How do you attach a controller MEAN.IO home route - angularjs

The MEAN.IO route for home is controlled by the viewPathProvider. In the MEAN.IO docs they say that you can overload the home page by overloading the viewPathProvider config in your module.
.config(['$viewPathProvider', function($viewPathProvider) {
$viewPathProvider.override('system/views/index.html', 'custom-path');
However its not specified how to add an (AngularJS) controller to the view that is being loaded or how to associate a controller to it.
Hint in the system route there is a route where you can specify a controller but I would rather do this from my own package
//Line 49 In system.js under system/public/routes
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'system/views/index.html'
//I can add a controller here but it will be stuck in the system package
I also don't want to specify the controller in the HTML as most of my application is built with controllers specified in the route


How do I load Angular code behind routes modularly?

I want to organize my angular code like this:
Then I want to include routing that picks the thing based on url params:
.when('/thing', {
templateUrl: 'thing/thing.html',
controller: 'thingController'
.when('/other_thing', {
templateUrl: 'other_thing/other_thing.html',
controller: 'otherThingController'
What I'm missing is how to load thingController and otherThingController on demand. If I've got 50 different controllers I don't want to load all of them up front, I want to wait until the client actually visits the route to load the js, similar to how the templateUrl isn't loaded until the user navigates there.
May be this will help you

Angular templateUrl not redirecting to MVC controller

So I am having an issue in setting up my angular routes.
Moving straight to the point, my angular routes defined don't hit my mvc controller and thus action methods.
The action method return partial views, which represent my templates.
Here is an image of my route configuration.
Here is an image of my controller actions.
I am sure I am missing something, but can't seem to figure out what.
This example helps you to understand better about $routeProvider and $locationProvider.
The only issue I see are relative links and templates not being properly loaded because of this.
from the docs regarding HTML5 mode
Be sure to check all relative links, images, scripts etc. You must either specify the url base in the head of your main html file () or you must use absolute urls (starting with /) everywhere because relative urls will be resolved to absolute urls using the initial absolute url of the document, which is often different from the root of the application.
In your case you can add a forward slash / in href attributes ($location.path does this automatically) and also to templateUrl when configuring routes. This avoids routes like and makes sure templates load properly.
Here's an example that works:
Home |
another |
<div ng-view></div>
app.config(function($locationProvider, $routeProvider) {
.when('/', {
templateUrl: '/partials/template1.html',
controller: 'ctrl1'
.when('/tags/:tagId', {
templateUrl: '/partials/template2.html',
controller: 'ctrl2'
.when('/another', {
templateUrl: '/partials/template1.html',
controller: 'ctrl1'
.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });
If using Chrome you will need to run this from a server.
Well what worked for me was to remove the setting for the $locationProvider.html5Mode. As someone mentioned in another stack overflow post, here MVC5 and Angular.js routing - URLs not matching using the locationProvider in MVC seems to screw up the routing. I am still to investigate why exactly this happens, as all I thought it did was remove the '#' in the url, but seems like there's more to it

Angular UI router dynamically inject URL to html

I am trying to build a simple app, which goes the following way:
I have 2 menu items in the navbar: home and contact.
The home should be a unique URL only once from the server, at initialisation, read from a QR code (i got this covered, that is no problem to me) and the contact should always be the same.
I got the contact done in the following way:
$stateProvider.state('contact', {
url: '/contact',
templateUrl: 'src/views/contact.html',
controller: 'contactController'
The problem is with the home, which should keep the unique URL received by the server. How should i write the state for that one?
.state('home', {
url: '/:uid',
templateUrl: 'src/views/home.html',
Also, the home should keep it's unique url generated by the server after refresh and while navigating from contact to home.
In the HTML i would have something like
<a ui-sref="home({uid: --some dynamic uid?--})">Home</a>
this is the part which also requires help.
Set the home state to
.state('home', {
url: /{uid},
templateUrl: 'src/views/home.html',
and you could grab the parameters by injecting $stateParams into the controller. $stateParams.uid would return the parameters and store that in local storage or cookies.
Check this link out
for example, this is the sample controller that is attached to the home page
app.controller('homeCtrl', function($stateParams) {
var id = $stateParams.uid; //this is how you retrieve the uid
by going to your home page e.g., the above $stateParams.uid would return abcd12345
Now to set the url. simply use ui-sref instead of href on the <a> tag. ui-router will automatically generate href for you.
<a ui-sref="home({uid:'abcd12345'})">Home</a>
You have to create a custom provider and inject it into the config.
eg:- .config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider,yourprovider) .
I am not sure about this. But please check this way too..

Angular Js + UI router, more than one module each with each owns ui routes config - how?

I have a main app on my application, called "bionico", this app utilizes UI-router
It has it's own $stateProvider configurations!
And that's fine, it works
BUT I needed to create a new module (cuz I'm trying to insert a step-by-step form on my application, you can find the code here:
To make this step-by-step form I need to create a new module with it's own $stateProvider configurations, the thing is that it doesn't work, I have included this module called "bionico.formApp" in my main app like this:
angular.module('bionico', ['ui.router', other modules, 'bionico.formApp'])
And that works fine, if I try to use a controller inside "bionico.formApp" it will also work fine. This is the code for this module:
// create our angular app and inject ngAnimate and ui-router
// =============================================================================
angular.module('bionico.formApp', ['ngAnimate', 'ui.router', ])
// configuring our routes
// =============================================================================
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('form', {
url: '/form',
templateUrl: 'templates/campaignForm/form.html',
controller: 'formCtrl'
// nested states
// each of these sections will have their own view
// url will be nested (/form/profile)
.state('form.profile', {
url: '/profile',
templateUrl: 'templates/campaignForm/form-profile.html'
// url will be /form/interests
.state('form.interests', {
url: '/interests',
templateUrl: 'templates/campaignForm/form-interests.html'
// url will be /form/payment
.state('form.payment', {
url: '/payment',
templateUrl: 'templates/campaignForm/form-payment.html'
// catch all route
// send users to the form page
// our controller for the form
// =============================================================================
.controller('formCtrl', function($scope) {
// we will store all of our form data in this object
$scope.formData = {};
$scope.test = "FUNCIONA";
// function to process the form
$scope.processForm = function() {
But to make this form work I need to use <div ui-view></div> and when I put this on my file nothing happens, and I think it's because the app is using my main module "bionico" $stateProvider configurations and not "bionico.formApp"
Here is my html code:
<div ng-controller="formCtrl">
<!-- views will be injected here -->
<div ui-view></div>
the {{test}} from formCtrl works fine, it is printing the variable on my screen, but like I said ui-view is not. Is there a way to tell angular that I want to use "bionico.formApp" configurations and not the configs from my main module?
How would you solve this?
Like I think I have to tell angular that from that moment on I want to use "bionico.formApp" but I don't know how to do it.
I've tried
<div ng-app="bionico.formApp"> but nothing happened, not even errors
I saw then on stack over flow that I have to bootstrap it manually, but then I got an error saying that "bionico.formApp" had already been bootstraped
People suggested that I only needed to rout stuff in only one module, but I needed two different default routs one for my main application and one or my form, but that wouldn't work.
and the reason why I was trying to make this work was because I needed a step by step form (wizard) on my application like this one:
But I've decided it is not worth the hassle, I'll try to find another wizard for angular js
I'm using now this walktrough wizard:
It was easy to install and it is very easy to customize the template, I recommend!

Angular App with more than one entry point

so, i'm writing a really simple application using angular, and i basically just want to be able to route my requests to their respective pages but also use those pages as views such that the following views:
-- html
-- views
are available by going through the main app, but the user can also get there just by putting in the following respectively:
any ideas?
I was thinking something like this could work:
app.get('/views/:viewName', routes.view);
Where I basically just point the request to the main app, but that doesn't work at all because when the page loads and the following router takes hold:
app.config(function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: '/views/home',
controller: 'sliderController'
}).when('/faq', {
templateUrl: '/views/faq',
controller: 'faqController'
the default page always loads
