How do I use proguard with 3DR Services? - android-proguard

When I build my App using proguard, I get the following message:
Install 3DR Services!
3DR Services must be installed on the device to use this app
However, 3DR Services is installed on my phone. Since it works without proguard, I assume it is removing some required classes.
How should I configure proguard to use DroneKit?

I am not sure it is the best solution, but I could make it work using the following rules:
-keep class com.o3dr.** { *; }


How to authenticate a private Go Module using go 1.11 and Google App Engine Standard

I've been updating my entire go gae standard project to use go 1.11's modules.
Main directory structure
package main
import ""
func main() {
module myProject
require v0.0.1
The Error
If I try to gcloud app deploy:
ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build <GUI>
status: FAILURE.
Build error details: go:
403 Forbidden
(Note: obviously the repo I'm using has a real name).
So can I do it this way? I'll admit to not fully understanding the migration documentation, particularly when it talked about "Moving files to your GOPATH".
I mean, I thought one of the benefits of the new module system is that you don't need everything under the go path. When I read for example, it very early on says "Create a directory outside of your GOPATH:"
So, to be clear, right now all of my code is outside the go path, but everything builds locally just fine.
I think it all works becausego automatically downloads and caches things within the go path when I run go mod tidy / go build etc.
Yet it fails when I try to gcloud app deploy. How would the google cloud build system ever have access to my private repositories anyway? I'm obviously missing something important. I also read you are not supposed to combine vendoring with the new module system so that can't be it.
I will be very happy if this works, as using DEP forced me to use goapp deploy very awkwardly.
UPDATE: Google has some better documentation now that go 1.14 is out:
My solution:
Instead of dealing with credentials, I'm using go's module replace functionality to point GAE to use my local code. This is working well.
Directory structure:
service.go // has a run() function to set up routers etc.
go.mod // depends on my private module in bitbucket and other things
… // other source files
src/ // simlink to ../../src
modules/ // git ignored, I clone or copy my modules in build scripts.
app.go // see below…
go.mod // has main() which calls and appEngine.Main()
I use git module replace so that GAE uses my local code. Before building I parse myService/src/go.mod to find the correct version of my private module, then I clone it into the modules folder. I also made an option to copy wip module source code for debugging locally without committing to my module repositories.
go.mod from gae directory:
module myServiceGAE
require ( v0.0.0 v1.4.0
replace => ./src
replace => ./modules/utils
The package under myService has no references or knowledge of GAE, so I can easily build it into a docker etc. I think parsing the service go.mod files would be like creating my own dependency manager, defeating the benefits of go modules.
If I had a private module which depended on another private module, I think things would get too complicated.
Another alternative is to also use Google Cloud Secret Manager
Google Cloud will have an SSH key to access and pull your private repository.
Set git credentials before deploying:
git config credential.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo "username=${GIT_USER}\npassword=${GIT_PASSWORD}"; }; f'
export GIT_USER=put_git_user_here
export GIT_PASSWORD=put_git_password_here
gcloud app deploy

Wrong dependency in Google Cloud SDK for google-auth?

i am using google cloud storage and google cloud datastore api (locally, for now), in a Standard Environment app.
I am having a very weird behaviour trying to running my tests (with pytest): i have discovered that, during tests, the dev_appserver.fix_sys_path command run by pytest-beds that i am using ( puts the bundled google-cloud libraries before my custom versions:
This causes the import of google.auth.crypt.base module import to fail, because it does not exist in the package version shipped with google-cloud-sdk, while i can see that version 1.3.0 on github, that is apparently the same version of the one shipped with the sdk, does.
Same for pyasn1_modules package: version 0.2.1 existing, shipped 0.11
The import errors I am having are:
from google.auth.crypt import base
ImportError: cannot import name base
from pyasn1_modules import pem
ImportError: cannot import name pem
Last, but not least, the environment: MACOSX.
Google Cloud SDK 184.0.0
app-engine-python 1.9.65
app-engine-python-extras 1.9.63
beta 2017.09.15
bq 2.0.28
cloud-datastore-emulator 1.3.0
core 2018.01.05
gsutil 4.28
UPDATE: apparently, i was using the while instead i should be using, according to the examples for standard environment (, the package cloudstorage. I will change the code, try and update the post here.
UPDATE 2: i have created a specific github repo that should replicate the problem, just in case. Here it is:
If the problem is entirely on localhost during testing, you can run:
pip install cryptography
so that the Google libraries won't even need pem to begin with.
We typically add libs to remote API with vendor system.
from google.appengine.ext import vendor
Module pyasn1_modules gets installed as a dependency when you install google-cloud and I am not sure of the reason behind it but, in remote API, I have observed it misses The simple workaround would be:
# within remote API console
>>> import sys
>>> sys.modules.pop('pyasn1_modules')
<module 'pyasn1_modules' from '/Users/pjamkhande001/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/lib/pyasn1_modules/pyasn1_modules/__init__.pyc'>
About your other issue of not being able to import from google.auth.crypt import base, you are required to gcloud auth login.
gcloud auth application-default login restores your default authentication credentials but if you want to login to the application as user, you have to gcloud auth login. Hope this helps.

Prevent reverse engineering of ionic application

Is there a way to prevent reverse engineering of ionic mobile application? As mentioned in Android forum I've activated proguard and built the application in eclipse. A file called proguard was created in my bin folder. It contained something like this
view AndroidManifest.xml #generated:6
-keep class com.fg.lolc.CordovaApp { <init>(...); }
But I still could reverse engineer the app and I was able to get the code from my APK. Is there a way to prevent this and improve the security of the ionic application? Thanks.
Nope, it isn't possible to prevent this. You can encode your JavaScript to make it a little harder to get the code, but there are always ways to reverse that. The web is not a secure place for source code, it is open for all.
Here is a good post about different ways to 'encrypt' your source code, to make it harder to read.
Related How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?
if you want secure your ionic app from reverse engineering and fully
secured source code i recommended two steps.
First use Enable ProGuard into cordova/ionic project
1. To implement this, open /platforms/android/ and
uncomment one line by removing the “#” at left:
2.copy proguard-custom.txt from (
proguard/blob/master/proguard-custom.txt )
$android/assets/www/proguard-custom.txt Remove '#'
#-keepclassmembers class android.webkit.WebView {
# public *;
# }
3. add snippet from to build.gradle
Find buildTypes by ctrl + F and add like this
buildTypes {
debug {
minifyEnabled true
useProguard false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),
Second use cordova-plugin-crypt-file
obfuscate or encrypt your code like build/main.js
1)Install cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crypt-file
//Using Refrence of cordova-plugin-crypt
<file regex="\.(htm|html|js|css)$" />
<file regex="exclude_file\.js$" />
Final step ionic cordova build android --release
Now extreact your apk or try APK decompiler

gwt-dev.jar conflicts with icu jar on war/lib classpath when using GAE

Ok I have to rewrite my question after further investigation.
I run into below problem in my GWT/GAE project :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Class$21 can not access a member of class with modifiers ""
at com.klawt.server.resources.chart.InvoicesChartServerResource.retrieve(
Some more investigation revealed that gwt-dev.jar contains a copy of the icu library :
public abstract class implements
is part of gwt-dev.jar
My project has a dependency on icu4j 4.0.1 (for the Google Visualization Datasource library). But GAE SDK insists on using the version included in gwt-dev.jar;
I guess there must a way to setup my development environment so this kinda works, it did before.
I have tried moving GWT SDK to the bottom in the 'Order and export' tab of my build path and the icu jar to the top, but no luck.
Switching from OpenJDK to Oracle JDK fixes it !! It is not the first time I ran into issues with OpenJDK !

Sencha Cmd v3 build error when implementing Bryntum Scheduler

Using Cmd, I have successfully generated a workspace and an Ext app in that workspace. The application builds correctly until I attempt to integrate the Bryntum Scheduler, where I encounter an error when I try to build:
"Failed to resolve dependency Sch.panel.SchedulerTree for file ExtCalendar.view.Tree"
the app is very simple at this point, uses Ext.application and follows the MVC pattern where I have a view defined "ExtCalendar.view.Tree" that extends 'Sch.panel.SchedulerTree". I also have models and stores that extend Bryntum classes as well, so I assume the compiler will trip over those as well, since it can't see the Sch namespace.
I've added a 'js' path to my app.json that points to the bryntum js file where 'Sch.panel.SchedulerTree' comes from. I've tried to run the 'refresh' command with the same results (Failed to resolve...). I've regenerated the bootstrap.js file manually using 'compile', but nothing from the Sch namespace ever gets added to it, despite the Brytum lib file being in the classpath.
What do I need to do in order to successfully run the 'build' command with libs like this?
Or, do I need to take a more granular approach using the 'compile' command?
With the help of the nice folks on the Sencha forums, I was able to resolve my build issues. The solution, for me, involved a shim. I added an external shim.js file to my index with as many //#require and //#define directives as needed in order to resolve the dependency issues.
According to the nice folks at Bryntum, once I upgrade from the free-trial version of the Bryntum Scheduler, I will be able to get rid of the shim and simply rely on the sencha.cfg classpath pointing at the Bryntum src.
Also, as an aside, the app.json file is not used in ExtJS apps, its inclusion in the generated files was a bug in build 141 of Cmd v3.
See this thread for more detail.
