Why is Doxygen so unfriendly to mobiles? - mobile

Doxygen seems to be the number one choice for code documentation in C++ (and many other languages) but every time I browse Doxygen generated doc from my phone, the site literally does not scroll, text is horribly small ...
How come ?
I come from python/sphinx, and sites like readthedocs.org manage perfectly mobile friendliness in the HTML generation (IMO), whereas the most popular documentation system around can't ? I must be missing something.
I tried looking around the interwebs for some HTML theme minimising problems, but no one even mentions the pain of trying to browse API references from a phone (yes, I do that :p)
Anyone experience the same problems or has a solution / workaround ?
Ps: Try Google mobile friendliness test on doxygen API sites like this intro to Doxygen, generated with Doxygen
EDIT [2017] : Seems Doxygen is getting better, the link in question is now "fully compatible with mobile" according to the quoted google tool. Thanks to everyone in the community making things better !

There is a project on github called doxygen-bootstrapped using bootstrap for doxygen documentation, making it much more mobile friendly. See this demo.
The demo is marked as mobile-friendly by your link


Some questioning about codenameone

I don't know if it's the good place to ask these questions. So if it's not the case sorry for inconvenience.
We are looking for the most adapted tool for our crossplatform mobile project. Before begin to invest time we are testing many crossplatform develeoppement solution ... it's difficult to find the tool where you say Yes it this one !!
Actually we are beginning to test codename one. It looks very promising but we have some doubts and question about features and how we can organize our project :
Do you know if it is possible to separate code and design -> build each "screen of the app" with one xml file to describe components and style and one java class to define behavior and contents(dynamically or not) of these components ?
What about nfc support ? at least for android apps ?
The ui components are not really "sexy" in examples. Do you know if it is possible to load/download or why not buy some more attractive one.
I hope you will be able to answer our questions
Thank you and sorry for my english ...
build each "screen of the app" with one xml file take a look at
What about nfc support ? at least for android apps ? see here
The ui components are not really "sexy" in examples.
But overall I would like to suggest you can't get 'that' sexy unless you not try. Don't take it wrong but see the examples submitted by other and what they developed you may get same or more than that if you try.
I hope you will be able to answer Your questions :)

how to add multiple languages to an English website

I am trying to add two additional languages to my website - Chinese, Japanese. User inputs could be in native language, in English or be mixed. E.g. search by product name. Likewise output can be all-English or be in mixed languages, depending on a user's preferences. I already have applicable translations so that is not a problem. It is a data intensive site. It uses web APIs to fetch JSON data objects, and uses angular and backbone, and jquery.
I will appreciate if you possibly refer me to some good books or pages that provide guidance for building multilingual sites. Are there any particular web standards that must be followed by websites and by browsers?
Googling yields a ton of links, but the discussion appears centered around specific packages such as wordpress, joomla, .net, drupal, etc. and appears more around automated translations. It still left me confused about the basics requirements of multilingual sites as I do not use any of these packages.
Thanks a lot.
ps: if you need to leave me a -1, np. But I would very much appreciate a comment as to why - so that it doesn't appear as if you just vented and offered me no opportunity for improvement.
Wells... when i need to build a bilingual website i just use a language selector menu and build the whole website in 2 languages (i think this way its more professional) cause usually translators doesnt 100% translate correctly and at the end you just get a bunch of stuff making no sense.
Maybe you could use Google Website Translator gadget for what you trying to do?? its paid service tho, you could use also the plugin for Wordpress http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-language-translator/
Or use the Google Ajax Language API https://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/

how to get a smartclient example on the web?

I'm pretty much totally lost.. I've posted twice on the smartclient forums and gotten no help so maybe the people here are more friendly than their own staff. (it really bothers me but they appear to have the best software for what I'm trying to do)
I'm trying to wrap my head around how I would get one of their examples (the demo showcase ones which I have downloaded etc) on my web host, just to see how it works/play with it, but I couldn't find any forum guides or videos etc on this (documentation is really abysmal for people that don't speak code yet).
Is there some special back-end I need on my web host? Where can I go to figure out how to link the stuff together? Do I have to compile something using java.. etc.
I'm used to just editing stuff in notepad++, uploading it, and hitting refresh, but I'm guessing smartclient isn't that simple, or is it? (I'm just going to use it to make tables from excel spreadsheets that I can filter through, that's it, no fancy application).
Mr. Totally Lost.
Everything is covered by the guide (page 6) : http://www.smartclient.com/docs/8.2/docs/SmartClient_Quick_Start_Guide.pdf
SmartClient embed everything needed, you will only need a valid JDK installation and the zip provided in their website.

Expressionengine multi language

my final job on my current site is trying to add multi language capability to my EE site.
The steps I followed on the wiki here: http://expressionengine.com/wiki/Multi_language_site_alternative
were straight forward enough and despite having to search around for a bit of help when the htaccess didn’t work, I now have (I believe) a working subfolder on my site: /en . If i point my browser at http://mysite.com/en/template_group/view/title a page comes up fine.
The next step however of using en_custom_field doesn’t seem to work.
I have the feeling that the /en folder is an exact mirror image of the normal site.
For example in my embedded header template I have lang=”{country_code}” but when I view source in my /en subfolder it shows as “fr” (which is the default language)
Also, other curious things are happening - in the /en subfolder, my current dropdown menu (a navee menu) has been replaced by my old menu which is no longer in my template (!) I have literally no idea how this is happening…
Would appreciate any help from anyone who's seen something familiar thanks!
Are you using ExpressionEngine 1.x or 2.x ? The instructions in the wiki really only work for 1.x (and not even very well for that).
There are several free and paid addons that can help you do this. For EE1, I'd recommend Transcribe: http://eeharbor.com/transcribe
For EE2, you might try Berkol's MultiLanguage addon, found here: http://devot-ee.com/add-ons/multi-language-support -- it requires you to create custom fields, but handles all the URL nonsense pretty nicely as far as I can tell.

Extracting semantic data from webpages

I'm interested in extracting semantic data (simple template stuff) from webpages and other sources that aren't currently semanticly aware. I've written crawlers and manual parser before in a bunch of different languages, but there always seems to be a lot of boilerplate and page specific code, and was wondering if you guys knew of any platforms or frameworks that simplified the process (open source only please).
I'll be writing one if I can't find one, so links to similar systems or framework suggestions would also be appreciated.
The field is known as "automatic wrapper extraction" and is an active area of research, but I haven't seen a good open source toolkit. A company called lixto makes a commercial tool that may be of interest to you. I'd love to see an open source project that tackles this problem.
