Backbone JS - Combination of collection, views and models - backbone.js

I had the following setup now in three different projects, so I thought maybe it's worth asking here. There's a chance I'm not the only person wondering about this.
So there it comes:
I have a list of objects
The list items have a special function like draggable or onClick-Events
My question: How do I build this scenario with Backbone?
I guess I create a model and a view for my list objects. I use a collection for keeping together my objects.
Now I wonder: Do I instantiate the object view in the model constructor and instantiate the models in the collection constructor? Or is there a better way to achieve what I want?

Neither; use a mediator to instantiate the views and inject them with their model/collection.
Marionette.js has a nice implementation for this sort of mediating object, called Controller - I suggest you check it out.
Further more, you don't have to explicitly instantiate the collection models - just declare their type in the collection's prototype, e.g.:
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
// do some shit
var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: MyModel // pass the type for the collection to instantiate
Taking our mediator/controller approach further, this is how it could be done (with Marionette.js):
var MyController = Marionette.Controller.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.myCollection = new MyCollection();
this.myCollectionView = new MyCollectionView({
collection: this.myCollection
This, of course, is just a skeleton code, meant to roughly demonstrate the MVC approach, but it's a good starting point.


Best practice of binding models to backbone views

I've the following backbone model.
var Credential = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
user: null,
password: null
I want to bind this model to a view.
Is it a best practice to instantiate the Credential model from the router and pass to the view
var loginView = new LoginView({ model: new Credential() });
or instantiate the model in the initialize method of the LoginView.
var LoginView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.model = new Credential();
The best practice is to assign a model to the view, an not let the view create the model.
Conceptually, a view is one representation of a model, when you can have multiple views representing the same model (for instance a form, and a list).
This is why keeping them loosely coupled and assigning a model to a view is usually a better pattern.
There is also one way you can follow. As you may know, backbone view share Controller task from MVC. So you may detach Controller responsibility from view in a independent abstraction, like it made in Marionette.js framework. It this case you will have workflow as following:
1) Controller is in charge of creating and delete views and models, models fetch, providing models to views.
2) Views listen to model events, DOM events and render actual model data
3) Model is only in charge of working with data

How to avoid duplicate code and logic in templates for similar views in Backbone.js

I am building an app using backbone.js and find myself with a view with a lot of conditional logic in the templating of the Model's View. The type property of the model is used to determine which html to render. I would like to avoid this logic if possible, because it is hard to read. There are a couple of ways that I think I could deal with this (Note that the actual templates I've got here are very much simplified):
1. Conditional Logic in Collection View rather than in Model View - Multiple Subviews
I could put the conditional logic that acts on each model's type into the Collection View:
var CollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
this.collection.each(function(thing) {
if(thing.get("type") === "wotsit") {
this.$el.append(new WotsitView({ model: thing });
} else if(thing.get("type") === "oojamaflip") {
this.$el.append(new OojamaflipView({ model: thing });
}, this);
This way I could have each subview with a template method that had no logic in it, but rather just builds html.
var WotsitView = new Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<h2>{{ title }}</h2>');
var OojamaflipView = new Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<h3>{{ title }}</h3>');
The thing is, the things in the collection are all very similar. The events for each thing are likely to be the same or very similar and I can see there being a lot of code duplication. I really only want the actual template for these subviews to be different with everything else the same.
2. Conditional Logic in Model View - Multiple Template Methods
var ModelView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
if(this.model.get("type") ==== "wotsit") {
} else if(this.model.get("type") === "oojamaflip") {
wotsitTemplate: _.template('<h2>{{ title }}</h2>'),
oojamaflipTemplate: _.template('<h3>{{ title }}</h3>')
There is only one view for the model.
All of the events etc are handles in one view rather that being duplicated.
I actually quite like this way, but I would be very interested to hear some other peoples options on it.
Option #1 = polymorphism
Option #2 = switch statement
Switch statements are useful if you never (or rarely) have to add new types, but you might want to add new methods. Imagine you want to add a validate method to ModelView, which checks view input for that kind of model for correctness and reports the results to the user. With option #2, you'd just add one new method that switches on the model type (just like the render method) to handle validation.
Now let's assume we already have a render method and a validate method, and we want to handle a new type of model, a thingamajig. With option #2, you'd have to add logic to both render and validate. Now imagine we don't have just 2 methods, but 10 — option #2 gets real complicated real quick when you have to handle new types. But if we followed option #1, then no matter how many methods there were, we'd only have to create a new view in one place, and update CollectionView to map the new type to the new view.
Most of the time polymorphism (option #1) is the clean way to go. It lets you separate all logic specific to a given type and put it one place, making it easy to handle new types.
Keeping DRY
If you're worried with option #1 that you'll end up with a lot of duplicate code between all the views, don't forget that it's easy to make Views that inherit from other Backbone Views:
var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
/* some common logic for all views */
var WotsitView = ItemView.extend({
template: _.template('<h2>{{ title }}</h2>')
var OojamaflipView = ItemView.extend({
template: _.template('<h3>{{ title }}</h3>')

Using multiple models and collections in Marionette/Backbone view

I'm not sure what the right approach here is. I am setting up a simple form. I need a couple of standard HTML input fields and a couple of select inputs. The data is coming from a couple of different sources and I would like to present the models and collections, with their data to the view like so:
var registerView = new registrationView.RegistrationForm({
model: userModel,
model2: departmentCollection
Can I do this? Or do I need to split the form into separate regions, all with their own model or collection. If so, how do I call the model data in the template. I have not been able to make it work so far. I cannot find any examples of a form with mixed fields coming from different models and collections,
Many thanks
You can do it using a composite view:
var registrationView.RegistrationForm = Marionette.CompositeView({
// ...
var my View = new registrationView.RegistrationForm({
model: userModel,
collection: departmentCollection
See and (a composite view inherits behavior from a collection view).

Backbone.js: Why can't I retrieve the model in this case?

I'm trying to retrieve the model, because I need to access certain attributes, but I cannot. I'm inside a view, which extends another one. This is how the view looks like:
var ImageGridControlView = GridControlView.extend({
//.... stuff ....
alert(this.model.get('property')) //This gives me an error in console and nothing is alerted.
In the class that the above code extends, the model can be retrieved, like this:
var GridControlView = ControlView.extend({
//.... stuff ....
alert(this.model.get('property')) //This shows the property value correctly
Why can't the model be retrieved from ImageGridControlView? What is the persistence of models across different classes, children, etc? I'm new to Backbone, and the official documentation only covers models superficially.
Your snippets are too small to actually find the problem, so we have to just guess. Most likely candidates are:
you are accessing this.model inside a function triggered by an event binding that is not properly bound, so this isn't actually your view instance. It could be a the source DOM element of the window object instead.
You aren't passing a model property in the options object provided to the view's constructor

How to clone a backbone collection

Is there a way to easily clone Backbone Collection? I wonder why there is no build in method like for models. My problem is that I have a model holding a collection of childs. When I clone the model. I've still the collection of childs but only with their default values.
Simplest way:
var cloned = new Backbone.Collection(original.toJSON());
where original is the collection to clone.
Could always then extend Backbone's Collection to add clone support w or w/o inheritance support.
What's your use case that you want to clone the collection?
There isn't a built in clone function for a collection because you do not want to clone the models within the collection. Cloning a model would cause there to be two separate instances of the same model, and if you update one model, the other one won't be updated.
If you want to create a new collection based upon a certain criteria, then you can use the collection's filter method.
var freshmenModels = studentsCollection.filter(function(student) {
return student.get('Year') === 'Freshman';
var freshmenCollection = new Backbone.Collection(freshmenModels);
To go ahead and clone the models in the collection, you can write the following code
var clonedCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
studentsCollection.each(function(studentModel) {
clonedCollection.add(new Backbone.Model(studentModel.toJSON()));
Use the Backbone Collection clone() method:
var clonedCollection = myCollection.clone();
Another option, if you need the following (which is what I was looking for when I found this question ;) ):
The copy of the collection should be of the same type as the original collection (e.g. you've created your own collection type that extends Backbone.Collection)
The copy of the collection should be created with the same options as the original
The models in the copy of the collection should be created using the model.clone() method
var models = (model) { return model.clone(); });
var options = _.clone(original.options);
var copy = new original.constructor(models, options);
A generic clone method on Backbone.Collection would be awkward because there are always going to be subtleties around whether models and their nested objects get copied by reference or are themselves cloned. Requirements will vary wildly according to your scenario, so it's been left for you to write what you need.
