How to interpret this database assignment? - database

I am working on an assignment concerning a simple database.
The instructions are given as:
Create a small database for "products",
give each product 3 or so attributes in a related table,
and then provide URL's for updating all aspects of those objects.
(For Products:)
Add Attribute
Remove Attribute
I am confused as to whether the Attributes are supposed to fixed categories that are the same for all products, and that deleting the attribute simply clears the cell, OR if it means that attributes are intended to be dynamically added, and that each product should be capable of having different categories of attributes.
In the second case, deleting an attribute would get rid of the entire category.

Your assignment is unclear and you should ask your instructor.
The straighforward interpretation of
Create a small database for "products", give each product 3 or so
attributes in a related table, and then provide URL's for updating all
aspects of those objects.
is that there are some "products" (ie product types rather than individual objects) each of which has its own current set of attributes and its own table that records the current "objects" of that type and the attribute values of each one.
You more or less have the choice of recording a table for each product type P with:
(object,A) rows like "object object is a P product whose attribute A is A and attribute ..." with Add Attribute implemented by DDL
(object,attribute,value) rows like "object object is a P product whose attribute attribute is value" with Add Attribute implemented by DML
(The latter approach is called "EAV" and leads to obscure queries and foregoing of most of the supportive functionality of a DBMS. I only mention it because given the vaguenss of the question maybe it's wanted as a solution nevertheless.)
Re "attributes are intended to be dynamically added": Either of these allows each database state to have its own set of attributes for a product. Remember that there is both DDL and DML. Also, you seem to allow that "attribute" might mean "attribute value" but the former choice seems much more likely.
Re "deleting an attribute would get rid of the entire category": The assignment asks you to record "all aspects" of objects that are given product types, not of products. So it doesn't matter whether you ever "get rid of the entire category" (of a product).
(Clearly give and justify your interpretation of the assignment. If there is more than one interpretation that you think likely, do that for each.)


Grab value from unrelated object where two fields match

I have two objects - "Account" and "Appointment". I'm trying to pull the value of the field "Status" from the "Appointment" object where "Account.Initial_Date" matches "Appointment.Date_Time". I initially tried making a new field in the "Account" object to return a text field and see if maybe it would return the first value:
Which results in the error:
"Field Appointment__c does not exist. Check spelling."
I was told that it's too difficult to link from "Appointment" to "Account" because there can be multiple appointments per account, which is why I'm trying to link based on the date fields. My next attempt was using VLOOKUP, but I read that this only works between custom objects, and I think I'm working with standard objects here... what kind of solution should I be looking for?
Adding the tag apex here in case this can only be achieved via a script of some sort - if that's the case, I'll make attempt via that.
I was told that it's too difficult to link from "Appointment" to "Account" because there can be multiple appointments per account
This is incorrect. That relationship appears to be exactly the same as that between Contact and Account - one Contact, many Accounts. It's a very common relationship pattern in Salesforce.
If an Appointment is logically related to an Account, it should have a relationship field referencing the Account object to which it is related.
However, having a one-to-many relationship does not mean you can trivially represent specific data points from the many side to the one side. The native tool to do so is the Roll-Up Summary Field, but it does not apply to your use case.
There's really three ways to implement your objective, which is essentially implementing a variant of a roll-up summary. VLOOKUP(), which works only in Validation Rules, does not apply here.
Write two Apex triggers (one on Account and one on Appointment) to react to all changes that would influence what value should appear in the Account__c.Status__c field.
Write equivalent Process and Flow declarative automation, which cannot get 100% of the way there because Process Builder and Flow cannot react to delete events.
Use the free and open source Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries application to define a roll-up summary. DLRS can populate a field from the child object (Appointment) to the parent (Account) based on a sorting by another field (Date_Time__c).

Should I create a reference field or a third content type to represent a many-to-many relationship in Drupal 8?

I have a student table and a course table that have a many-to-many relationship (a student can take many courses, and a course can be taken by many students).
If I am implementing the above data model as a database, I would create a third table to represent the many-to-many relationship.
But I want to implement the above data model in Drupal 8. I think that in Drupal 8 there are two ways to implement the above data model:
I can create a reference field in one of the two content types
(student or course) that points to the other content type.
I can create a third content type that have two reference fields
that points to the student and course content types.
Am I correct that these two ways are valid? and if I am correct, which one should I choose?
I think you're right, I would have suggested both ways.
As long as their connection doesn't have any additional parameters (e.g. date of subscription etc.), I would choose the entity reference within the students' content type.
Both of these are valid, and there's an additional option of having a corresponding reference field on each of your content types.
The best option comes down to maintain ability for your editors.
As per #c1u31355, if there is additional "connection" metadata, then a third content type is the way to go (or maybe a paragraph).
If it's a straight connection A <> B, and you only want the reference in one place, then ask yourself where is most convenient to add that data? Is it easier to create a course and then link to 30 students, or are you wanting to add courses to students as you create them? Quicker at creation, but harder to maintain.
Either way, using IEF as I suggested in one of your other questions will help.
As a final thought, having a 3rd content type could cause all sorts of issues unless you control the fields well, something like limiting it to only having one student with a bunch of courses, or vise versa, and in that case maintenance will be easier by just putting a reference field on the content type where you have restricted the field to one value.

General database design: Is it ever considered "okay" to create a non-normalized table on purpose?

After-edit: Wow, this question go long. Please forgive =\
I am creating a new table consisting of over 30 columns. These columns are largely populated by selections made from dropdown lists and their options are largely logically related. For example, a dropdown labeled Review Period will have options such as Monthly, Semi-Annually, and Yearly. I came up with a workable method to normalize these options down to numeric identifiers by creating a primitives lookup table that stores values such as Monthly, Semi-Annually, and Yearly. I then store the IDs of these primitives in the table of record and use a view to join that table out to my lookup table. With this view in place, the table of record can contain raw data that only the application understands while allowing external applications and admins to run SQL against the view and return data that is translated into friendly information.
It just got complicated. Now these dropdown lists are going to have non-logically-related items. For example, the Review Period dropdown list now needs to have options of NA and Manual. This blows my entire grouping scheme out of the water.
Similar constructs that have been used in this application have resorted to storing repeated string values across multiple records. This means you could have hundreds of records with the string 'Monthly' stored in the table's ReviewPeriod column. The thought of this happening has made me cringe since I've started working here, but now I am starting to think that non-normalized data may be the best option here.
The only other way I can think of doing this using my initial method while allowing it to be dynamic and support the constant adding of new options to any dropdown list at any time is this: When saving the data to the database, iterate through every single property of my business object (.NET class in this case) and check for any string value that exists in the primitives table. If it doesn't, add it and return the auto-generated unique identifier for storage in the table of record. It seems so complicated, but is this what one is to go through for the sake of normalized data?
Anything is possible. Nobody is going to haul you off to denormalization jail and revoke your DBA card. I would say that you should know the rules and what breaking them means. Once you have those in hand, it's up to your and your best judgement to do what you think is best.
I came up with a workable method to normalize these options down to
numeric identifiers by creating a primitives lookup table that stores
values such as Monthly, Semi-Annually, and Yearly. I then store the
IDs of these primitives in the table of record and use a view to join
that table out to my lookup table.
Replacing text with ID numbers has nothing at all to do with normalization. You're describing a choice of surrogate keys over natural keys. Sometimes surrogate keys are a good choice, and sometimes surrogate keys are a bad choice. (More often a bad choice than you might believe.)
This means you could have hundreds of records with the string
'Monthly' stored in the table's ReviewPeriod column. The thought of
this happening has made me cringe since I've started working here, but
now I am starting to think that non-normalized data may be the best
option here.
Storing the string "Monthly" in multiple rows has nothing to do with normalization. (Or with denormalization.) This seems to be related to the notion that normalization means "replace all text with id numbers". Storing text in your database shouldn't make you cringe. VARCHAR(n) is there for a reason.
The only other way I can think of doing this using my initial method
while allowing it to be dynamic and support the constant adding of new
options to any dropdown list at any time is this: When saving the data
to the database, iterate through every single property of my business
object (.NET class in this case) and check for any string value that
exists in the primitives table. If it doesn't, add it and return the
auto-generated unique identifier for storage in the table of record.
Let's think about this informally for a minute.
Foreign keys provide referential integrity. Their purpose is to limit the values allowed in a column. Informally, the referenced table provides a set of valid values. Values that aren't in that table aren't allowed in the referencing column of other tables.
But no matter what the user types in, you're going to add it to that table of valid values.
If you're going to accept everything the user types in the first place, why use a foreign key at all?
The main problem here is that you've been poorly served by the people who taught you (mis-taught you) the relational model. (And, probably, equally poorly by the people who taught you SQL.) I hope you can unlearn those mistaken notions quickly, and soon make real progress.

Custom Fields for a Form representing an object

I have an architectural question concerning custom fields in a view for an object. Let's say you have a User Object with some basic information like firstname, lastname, ... that can be used by all customers.
Now, often we get a question from a customer to add couple of custom fields typical for their domain. Our solution now is an xml data column where key value pairs are stored. This has been ok so far, but now we'll have to find a more architectural solution.
For instance, now, a customer wants a dropdown where it can select the value for its custom field. We could still store the selected value in the xml data column, but where do we store all those dropdown values...
I know that in sharepoint you can also add custom fields like dropdowns and I was wondering how to deal with this best. I want to avoid creating custom tables for customers, or having a table with 90 columns (10 basic and then 10 for each customer), ...
You get the idea, it should be generic and be able to deal with all sorts of problems in the future.
What I was thinking about is a Table UserConfiguration where each record has a Foreign Key to the Customer (Channel in our database), then a column FieldName, a column FieldType and a column Values. The column values should be an xml type column, because for a dropdown, we'll need to add multiple values. Also, each value can have extra data attached to it (not just a name). The other problem then is how to store the selected value. I don't like the idea of having foreign keys to xml in my database (read somewhere that Azure can't handle this all to well). Do you just store the name of the value (what if the value were to disappear out of the xml?)?
Any documentation, links on this kind of problems would also be great. I'm trying to find a design pattern that deals with this kind of problem in the database.
I want to answer your question in two parts:
1) Implementing custom fields in a database server
2) Restricting custom fields to an enumeration of values
Although common solutions to 1) are discussed in the question referenced by #Simon, maybe you are looking for a bit of discussion on what the problem is and why it hasn't been solved for us already.
databases are great for structured, typed data
custom fields are inherently less structured
therefore, custom fields are more difficult to work with in a database
some or many of the advantages of using a database are lost
some queries may be more difficult or impossible
type safety may be lost (in the database)
data integrity may no longer be enforced (by the database)
it's a lot more work for the implementers and maintainers
As discussed in the other question, there's no perfect solution.
But these benefits/features still need to be implemented somewhere, and so often the application becomes responsible for data integrity and type safety.
For situations like these, people have created Object-Relation Mapping tools, although, as Jeff Atwood says, even using an ORM could create more problems than it solved. However, you mentioned that it 'should be generic and be able to deal with all sorts of problems in the future' -- this makes me think an ORM might be your best bet.
So, to sum up my answer, this is a known problem with known solutions, none of which are completely satisfactory (because it's so hard). Pick your poison.
To answer the second part of (what I think is) your question:
As mentioned in the linked question, you could implement Entity-Attribute-Value in your database for custom fields, and then add an extra table to hold the legal values for each entity. Then, the attribute/value of the EAV table is a foreign key into the attribute-value table.
For example,
CREATE TABLE `attribute_value` ( -- enumerations go in this table
`attribute` varchar(30),
`value` varchar(30),
PRIMARY KEY (`attribute`, `value`)
CREATE TABLE `eav` ( -- now the values of attributes are restricted
`entityid` int,
`attribute` varchar(30),
`value` varchar(30),
PRIMARY KEY (`entityid`, `attribute`),
FOREIGN KEY (`attribute`, `value`) REFERENCES `attribute_value`(`attribute`, `value`)
Of course, this solution isn't perfect or complete -- it's only supposed to illustrate the idea. For instance, it uses varchars, and lacks a type column. Also, who gets to decide what the possible values for each attribute are? Can these be changed at any time by the user?
I'm doing something similar for a customer. I've create a JSON FieldType which holds the entire JSON stream of a complex object and a String containing the FQTN (FullQualifiedTypeName) of my C# model class.
By using custom New-, Edit- and Display-Forms we'd ensured that our custom objects are rendered the correct way for best user experience.
To promote fields from the complex C# model to the SharePoint list, we've build something like Microsoft did in InfoPath. Users are able to select Properties or MetaData from the Complex C# type, which will be automatically promoted to the hosting SharePoint list.
The big advantage of JSON is, that its smaller than XML and easier to work with in the web world. (JavaScript...)
When you let the users create the data models, I would recommend looking at an document database or 'NoSQL' since you want exactly that, to store schemaless data structures.
Also, sharePoint stores metadata the way you mentioned (10 columns for text, 5 for dates etc)
That said, in my current project (locked in SharePoint, so Framework 3.5 + SQL Server and all the constraints that follow) we use a somewhat similar structure as below:
Attribute (or Field)
Type (enum) Text, List, Dates, Formulas etc
Hidden (bool)
Options (for lists)
Mask (for SSN etc)
Length (for text fields)
Text (the value for everything but dates)
Date (the value for dates)
Our formulas employ functions such as Increment: INC([attribute1][attribute2], 6) and this would produce something like 000999 for the 999th instance of the combined values for attribute 1 and attribute 2 for a form, this is stored as:
Other 'formulas' (aka anything non-trivial) such as barcodes are stored as single metadata values. In the actual implementation, we would have something like this:
var form = formRepository.GetById(1);
Value above is a readonly property that decides whether we should get the value from Text or Date and if some additional transform is required. Note that the database here is merely a storage, we hold all the domain complexity in the application.
We also let our customer decide which attribute is the form title for example, so if firstname is the form title, they'll set an in-memory param that spans the entire application to be something like Params.InMemory.TitleAttributeId = <user-defined-id>.
I hope this gives you some insight on a production impl of a similar scenario.
This is really more of a comment than an answer, but I need more space than SO will allow for comments, so here 'tis:
I think your UserConfiguration table approach is good, and would suggest only abstracting the "type" and "value" pieces of your design a bit more:
Since your application will need to validate user input, each notion of "type" will have an associated piece of evaluation logic. Obviously the more of this you can abstract into data the easier it will be to keep your code small. Enumerated lists are a good start, but if your "validator" logic can be extended to handle pattern matching for text strings and Boolean logical expressions (e.g. to describe/enforce constraints on input values), then you can express pretty much any "type" of input that your application may need to handle in terms of (relatively) simple "atoms" that you can map naturally to DB tables.
When storing a user-specified value, you can either store the "raw" data (e.g. in JSON) and a foreign key to the associated "type", or you can add an lookup/cache system that assigns an integer to each new value that is encountered by the system ("novelty" can be checked by checking a hash of the "raw" data, for example). The latter approach obviously scales better if you're expecting lots of data duplication (which of course you would in the case of a multiple-choice menu).

Designing an 'Order' schema in which there are disparate product definition tables

This is a scenario I've seen in multiple places over the years; I'm wondering if anyone else has run across a better solution than I have...
My company sells a relatively small number of products, however the products we sell are highly specialized (i.e. in order to select a given product, a significant number of details must be provided about it). The problem is that while the amount of detail required to choose a given product is relatively constant, the kinds of details required vary greatly between products. For instance:
Product X might have identifying characteristics like (hypothetically)
'Mean Time to Failure'
but Product Y might have characteristics
'Power Source'
The problem (one of them, anyway) in creating an order system that utilizes both Product X and Product Y is that an Order Line has to refer, at some point, to what it is "selling". Since Product X and Product Y are defined in two different tables - and denormalization of products using a wide table scheme is not an option (the product definitions are quite deep) - it's difficult to see a clear way to define the Order Line in such a way that order entry, editing and reporting are practical.
Things I've Tried In the Past
Create a parent table called 'Product' with columns common to Product X and Product Y, then using 'Product' as the reference for the OrderLine table, and creating a FK relationship with 'Product' as the primary side between the tables for Product X and Product Y. This basically places the 'Product' table as the parent of both OrderLine and all the disparate product tables (e.g. Products X and Y). It works fine for order entry, but causes problems with order reporting or editing since the 'Product' record has to track what kind of product it is in order to determine how to join 'Product' to its more detailed child, Product X or Product Y. Advantages: key relationships are preserved. Disadvantages: reporting, editing at the order line/product level.
Create 'Product Type' and 'Product Key' columns at the Order Line level, then use some CASE logic or views to determine the customized product to which the line refers. This is similar to item (1), without the common 'Product' table. I consider it a more "quick and dirty" solution, since it completely does away with foreign keys between order lines and their product definitions. Advantages: quick solution. Disadvantages: same as item (1), plus lost RI.
Homogenize the product definitions by creating a common header table and using key/value pairs for the customized attributes (OrderLine [n] <- [1] Product [1] <- [n] ProductAttribute). Advantages: key relationships are preserved; no ambiguity about product definition. Disadvantages: reporting (retrieving a list of products with their attributes, for instance), data typing of attribute values, performance (fetching product attributes, inserting or updating product attributes etc.)
If anyone else has tried a different strategy with more success, I'd sure like to hear about it.
Thank you.
The first solution you describe is the best if you want to maintain data integrity, and if you have relatively few product types and seldom add new product types. This is the design I'd choose in your situation. Reporting is complex only if your reports need the product-specific attributes. If your reports need only the attributes in the common Products table, it's fine.
The second solution you describe is called "Polymorphic Associations" and it's no good. Your "foreign key" isn't a real foreign key, so you can't use a DRI constraint to ensure data integrity. OO polymorphism doesn't have an analog in the relational model.
The third solution you describe, involving storing an attribute name as a string, is a design called "Entity-Attribute-Value" and you can tell this is a painful and expensive solution. There's no way to ensure data integrity, no way to make one attribute NOT NULL, no way to make sure a given product has a certain set of attributes. No way to restrict one attribute against a lookup table. Many types of aggregate queries become impossible to do in SQL, so you have to write lots of application code to do reports. Use the EAV design only if you must, for instance if you have an unlimited number of product types, the list of attributes may be different on every row, and your schema must accommodate new product types frequently, without code or schema changes.
Another solution is "Single-Table Inheritance." This uses an extremely wide table with a column for every attribute of every product. Leave NULLs in columns that are irrelevant to the product on a given row. This effectively means you can't declare an attribute as NOT NULL (unless it's in the group common to all products). Also, most RDBMS products have a limit on the number of columns in a single table, or the overall width in bytes of a row. So you're limited in the number of product types you can represent this way.
Hybrid solutions exist, for instance you can store common attributes normally, in columns, but product-specific attributes in an Entity-Attribute-Value table. Or you could store product-specific attributes in some other structured way, like XML or YAML, in a BLOB column of the Products table. But these hybrid solutions suffer because now some attributes must be fetched in a different way
The ultimate solution for situations like this is to use a semantic data model, using RDF instead of a relational database. This shares some characteristics with EAV but it's much more ambitious. All metadata is stored in the same way as data, so every object is self-describing and you can query the list of attributes for a given product just as you would query data. Special products exist, such as Jena or Sesame, implementing this data model and a special query language that is different than SQL.
There's no magic bullet that you've overlooked.
You have what are sometimes called "disjoint subclasses". There's the superclass (Product) with two subclasses (ProductX) and (ProductY). This is a problem that -- for relational databases -- is Really Hard. [Another hard problem is Bill of Materials. Another hard problem is Graphs of Nodes and Arcs.]
You really want polymorphism, where OrderLine is linked to a subclass of Product, but doesn't know (or care) which specific subclass.
You don't have too many choices for modeling. You've pretty much identified the bad features of each. This is pretty much the whole universe of choices.
Push everything up to the superclass. That's the uni-table approach where you have Product with a discriminator (type="X" and type="Y") and a million columns. The columns of Product are the union of columns in ProductX and ProductY. There will be nulls all over the place because of unused columns.
Push everything down into the subclasses. In this case, you'll need a view which is the union of ProductX and ProductY. That view is what's joined to create a complete order. This is like the first solution, except it's built dynamically and doesn't optimize well.
Join Superclass instance to subclass instance. In this case, the Product table is the intersection of ProductX and ProductY columns. Each Product has a reference to a key either in ProductX or ProductY.
There isn't really a bold new direction. In the relational database world-view, those are the choices.
If, however, you elect to change the way you build application software, you can get out of this trap. If the application is object-oriented, you can do everything with first-class, polymorphic objects. You have to map from the kind-of-clunky relational processing; this happens twice: once when you fetch stuff from the database to create objects and once when you persist objects back to the database.
The advantage is that you can describe your processing succinctly and correctly. As objects, with subclass relationships.
The disadvantage is that your SQL devolves to simplistic bulk fetches, updates and inserts.
This becomes an advantage when the SQL is isolated into an ORM layer and managed as a kind of trivial implementation detail. Java programmers use iBatis (or Hibernate or TopLink or Cocoon), Python programmers use SQLAlchemy or SQLObject. The ORM does the database fetches and saves; your application directly manipulate Orders, Lines and Products.
This might get you started. It will need some refinement
Table Product ( id PK, name, price, units_per_package)
Table Product_Attribs (id FK ref Product, AttribName, AttribValue)
Which would allow you to attach a list of attributes to the products. -- This is essentially your option 3
If you know a max number of attributes, You could go
Table Product (id PK, name, price, units_per_package, attrName_1, attrValue_1 ...)
Which would of course de-normalize the database, but make queries easier.
I prefer the first option because
It supports an arbitrary number of attributes.
Attribute names can be stored in another table, and referential integrity enforced so that those damn Canadians don't stick a "colour" in there and break reporting.
Does your product line ever change?
If it does, then creating a table per product will cost you dearly, and the key/value pairs idea will serve you well. That's the kind of direction down which I am naturally drawn.
I would create tables like this:
Attribute(attribute_id, description, is_listed)
-- contains values like "colour", "width", "power source", etc.
-- "is_listed" tells us if we can get a list of valid values:
AttributeValue(attribute_id, value)
-- lists of valid values for different attributes.
Product (product_id, description)
ProductAttribute (product_id, attribute_id)
-- tells us which attributes apply to which products
Order (order_id, etc)
OrderLine (order_id, order_line_id, product_id)
OrderLineProductAttributeValue (order_line_id, attribute_id, value)
-- tells us things like: order line 999 has "colour" of "blue"
The SQL to pull this together is not trivial, but it's not too complex either... and most of it will be write once and keep (either in stored procedures or your data access layer).
We do similar things with a number of types of entity.
Chris and AJ: Thanks for your responses. The product line may change, but I would not term it "volatile".
The reason I dislike the third option is that it comes at the cost of metadata for the product attribute values. It essentially turns columns into rows, losing most of the advantages of the database column in the process (data type, default value, constraints, foreign key relationships etc.)
I've actually been involved in a past project where the product definition was done in this way. We essentially created a full product/product attribute definition system (data types, min/max occurrences, default values, 'required' flags, usage scenarios etc.) The system worked, ultimately, but came with a significant cost in overhead and performance (e.g. materialized views to visualize products, custom "smart" components to represent and validate data entry UI for product definition, another "smart" component to represent the product instance's customizable attributes on the order line, blahblahblah).
Again, thanks for your replies!
