Eclipse Luna Google plugin update - google-app-engine

Iam using eclipse luna with google plugin to develop google app engine application. I installed the update for google plugin and my project which was working well is now full of errors. The import statements for JDO and appengine is showing errors like "import javax.jdo cannot be resolved". when i try to run it with the errors it shows:
Error: Could not find or load main class
My project was working perfectly before i update the google plugin.
The version of eclipse and google plugin:
Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
Build id: 20150219-0600
Google plugin for eclipse 4.4

The update must have replaced the gae sdk with a newer version.
Go to your project properties > Google > App Engine and make sure a valid sdk version is selected.


is there is any way to build hybrid app (Ionic, AngularJs, Cordova) in android studio

I am native android application developer working on java and android api's with android studio, recently i got a requirement to build a hybrid app with ionic, cordova and angularJs, i spent 5-6 hours and dig google to get some tutorail to setup a project structure of hybrid app in andorid studio, but haven't found anything.
I know how to use ionic, angular and cordova but don't know about the project structure and setup compiling and how to run.
so, i want you guys to post links of such tutorails (If you have any).
Have a look over cordova CLI mode. In this see specific for Android Platform for that you first need following pre-requirement to use:
Android Studio.
Android SDK.
Git Client
After installing Node.js Open it's terminal and follow command to create Cordova project with different platform. These steps are already mentioned in official documentation.
Once you have created executed cordova build androidcommand then browse to your project directory. In that you will find that there's a directory named platforms in that you will see Android, now open your Android Studio in that select Select Import Project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc). when you create a new project from there browse to Android directory. That's all you need to do for cordova
Official documentation and referrals links:
Hello try to reefer this articles on mcgivery blog.
I'm ionic dev and if you want to use good IDE use WebStorm :)
I'm using it on EAP version.
first of all you have to install 1)node.js 2)apache ANT 3) Java JDK &
JRE 4) Android SDk & Eclipse and then after all installation you have
to set this all software path into environmental- variable. and then
fire your npm install -g ionic. without this all software
installation and there path setup your ionic application will not
created. and still you have any confusion and any question related
software installation and there path setup then again tell me i will
help you.

Installing google app engine plugin eclipse juno

Does Eclipse juno require to have a Java EE environment pre installed to install the GAE plugin?
like everyone i get error like this
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.4.2.v201310081840-rel-r42 (
Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.4.2.v201310081840-rel-r42 (
3.4.2.v201310081840-rel-r42) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.css.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
You need to update your juno releases first.
1. Then go to help-> Install new software.
Add -> this link and name it GAE .
Now you will see some packages with checkbox. select Google plugin for app engine and SDK's.
3.Click finish and now your eclipse will download and install the needed packages.
Then you will find Google->web application project in Create new project menu.

can't create a New Web Application Project in eclipse indigo?

can anyone help me.I cant create a new web application.I mean i cant find the menu option for it. I downloaded eclipse indigo (java) extracted it any started using it, I also downloaded google app engine SDK,google plugin and GWT.and installed them but i can't find create new web application project option in toolbar nor in menu options.
File -> New -> Web Application Project
You've a problem with the installation of these plugins if you don't have this option. Try to restart the Eclipse.
Execute all the steps of the official installation instruction.
Just resolved this exact same problem myself. Highly recommend you download the plugin package to your machine and install it locally. You can download it here:
There are instructions to follow and it worked flawlessly. Hope it helps anyone else who is lost on the plugin install.
Once you installed Google App Engine SDK, you should be able to see web application by following this
select File > New > Web Application Project from the Eclipse menu.
if not, follow this
select File > New > Other > Google > Web Application Project
Official Instructions
Depend what you are using i have eclipse kepler and i can't find "web app prject" butthere is a little google icon that is google plug in for eclipse when u go there and start using plug in you could find web app and all options of google app engine also can find "web app" create project and deploy app.

Google App Engine not installing on IDE Netbean 7.1?

When I try to install google app engine plugin on Netbean IDE 7.1 it gives me error like as follows
Some plugins require plugin Java Hints to be installed. The plugin Java Hints is requested in implementation version 4. The following plugin is affected:       
Google App Engine Editor Hints
I have similar problems. I tried to use NetBeans67 instead.
It works fine so far in Netbeans 7.0.1.

Deploying to app engine without eclipse?

I've got a python app and I want to deploy it. I'm using Aptana Studio 3. It's based on Eclipse but will not install the plugin due to dependancy issues. Basically I'm wondering what are my options for deploying my app outside of Eclipse?
Just use the appcfg tool included with the GAE SDK. update path_to_app
