Data sending between master process and slaves - c

I would need to send a pretty large amount (logs) amount of data from multiple processes to one master processes. They are all running independent on the system.
What would be the best way to do this? Is interprocess communication a good way to do that or should I use shared memory? Maybe there is a different way I don't know yet.
The language used is C on Linux, because I have to implement it in a existing program.
How would you accomplish it?

Apart from Inter process communication using pipes/named pipe See this SO question
and shared memory See this SO question
and So question for fastest and large size data discussion .(It directs on using shared memory(fast and large) and pipes(easy).
You can try using Sockets. Where master listens on a port and all slaves connect to that port and master accepts connection.But this may lead to packeting and resource overhead.

If its is unidirectional then I would recommend you to go for pipe; simple and straight forward.
If it is bi-directional then I would suggest you to go for socket programming rather than going for other inter process communication; The reason is "you end up writing locking mechanisms"; With socket you don't need to deal with those and more over your life will be easier in terms of coding.


should I use processes or threads for my application?

I have an ARM device running a Linux 2.6 Kernel, with total ram of 64 MB RAM.
There is a data source, which consists of a meter that is queried by the Linux box, through RS485 and ModBus as app protocol.
There is another task, that consists of reading these values and making a json object, then HTTP POST to a specific server.
Network operation might be slower than serial, especially on low GPRS Coverage.
I need concurrency, program is written in C.
Which way would you have concurrency? Using select() or using pthreads?
When analyzing this particular application there's really only one question relevant to choosing pthreads:
Do the sensor reader and network writer need to share an address space?
In this instance I think the answer is clearly "no". Of course that isn't the only possible question, but the only germane one. There are reasons to prefer separate processes:
the two halves of the application have no common code; RS485 is wildly different from HTTP/JSON
segregation of responsibility: if the RS485 side is waiting on a UART, do you really want to block the HTTP side?
letting the OS do its job so you don't have to: if using pthreads, you have to handle a lot of the synchronization and preemption that the kernel does for you for free and code that you don't have to write has no new bugs.
Further analysis would require more detail than you've given, but here is one additional way to think about the choice: threads were invented to mitigate some limitations of the process model. Unless you know that you are going to hit those limitations, use separate processes.
added in response to comments:
I half agree with psusi's suggested design. There need only be two processes, one (let's say the sensor reader, that's a fine choice) which forks one and only one http sender. The two processes can communicate using traditional IPC like a pipe. The sensor process sends data down the pipe when it has some and the child (http) process packs it up in json and sends it on its way.
It only takes two long-lived processes, it uses probably about the same amount of core as would a pthread implementation and it is far, far easier to get right.
select() is more efficient, because it avoids the context switching that comes with multiple threads. And threads would be more efficient than separate processes, because you avoid having to copy the data (unless you setup shared memory, but at that point you might as well have gone with threads). However, writing non-blocking I/O, as with select(), is harder to do and get right, and doesn't enjoy the multitasking that comes with multiple threads. And multiple processes is likely to be the easiest implementation, especially because you can use curl rather than writing the HTTP POST half yourself.
Why you need concurrency? Is the meter has to be polled in a strict time interval?
If the answer is YES: Just use two processes, one poll the meter data and write to a ring buffer in nand storage, the other read the data from the ring buffer and send HTTP data.
If the answer is NO: You don't need concurrency and non-block at all. Use a big loop in main() is enough.

Whats the advantages and disadvantages of using Socket in IPC

I have been asked this question in some recent interviews,Whats the advantages and disadvantages of using Socket in IPC when there are other ways to perform IPC.Have not found exact answer .
Any help would be much appreciated.
Compared to pipes, IPC sockets differ by being bidirectional, that is, reads and writes can be done on the same descriptor. Pipes, unlike sockets, are unidirectional. You have to keep a pair of descriptors if you want to do both reads and writes.
Pipes, on the other hand, guarantee atomicity when reading or writing under a certain amount of bytes. Writing something less than PIPE_BUF bytes at once is guaranteed to be delivered in one chunk and never observed partial. Sockets do require more care from the programmer in that respect.
Shared memory, when used for IPC, requires explicit synchronisation from the programmer. It may be the most efficient and most flexible mechanism, but that comes at an increased complexity cost.
Another point in favour of sockets: an app using sockets can be easily distributed - ie. it can be run on one host or spread across several hosts with little effort. This depends of course on the nature of the app.
Perhaps this is too simplified an answer, yet it is an important detail. Sockets are not supported on all OS's. Recently, I have been aware of a project that used sockets for IPC all over the place only to find that they were forced to change from Linux to a proprietary OS which was POSIX, but did not support sockets the same way as Linux.
Sockets allow you a few benefits...
You can connect a simple client to them for testing (manually enter data, see the response).
This is very useful for debugging, simulating and blackbox testing.
You can run the processes on different machines. This can be useful for scalability and is very helpful in debugging / testing if you work in embedded software.
It becomes very easy to expose your process as a service
But there are drawbacks as well
Overhead is greater than IPC optimized for a single machine. Shared memory in particular is better if you need the performance, and you know your processes are all on the same machine.
Security - if your client apps can connect so can anyone else, if you're not careful about authentication. Data can also be sniffed if you're not encrypting, and modified if you're not at least signing data sent over the wire.
Using a true message queue tends to leave you with fixed sized messages. If you have a large number of messages of wildly varying sizes this can become a performance problem. Using a socket can be a way around this, though you're then left trying to wrap this functionality to become identical to a queue, which is tricky to get the detail right on, particularly aspects like blocking/non-blocking and atomicity.
Shared memory is quick but requires management (you end up writing a version of malloc to manage the SHM) plus you have to synchronise and lock it in some way. Though you can use libraries to help with this the availability depends on your environment and language.
Queues are easy but have the downsides listed as pros to my socket discussion.
Pipes have been covered by Blagovests answer to this question.
As is ever the case with this kind of stuff I would suggest reading the W. Richard Stevens books on IPC and sockets. There is no better explanation than his! :-)

which process would be the best to use in this situation

I am trying to create two applications. One application should take inputs from user like name, address, phone number and send that information to the other application to store it. This should also be capable of reading the stored address information from the other application.
My assumptions for this:
I am planning to use system() process in application1 to create application2.
For communication between these processes, shared memory as IPC.
Can anyone suggest me whether this is the correct way for this task or is there any best and easy approach for this task.
Thank you.
You could take a look at google protocol buffers if you are looking for communication between processes in python , java or c++.
It is clean and elegant and works across files and sockets.
You can communicate using sockets between the two processes.

Best approach to non blocking server/listening socket in a multi-thread application on Windows?

I'm writing a TCP server/client application on Windows, to become familiar with the Winsock API. I come from an UNIX background and would like to know which of these could be the best approach to implement the application:
First the specification
Must scale well on multiprocessor and single-processor systems.
No hardset limit of connections.
Application can both listen for connections, acting as server, and act as client.
Multi threaded.
First approach:
Non-blocking select-like socket for listening, in the 'server' thread.
for each client connecting we spawn a separate thread.
Second approach:
Blocking socket for listening, in the 'server' thread.
for each client connecting we spawn a separate thread.
Third approach:
Non-blocking select-like socket for listening, in the 'server' thread.
No separate thread for each incoming connection, the protocol would need state information kept across sessions I suppose.
I wonder what is the most efficient and scalable approach, and especially if it can work with a UDP socket too.
Note: I'm writing the application in plain and old C. No .NET nor C++ involved, C++ exceptions disabled too.
As Gary says, I/O Completion Ports are the most efficient way to manage multiple network connections in a non-blocking/async manner on Windows platforms.
With IOCP you get notified when your networking operations complete and you can process these completions with a small number of threads. You get to decide how many threads you allocate to process the completions and the kernel decides when to use the threads that you're providing. It uses them in a LIFO order, to reduce context switching, so that if you are only using the minimal number of threads required at any point and you're reusing the same threads rather than cycling through all of the threads that you have available for use.
The asynchronous nature of IOCP programming can be a little confusing to start with, but once you get the hang of it it's fairly straight forward.
I have some free IOCP server code which demonstrates the basics and provides some example servers that are pretty easy to build on. You can find the code here: That page also links to some articles that I wrote to explain the code.
Relating this to the detail of your question. You should be looking at a variation on your third approach. Use AcceptEx() to accept new connections, this can be used in an asynchronous manner and so you don't need a separate thread for connection acceptance and can use the threads that are also processing your overlapped/async read and write operations.
I've written an asynchronous client which does not use blocking sockets, so if you're interested in that approach, then take a look at my client:
It's an HTTP client, but I've shown very little HTTP protocol processing in there, it's all just .NET sockets. The server would work in a similar way: you can take advantage of the *Async methods such as AsseptAsync.
Under Windows, the best performances are achieved by using I/O completion calls.
This is because the lists and queuing mechanism is done in the kernel, far from the heavy user-mode overhead (which drags your code down if you dare to do the hard work yourself).
Unfortunately, Windows I/O completion calls need to allocate many threads to scale and this is quickly killing the performances (as compared to Linux epoll which can scale independently of the number of worker threads you decide to involve in the task).
Recently, I discovered a Web server which came from Windows and was then ported under Linux. And their authors describe the problem in details on their forum.

Best way to pass data between two servers in C?

I wrote a program that creates a TCP and UDP socket in C and starts both servers up. The goal of the application is to monitor requests over the TCP socket as to what UDP packets to send it (i.e. monitor for something like "0x01 0x02" and if I see it, then have the UDP server parse the payload, and forward it over to the TCP server for processing). The problem is, the UDP server will be busy keeping another device up, literally sending thousands of packets back and forth with this device. So what is the best way to continuously monitor requests from the TCP server, but send it certain payloads from the UDP server when requested since the UDP server will be busy?
I looked into pthreads with semaphores and/or mutex (not sure all the socket operations are thread safe, though, and if this is the right way to approach it) as well as fork / pipe. Forking the UDP server off as a child process seems easy enough, but I don't see exactly how I would be passing the kind of data I need among both servers (need request data from TCP and payload data from the UDP).
Firstly, would it make sense to put these two servers into one program? If so, you won't have to communicate between processes, and the whole logic becomes substantially easier. You will have to think about doing asynchronous input and output, and the select() function is designed for just this. There will be many explanations around on how to do this, and a quick look finds this page.
However, if you must have two separate processes, then you will need to choose a mechanism for inter-process communication, of which there are several, and your choice will be affected by your operating system. A pipe, if available, might be suitable, as might a Unix named pipe. Or you could look into third-party message passing frameworks, or just use shared memory and/or semaphores (but be very careful!).
What you should look at is libevent, anything else you are reinventing the wheel writing this low level code yourself. Here is a Tutorial, Google, Krugle
Also you should use some predefined protocol between the servers. There are lots to choose from. Ranging from the extremely simple XDR to Protocol Buffers.
You could use pipes on Unix. See
Well, you certainly picked an interesting introduction to C!
You might try shared memory. What OS?
