Travis CI is not case-sensitive by default? - filesystems

I have a php project that has composer dependencies which are inherently tested in the code path of my unit tests. Here's my sample code:
// where FooBar is a composer package but I'm purposely typing it incorrectly here
use \fooBaR
public function appendNameToWords(array $words, $name)
$start = microtime(true);
$newWords = array_map(function($word){
return $word . $name;
}, $words);
// logs the diff between start and end time
return $newWords;
My test is simply testing the method but of course executes the line FooBar::logTimer in my source code. The problem is I'm expecting my test to fail if I mistype the class FooBar to be fooBaR. Unfortunately, the travis build is passing...but i'm unclear why.
.travis.yml file:
language: php
- 5.6
install: script/install
- script/test
Any ideas on what could be wrong?

PHP is not case sensitive when it comes to class names. If your code declares a class named Foo, and this definition is executed, you can also instantiate any other case style, like foo or fOO.
PHP will preserve the case of the occurrence that triggers the autoload (i.e. the first time PHP encounters a class name), and if that case style does not match a case sensitive file name, using the class will fail.
I consider writing the class in the correct case style a problem that should not be tested with a unit test. It's a problem that cannot be solved in your own code - and it is basically not existing if you use a powerful IDE that knows all classes that can be used.
Additionally: Your question does not provide code that demonstrates the problem. And it contains code that probably does not do what you think it does.


Unittest mock.patch.object(autospec=True) broken for staticmethod?

I want to ensure that my Class' staticmethod is called with the correct arguments without actually calling it, therefore I am mocking it. E.g.:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
class FooStatic:
def bar_static(self, baz_static):
class TestFooStatic(unittest.TestCase):
def test_foo_static(self):
with patch.object(FooStatic, 'bar_static', autospec=True):
def test_foo_static_instance(self):
with patch.object(FooStatic, 'bar_static', autospec=True):
foo_s = FooStatic()
Both these tests should complain that FooStatic.bar_static cannot be called without argument 'baz_static'. Unfortunately they don't, the tests succeed.
Without the staticmethod decorator, patch behaves as I expect:
class Foo:
def bar(self, baz):
class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_foo(self):
with patch.object(Foo, 'bar', autospec=True):
foo = Foo() # raises TypeError: missing a required argument: 'baz'
I have found a loosely related issue in python, that was fixed from python 3.7 onwards: merged PR.
I am on python 3.8.5 (default on ubunutu 20).
I am not opposed to investing some time to try and propose a fix myself. However, I first want to make sure I am not overlooking anything. Any thoughts?

Evaluation Error while using the Hiera hash in puppet

I have the following values in my hiera yaml file:
test::config_php::php_modules :
and following is my test class:
class test::config_php (
$php_modules = hiera_hash('php_modules', {}),
class { 'php':
version => $php_version,
$php_modules.each |String $php_module| {
php::module { $php_module: }
While running my puppet manifests I get the following error:
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, create_resources(): second argument must be a hash at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-f38a037289f9864906c44863800dbacf/ssh/manifests/init.pp:46:3 on node testdays-1a.vagrant.loc.vag
I am quite confused on what exactly am I doing wrong. My puppet version is 3.6.2 and I also have parser = future
I would really appreciate any help here.
Looks like your YAML was slightly off.
You don't really need quotes in YAML.
Your indentation was two instead of one.
Your first colon on the first time was spaced. This will throw a syntax error.
it should look more like this:
- soap
- mcrypt
- pdo
- mbstring
- php-process
- pecl-memcache
- devel
- php-gd
- pear
- mysql
- xml
In the future try and look up YAML parsers like this: link
The problem was with my puppet version, somehow version 3.6 acts weird while creating resources, for instance it was failing on the following line,:
create_resources('::ssh::client::config::user', $fin_users_client_options)
The code snippet above is part of ssh module from puppet labs, which I assume is throughly tested and shouldn't be a reason for the an exception.
A further analysis led to the fact that the exception was thrown when the parameter parser = future was set in the config file
I cannot iterate using each without setting future as the parser, therefore I decided to change my source as follow:
I created a new class:
define test::install_modules {
php::module { $name: }
and then I changed the config config_php to:
class test::config_php (
$php_modules = [],
class { 'php':
version => $php_version,
install_modules { $php_modules: }
Everything seems to be much better now.

Custom output with capistrano 3

I need to change output which is generated with sshkit formatters, and I can't install additional gems, but I can adjust my capistrano 3 configs. At first I tried just create new Formatter (I just copy paste pretty formatter, and made some output changes). like this
than set :format, :improvedformatter in deploy.rb file. And add
require_relative 'lib/improved_formatter'
to Capfile.
But I always get error "Abstract formatter should not be used directly, maybe you want SSHKit::Formatter::BlackHole", like I am trying use abstract formatter directly. if I try extend PrettyFormater, I get PrettyFormatter output, without my changes. It seems like always it execute parent class method. Its there any way how to create and set custom formatter in my capistrano configs ?
I ran into the exact same issue when I wanted to override the pretty formatter.
The problem was that I needed to also define the "<<" operator as this is defined as an alias in the base class and aliases are not inherited.
in deploy.rb:
set :format, :myformatter
in Capfile:
require 'lib/sshkit/formatters/myformatter'
in lib/sshkit/formatters/myformatter.rb:
module SSHKit
module Formatter
class MyFormatter < Pretty
def <<(obj)
def write(obj)

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

I'm researching hours and hours, but I could not find any clear, efficient way to make it :/
I have a codeigniter base website in English and I have to add a Polish language now. What is the best way to make my site in 2 language depending visitor selection?
is there any way to create array files for each language and call them in view files depends on Session from lang selection? I don't wanna use database.
Appreciate helps! I'm running out of deadline :/ thanks!!
Have you seen CodeIgniter's Language library?
The Language Class provides functions
to retrieve language files and lines
of text for purposes of internationalization.
In your CodeIgniter system folder you'll
find one called language containing sets
of language files. You can create your
own language files as needed in order
to display error and other messages in
other languages.
Language files are typically stored in
your system/language directory. Alternately
you can create a folder called language
inside your application folder and store
them there. CodeIgniter will look first
in your application/language directory.
If the directory does not exist or the
specified language is not located there
CI will instead look in your global
system/language folder.
In your case...
you need to create a polish_lang.php and english_lang.php inside application/language/polish
then create your keys inside that file (e.g. $lang['hello'] = "Witaj";
then load it in your controller like $this->lang->load('polish_lang', 'polish');
then fetch the line like $this->lang->line('hello'); Just store the return value of this function in a variable so you can use it in your view.
Repeat the steps for the english language and all other languages you need.
Also to add the language to the session, I would define some constants for each language, then make sure you have the session library autoloaded in config/autoload.php, or you load it whenever you need it. Add the users desired language to the session:
$this->session->set_userdata('language', ENGLISH);
Then you can grab it anytime like this:
$language = $this->session->userdata('language');
In the controller add following lines when you make the cunstructor
i.e, after
add below lines
$this->lang->load('nl_site', 'nl'); // ('filename', 'directory')
create helper file lang_translate_helper.php with following function and put it in directory system\application\helpers
function label($label, $obj)
$return = $obj->lang->line($label);
echo $return;
echo $label;
for each of the language, create a directory with language abbrevation like en, nl, fr, etc., under
create language file in above (respective) directory which will contain $lang array holding pairs label=>language_value as given below
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welkom';
$lang['hello word'] = 'worde Witaj';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['hello word'] = 'Hello Word';
you can store multiple files for same language with differently as per the requirement
e.g, if you want separate language file for managing backend (administrator section) you can use it in controller as $this->lang->load('nl_admin', 'nl');
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welkom';
$lang['hello word'] = 'worde Witaj';
and finally
to print the label in desired language, access labels as below in view
label('welcome', $this);
label('hello word', $this);
note the space in hello & word you can use it like this way as well :)
whene there is no lable defined in the language file, it will simply print it what you passed to the function label.
I second Randell's answer.
However, one could always integrate a GeoIP such as
or Then you can save the results with the codeigniter session class.
If you want to use the api You can add the ip2locationlite.class.php file to your codeigniter application library folder and then create a model function to do whatever geoip logic you need for your application, such as:
function geolocate()
$ipinfodb = new ipinfodb;
$ipinfodb->setKey('API KEY');
//Get errors and locations
$locations = $ipinfodb->getGeoLocation($this->input->ip_address());
$errors = $ipinfodb->getError();
//Set geolocation cookie
foreach ($locations as $field => $val):
if($field === 'CountryCode')
$place = $val;
return $place;
For easier use CI have updated this so you can just use
and to translate text
lang('language line');
and if you want to warp it inside label then use optional parameter
lang('language line', 'element id');
This will output
// becomes <label for="form_item_id">language_key</label>
For good reading
I've used Wiredesignz's MY_Language class with great success.
I've just published it on github, as I can't seem to find a trace of it anywhere.
My only changes are to rename the class to CI_Lang, in accordance with the new v2 changes.
When managing the actual files, things can get out of sync pretty easily unless you're really vigilant. So we've launched a (beta) free service called String which allows you to keep track of your language files easily, and collaborate with translators.
You can either import existing language files (in PHP array, PHP Define, ini, po or .strings formats) or create your own sections from scratch and add content directly through the system.
String is totally free so please check it out and tell us what you think.
It's actually built on Codeigniter too! Check out the beta at
Follow this
its simple and clear, also check out the document #
its way simpler than
I am using such code in config.php:
$lang = 'ru'; // this language will be used if there is no any lang information from useragent (for example, from command line, wget, etc...
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) $lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],0,2);
$tmp_value = $_COOKIE['language'];
if (!empty($tmp_value)) $lang = $tmp_value;
switch ($lang)
case 'ru':
$config['language'] = 'russian';
case 'uk':
$config['language'] = 'ukrainian';
case 'foo':
$config['language'] = 'foo';
$config['language'] = 'english';
.... and then i'm using usualy internal mechanizm of CI
o, almost forget! in views i using buttons, which seting cookie 'language' with language, prefered by user.
So, first this code try to detect "preffered language" setted in user`s useragent (browser). Then code try to read cookie 'language'. And finaly - switch sets language for CI-application
you can make a function like this
function translateTo($language, $word) {
if (isset($lang[$language][$word]) == FALSE)
return $lang[$language][$word];
return $lang[defaultLang][$word];
Friend, don't worry, if you have any application installed built in codeigniter and you wanna add some language pack just follow these steps:
1. Add language files in folder application/language/arabic (i add arabic lang in sma2 built in ci)
2. Go to the file named setting.php in application/modules/settings/views/setting.php. Here you find the array
<?php /*
$lang = array (
'english' => 'English',
'arabic' => 'Arabic', // i add this here
'spanish' => 'EspaƱol'
Now save and run the application. It's worked fine.

How do I dynamically determine if a Model class exist in Google App Engine?

I want to be able to take a dynamically created string, say "Pigeon" and determine at runtime whether Google App Engine has a Model class defined in this project named "Pigeon". If "Pigeon" is the name of a existant model class, I would like to then get a reference to the Pigeon class so defined.
Also, I don't want to use eval at all, since the dynamic string "Pigeon" in this case, comes from outside.
You could try, although probably very, very bad practice:
def get_class_instance(nm) :
try :
return eval(nm+'()')
except :
return None
Also, to make that safer, you could give eval a locals hash: eval(nm+'()', {'Pigeon':pigeon})
I'm not sure if that would work, and it definitely has an issue: if there is a function called the value of nm, it would return that:
def Pigeon() :
return "Pigeon"
print(get_class_instance('Pigeon')) # >> 'Pigeon'
EDIT: Another way of doing it is possibly (untested), if you know the module:
(Sorry, I keep forgetting it's not obj.hasattr, its hasattr(obj)!)
import models as m
def get_class_instance(nm) :
if hasattr(m, nm) :
return getattr(m, nm)()
else : return None
EDIT 2: Yes, it does work! Woo!
Actually, looking through the source code and interweb, I found a undocumented method that seems to fit the bill.
from google.appengine.ext import db
key = "ModelObject" #This is a dynamically generated string
klass = db.class_for_kind(key)
This method will throw a descriptive exception if the class does not exist, so you should probably catch it if the key string comes from the outside.
There's two fairly easy ways to do this without relying on internal details:
Use the google.appengine.api.datastore API, like so:
from google.appengine.api import datastore
q = datastore.Query('EntityType')
if q.get(1):
print "EntityType exists!"
The other option is to use the db.Expando class:
def GetEntityClass(entity_type):
class Entity(db.Expando):
def kind(cls):
return entity_type
return Entity
cls = GetEntityClass('EntityType')
if cls.all().get():
print "EntityType exists!"
The latter has the advantage that you can use GetEntityClass to generate an Expando class for any entity type, and interact with it the same way you would a normal class.
