Changing color of positionmarker/caret - wpf

What is the name of the element of a text box control which I need to manipulate to achieve a change of the color of the position marker in the text box?
The normal foreground attribute changes the actual texts color, but the position marker stays the same color.

To modify the color of the caret (which assume is what you call "positionmarker") you have to set the CaretBrush property of the TextBox.


textbox padding in winform application

I want to set the position of my text in textbox and I don not know how, since there is no 'padding' property I can change. I don not want use panel to adjust my text
is there any other way? can I change the font margin in font editor software like fontCreator?

How to set background color of item-label in line chart

I am using jfree-chart library to create line chart.
I want to know how to set background color of item-label in line-chart.
Item labels don't even have background color, just text. You could try one of the org.jfree.chart.annotations like XYTextAnnotation, which has a setBackgroundPaint() method.

How to render jqvmap without border?

I am using jqvmap to render clickable world map. I set borderWidth=0 but still it is giving border to each country. I want all maps with no border. Seems like I will need to set some other property along with borderWidth.
If no possible then how I can set map fill color to border for selected countries so it will look like no border.
Please help.
By simply setting the BorderColor parameter to the same color as the map I was able to make them "disappear". Looking at the jquery.vmap.js I see that there is a condition such that the parameter passed along with the map for setting the border width will only be used if it's greater than 0, so you can either a) set the border to the same color as the map or b) modify the jquery.vmap.js to set the border to 0 as a default. I've tried both and got the desired result.

Is there any difference between WPF TextBlock and TextBox?

What criteria must I consider when selecting one of these two controls?
Common to both TextBlocks and TextBoxes:
Can be used to display text
Can be set to specific Height and Width or be set to Auto so that they grow in size with the text.
Can set font size, font type, font styling, to wrap and to range left, right or centred.
Can have opacity set and have Pixel Shaders applied.
Used for displaying text more focused typographically.
Can contain text set to different colors, fonts and sizes.
The line height can also be increased from the default setting to give more space between each line of text.
Text inside a TextBlock cannot be made selectable by the user.
Used for displaying text more focused for content input or when content is needed to be made selectable by the user.
Can only be set to one colour, one font size, one font type etc.
Have fixed Line Spacing.
Can also be set to a fixed height and width but also have scrollbars switched on to allow content to expand.
TextBlock is more lightweight control for displaying text and TextBox is used when you require user input or edit existing text. Proof for mem usage.

Change TextBlock foreground color based on the background [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Progress bar with dynamic text & text color update
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm looking for a simple way to change the foreground color of a TextBlock based on the color of what is behind it, so that it is more readable. Since an image is more explicit than words, here's what I want:
I assume it could be done with a custom shader effect, but I have no idea how to create it... Anyway, perhaps there is a simpler solution.
Any idea would be welcome!
Assuming the above is a progressbar, here is a great solution:
WPF progress bar with dynamic text & text color update
Quick and dirty method:
Add both the white and grey textblocks, ensuring the white textblock is "on top" of the grey textblock. Bind the text of the white textblock to that of the grey textblock, so they stay the same.
Add an opacity mask to the white textblock, of which the position and/or size (or whatever required!) is bound to the position and/or size of the green rectangle (not sure if that's a templated ProgressBar or a custom control, but either way it could be done).
This would then give the effect of the text over the green bar being white.
You could write an Valueconverter (implement IValueConverter) and pass the BackgroundColor as the converter Parameter. based on the parameter you convert the forground of the Textblock to the desired Value.
