something on install and have a different package installed. Here is a similar thread
webpack-dev-server isn't working in my project

Unable to resolve empty-module.js react-native and metro-cli

I've switched over from a windows dev environment to a linux environment and I'm having trouble getting react-native app going again. The application builds with gradle and installs onto the phone through adb perfectly, when I send the app build through metro (npx react-native start) I get the following spit back. The package exists... so I don't understand how its not found. I thing I don't understand is why from /home/hovaness/Public/ignitefolderscan/_ returns when its not a realy directory in the first place...
error: Error: Unable to resolve module /home/hovaness/Public/ignitefolderscan/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli-plugin-metro/node_modules/metro-runtime/src/modules/empty-module.js from /home/hovaness/Public/ignitefolderscan/_: /home/hovaness/Public/ignitefolderscan/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli-plugin-metro/node_modules/metro-runtime/src/modules/empty-module.js could not be found within the project or in these directories:
Ignite-cli doctor
platform linux
arch x64
cpu 20 cores Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900X CPU # 3.70GHz
directory ignitefolderscan /home/hovaness/Public/ignitefolderscan
JavaScript (and globally-installed packages)
node 16.14.2 /bin/node
npm 8.7.0 /home/hovaness/Public/ignitefolderscan/node_modules/.bin/npm
#react-native-community/cli 7.0.3
corepack 0.10.0
expo 44.0.6
jetifier 2.0.0
n 8.1.0
npm 8.7.0
npx 10.2.2
pnpm 7.0.0-rc.6
react-native-cli 2.0.1
yarn 1.22.18
yarn 1.22.18 /bin/yarn
pnpm 7.0.0-rc.6 /bin/pnpm
<no pnpm global package info available>
ignite-cli 7.10.8 /home/hovaness/.npm/_npx/e31027f3785124a8/node_modules/.bin/ignite
ignite src build /home/hovaness/.npm/_npx/e31027f3785124a8/node_modules/ignite-cli/build
java /bin/java
android home - undefined
Running npm audit fix --force ended up upgrading the packages to versions that were not compatible with each other creating this error. Don't blindly run this.
I had the same issue, to fix that I did:
remove the node_modules folder
remove yarn.lock or package-lock.json
Run command: npm install --force
if it does not work, try also:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps

can't run npm install in laravel project how to fix it

I'm creating a laravel application with react template, when I run npm install
throws an error exception, I also tried changing folder permissions, removed
node_modules then reinstalled it but not working any solutions???
Judging by the error I see in your console:
pngquant failed to build, make sure that libpng-dev is installed
Seems like you don't have a pngquant package installed. Try the following steps:
Install package locally:
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
Install npm package:
npm install -g pngquant-bin
If you already have node_modules directory in your project, delete it and install node_modules again:
npm install
According to Image Provided, Everything seems to be fine until it hits this missing package causing the exception to be thrown.
The missing package is libpng-dev: A virtual package.
See the Debian policy for a definition of virtual packages.
You can see here for details.
You have to Run this Command
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
In case you hit an error saying it has been installed before, It means you have installed another build of this package. Hence, you have to reinstall it.
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpng12-0=1.2.51-0ubuntu3
And then, try running npm install
I hope it works.
I solved similar issue in my localhost environment by moving libraries from devDependencies{} into dependencies{}
You should set global Node environment called NODE_ENV to development
How to set NODE_ENV to production/development in OS X
Environment variables in Node.js. The Right way!

how can I get grunt running?

trying to build my angular app by calling grunt but receiving this error:
Warning: Task "build" not found. Use --force to continue.
Using the force option does not work. I tried to run :
npm install grunt --save-dev
This did not help either?
Did you install the grunt-cli from NPM? It's the command line interface for Grunt to run.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Local Npm module "grunt-legacy-util" not found. Is it installed?

i have a problem with grunt serve,(i dont know if it's normal) grunt serve said me "works without errors" but the first message is local npm module "grunt-legacy-util" not found. Is it installed?", i need to delete node_modules folder and make npm install to can work with the server. i do grunt update, npm install grunt-legacy-util, npm install,npm update, but say same message...i use angularjs make with yeoman and webstorm, any idea please?
You can run a sudo command on it as perhaps the file isn't accessible/hidden (for some odd reason).
sudo npm install -g grunt-legacy-util
Check out this GitHub post should that not work:
It could also be that your NPM that is installed globally is clashing with the NPM in your root directory. Though unlikely.
This is what worked for me:
npm update
The running this following commands again fixed it for me:
npm install -g bower,
npm install -g grunt-cli,
bower install,
npm install.
