Attached a pop up to a cursor, now buttons aren't working on UI in Flash CS6 - cursor

I have a small pop up balloon that I coded to look like it's coming off of the cursor. It moves along with the cursor and looks fine.
The problem I have run into, though, is that the buttons I have created no longer work when the cursor is over them. When the balloon pop up is not attached to the cursor, the buttons work fine...the Hover state for the button appears as it should and the cursor turns into the hand/pointed finger icon. When I attached the cursor bubble, however, nothing seems to work with the button.
Here is what I have for code:
function follow(E:MouseEvent){
cursorbubble.x = mouseX;
cursorbubble.y = mouseY;
What do I need to do?

Ok, not sure if this was all that mattered, but it looks like the pop up bubble attached to the cursor was getting in the way of the stage recognizing the cursor was within/over a button. I offset the pop up bubble by about 20 px and now everything works as expected.


react native - Creating header above FlatList which scrolls up when scroll drag hits it

The effect I'm looking for is a bit hard to describe, but I'm basically trying to implement a header above a scrollView which allows you to scroll normally when touching inside the scrollView, but then when you drag up out of the scrollView onto the header, it moves the header up.
This effect is used with the iPhone keyboard as a footer for messages for example, where you can scroll through messages normally and the keyboard will stay. However, if you scroll down into the keyboard, it drags the keyboard down. 'interactive' is the effect I'm trying to achieve, but instead of for a keyboard I'm looking to do it for some custom header component which is above my scrollView.
I figure I could match the scroll to the components Y translate Y, however I only want to do this depending on where my touch is. Sadly, the onScroll event doesn't seem to contain any information on the touch location, so I can't tell where the user is dragging. Any help or ideas for other ways to implement this would be greatly appreciated.

AFRAME - Can a cursor work with both gazing and clicking?

It seems like when you set fuse = "true", a cursor becomes tied to gazing and no longer reads mouse clicks. Isn't there a way to have both options, gazing and clicking both triggering the same events?
The cursor component always reads mouse clicks, even if fuse is set:
If you want to point your cursor directly on the object, like a 2D web page, see
Yes cursor can work with both gazing and clicking.
The following code can be written fir clicking,
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin: mouse"></a-scene>
& then the camera entity contain within the a-scene should have cursor entity which triggers fuse, like
<a-cursor geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.02; radiusOuter: 0.03" material="color: black; shader: flat"></a-cursor>
Ofcourse there will be fusing parameter added in it.

How to prevent ngInfiniteScroll from being triggered when scrolling up

I am trying to implement ngInfiniteScroll and it works fine when I am scrolling down. But, I want to prevent it from triggering when I scroll up when scroll position is near the bottom. Any help ?
set some object like isScrollUp=true when somebody scroll up and place that object in infinite-scroll-disabled='isScrollUp'

In powerpoint how do I go about having looping animations?

I'm trying to animate a button so that if it is clicked, a picture will appear, but when it is clicked again, the picture will disappear- I want this to continue to happen indefinitely- I feel like this can easily be written with a macro, but I want to avoid unnecessary over-complicating of things. I tried to add in click animations but it will only appear and then disappear
Instead of using animations, you can toggle the transparency of the image between 0 (totally transparent) and 1 (totally solid) when click happens to achieve disappearing and appearing.

Google Plus Share Button ExpandTo not working

I am currently using this code.
<g:plus action="share" annotation="bubble" expandTo="top" href="#">
The expandTo is not working though. The info popup just show below the share button. I need it to display on top.
Thanks for any help :)
Edit: It appears it displays relative to where there share button is displayed on screen. If it is at the bottom of the screen then the bubble appears on top.
Is there a way to force the bubble to the top?
