I am running Vanilla AutoCAD 2017
The accoreconsole.exe will start but and show the example Screen and will appears to run commands, although i am unaware of a way to open a file directly from core console so i cant really do anything with it.
Methods attempted
1. Script Pro 2.0:
From https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/downloads/caas/downloads/content/autodesk-customization-conversion-tools.html
Script pro executes scripts successfully when using AutoCAd But then Fails when i switch to Core Console
It generates a log file that reads: Error while reading log file for C:\Users\Documents\TEST\ARCH01_FIRST FLOOR PLAN - AREA C.dwg
2.Auto Lisp
From AutoCAD using an Auto Lisp command i found on House of BIM. The command works and i tested several scripts which i first tested using the Run Script Button in AutoCad and they worked, but not when i used core console.
This generated a Temp file called accc34642 which reads m_kernelList still has 1 entry
/i core console flashes and then disappears
/I core console opens a new file from the Qnew Template file path
This seems to happen no matter whats after that in the lisp statement.
Then OPEN command in core console doesn't return a prompt or an error, it just returns twice and does nothing.
Typing in a file path generates an error
3.Widows batch files
I have only used one of these in the past successfully but i checked the ones i found a couple different websites and still no luck on getting the scripts to execute.
I also tried all this from different File Paths
The main idea of AutoCAD Console is to process 1 file and exit. That's also important to avoid memory fragmentation and errors when you process multiple files in a single instance of accoreconsole.exe
So, as already mentioned, consider a workflow where each instance process a single file and then exit. You may even consider multiple instances of accoreconsole to process multiple files at once.
to get started with working with accoreconsole, here are a couple links that will help you:
1) http://adndevblog.typepad.com/autocad/2012/04/getting-started-with-accoreconsole.html
2) http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/2012/02/the-autocad-2013-core-console.html
for the second article, Kean goes into quite a bit of detail, but I don't especially like his approach with using .bat files. It is much nicer to use a programming language like C#.
As for opening files, it actually is possible!
I recently discovered a VERY fast method of processing dwg files using accorconsole (or AutoCAD if that is what you prefer). For example, running a search and replace operation of dbtext and mtext on a batch of dwg files runs at around 15 drawings/second on a single process. Setting up 5 or 6 in parallel will process close to 5000 drawings/minute! I thought I would share this with the community as this discovery has been a game-changer for my company when it comes to processing large batches of dwg files.
For this you have to use the .NET API(or C++, etc). I did all the code for processing in C#, and the only 2 lines in the lisp script file is to NETLOAD my dll and call the command that does the processing.
Turns out, you can work on multiple dwg files in the same instance of accoreconsole. The idea here is to just load the dwg database without actually opening the drawing (takes ~70ms), manipulate the database, then save it. For the i/ switch, you can use any dummy drawing file as it will have no effect on your batch. Then in C# in your command method, you would do something like this:
string[] dwgFiles = Directory.GetFiles("C:\\MyDWGFiles");
foreach(string drawingFilePath in dwgFiles)
using(Database database = new Database(false, true))
database.ReadDwgFile(drawingFilePath, FileShare.ReadWrite,
true String.Empty);
using(Transaction transaction =
database.SaveAs(drawingFilePath, DwgVersion.Current);
Let me know if you have any questions or need more detail,
I don't believe it is possible to open files from within core console. I am relatively certain core console has to be initialized with the path as an argument of the drawing you wish it to open. Once it is open you can then do work with that file. So, you would essentially have to open a single instance of core console for each file you want to do work on.
Hope that helps.
The best way as drive AutoCAD commands as dwg files is use the concept mencioned by "Autodesk Knowledge Network": Out-of-Process .NET
a. https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/AutoCAD-NET/files/GUID-C8C65D7A-EC3A-42D8-BF02-4B13C2EA1A4B-htm.html),
and this alternative is supported by Autodesk; the accoreconsole is not.
With this features, you may execute AutoCAD software, open Projects, batch iterates on files and manipulate data. Recently, I developed one plugin that has two requirements:
b. be executed without user-intervention and,
c. interates on all Dwg files to execute a process per-file;
Like link above, I instantiated AutoCAD and send commands like a lisp sintaxe to call the customized command (as "("CUSTOM_CMD", "PARAMS1", "PARAMS2" ...)" );
My custom command was like this:
public static void CustomCmd
//stuff iterate on DWGs
3.Comments: It's importante to use Thread Safe Collection (for example ConcurrentBag) to memory Dwg Collection to ensure non interference between Next Moving contiguous Dwgs iteraction's running.
want to test the upload file size limit in an application, and it's a pain finding / making various pdf's of certain sizes to test / debug this. Anybody have a better way?
You can write a simple shell script that converts set of images to pdf: How can I convert a series of images to a PDF from the command line on linux? and do it for 1,2,3, ..., all image files in certain directory.
Creating directory full of copies of single image, should be simple too, start with one image file with desired size e.g. 64KB.
# pseudocode - don't test it
for i in {1..$END}; do cp ./image ./image_$i; done
for i in {1..$END}; do convert ./image_{1..$i} mydoc_$i.pdf; done
I've found an online tool, however, it seems to not be working correctly since it can only generate 10MB files even though you tell it to make a 50MB file.
I have a very basic batch file that basically just pings Google then logs the results in a text file which I have been using as a simple way of testing WiFi connection consistency.
What I'm trying to do is make a second batch file that searches the log txt for any lost packets ranging from 1-4 or find a % loss greater than 0 (outputing results in a second txt file would be a plus too) but I'm not quite knowledgeable in batch so any help would be greatly appreciated.
As it appears there is no version of DOS (6.22 to WinME "DOS") or FreeDOS that allows you to take part of a text file and make it a variable, I'm going to just keep collecting the data I get in DOS mode into one very large file but I can't think of a way to get each asset and UUID and add them together in a third file... Here is what I get at the moment:
~~~~~~~(usually 27 lines of stuff I don't need)~~~~~~~
Asset Number: ABC12345
~~~~~~~(usually 37 lines of stuff I don't need)~~~~~~~
UUID: ABCDEF12345678901234567890
~~~~~~~(usually 4 lines of stuff I don't need, complicated by a # symbol in there too)~~~~~~~
^Repeated many times
I need to add both the Asset Number and the UUID together in a CSV format so I was previously hoping (before I exhausted all attempts at doing for /F in DOS) just echoing the two variables I was creating as follows:
ECHO !Asset!,!UUID!>>Results.CSV
Which again works in Windows command prompt just not DOS, the script I'm using however only gets the first variable of each so I need to do them in order and keep repeating through the file in the manner?
Alternatively is there any other way I could use DOS to get the info I need out of the two text files on the fly? It's all running from a USB stick so I don't have any size constraints at least.
You may be able to get it done with the DOS command line text stream editor EDLIN.
I am assuming this has to be done in DOS and Windows is not an option.
PDGREPPE is an MS DOS command line GREP search and replace utility.
Maybe you can find a DOS Text Editor with Macros
Lotus 123?
Write an app in DOS BASIC.
I finally gave up after 120 hours of not finding a .NET or javascript/jquery plugin that can read and write to a COMPRESSED custom user frame (TXXX) in ID3v2 MP3 audio file.
UltraID3Lib: cannot read or write COMPRESSED Frames (last updated 2009, author Mitchell S. Honnert fell off face of the earth).
ID3Lib-sharp: cannot read or write COMPRESSED Frames (last updated 2012)
JavaScript-ID3-Reader: can return bytes but it's mostly the wrong bytes. Cannot write anything.
I cannot use the multitudes of Node.js or PHP scripts for my project so they are out of the question.
The only code I found that can read and write compress frames is Kid3.
However, it is written in C (I don't know that) and uses third party frameworks since it was not built in windows. The Command program required 13MB of support dlls, QMs, and whatevers.
I have no choice at his point but to try and use it's separate command program kid3-cli.exe
So here's my question:
Here is the way to read a TXXX frame using the program at the command prompt.
"71F3-15-FOO58A77" is the name of the TXXX frame and the "2" gets the text value it holds:
cd "C:\mp3folder"
select "test.mp3"
get "71F3-15-FOO58A77" "2"
export "clipboard" "CSV unquoted" "2"
QUESTION: HOW DO I use a Batch file to run these commands?
According to kid3 documents. It shows using -c as grouped commands. Windows cmd (or the program) on windows does know what -c is.
Example: I double click the batch file and it should:
start the program
sent the program (not cmd) the above 4 lines
each must be executed separately.
Sounds simple, but I can't get it to even execute one of the programs code after starting.
Any ideas? and and can someone write a ID3 tag program that can read and write COMPRESSED TXXX tags without using node.js, PHP or a server in Windows.
I will buy them a beer because I'm really a (cheap) designer by trade and a pert-time programmer only when I have too.
Here is a zip file of a COMPRESSED TXXX Frame in test.mp3 to test:
Download Kid3 and use its windows GUI (kid3.exe) to view the custom user frame (TXXX).
Run the included kid3-cli.exe to do the same at the command prompt.
Try to do the same in a batch file.
According to the help file, you should be able to use the command
kid3-cli -c 'cd "C:\mp3folder"' -c 'select "test.mp3"' -c 'get "71F3-15-F0058A77" "2"' -c 'export "clipboard" "CSV unquoted" "2"'
I ran it on the file you provided and seven tabs followed by 0:00.00 were put on my clipboard, but the value of the TXXX field indicated by the GUI was output to my command prompt.