GeoServer WFS PropertyIsEqualTo not matching trailing whitespace - postgis

I currently have a dataset in a postgis database that contains trailing whitespaces for certain columns e.g. TOWNSHIP.
When a WFS request is made through geoserver's WFS functionality, no data is returned (see below)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wfs:GetFeature maxFeatures="10" startIndex="0" service="WFS" version="1.1.0" outputFormat="json" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<wfs:Query typeName="<layer>">
<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="">
<Literal>Town </Literal>
<SortBy xmlns:ogc="">
In the above GetFeature request, the WFS is trying to match by TOWNSHIP where the value is 'Town '. There are records in the database with the value 'Town '.
I could use the PropertyIsLike filter but that would match extra records.
Could someone please let me know if you have come across this issue and how to resolve it?


The createdFrom field on NetSuite Invoice is not populating when using SOAP Web Services via Workato

I am using Workato for my Salesforce to NetSuite integration and everything works perfectly with the exception of populating the createdFrom field on the Invoice record. Has anyone been successful in linking the NetSuite Invoice to its associated Sales Order using Web Services? This is critical as the linkage ensures that Revenue Arrangements are not duplicated in NetSuite.
I do not have first hand experience with SOAP Web Services but have seen via SuiteScript 2.x that one cannot simply create the record and try to fill in the createdFrom field. You must rather "transform" a Sales Order into an Invoice for example. The "transformation" is what links the two. Looks like for SOAP the operation is named "initialize / initializeList". The SOAP web services initialize operation emulates the UI workflow by prepopulating fields on transaction line items with values from a related record. Reference Suite Answer 10771 for more information. Suite Answer 91358 also has some sample code.
yes I have created invoices from Sales Order using SOAP Webservices. I am using minimum number of required fields to create the invoice.
Here is the endpoint URL that I used : https://(insert your account Id here)
Note 1: You need to make sure that the version is consistent through out your SOAP request (in my case it's 2020_1)
Note 2: You can see that I am passing createdFrom tag as second last tag and I am passing Sales order's internal ID there. That means that invoice is being generated from that particular sales order and it carries over rest of the fields from sales order
Note 3: I am passing externalid of the invoice at the end which will the unique id of this newly created invoice across different systems
Please let me know how this goes!
<soap:Envelope soap:encodingStyle="" xmlns:messages="" xmlns:accountingLists="" xmlns:employeesLists="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:employeesTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:demandplanningTransactions="" xmlns:common="" xmlns:commonTypes="" xmlns:accountingListsTypes="" xmlns:customizationSetup="" xmlns:inventoryTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:supportLists="" xmlns:filecabinetDocuments="" xmlns:bankTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:communicationGeneralTypes="" xmlns:customizationSetupTypes="" xmlns:supplychainListsTypes="" xmlns:core="" xmlns:coreTypes="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:supplychainLists="" xmlns:demandplanningTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:websiteLists="" xmlns:salesTransactions="" xmlns:salesTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:relationshipsLists="" xmlns:inventoryTransactions="" xmlns:employeesListsTypes="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:customersTransactions="" xmlns:schedulingActivitiesTypes="" xmlns:financialTransactions="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:relationshipsListsTypes="" xmlns:employeesTransactions="" xmlns:faults="" xmlns:marketingListsTypes="" xmlns:communicationGeneral="" xmlns:faultsTypes="" xmlns:supportListsTypes="" xmlns:websiteListsTypes="" xmlns:purchasesTransactions="" xmlns:financialTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:schedulingActivities="" xmlns:bankTransactions="" xmlns:marketingLists="" xmlns:customersTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:purchasesTransactionsTypes="" xmlns:generalTransactions="" xmlns:filecabinetDocumentsTypes="">
<urn:tokenPassport xmlns:urn="">
<ns8:account xmlns:ns8="">XXX</ns8:account>
<ns8:consumerKey xmlns:ns8="">XXX</ns8:consumerKey>
<ns8:token xmlns:ns8="">XXX</ns8:token>
<ns8:nonce xmlns:ns8="">XXX</ns8:nonce>
<ns8:timestamp xmlns:ns8="">XXX</ns8:timestamp>
<ns8:signature xmlns:ns8="" algorithm="HMAC_SHA256">XXX</ns8:signature>
<preferences xmlns=""/>
<record xmlns:salesTransactions="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="salesTransactions:Invoice">
<item xsi:type="salesTransactions:InvoiceItem">
<orderLine xsi:type="salesTransactions:long">1</orderLine>
<quantity xsi:type="salesTransactions:double">1</quantity>
<rate xsi:type="salesTransactions:string">30000</rate>
<description xsi:type="salesTransactions:string">Annuity test</description>
<tranDate xsi:type="salesTransactions:dateTime">2020-09-09T00:00:00.000</tranDate>
<createdFrom xmlns:core="" xsi:type="core:RecordRef" internalId="33202933"/>
<externalId xmlns:core="" xsi:type="core:RecordRef">INV000089099</externalId>

Having an issue with XML containing nested objects to POCO (de)serialisation (VB.Net)

I've created an SP in SQL Server that returns as XML. I decided to do this as the information has contacts and addresses in it and I wanted to reduce the amount of data I get.
<Company />
<ContactNumber />
<Line1 />
<Name />
I have found SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader but I'm confused as to how to serialise this into my POCO. Can someone point me at what my next step is. (The POCO was created by the Insert XML as a class menu item in VS2019).
My Google fu is letting me down as I'm not sure what I should be looking for to help understand how to serialize the XML into something that will allow me to go with Foreach Account in AccountsClass type logic.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
PS The XML above is just a sample to show what I'm doing. The actual data is over 70 fields and with two FK joins the initial 40000 rows is well in excess of 1.8 million once selected as a normal dataset.
EDIT: Just in case someone stumbles on this and are in the same situation I was in.
When preparing a sample record for the Past XML to class make sure you have more than one record if you are expecting something similar to my example above. (The class changes to support more than one record.)
You get very different results when searching for deserialize when doing your research. This small change resulted in me figuring out the issue.

What does the error "The dataset refers to a shared dataset which is not available." mean?

I have a report template (.rdl file) that has an embedded dataset 'X' that refers to a shared dataset 'Y' (.rsd file). Both files are located in the same folder.
When I try to generate a report, I get the error "The dataset 'X' refers to a shared dataset 'Y' which is not available."
The datasets do not contain comma-separated strings or empty values.
UPDATE (2019-06-07): contrary to the above, the data did contain empty values. I didn't realize a filter was emptying the final result.
I've made sure that the data source is shared, as well.
Other shared datasets are recognized, but this one isn't.
I've looked at database permissions, but I've been able to run the SQL queries from the datasets in SSMS without problems, which seems to indicate that the permissions are valid. Perhaps the application using the datasets needs specific database permissions..?
This is the problematic dataset:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SharedDataSet xmlns:rd="" xmlns="">
<DataSet Name="">
<DataSetParameter Name="#Foo">
<CommandText>***a SQL query***</Query>
<Fields>***some fields***
<Filters>***some filters***
This one seems to pose no problems:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SharedDataSet xmlns:rd="" xmlns="">
<DataSet Name="">
<DataSetParameter Name="#FooId">
<DataSetParameter Name="#BarId">
<CommandText>***SQL QUERY***</CommandText>
<Fields>***some fields***
<Filter>***some filters***
UPDATE (2019-06-06): Apparently, removing the filters and ensuring that the query does not yield an empty result fixes the error. If there are filter(s) or if the query yields an empty result, the error returns. I have no clue yet why this is so.
UPDATE (2019-06-07): The filter caused the dataset to return an empty set of records (0 rows). This is what seems to cause the error. In all tests I did, cases where there's at least one row of data worked and cases where there's 0 rows showed the error.

MWS API feeds - delete all images on a product

I'm wanting to delete multiple images on a product in Amazon, using the MWS XML API.
I can delete 1 image at time with:
can I specify more than one ImageType in that block (comma separated, semi-colon, ...)? I'm not good at reading XSD files...
Should I just have multiple messages in the one XML feed?
Should I just have multiple messages in the one XML feed?
Yes. You should have one AmazonEnvelope, containing one Header, one MessageType and multiple Message structs. Messages can create or delete one image each.

Where is the data saved, from the Datatable-items, in ECM eRoom-database?

I am trying to retrieve data out of the ECM eRoom Database (which isn't documented, as I know of).
I have an eRoom with an custom "Database", some Fields.
When I query the objects table I find the "Database" row
select * from[dbo].[Objects] where internalId = 1234567
and the Rows for the entries
select top 10 * from[dbo].[Objects] where parentInternalId = 1234567
but I don't find any field with the values of the entries, only an Column with NonSearchableProperties., that is only full with Hex Data.
My Question(s),
how could i retrieve the values?
Is it possible to retrieve them with mere SQL?
What is the simplest way?
This is not the silver bullet, but it is okay for my usecase
After long goolging and alot of test scripts, i found some answers, but probably due to the fact the the system is soon end-of-life and that the documentation is not easy to read, here are my finding.
Is it possible to retrieve them with mere SQL?
As far as I could find out, no! (please correct me If I'm wrong)
how could i retrieve the values?
With the eRoom API(on the Server there are some Sample programms to query the data/objects <installation-path>\eRoom Server\Toolkit\Samples, with c++, vb, vbscript, ... all a bit to much overhead), or with the eRoom XML Query Language(exql) over soap calls.
What is the simplest way?
After alot of tests, searching in forums and many tests with soap ui. I found out that queries with exql seem to be the simplest way to retrieve Data, if you understand the structure.
Here some ressource that were helpful:
(very) Basic info of exql from the manufacturer
(disclaimer: I didn't find it helpful, but it shows at least some basics)
short 9 page Developer guide (the last example on page 8, helped me understand how to setup the query, with alot of fantasy)
But for this to work, don't forget, to activate Allow XML queries and commands from external applications in the Site Settings
TIP 1:
you always can go go deeper you just need to know the right xml-element under. <Database>, <Cells> and <DBCell> can help you go deeper
TIP 2:
don't query to much data since this query likely run into timeouts
Update 1:
Just to save time for anyone who is looking, this "query" returns all rows (properties) for a Database(s) created in an eRoom Root.
(don't forget to set facility and room in the Url ex. http://server/eroomxml/facilities/TEST/Rooms/TestRoom, although it could be set in the query)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:er="">
<er:command er:select="HomePage/Items">
