Call controls inside view(xaml file) in viewmodel - wpf

I want to call controls inside view like button and item template inside viewmodel. Please tell how can I do that. My view contains following
<ItemsControl Name="cDetails"
ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource Test}"
ItemsSource="{Binding ViewModels}"
Visibility="{Binding IsLoaded,
Converter={StaticResource visibilityConverter}}">
<Button Name="btnComplete"
Command="{Binding AuditCommand}"
Please tell how can I call these items in my viewmodel using

Accessing your view components from inside your viewmodel is not the way to do things in MVVM. Because it is specifically not designed to work this way, you will have to go out of your way to make it work. You should probably investigate how to accomplish your goals using MVVM properly, or forego using MVVM at all and do the work in your code-behind.
Since you have not described what your goal is, it is hard to provide specific recommendations. In general when using MVVM, you manipulate things in your viewmodel and set properties. Your view binds to these properties so that it updates appropriately as they are being set. Your viewmodel does not directly manipulate the views themselves, only the viewmodel properties that they are bound to.
For example, let's say you are updating the text on a TextBlock. You could do something like this in xaml:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding SomeText}" />
Then, your viewmodel (which should implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface) defines this property and sets it as desired.
public string SomeText
get { return _someText; }
if (_someText != value)
_someText = value;
private string _someText;
// At any time, you can set the property, and the
// binding will update the text in the control for you.
SomeText = "Some text";
If you absolutely need to manipulate your views from code (or if you are not using MVVM), the appropriate place for that sort of code is the "xaml.cs" file next to your view (the code-behind). You can assign a name to anything in your xaml using syntax like <TextBlock x:Name="SomeTextBlock" /> and then access it from the code-behind as a member variable with the same name. For example, you could do SomeTextBlock.Text = "Some text". However, this is not usually necessary for the vast majority of use cases if you are using MVVM.

You shouldn't try to access controls directly from the ViewModel. The ViewModel must not know about the View implementation.
Instead, in WPF we connect View and ViewModel through Bindings. Bindings connect Properties of controls in the View, with Properties in the ViewModel.
Commands are a special type of Property that can be bound as actions for controls like Button.
In your example, you would need to have these properties in your ViewModel:
A collection named ViewModels
A boolean named IsLoaded
And an ICommand named AuditCommand
By managing those properties, you should be able to control what's shown in your View and its behavior.
If you need more control, create more Bindings to other properties, or create some events in your ViewModel and manage them from your View's code-behind.


WPF MVVM - How to Bind Custom Control->ToggleButton.IsChecked to View->TextBox.Text

I am moving over from WinForms to WPF and trying to implement the MVVM pattern for a touchscreen application. I created several custom controls inside a WPF Control Library (dll), and I can bring these controls into the View with no issue. However, I am getting stuck on a purely academic scenario where I want a TextBox inside the View to display my custom control's ToggleButton.IsChecked property as "Checked" and "Unchecked" respectively.
To sum up, I need to know the proper way to expose properties of a control that is inside a custom user control. Then when the exposed property changes update some other control with custom data based on the property that changed.
To sum up, I need to know the proper way to expose properties of a control that is inside a custom user control. Then when the exposed property changes update some other control with custom data based on the property that changed.
You're describing dependency properties. You need to add a dependency property to your custom control, which you then bind to from inside the control, and from outside it (in your view).
The first part will depend on whether you're using a UserControl or a Control. Let's say it is a Control, then you would use a TemplatedParent binding in your ControlTemplate:
<ToggleButton IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent},Path=IsToggleChecked,Mode=TwoWay}" ... />
If on the other hand it is a UserControl, then the approach is similar, but you need to make sure the data context is right. One approach would be to use a FindAncestor binding:
<ToggleButton IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl},Path=IsToggleChecked,Mode=TwoWay}" ... />
Now, to add the dependency property, try the Visual Studio code snippet "propdp". It should look something like this:
public bool IsToggleChecked
get { return (bool)GetValue(IsToggleCheckedProperty); }
set { SetValue(IsToggleCheckedProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsToggleCheckedProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("IsToggleChecked", typeof(bool), typeof(MyCustomControl), new PropertyMetadata(false));
And now finally you can bind your TextBox to the new dependency property:
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=myCustomControl,Path=IsToggleChecked,Converter={StaticResource BoolToTextConverter}}" />
<local:MyCustomControl x:Name="myCustomControl" ... />
I assumed that you would want to make an IValueConverter "BoolToTextConverter" that converts the boolean value to the string "Checked" or "Unchecked".

wpf source and target binding in two different path

How can I bind a Text property for my TextBox that read from a source but it will store its value to a different target?
Let's say
I have a textbox which is bond to a path in a CollectionViewSource
<CollectionViewSource Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource ProgramView}, Path='FK_LevelList_ProgramList'}" x:Key="LevelLookupView" />
<TextBox Name="FeePerTermTextbox" Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource LevelLookupView}, Path='FeePerTerm', Mode=OneWay, StringFormat=c2}"/>
When perform save, the value of the TextBox will store to another model that is different from the CollectionViewSource
I consider this flawed. What happens if the source gets updated? Should the textbox be overwritten?
The reason for this design is imho, that the UI should reflect the "traits" of the element set as DataContext, therefore i expect it to contain the value i give in the model or in the ui. Now there is of course nothing stopping you from not writing the value in your viewmodel to your model, when receiving the set value from the textbox.
public class Redirecter
public string FileName
get{return mModel.FileName;}
set{mProxy.FileName = value;}
But this of course won't work well together with INotifyPropertyChanged. I would use a different approach. Use a model that reflects your ui more. If you open the view fill in this ui model with your settings from model A. If you now save this, save each property into Model B.

Get reference to Xaml object in view model

I have a an object created in Xaml:
I need someway to bind the object myObject back to a property in my view model. I dont know whether this is possible, everything ive seen so far binds properties together, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am assuming what you want is your ViewModel to hold the actual visual control MyObject in it and your Grid to display it via MVVM.
This is possible through ContentControl in WPF.
Assuming your ViewModel has a property MyObjectView which holds MyObject...
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyObjectView}" />
Having said that you must take caution that same MyObjectView is not bound to any other content control as that will result in an error
"Specified element is already the logical child of another element.
Disconnect it first"
And if that requirement is possible then you must excercise ContentTemplate option.
Let me know if this helps.
It is possible. It kinda breaks mvvm though.
You can attach an InvokeCommandAction to this object, and bind the CommandParameter to it via ElementBinding. Then in the callback of the command which you defined in the viewmodel, you will have a reference to this object from the CommandParameter.

Setting a property on the ViewModel from the View in WPF

I have a dependency property on my ViewModel which is the DataContext for my View. The ViewModel has no reference to the View. The property on the ViewModel is going to reference a control on the view, but I need to be able to set this property in XAML.
How is this possible? One thought I had was to develop a custom control which has a Property property and a Value property, so you could do something like this in the View to set the property on the ViewModel:
<PropertySetter Property="{Binding MyViewModelDependencyProperty}" Value="{Binding ElementName=aControlOnMyView" />
Before I went down this route, I wanted to check if there was any other approach I could take?
Thanks for the detailed reply Ray, but if I give you a bit more detail about the problem I'm trying to solve, you might get a better idea of why I mentioned the approach I did.
Basically, what I'm trying to do is set the focus to a textbox when the user hits a button. I've written an attached property which you can attach to the Button control, specify what the trigger event is (in this case the 'Click' event), and then what control to focus on. This works really nicely, and keeps everything in XAML.
However, I now have a use case where the focus should be set to an arbitrary text box from the click event on a button which is part of a toolbar. This toolbar is itself a user control which is sitting inside another user control, which is inside another user control! This toolbar needs to be reusable across various different forms, and each time, the control to set focus on after you click the button will be different per form.
That's why I had the idea of making the focus control (i.e. a textbox) a property on the view model itself (on my ViewModel base to be precise), and have the ViewModel base code (which the toolbar is bound to), set the focus to the control when the button is clicked (and the e.g. Add/Edit method is called on the ViewModel base).
In unit test land, the control to focus on property will be null, so it's .Focus() method just won't be called. So I can't see an issue there. My problem is then how you set the focus control property from XAML, which is why I had the PropertySetter idea.
I don't like the fact that the ViewModel has any reference to controls sitting on the view, but I can't see another way to achieve what I need. What if the logic that dictates whether to set focus to the control is quite complex? This would sit in the ViewModel surely? Therefore, is there any harm in the ViewModel having this UIElement property? It still knows nothing about the specific View it is bound to, it just knows that there is a control which it needs to set focus to when some action happens on the ViewModel.
My first reaction (and it's a strong one) is so say "Don't do that!" By giving your view model a reference to a part of your UI you are breaking the encapsulation that makes view models so powerful and useful.
For example, what if you want to unit test your view model or serialize it to disk? In each case the piece of your UI will not be present, because there will be no view at all. Your tests will miss coverage and your reconstitution will be incomplete.
If your view model actually needs references to UI objects and there is no better way to architect it, the best solution is to have the view model itself construct those controls it requires a reference to. Then your view can incorporate that control as the Content of a ContentPresenter via binding and provide a Style to configure the control, including a ControlTemplate to provide its content. Thusly:
public class MyViewModel
public ListBox SpecialControl { get; set; }
public MyViewModel()
SpecialControl = new ListBox();
<DataTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:MyViewModel}">
<Style TargetType="ListBox" ... />
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding SpecialControl}" />
Other possibilities are:
Have the view model actually derive from the Control class, then override OnApplyTemplate() and use GetTemplateChild to find a template item whose name starts with "PART_"
Implement an attached property that takes a property name, finds that property in the DataContext, and sets it to the DependencyObject to which the property is attached.
Implement your PropertySetter idea
My option #2 would look like this:
<DataTemplate TargetType="{x:Type MyViewModel}">
<TextBox local:PropertyHelper.SetViewModelToThis="SpecialControl" />
The code in the SetViewModelToThis PropertyChangedCallback would get the view model from the DataContext, reflect on it to find the "SpecialControl" property, then set it to the TextBox. Note that the implementation of SetViewModelToThis must take into account the possiblity that DataContext is not set right away, and that it maybe changed requiring the old setting to be removed and a new one made.
First of all, the DataContext of the control should be the ViewModel object and not a property of it. Second, when you TwoWay bind a property of ViewModel to your control, changes in the control's value will update (in your case, 'set') the value of ViewModel's property.

WPF access info from the containing Control

I have a UserControl(a) with a stackpanel which has its ItemSource set to a collection.
The StackPanel then contains a set of UserControl(b) that contain a few buttons and a datagrid control.
Is there a way from the code behind in the UserControl(b) to access properties in the code behind of the parent UserControl(a).
Basically when UserControl(a) loaded into a window a parameter is passed in that contains whether the form will be considered read only or not. I would like bind the visibility of the buttons in Usercontrol(b) to the readonly property in the codebehind of the parent UserControl(a).
Normally with WPF I'd suggest you implement the Model-View-ViewModel pattern (see MSDN).
With this pattern you'd create a ViewModel with all of the data in that you want to bind. This would be set as the data context for the (a) usercontrol. That control would then bind all of it's controls to properties on the datacontext.
The child (b) usercontrol would inherit this datacontext and could therefore bind it's controls to the same properties as (a) uses. This is because datacontexts are inherited down the logical (and visual) tree until such point as it's overridden.
So for you I'd be looking at creating a ViewModel that contains the property ReadOnly. You can then set this ViewModel object as the datacontext for the (a) usercontrol. The (b) usercontrol, since it's under the (a) usercontrol hierarchy will inherit the same datacontext. This will then allow you to bind controls within (b) to the same properties as (a) as shown below.
<Button IsEnabled="{Binding ReadOnly}"
Context="Click me!"
Command="{Binding ClickMeCommand}" />
To set the datacontext in the view code-behind I do something like this constructor shown below.
public MyView(IMyViewModel viewModel)
DataContext = viewModel;
MyView is the class that inherits from UserControl in your instance. You don't have to get the viewmodel in the way I have, I'm using Unity to inject the viewmodel into the views that are constructed automatically since I'm using Prism but you can just create it as a normal object and assign it to the datacontext.
Note that I've also bound the command to the button using the datacontext as I usually expose those via the ViewModel too, this is easy if you create a wrapper class that implements ICommand and proxies to a delegate. See DelegateCommand blog article or look at the DelegateCommand class in Prism if you are interested.
If for some reason you do override the datacontext, which can happen when using a master/details view where you change the datacontext of the details section of the view to be the currently selected item in the list, then you can still access the parent datacontext by using a relative source binding.
<ComboBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="Unit" IsReadOnly="True"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=DataContext.AvailableUnits, RelativeSource=
{RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"
DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedItem="{Binding Unit}" />
Note the ItemsSource binding uses a relative source to find the parent window and then bind to a property of it's datacontext. I've also split the ItemsSource binding within the quotes across multiple lines for clarity here but don't do that in your xaml, I'm not sure it'll work there (not tried to see if markup extensions are that tolerant of whitespace).
